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Bodybuilder in Blue

Page 2

by Emeric Varady

  What were we doing, exactly? I still wasn’t sure.

  I lay there, hoping that a display of passivity on my part might discourage Zdenek. Fat chance, as the Americans say! I felt his hot breath on my face, and I knew that he was going to try to kiss me. He buried his free hand in my hair and he held my head in place while he jammed our open, panting mouths together in a tight, hot, lip-grinding kiss.

  Fuck! Inexperienced though I was, I had to admit that kiss felt hot—in every sense of the word. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating, my pulse pounding, and my skin flushing, as my body temperature rose. I was literally getting hot—and I was also feeling extremely sexual.

  I let out a whimper and I put up a token struggle, my hands reaching down to push against Zdenek’s hips. The two of us had maintained our impassioned lip-lock this whole time. Now I felt my friend’s tongue probe at my lips, then force them apart and dart inside my mouth, licking over the edges of my teeth and seeming to explore the interior of my mouth, as though it was searching for something.

  If I’d thought kissing another guy was arousing, then this open-mouthed face sucking and slipping of the tongue just about sent me into orbit! Dizzy with lust, I lay there and I allowed Zdenek to keep his mouth pressed firmly upon mine, and to work his wet, limber tongue freely around inside my mouth. His tongue touched mine, and quite instinctively I reacted to the contact by extending my own tongue and pushing it aggressively against his.

  We were both out of breath and panting like dogs on a warm day when we finally broke our kiss, although we kept our faces close together.

  “You’re a pretty good kisser,” Zdenek whispered. Before I could reply, thanks, buddy, so are you, he added, sarcastically, “For a dumb muscle-head virgin.”

  I was pissed. “Screw you! How many times do I have to tell you, I am not a virgin?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. You’ve dipped your wick in one cunt. I guess that makes you a real macho man,” he taunted me.

  My blood was up. It was weird. A moment ago, we’d been making out, hot and heavy, and if anybody had asked me, I’d have blurted out that I was in love with the guy. Now, though, I wanted to punch him in his smug, smirking face! There’s no doubt about it. Love and hate really are the two sides of the same coin.

  I resorted to sarcasm, myself. “Obviously, you’re much more experienced than I am,” I jeered. “Especially with men.”

  I’d meant this to be a withering put-down, but Zdenek shrugged it off.

  “Sure,” he admitted. “Why not?”

  I was shocked! Even back then, I wasn’t hopelessly naïve, if I do say so myself. I knew that such things as gay men existed, and that they had sex with each other. I even knew guys, including fellow bodybuilders, whom I suspected of being gay. But I’d never heard another guy talk so openly, so casually, about his homosexual experiences.

  “Just how many guys have you had sex with?” I asked.

  “I don’t keep score,” Zdenek protested. “A couple of dozen, I guess.”

  A couple of dozen? Now I was beyond shocked. I was freaking out! I’d expected him to say, two or three, at the most! Now I realized that, as young as he was, all this time my buddy had been living a double life. He’d been whoring around, big time. He was a gay muscle slut!

  “You have got to be kidding,” I gasped.

  “No, I’m not. What’s the big deal?”

  “I can’t believe what you’re telling me. How do you meet these guys?”

  He scoffed. “That’s easy. They’re everywhere, even here in Debrecen. Shit, even this hick town has a couple of gay bars. And there are pickup spots. The train station, downtown, is one of them. So is one of the parks. And everybody cruises on the Internet nowadays. It’s easy to find somebody to hook up with that way.” Zdenek smiled at me. “And I don’t have to tell you what goes on down at the gym. All that looking, especially in the locker room, the steam room, and the showers. Fuck! I always have guys coming up to me, striking up a conversation, and dropping hints. If I like the dude, I’ll agree to meet up with him, outside the gym. Doesn’t that ever happen to you?”

  “No,” I had to admit. “I mean, sure, guys come up to me and talk—”

  “Telling you what a great body you have, and so forth.”

  “Sure. But there’s nothing sexual about it,” I insisted.

  Zdenek groaned. “Nothing sexual, my ass! God, you are such a complete little innocent! If you wanted to, you could get laid right and left, twenty-four seven. You’re better-looking than me, for Christ’s sake,” he conceded, graciously, “and you’ve got an even better body. To say nothing of the fact that you’ve got such a big dick, and such a nice ass. If I can make out like a bandit, think of what you’re missing out on.”

