Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel] Page 51

by Robert Iannone


  “You are my family. I will stay.”


  “I guess I’ll stay. Yeah, I’m in.”


  “Everybody treats me like I was stupid. Everybody but you. I may not be the sharpest tooth in the clam, but I’ll stay for as long as you want me.”

  “Thank you, K’ssss. I do want you. Bl’azzz?”

  “Miss this great adventure . . . are you crazy. Me and my hot breath are in.”

  Then Egg turned to Aeri’elle. “You need to do what’s best for you. So don’t let what the other girls . . . the other Sisters . . . said make you say something that you don’t want to say.”

  Aeri’elle looked at Egg and glanced at Dazzle. “I’m sorry. I wish to stay.”

  Dazzle had waited patiently for Egg and her Sisters to finish. Then she said, “Egg, you spoke with passion, with compassion and with maturity. I am very proud of you and am honored to call you sister.” She hesitated a moment before addressing the others. “Eloise’s words were very wise . . . with the exception of Sylvia, this is your world. You have it within your power to save it and be honored for generations to come. But your success is not guaranteed. Surviving the ordeal is not guaranteed. My undying appreciation is the only thing that is. Aerianna needs you. You must put aside your differences and use our common cause to bond into a true Sisterhood. Can you do this?”



  “Oh Yes.”

  “Yes, your Majesty.”


  “Then as Egg suggested eat, talk and plan.”

  So Sassi and Bl’azzz served the food and while they ate, they each took turns talking about themselves. Egg started . . .

  “I thought I was just an ordinary nine-year-old girl. Then one day my Grammy gave me a flying suit and jewelry. They had been in the family like forever. She wore it when she was my age but then after seven years it ran out of power. She kept it in a trunk for fifty years then gave it to me. She said I could fly when I wore the suit; but she didn’t know what the jewelry did. Well, I found out . . . but it was mostly by accident. While I was doing this, I met Dazzle in my dreams. She said that if I passed her test, I could help her. Finding out what the jewelry did was the test . . . so I guess I passed. I asked my best friend (she looked at Sylvia) to help me and she said she would.”

  Then Sylvia continued, “We didn’t start out as best friends. We met at camp and . . . well . . . Egg didn’t like me much. But somehow, we became friends then best friends when I moved to her town. That’s where we started the Hameggattic Sisterhood. A few months later, we had a bad fight and broke up. Then Egg made me this ring (she held it up for everyone to see) and when she gave it to me, I became her Feminion. I’m so happy to be here to help her . . . and all of you. There’s nothing more important in the whole world . . . well, in your world anyway.”

  “I’m just a dragon with gas. It’s because I refuse to eat meat. I think eating other living creatures is just wrong. That’s just my opinion and I don’t expect anyone else to do things my way. Anyway, when I burp it usually turns to flame. So if I toast you, it’s an accident. The good news is that I can play a mean Booyah-base. And I take requests.”

  “My name is K’ssss and I’m a sea serpent. (The others tried not to laugh). My parents think I’m pretty dumb . . . and they may be right. If I was smarter, I would know for sure. I like seashells because they’re pretty and fun to collect. Oh, and there’s one thing I’m really good at . . .” she stopped to think but without success. “I can’t remember right now.”

  “That’s okay, you sappy sea slug. Anyway, my real name is Soo’nami and I sell those silly seashells that she collects. I use the money to buy . . . well, just to buy. I love to shop.”

  “I lost my parents to Mobius when I was very young. I just found my father, thanks to Egg. But he’s still under Mobius’ control. And I don’t know what happened to my mother. I would do anything to have them back . . . to be a family again. If fighting that evil man can do that . . . then, if you’ll have me, I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

  Everyone turned to Aeri’elle and waited . . .

