Loser Takes All (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 1)

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Loser Takes All (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 1) Page 7

by Kora Knight

  Scott’s body heat abruptly departed, random noises following suit; feet padding around, then a condom peeling off, drawers opening and closing, thick cloth rubbing against firm muscle. But when Scott returned to clean Tad, too, Tad shifted and shook his head. “I can do that.”

  “True.” He brought a water bottle to Tad’s lips, then fumbled to unbuckle his restraints. Tad groaned in relief as his arms dropped down, circulation resuming its natural course. Scott chuckled and pressed the cloth to Tad’s abs.


  He moved away again to, by the sound of it, get dressed. The music was next to shut off. “You want to take a shower before you go? We’ve got one down here for our clients. Cool water’s fantastic after a good flogging.”

  Tad wiped at his torso—still blindfolded. Because he didn’t have the balls to see the evidence of what he’d just done. With another man. Consensually. It’d make things too real. Too implicating. Too soon. “Ah… no thanks,” he mumbled. “I really should go. Don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  Scott chuckled. “Yeah.” He paused. “But just for the record, you never could.”

  Tad went quiet at that, then turned his back and reluctantly removed his blindfold. He eyed the length of fabric. Ironic how it’d served a far greater purpose than merely “enhancing sensations.” It’d been a shield, a bubble, a kind of free pass. Which had made it easier for Tad to give in, allowing him to enjoy the most intense sexual experience of his twenty-four year existence. His dick twitched in remembrance.

  Scott opened the door, jerking Tad from his musings. He cleared his throat and quickly got dressed, grimacing fiercely with each article he donned. Wow, his backside stung like a bitch. His skin felt tight, his snug clothes making a dull burn rise. Or maybe the burn was always there, he’d just been too distracted to notice. His asshole protested its post-tortured state. Tad winced at the pleasure-laced ache. He had a feeling that, for the next couple days, every step he took was going to remind him of Scott. And oddly, he didn’t mind the prospect.

  Fully clothed, he turned around. Scott was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, watching him intently. His cheeks were pink and his skin looked damp. And though his spikey hair looked casually disheveled, his dark eyes simmered hot with satisfaction. “Hey,” he murmured, lips slowly curling up.

  And fuck if Tad didn’t flush right on cue. Goddammit. “Uh… Hey.” He dragged a hand down his face, then ruffled it through his hair. Awkward.

  “Mm,” Scott grinned. “Shy boy has officially dethroned his lusty counterpart.”

  Tad stiffened, then scowled and stalked to the door. Scott laughed and followed him out.

  “Hold up,” he called, abruptly veering left. “Gonna grab something. I’ll be right back.”

  Tad watched him disappear into an adjacent door not far from the one they’d just exited. So close, in fact, Tad suspected it led into that “observation room.”

  As he waited, his eyes rescanned the large, kinky room. All the creepy contraptions strangely seemed a lot less lewd. His gaze fell back to that horizontal board hanging some four feet off the floor. It looked sturdy enough to hold a man’s weight, and capable to move like a… Ah, Tad surmised. So, that’s what that was. Some kind of sexed-up swing.

  An unbidden vision formed in his mind; of himself, on that plank, naked and on his back. Feet up and propped, knees bent, thighs spread, his bared ass resting right at the edge. Chest rising and falling in clear anticipation, his image gripped the corner cables by his head.

  And then the scene added Scott to the mix. Jeans undone, hanging lazily off his hips, his glistening torso looked as ripped as ever. Feet braced, he clutched the cables by Tad’s propped feet—down low for optimal maneuvering. He shoved Tad away, then yanked him back, burying himself deep in Tad’s channel. Back and forth, back and forth, he rocked Tad like a pendulum, never once moving his hips. That crazy swing did all the work. Over and over, Scott’s dick disappeared, reemerging just as fast every time. Tad’s image moaned, his head falling back…

  Tad’s lips parted at the lusty scene. And son of a bitch, his stupid cock was starting to swell.

  Scott cleared his throat.

  Tad jerked in surprise. “You’re back.”

  Scott glanced over to see what Tad had been staring at. Tad winced and rubbed the back of his neck. More awkward.

  Thankfully, Scott just smiled, but didn’t ask. “Here.” He extended his hand, holding a business card and a… data stick?

  Tad frowned, taking the items. “What’s this?”

  “Thumb drive.”

  Tad shot him a droll look. “Yes, I know what it is. I mean, what’s on it.”

  Scott grinned. “A copy of our session.”

  Tad’s jaw fell open. “What?”

  Scott’s face turned affronted. “What?”

  “You recorded… what we did in there?”

  Scott lifted a brow and shrugged. “Figured it’d be a good idea.”

  Tad seethed, teeth clenching. “Why the fuck for? You gonna post it on some porn site or something? ‘Cause I swear to God, if you—”

  “Relax,” Scott scowled. “No one’s gonna see it. It’s for my protection.” His smile returned. “And your viewing enjoyment.”

  “My viewing enjoyment?” Tad bristled, clutching the thing tight in his hand. “You seriously think I’d want to watch this?”

  Scott’s brown eyes hooded, his voice dipping low. “Wouldn’t you?”


  Scott smirked. “Mm.”

  “What,” Tad growled.

  “You should.”

  “And why exactly is that?”

  Scott’s full lips curved higher. “Remember back in there… when we were—”

  “Yes,” Tad ground out. “I remember.”

  “Well, there was that one time when I really wished you could see, and….” His grin came back full force. “And, well, now you can.” He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m telling you, that awesome little wink thing you did—”

  “Ugh,” Tad grunted, pivoting around. “I really gotta go.” But he didn’t give the flash drive back, or Scott’s card. Instead he shoved them deep in his pocket and bee-lined it for the stairs. Scott soundlessly followed him up to the foyer.

