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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 53

by Robert Iannone

  It is time to begin your Quest. I will make you one promise. If you succeed, all that was, will be again. If you fail, that which is, will be forever.”

  Book 10

  Oh My Gosh

  Book 10

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  © Copyright, 2016, by Robert Iannone,

  All Rights Reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Eye Spy

  Chapter 2 – All That J’azzz

  Chapter 3 – K’actus Kiln

  Chapter 4 – Crazy as Grazy

  Chapter 5 – Girl Talk

  Chapter 6 – Colorless Wood

  Chapter 7 – F’yre Extinguisher

  Chapter 8 – Seven Sad Sisters

  Chapter 9 – Switch Swamp

  Chapter 10 – Itsy Bitsy Spider

  Chapter 1 – Eye Spy

  “That’s not true,” yelled Egg at the Myst Tree. “None of my sisters are . . . are . . . onions.”

  The other girls looked confused so Sylvia explained to her friend “he said minion, not onion.”

  “I don’t care what the word is . . . it’s just not true. None of you would betray us or work for Mobius. You’re wrong Mr. Tree . . . so take it back.”

  The Tree continued to radiate energy and light . . . but apparently had nothing more to say to the Sisterhood.

  “Egg, we must leave.”

  “But Dazzle, he said . . .”

  “I, too, heard what the Myst Tree had to say,” interrupted the Princess. “Nonetheless, we must leave.”

  Egg was furious. “He should take it back.”

  “He will not. The Tree has spoken and we must believe its words.”

  “Dazzle . . .”

  “There is nothing more to be gained by standing here.” By the tone of her voice, it was clear that the Princess expected to be obeyed, even by Egg.

  Egg glared at the Tree for another few seconds, then turned her back and started walking out of the valley of Sighing Whorl. She didn’t stop until everyone had stepped out of the swirling grey fog. Then, they just stood there in silence not sure what to do next.

  It had been Egg’s idea to visit the Tree in the first place. She was hoping it could tell them where to find the Crystal Mountain. That’s where Mobius kept Dazzle’s body.

  The Tree was able to help. It said the place to begin their Quest was K’actus Kiln. It had been a barren desert in Dazzle’s time but apparently, Mobius had made a few changes. What they might be was not known.

  But the Tree also said that one of the Sisters was working for Mobius even though she didn’t know it. And that’s what had made Egg furious. She didn’t believe that any of her Sisters would ever betray her or the Hameggattic Sisterhood.

  The awkward silence was finally broken when the silly serpent said, “Can I ask a question?”

  “Sure, K’ssss. What is it?”

  “I didn’t understand that thing the tree person said.”

  “Which thing?”

  “Ummm . . . everything.” With all of her goofy questions and comments, K’ssss could probably even make the evil King laugh.

  “You deaf, dumb and ditsy denizen of the deep . . . ,” answered Soo’, “how could you not understand? He said one of us is a spy for Mobius.”

  “Oh, Egg, it’s not me . . . I promise. I don’t even know how to spy.” She looked as if she was about to cry.

  “I believe you K’ssss. It’s that stupid tree that I don’t believe. None of us would do anything like that.”

  That made the sad serpent smile. “What about that other thing?”

  “Which other thing?”

  “The one about if we fail then whatever is won’t be because it never was?”

  “That’s not exactly what he said. It was . . . ‘If you succeed, all that was, will be again. If you fail, that which is, will be forever . . . I think,” corrected Sylvia.

  “Those were its exact words, Feminion.”

  “I’m with K’ssss on this one,” said Bl’azzz. “What the heck does it mean?”

  Everyone turned to Egg, but she had no idea. “Dazzle?” she asked the Princess hopefully.

  “The meaning is not obvious. I believe Egg should dream on it until the Tree’s intent becomes clear.” Egg looked away so she could roll her eyes. It was always up to her to come up with the answer or the plan or the whatever. How the heck was she supposed to know what the stupid Tree meant.