  “My name means Angel of Aerianna. My parents are very influential and I was lucky enough to be brought up in affluent style. All of my friends have similar backgrounds . . . money, education, privilege. I have never had the ummm . . . opportunity of associating with the likes of you.” Realizing she had just insulted everyone, she quickly said, “I’m sorry, I meant to say I’ve never had the opportunity to experience such a diversified assortment of individuals in my sheltered life. I have always known that Mobius was evil and needed to be overthrown. My friends and I have discussed this endlessly. And now I have the Sisterhood to help do what we could not . . . defeat that evil villain.”

  Sylvia stood up, raised her glass, and said, “A toast to the Sisterhood.”

  “And to you, my sisters” added the Princess.

  Chapter 9 – Shady Lady

  While the girls toasted, high above in the floating city of Q’umulus, Mobius laughed. “How charming. Seven little girls who think they can defeat me. Is that not the height of absurdity?”

  “The Princess is with them,” reminded K’aos who in his former life had been Z’kkk, Dazzle’s fiancé.

  “She’s not even real . . . she’s more like a ghost – all shimmering and pretty” added the Green F’aeri. Before being transformed by Mobius, she had been Ss’ong, Dazzle’s younger sister.

  “Not to worry, my friends. We shall just sit back and enjoy their little adventure. It should prove most amusing. And in the end . . . if they survive, which is highly unlikely . . . I just might make them a gift to you.” Pleased with himself, he laughed again.


  Dinner went very well . . . everyone was talking to everyone else. There were seven conversations, a lot of laughter and giggles and, of course, silly jokes about boys. When Bl’azzz told the story about how she had almost cooked her ex-boyfriend Furn’o, the girls roared in amusement.

  “Do you miss him?” asked Sylvia.

  “Between us girls . . . I just hate the fact that he dumped me. I should have set his butt on fire weeks ago but I didn’t. Now he gets to brag to his friends about how he’s too good for yours truly. That just frosts me.”

  Soo’ nodded in agreement. “Yeah . . . always do it to them before they do it to you.”

  “Do what?” asked K’ssss who never had a boyfriend and wasn’t quite following the conversation.

  “Dump them.”


  “Where what?”

  “Where would you dump them?”

  “What are you talking about, you silly, simpering simpleton?”

  “I don’t really know,” replied a very confused serpent.

  Dazzle interrupted the conversation to say “Sisters, I am much heartened by your behavior at dinner. You are beginning to sound and act like friends. That is very good. But Egg and Sylvia must be getting back soon and before we go, we need to make contact with the Shades of Night. So I would like to spend the rest of our time discussing the Quest. Egg, please tell us your plan.”

  “I thought you didn’t have a plan,” asked the stuck-up dragon.

  “I don’t. Well . . . not really.”

  “What does that mean exactly?” Aeri’elle still had a hard time accepting Egg as their leader.

  All the girls had become very quiet and were looking at Flying Girl. Egg stood up and looked back at them. “Storm . . . Dazzle’s good friend . . . told us that Mobius keeps Dazzle’s coffin in the Crystal Mountain.”

  “Never heard of it,” interjected Soo’.

  “You have met Storm?” asked an awed Aeri’elle. “He is a legend among my kind.”

  “You must let Egg finish,” said Sassi impatient with the interruptions.

  The two sisters looked at the green-skinned human and shrugged. They turned back to Egg and
waited for her continue.

  “Thanks Sassi. Anyway, Storm didn’t know where it was either. So we have to find out where it is and how to get there. Then we have to . . . ummm . . . well, we have to get there.”

  K’ssss cleared her throat to get attention. “Excuse me, Egg. I have a question.”

  “What’s that, K’ssss?”

  “If nobody knows where it is . . . who’s going to tell us?”

  “Good question, you slap-happy sea cucumber.”

  “I think I know who can tell us.” Everyone waited with great curiosity . . . even Dazzle. “We should go talk to the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl.”


  There was an excited buzz among the Sisters. The Myst Tree held a special place in the hearts of all Aeriannians. None of the five newest Sisters had ever paid it a visit. In fact, no one they knew had ever done so.