  In all honestly, Tad should’ve been a hell of a lot angrier about his “video violation.” Thing was, for some strange reason he trusted Scott and truly believed he’d keep their shit private. But dammit, now Tad could easily revisit their encounter every time his kinky side surfaced. Deep down he feared that might be way too often.

  And Scott’s contact info would only add fuel to the fire. Because at any given moment of horn-dog weakness—or hell, after a few too many beers—Tad could easily succumb to the temptation of making a visit.

  But that really wasn’t a reason to get shitty. Scott told him about the video even though Tad would never have known. And obviously he was hoping his “gift” would ensure Tad remembered their little encounter. Which was kind of cool… in a roundabout, convoluted way.

  Reaching the front door, Tad turned to Scott. The handsome male smiled at him, but didn’t say a thing. Tad stared at him, then bit the “elephant in the room” bullet. About something that was bugging him, that he really wanted to know. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Just did.”

  A smile tugged at Tad’s lips. “Well, can I ask you another question?”

  Scott chuckled. “Sure. Though, technically…” He tongue lingered teasingly on the last word.

  Tad smirked, giving the smart-ass a shove. “Yeah, I know. I just did.”

  “Mmm,” Scott purred, as if liking the rough contact.

  Tad glanced away, inhaled deep, then looked back at Scott. “The way you acted… down in that room… when you and me were….” He cleared his throat. “You just really seemed to enjoy our exchange...” Heat climbed up his neck. “As well as some of my… attributes.”

  Scott’s dark eyes glittered. �

  “Are you… always like that? With everyone?”

  Scott answered without hesitation. “No.”

  Tad fidgeted. “Then why….” He didn’t quite know how to finish the question. Hell, he wasn’t exactly sure what he was trying to ask.

  Scott watched him for a minute, then smiled and crossed his arms, seeming to know where Tad was going. “I dunno,” he shrugged. “I mean, I love sex as much as the next guy.” He paused to make things clear. “Sex with guys… because I’m gay.”

  Tad gave no reaction—he’d figured as much over the span of the last hour.

  Scott continued. “But I don’t get out much ‘cause I work a lot of hours. And it’s not like I typically fuck my clients.” His eyes held Tad’s with an unidentifiable energy. “But with you…” He scratched his stubbly cheek and chuckled. “Let’s just say that the list of things I like about you is surprisingly pretty long. You’re different. In a good way.”


  Tad shoved his hands in his pockets. “Ah,” he nodded. “Gotcha.” His stomach flipped in circles and his cheeks grew hotter. Awkwardly, he shifted his weight. “But um… just so we’re clear… I’m not gay. I’m straight.”

  Scott’s dark brows rose ever so slightly. “Right,” he murmured. “Of course you are.”

  Tad scowled. Scott didn’t believe him Which, to be fair, was understandable. Tad had just been writhing atop his cock, shouting the guy’s name as he came. Tad’s face flushed hotter. It wasn’t like he could deny he’d enjoyed it. Good God, it’d been incredible. But what? Did Scott think a straight guy couldn’t enjoy sex with a man? Tad’s frown deepened. Could a straight guy enjoy sex with a man?

  Tad cursed and closed his eyes. “Look, tonight was just some crazy-nuts encounter and I haven’t had sex in a while and that fucking flogging got me horny and the things you were doing to me were just so…” He groaned and scrubbed his face. “I’m rambling.”

  Scott chuckled. “Yup. But listen, don’t sweat it. You don’t have to explain anything to me. You are what you are, and whatever that is, I’m cool with it.” He eyes flashed with mirth. “Besides, it’s not like I was asking you out on a date.”

  Tad barked out a laugh. “Right. Yeah. I know.”

  Scott cocked his head and studied him. “But that being said, you’re welcome to stop by anytime you want.” He gave a flirty smile. “Or call and I’ll pencil you in.”

  Tad forced a gracious smile. “Uh… I don’t know.”

  “For a work-out session,” Scott chuckled, clearly amused. “Maybe help me with a weight-training video. I wasn’t lying when I said I needed models.” His eyes roamed down Tad’s body. “And you do have the whole, perfect package.”

  Tad smirked, not missing the double meaning. “Uh huh.”

  A part of him wanted to just say no, turn down Scott’s invitations and not look back. But another part really wanted to accept. He liked Scott. His personality. His ambition. His magnetic presence. Tad cleared his throat and gave a nod. “Yeah, okay. Maybe we can work something out.”

  Scott’s killer smile was back in a flash. “Awesome.”

  He reached past Tad to open the door, inadvertently brushing his chest against Tad’s shoulder. So close, a whiff of his scent hit Tad’s nose. He still smelled like their sex. And it still smelled good. Just like it had before. Tad drew it in deep and walked out the door.

  Maybe he’d be back. Maybe he wouldn’t. Or who knew, maybe he’d wake up in the morning seeing this in a whole new light. With some sleep, things might very well make a lot more sense. Like the way he felt about what happened tonight… and the guy who led him through it.

  Only time would tell. And it wasn’t like he’d signed his name across some line.

  The trio of dickheads were nowhere in sight. Tad glanced at his watch. Four minutes past one. Son of a bitch, they hadn’t been lying about him being out in no time. He descended the concrete steps, then glanced back over his shoulder. Scott was watching him from the doorway, his expression guarded and undecipherable. Tad gave him a two-finger “later” and continued on his way. With each step he took, Scott’s party favor thumb drive nudged him in the groin.

  Tad chuckled and shook his head.

  How incredibly appropriate.

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