  His compliments made me blush.

  “Do you like it?” I asked.

  “Like what? Other guys being attracted to me—coming on to me?”

  “That, yes. But what I really meant was—do you like having sex with other guys?”

  “Hell, yeah!” Zdenek exclaimed. “What’s not to like? Take my word for it, Emeric—sex with another man is better than pussy, any time. A man knows what another man likes. Which buttons to push. He doesn’t get all clingy and possessive and needy. None of that ‘but do you really love me?’ and ‘when are we going to get married?’ shit. Plus, he can’t get knocked up. You can fuck around with a guy, and afterward, when you’ve both gotten your rocks off, you can go right back to being buddies together,” Zdenek rhapsodized. “There’s nothing like it. It’s great! I can’t understand why every guy isn’t gay. Well,” he added, thoughtfully. “I suppose somebody has to do the straight fucking, to carry on the human race and produce the next generation of hot men. That’s about the only thing women are good for, if you ask me.”

  My friend sounded more than a little misogynistic and sexist, in my opinion. I was a bit disappointed in him. His attitudes seemed unenlightened, to say the least. But my curiosity got the better of me.

  “But what do you do?” I asked. “In bed, I mean? You and these other guys?”

  That had to be the stupid question of all time. No wonder Zdenek laughed.

  But he answered my question. “Everything,” he boasted, with relish. “Everything two naked men can think of, to do together. Some guys are really into muscle worship. When they see a guy with a body like yours or mine, they just go fucking crazy. They want you to pose and flex for them, and they’ll lick and suck you all over, and do anything you tell them to do, like a frigging sex slave. I’ve had dudes lick the sweat from my armpits and my crotch,” he boasted, “and they love it. Fucking perverts! Then there’s frottage, which is rubbing your bodies together. Giving each other a hand job. Nipple and ball play. Armpit licking, like I just said. Sucking cock. Rimming. And fucking, of course. Fucking each other up the ass,” he specified, no doubt because he thought I was so impossibly naïve that I needed to have it spelled out for me. “And coming,” he added, excitedly. “Shooting your goddamn cum all over the place, all over each other. Licking it off each other’s bodies,” he gloated. “Eating it! Yeah, man, tasting that hot cum! What a freaking turn-on that is!”

  I could feel my cheeks burning, with a red-hot blush. Well, I’d asked him for details. And he certainly hadn’t stinted! I had only myself to blame, if I was now embarrassed.

  All this while, Zdenek had kept his hand on my cock, stroking it—with the inevitable result. I was achingly aroused. And he was getting impatient.

  “You know, Emeric,” he suggested, slyly. “Instead of just talking about it, the quickest way for you to find out about it is for us to just do it, for Christ’s sake. Come on,” he urged. “Let’s fool around. You know damn well you want to.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “You are such a fucking liar. Look how hard your dick is.”

  “If you’d quit playing with it—”

  “But I like playing with it,” he whispered. “It feels so big and hard in my hand. So hot.
It turns me on. And you like it, don’t you, buddy? You like the way my hand feels on your cock. Don’t deny it. Because I wouldn’t believe you, not for a minute.”

  “I don’t dislike it,” I babbled. “It’s all right.”

  “Wait’ll you feel my mouth on it. Sucking it,” Zdenek predicted.

  “Shit! I can’t believe I’m hearing you. I can’t believe you’re talking like this. It’s so dirty. No … I don’t want you to do that.”

  “Liar,” he gloated. “You want me to suck you, all right. We both know you do.”

  “No, Zdenek, don’t. I really don’t—fucking want you to—I said no,” I gasped. “Let me up, please,” I begged him, unconvincingly. I was putting on an act. I was trying my best to act the picture of virginal innocence and reluctance.

  And he didn’t buy my pose for an instant. Zdenek simply held his weight on me, pressing my sturdy build down onto the bed. He planted his lips firmly against mine again and he kissed me, with a searing intensity—another long, hot, open-mouthed kiss, shoving his wet, slippery tongue deep into my moaning mouth repeatedly, kissing me like that until both of our chins were slick with our dribbled, mingling saliva.