  “Now is not the time,” interrupted Dazzle. “You must first return home so your Grandmother can make the arrangements we discussed. Once we visit the Tree, your Quest will have truly begun. There will be no turning back.”

  “So we should go home now?”

  “We still must make contact with the Shades of Night and ask their help in acquiring the communications crystals. What have you decided for the Sign of the Egg?”

  “I’ll need Sassi’s help in making the drawing.” She turned to shy girl and asked, “Do you have some heavy paper we could use to make a poster. And some crayons?”

  “The paper is not a problem. But what is kray’ons?”

  Egg was momentarily confused by the question until she realized this wasn’t Earth. “Crayons are stick things you use to draw with. They come in about a billion colors.”

  “Oh. No, I have never seen a kray’ons. But I do have my paints. Will that work?”

  “Absolutely.” So she and Sassi found a quiet corner and Egg described what she wanted. Sassi was very, very good and it didn’t take her long.

  “Is this okay?”

  “Oh my gosh . . . it’s amazing. Syl, you guys, come take a look at Sassi’s poster.”

  “So what is it exactly?” asked Bl’azzz.

  “I’m going to hang this on that big tree in the town square . . ."

  “Which tree, which square and which town?” interrupted Aeri’elle.

  “I thought we might as well try the little town down the river. It’s called . . . ummm” but she couldn’t remember the strange name.

  “Fl’uxx,” said her Feminion.

  Egg teasingly gave her one of those smarty-pants looks. “That’s the one. We had a little adventure there. Sassi will tell you all about it after we leave.”

  “You haven’t answered my question . . . what is it?”

  “It’s an Egg . . . that’s me. It sits on a Royal Cushion like they use to carry a Princess’s (she pointed at the ghostly shape of Dazzle) crown. And below it is the dock where we tied up our boat.”

  “I think it’s a very pretty picture,” said K’ssss. “It would be nicer if you could paint in some flowers and maybe some . . .”

  Soo’ stopped her from finishing. “Worm brain . . . this is a secret message to the Shady people . . . not some silly art poster.”

  “Oh,” said a disappointed sea serpent. “But maybe just one flower would be okay, wouldn’t it?”

  “Next time, K’ssss, I promise,” said Sassi trying to make her feel better.

  “You have done well . . . both of you. Come, it is time to leave.”

  “What do we do until you return?” asked a more than slightly annoyed Aeri’elle.

  “For one thing . . . try to play nice,” said Sylvia.

  “. . . and get to know each other,” added Egg.

  “And create a list of supplies we will need to go on a journey of a month. Assume that the food and equipment we bring will be all that there is to sustain us. Each race has its own special needs. And Sassi, please consider Egg’s and Sylvia’s needs when creating your list.”

  “Who’s in charge while you’re gone?” Aeri’elle clearly thought it should be her.

  “You are all equal. But if a decision cannot be reached, Sassi will have the final say.”

  Egg gave each of her sisters and hug and a ‘thank you’. Then she and Sylvia flew off towards the setting sun.


  They landed at the edge of the little hamlet to avoid being seen. It wasn’t very far to the big tree that stood in the center of the town’s square and it only took a few minutes to reach it. They pinned the sign to the trunk then walked slowly to the dock by the river.

  “What makes you think they’ll see it tonight?” asked Sylvia.

  Dazzle answered for Egg, “They are called the Shades of Night. It is reasonable to think that they are out and about at this time.”

  “Oh, right.”

  They found the dock and made themselves comfortable. To while away the time, they tossed a stick into the water and threw pebbles at it. And just for a few minutes, their old competitive nature came back.

  “That’s five for me,” taunted Egg. “Two more and I win.”

  Sylvia picked up three orange-colored pebbles and threw them one after the other. Whack, whack, whack . . . that’s the sound they made as they hit the stick. “You lose,” she said and stuck her tongue out at her friend.

  In the old days, Egg would have gotten mad at herself for losing and at Sylvia for winning. But those days were long gone. Instead, she bowed low and said, “You are truly P.O.O.P.”