  “So now what? We obviously can’t continue if one of us is a spy for Mobius. That would be just crazy.” Aeri’elle still felt that she should be leading the Quest. She didn’t understand why the Princess put so much faith in somebody who wasn’t even from Aerianna.

  “I think we should go on.”

  “Why do you say that, Sassi?”

  “If Mobius wanted to stop us, he could have already. He has the Crystal Egg and that horrible K’aos and . . .” she didn’t finish. The wraith K’aos had once been the Princess’ fiancé before Mobius transformed him into the ugly and fearsome creature. “Sorry, your Majesty.”

  “It is not you who should apologize; it is Mobius. But you are correct. If he wanted to stop us, he would have sent one of his henchmen.”

  “So why hasn’t he?” asked Egg.

  “Perhaps the seven lands that we must traverse to reach the Crystal Mountain hold enough terror that he need not do anything else. I believe he just wishes to enjoy our troubles and track our progress.”

  “What do you think, Egg? Should we continue?” asked Bl’azzz.

  Egg looked back at the mist that they had just left. She turned to her Sisters and said, “Nobody messes with the Hameggattic Sisterhood . . . nobody. Let’s go find that mountain.”


  But it wasn’t going to be quite that easy. The girls had compiled a list of supplies they might need for the Quest per Dazzle’s instructions. Since serpents, dragons and humans (including those from earth) needed different things, the girls had three separate lists.

  “Our first task is to acquire the supplies that we will need.” Dazzle included herself in that statement, but she obviously didn’t require anything.

  “Where should we go for them?” asked Egg.

  “I suggest that K’ssss and Soo’ go to Kelp’ernicus; Aeri’elle and Bl’azzz to Crag’s Leap and you, Sylvia and Sassi, to River’s Edge.”

  “Why not Fire’s Breath?” asked Aeri’elle. That was where she lived.

  “And Nau’tika for us two,” added Soo’ for the same reason.

  “If you were to return to your home cities, someone would recognize you. They might wonder why their friends were buying so much food and supplies. Another reason is that the other cities are not far from K’actus Kiln.”

  “But River’s Edge is my home and my aunt lives there,” Sassi reminded the Warrior Princess.

  “Yes, I know. But the city is just up river from our destination. I believe it is worth the small risk of being spotted by your aunt.”

  “Dazzle . . . I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

  Everyone turned to stare at Egg. No one from Aerianna would have ever said such a thing to the Princess. They nervously glanced from one to the other . . . holding their collective breaths.

  “Please explain,” she commanded Egg, but without any sign that she was offended.

  “I don’t like the idea that we’re splitting up.” She hesitated then added, “What happens if the . . . spy (how she hated to say that) . . . is real and Mobius sees that we’re in small groups. Wouldn’t he take advantage and do something really bad to us?”

  The fact that Egg acknowledged the possibility that the Tree was telling the truth and that one of them was spying for Mobius made them all feel terrible. And it did something else . . . it made them suspicious of one another. Without being obvious, each of them looked at their sisters trying to figure out which one had gone bad.

  Dazzle considered Egg’s argument for a few moments. “You may be cor
rect. The temptation to eliminate some of us may very well be impossible for Mobius to pass up. We shall stay together.”

  The girls were very impressed . . . even Aeri’elle. In fact, her opinion of Egg began to improve despite her prejudice against non-Aeriannians . . . and humans.

  “Let us head for River’s Edge.”

  “Ummm . . . your Majesty,” said Soo’ somewhat timidly.

  “Speak, Sister.” The use of that term made the serpent relax.

  “I don’t want to be a bother, but K’ssss and I can spend a long time out of water . . . but not forever. Would you mind if she and I swam to town. The river isn’t far from here.”

  “Oh, can we? Can we pretty please?” begged K’ssss. “I’m beginning to get all scaly and itchy.”

  Dazzle frowned. She was embarrassed that she had not thought of the well-being of her subjects. It was so unlike her. “I apologize for not having thought of that myself. If you can carry Egg, Sylvia and Sassi then we will all go by river.”