  When he was satisfied that I wasn’t going to put up much of a fight any longer, Zdenek flung the top sheet away altogether, so that we were both lying naked on top of the mattress, which was still encased in the fitted bottom sheet. Then he crawled farther down on the bed and he knelt there, straddling my legs, which he grasped and heaved up high, letting them rest on his shoulders.

  My head and shoulders were flat on the mattress, my ass was raised off the bed a few inches, and I could look up and see the dark bulk of Zdenek’s muscular body crouching against mine. His hard-on swayed between his thick thighs in the dim light of the bedroom He panted as he brushed his long blond hair back from his sweating forehead, and then he lowered his head between my thighs.

  He spread his hands on either side of my groin, enclosing my cock and balls within the diamond shape formed by his touching thumbs and forefingers, and he dug the heels of his hands into the creases where my thighs met my stomach—so forcefully that it hurt me a bit, and I jumped and gasped.

  “Relax,” he murmured, barely audibly. “Relax … let me—!”

  But then I cried out in surprise when I felt his wet tongue stab out at the head of my swollen dick, licking right into the groove of my pisser, which was already leaking a drop or two of clear, sticky jism—I was that horny!

  “Fucking hell,” I gasped, half in protest, half in excitement.

  I squirmed on the bed, horribly torn between the most intense sexual excitement I’d ever known, and a lingering revulsion at the sight of Zdenek’s tongue lapping at my stiff shaft, licking up that preliminary fuck fluid I’d dribbled, coating the extra sensitive flesh that sheathed my cock with his spit.

  He was getting ready to blow me—an act I’d always been told was wrong, sinful—an act I associated with so-called perverts. But then, suddenly, Zdenek opened his mouth wide and he brought it down around my cock. Closing his warm, wet lips snugly around the bulk of my penis, he began to suck—and I forgot all about such words as queer, or unnatural, or perverted, because my body went wild with lust!

  “What the fuck!” I sputtered, as the fantastic pleasure surged through me. Fucking Zdenek’s mouth was like sinking my tool into hot, wet sand at the beach and letting the cold surf pour over my shivering, naked body as I drove my dick in and out of the gritty sand to bring myself off! “Ah, you dirty cocksucker!” I exclaimed, insultingly. “You son of a bitch!”

  My buddy was a cocksucker, all right—and a good one. He took more and more of my meat into his mouth, and he sucked on me ravenously, driving me right out of my mind with pleasure and a sudden, imperious need for the release of orgasm. I wanted to come, badly. Hell, I had to come, or I’d explode!

  And come I did. I came, and came!

  “Ah, Jesus!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, writhing on the mattress. An incredible melting, falling, spinning sensation hit me. I was coming, lost in the throes of the most violent, the most draining, ejaculation which I’d ever had up until then. The spasms flooded through my crotch like a hot, wet tidal wave, sending the fierce spurts of semen out of my cock and into Zdenek’s mouth and throat.

  I expected Zdenek to back away, to pull his mouth off my prick. I expected him to be disgusted by the taste of my cum, which was filling his mouth. But he held on. He sucked me dry—and he kept right on sucking, even after I’d collapsed into a shivering heap of exhausted flesh in his embrace. He moaned ecstatically as he kept my cock inside his mouth and he sucked, and sucked! The horny cocksucker seemed intoxicated—drunk on my spunk!

  Chapter Two: Giving Sixty-Nine a Try

  “Shit,” I gasped, running my hand over my face. I sank back onto the crumpled heap of sweat-soaked sheets and I let Zdenek’s powerful, unrelenting oral suction drain me of every drop of my youthful cum.

  Zdenek was definitely getting off on blowing me and making me come in his mouth. He moaned and writhed. He sat back on his haunches, his bulging calves tucked in tight under his butt. One of his hands—I noticed only now—had reached under my ass, and he was using it to pump away on his own stiff prick while he sucked my depleted cock.

  Finally, though, Zdenek took his mouth off my limp prick and he let my aching legs slip from his shoulders and fall to the mattress with a thump. He stretched out on top of me and he kissed me, tenderly this time, without the fierce sexual hunger he’d shown before he’d blown me.