  “Don’t be a sore loser.”

  “I’m not. ‘P.O.O.P.’ stands for Princess Of Orange Pebbles.”

  “In that case, thank you, my dear girl. You may rise.” Then they both giggled.

  “Excuse me.”

  Startled, they looked up to see a lady dressed in a dark cloak that covered her head and hid her face . . . much like how a Mo’beye dressed. They weren’t sure what to do, so they just stared.

  “You are the ones who posted the sign, are you not?”


  “We have been expecting you. I am at your service.” And with that, she removed her hood to reveal a face that was both very pretty and strangely familiar.

  “You’re a Shady Lady?”

  The woman smiled at the phrasing. “I belong to the Shades of Night.” She looked from girl to girl then added, “You are much younger than I expected. I have a daughter about your age.” Her eyes seemed to mist over when she said that. “How can I help?”

  “We need talking crystals,” said Egg. The woman looked at her not understanding.

  “She means communications crystals,” clarified Sylvia.

  “Ahhh. How many do you need and when do you need them?”

  “Seven and as soon as you can get them.”

  The woman considered the answer then said, “It will take one week. Shall I meet you here?”

  “That would be great . . .,” but Dazzle interrupted her.

  “We may not be back in time. Tell her that Sassi will pick them up.”

  “On second thought, one of our Sisters will be here to pick them up. Is that okay?”

  “Certainly. And how will I know her?”

  “Well, she kind of looks like . . .,” this was a little weird to say, “she kind of looks like you. She has the same color hair and skin.”

  “You are not of Aerianna I am told. My appearance is not that uncommon. What is her name?”


  “It cannot be.” The look on the woman’s face was strange.

  “It is . . . Oh my gosh.”

  “You’re . . . ummm . . . Tr’yst. You’re Sassi’s mom.” Even Sylvia had put two and two together.

  Tr’yst collapsed to the ground crying. The two young girls put their arms around her trying to console her. “It’s okay. She’s beautiful, talented, and courageous. You’d be very proud of her . . . really.”

  “Oh my baby, my darling baby. Can it truly be? I must see her.” Then she stopped and regained her composure
. “NO . . . I cannot. It is the reason I left her in the first place. Mobius would know that she is my daughter and he would harm her. It was the only way to protect her. Oh my baby, my baby.” And she cried again.

  “Tell her about the Quest . . . and explain that this may be the last opportunity for her to see her daughter,” Dazzle said solemnly.

  So Egg did as she was told.

  Tr’yst sat there quietly listening to Egg’s story. When the girl finished, the older woman smiled sadly. “She is doing what her parents have done . . . to fight Mobius. For that, I am very, very proud. But she puts herself in grave danger . . . and for that I am desperately sad.”

  “You just have to see her. She’ll sail up here in one week. Promise me that you’ll see her . . . please.” Egg was equally as desperate to give these two brave people maybe one last chance to see each other.

  “I will. But do not tell her that it is her mother that will give her the crystals. I wish to see the look on her face . . . if she recognizes me.”

  “Oh, she will. I just know she will.”

  “Thank you. And Egg . . . take care of my baby. Please.”


  They flew back to the sisterhood to tell Sassi about the crystals; then they flew home. On the way, the discussion was all about the surprise meeting with Tr’yst.

  “Isn’t it wonderful that Sassi now has both her parents back?”

  “I wish I could be there when she sees her mom.”

  “I feel like crying now cause she’s going to be so surprised.”

  “But it’s kind of sad that they won’t have a lot of time together . . . you know before we go on the Quest.”

  “Yeah. But there’ll be lots of time when it’s all over.”

  That caused them both to pause. “Dazzle . . . this is going to be very dangerous isn’t it?”

  “You have always known that.”

  “Do you think that some of us won’t . . . you know . . . make it back?”

  “I will not lie to either of you. There is little chance that all seven of you will return. Does that frighten you?”


  “And me.”


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