  So they flew down the mountain and to the river. The serpents leaped in and dove down for a few minutes to allow the water to wash completely over them. Then they surfaced and the two earth girls climbed onto Soo’ while Sassi sat on K’ssss. With the dragons flying low and slow, they started their journey . . . and the first leg of the Quest.


  As everyone knows, serpents can swim very fast . . . almost as fast as a dragon can fly. But with three humans on their backs, K’ssss and Soo’ had to more or less drift down the river. So a trip that might have taken an hour ended up taking the whole day. By the time they had arrived at their destination, it was getting dark.

  When the three girls finally climbed off their friends, their backsides were aching. Riding a sea serpent for that long just wasn’t any fun.

  “We should have flown,” said Egg rubbing her butt.

  “. . . or walked,” added Sylvia.

  “Well not me,” said Sassi. “K’ssss and I had a wonderful time talking about all sorts of things.” Turning to her friend, she said, “Thank you, K’ssss. You were a wonderful traveling companion.”

  “H’sssss, H’sssss.”

  “What are you laughing about you wallowing water lizard?” teased Soo’.

  “Sassi makes me laugh.”

  “I do? Thank you.”

  “Don’t bother. Everybody makes her laugh or cry. You just got lucky.”

  “We must go,” interrupted Dazzle.

  “Where?” asked Egg.

  “Perhaps Sassi could suggest a place to acquire our supplies.”

  “At this late hour, there really isn’t anything that comes to mind.”

  “I have an idea.”

  Everyone turned to look at Sylvia. “Continue, Feminion,” said Dazzle.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking that we should get Mobius to help us.”

  “Are you completely insane?” squawked Aeri’elle.

  “H’sssss, H’sssss.”

  “Stop laughing you sad, soggy sponge. This isn’t funny.”

  Sassi and Bl’azzz were speechless . . . so they just stared at the earthling.

  Then Egg did what K’ssss had done . . . she started to laugh and laugh.

  “You’re both out of your minds. Your Highness, I suggest that I be put in charge of . . .”

  “Say no more, Aeri’elle. I will not tolerate your disloyalty to Egg or her Feminion. Is that understood?”

  “But Princess . . . you heard what she suggested.”

  “DO NOT ARGUE,” Dazzle commanded. Aeri’elle dropped her head to acknowledge that she heard and understood the Princess’ wishes. After a moment, Dazzle addressed all seven. “As I commanded Aeri’elle, I also command you four,” obviously meaning the others from Aerianna. “As to Sylvia’s suggestion . . .” everyone waited anxiously to hear what she would say. “. . . it is a supremely intelligent idea. You are to be commended, Feminion.”

  Aeri’elle’s beak dropped open in total disbelief. Bl’azzz looked at Soo and Sassi with an expression of shock. K’ssss, who really wasn’t following much of the conversation, just giggled.

  “Egg, do you wish to explain your Feminion’s suggestion to your sisters?”

  It had taken Flying Girl only a few seconds to understand what her friend was thinking . . . that’s when she had laughed. “No, Dazzle. Let Sylvia do it.”

  “It’s pretty simple. Let’s assume that we’re right about Mobius spying on us just to watch us suffer through whatever nasty stuff he’s put between the Sisterhood and the Crystal Mountain. If that’s true, then he should be more than willing to get us our supplies so that we can start the Quest as soon as possible.”

  Aeri’elle was torn between disbelief and total awe of the human. “Is it possible?” she asked to no one in particular.

  “If it is . . . and I think Syl got it right . . . then I bet a Mo’beye might just stop by pretty soon to ask for our lists.”

  “NO WAY,” shouted Soo’.

  “Do you really think so?” asked Sassi.

  But before Egg could answer, they heard, “Give me your lists.”

  They all jumped in fright except K’ssss who had fainted. A monster-eyed Mo’beye had appeared out of nowhere.

  “Say please,” taunted Egg.