  I responded automatically, with no reluctance whatsoever. After all, I’d not only kissed another guy—I’d let him go down on me. He’d sucked my cock, and I’d come in his mouth. Hell, he’d even swallowed my load! Now I knew that playing around with another guy was really not such a big deal. In fact, it was beginning to seem perfectly natural.

  I opened my lips to accept Zdenek’s tongue, and I caught the strong, salty taste of my own cum in his mouth. Wow! That was quite a novelty for me, too! Our legs meshed together clumsily as Zdenek drove his knee between my thighs to part them, and then he ground his hard-on against the tough, hairy arch of my perineum muscle. He hadn’t come yet, and he was obviously in an agony of frustrated arousal.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he told me, stroking my hair.

  “To shoot? Sure. How do you want to do it?” I asked.

  “Let me fuck you, buddy,” he begged.

  I stiffened in shock! Letting him go down on me was one thing, but now Zdenek was trying to talk me into trying too much, too fast.

  “Hell, no,” I said. The mere thought of opening my tender asshole to another guy’s huge, hard cock—being penetrated and fucked, like a cunt—being torn apart and plowed like that—it was just too grotesque to contemplate.

  I was an anal virgin, and I had no desire to change my status. Not for the time being, in any event. (In other words, I was a foolish virgin.)

  “I was afraid, too, the first time I let a guy do it to me,” Zdenek assured me. “But then I learned to like it. And believe me, I began to like it a lot. There’s nothing to it. Come on, be a pal. Help me out, here. Let me have your ass.”

  “You are not fucking me, so put that idea right out of your head.”

  “Come on, Emeric. I really need it. I need to get my nuts off, too. Christ, I’m hard. Look at my fucking dick, will you? It’s just about ready to pop. Come on, I took care of yours, didn’t I?” Zdenek pleaded, frantically.

  “So—jerk off, already,” I suggested, with a distinct lack of sympathy. “I don’t mind.”

  “Fuck that shit! I can give myself a hand job any time I want. You’ve gotten me too damn turned on to settle for that. You’re going to have to put out for me.”

  He sounded like some obnoxious guy who’d taken a girl out on the town on a date, and now he expected her to pay him back with her pussy.

  “I said no, goddamn it,” I insisted. “You’re not going to cornhole my ass. Absolutely not! So l
et me go—” Once again, I tried to push Zdenek away from me. I wanted to escape from the bed before the horny bastard raped me, which I was beginning to think he might be capable of doing. I wouldn’t have put it past him, as hot to trot and as swollen-dicked as he was.

  “At least suck mine off!” he begged.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “Nobody has—until the first time he tries it. Come on, do it. Just give it a try. There’s nothing to it. You’ll like it!”

  Before I could react to his new demand, Zdenek had already swung his powerful body around on the bed and maneuvered us into a sixty-nine position, burying his head between my thighs and taking my poor limp prick into his mouth again. Slurping on my penis, he thrust his own crotch into my face, in mute, urgent invitation.

  I grimaced as the tart, slightly acrid scent of my fellow bodybuilder’s genitals struck my nostrils. Once again, I felt the tugging sensation, which was now familiar to me, of being sucked and tongued, begin at my own groin. Zdenek was sucking my cock again, as eagerly as he’d blown me the first time. Gingerly, I flicked my tongue out of my mouth and I ran it over the surprisingly wiry, bristly hairs that coated Zdenek’s thighs.

  Nervously, I wondered whether I could satisfy my buddy without actually taking his cock inside my mouth. I licked at the head of the fat cock which was staring me in the face. It deposited a drop of sticky fluid on my tongue, but when I swallowed the small smear, the taste wasn’t repulsive. It was kind of a turn-on, in fact!

  Encouraged, I lapped at the head of Zdenek’s hotly aroused cock again and again, and then I began to tongue the thick, pulsating shaft, quickly bathing all of the turgid penis with my saliva. I was shedding my remaining inhibitions fast, and I caressed Zdenek’s sweaty, musclebound thighs and his tight rounded glutes and his big dangling balls with both of my restless hands—making him moan with pleasure around my dick, which was once again filling his mouth and throat. My cock hadn’t stayed soft for long, after he’d gone down on it again. I once again had a rip-snorting hard-on.


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