  The Mo’beye stared at the girl for a few seconds then said, “Please.”

  Egg collected the three lists and gave it to him. “And make it fast.” The Mo’beye hurried away.

  When he had gone, the girls helped revive K’ssss, and then they all started to laugh and to congratulate both Sylvia and Egg.

  “There is no reason for levity.”

  They all stopped and turned to the Princess. “Why, Dazzle?”

  “We now know for certain that one of you is a spy for Mobius.”


  They waited in silence. No one wanted to talk for fear that Mobius would hear what they had to say. It was very uncomfortable. At Sassi’s suggestion, Egg agreed to let her and Sylvia go find some food and something to drink. It was going to be a long night and they might as well try to make the most of it. The girls kept in contact with their communications crystals, so Egg wasn’t too worried about them being alone. About an hour later, they returned with large bundles of food.

  They ate and took turns napping. But as before, there was very little conversation. Finally, Dazzle spoke to the sisters. “It is unnatural for us not to have conversations. So, you must feel free to speak to one another about anything you wish. The only exception will be if there are decisions or suggestions about the Quest. For that, the only conversation will be directly with Egg and out of hearing of the others. Do you understand?”

  They all nodded or murmured yes.

  “You must relax. We know that Mobius has one fatal flaw . . .” There were gasps of surprise from the others. “He is over-confident. Hear me now, Evil One. Enjoy our journey if you can, but know that we will defeat every obstacle you put in front of us . . . every test you put us through. And in the end, you will lose.” She knew that Mobius was hearing her speech. It was a bit reckless to ‘egg’ him on, but she felt that the Sisterhood needed a morale boost.

  So they passed the rest of the night sleeping and talking girl talk. And before they knew it, the sun broke above the horizon. And in the first rays of the morning’s light they could see six black cloaked Mo’beyes . . . carrying their supplies.


  They made sure that everything they needed was there and in good working order. Then they packed it all up, strapping most of it on the backs of the dragons who could carry great loads without an effort.

  “Ready?” Egg asked.

  “Let’s do it,” said Bl’azzz with a lot more confidence then she really felt.

  “Egg . . .”

  “Yes, Aeri’elle?”

  “You and your friend . . . I have been very wrong about you two. Forgive me?”

  Instead of answering, Egg went up to the dragon and gave her a big hug. “You ready


  So as before, the dragons picked up the serpents and Egg took the two other girls, and they flew to K’actus Kiln.

  Chapter 2 - All That J’azzz

  To enter the desert known as K’actus Kiln you had to pass through a very narrow, very tall gorge. On this day, the orange walls of rock reached up and seemed to touch the purple colored sky.

  The passage through the gorge looked very dark and downright scary. So Egg suggested, “Why don’t we just fly over this part.”

  “Why don’t we just fly to the Crystal Mountain?” asked Sylvia.

  All the girls were in complete agreement. Why risk life and limb to walk or slither through this stuff that Mobius had put in front of them?

  “I do not think it will be possible.”

  “Why not, your Highness?”

  “Mobius would have anticipated such a strategy.”

  “Well, maybe he’s not as smart as he thinks. I’m going to try and fly . . . just to see.”

  Sassi said, “Be careful. We can’t afford to lose our leader . . . and friend.”

  “I will, Sassi. Okay, here goes nothing . . .” and Flying Girl launched herself up through the gorge. She had absolutely no problem until she came to the very top. “OWWWW,” she yelled as she hit something and bounced backwards.

  “Why did you scream? Are you okay?” All the girls could hear Egg on their communications crystals.

  “Yeah. But something I can’t see won’t let me fly higher than the walls. I’m going to try again.” This time she slipped her ring on to her right hand. Normally when she did this, it gave her incredible strength. Maybe that would be enough for her to push whatever it was that had stopped her out of the way.

  But it didn’t work. She bounced off of it again. She flew down and returned to her Sisters. “You were right Dazzle; I can’t fly higher than the walls of the gorge.”


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