Mating Games

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Mating Games Page 22

by Nikki Jefford

  Gina held her breath, waiting for Emerson’s answer.

  Emerson shrugged. “I wish them both happy.”

  Hudson scoffed, which made Emerson smile.

  “I’m also looking forward to watching you and Chase serve me meals for a month.”

  Hudson scowled. “You placed a bet?”

  “No rules against it.” Emerson brushed half her hair over her shoulder in a stroking motion.

  “Yeah, well, the whole thing’s off anyway with David gone, so you can serve yourself your own meals while Jordan throws herself at that brainless ape. Congratulations,” Hudson threw in sarcastically before storming off.

  Emerson shook her head, looking after him. “What’s up his butt?”

  Gina sighed.

  “He just asked Jordan to be his mate, and she said no.”

  “Ah,” Emerson said knowingly. She prowled closer, staring into Gina’s eyes. “What a relief that will be for Taryn.”

  Gina held her ground, wary of the blonde sauntering toward her.

  “I doubt Hudson will confide in her.”

  “But surely, you will,” Emerson said.

  “She’s my best friend.”

  Emerson stopped and folded her arms over her chest, pursing her lips. “Is that all she is?”

  Gina stared at Emerson in disbelief. Anger reared up like a fiery beast inside her chest. “What do you care?” she snapped. “Do you know how many times I tried to check on you to make sure you were okay? The last time I saw you, you were wasting away, but the moment you recovered, you disappeared and blew me off. Then, you waltz back in when the mood suits you.”

  Emerson frowned, and it was that look of genuine bewilderment that emboldened Gina. She marched up to Emerson and stopped inches from her face. The blonde lowered her arms slowly and swallowed. Good. It was time the female took her seriously.

  “I honestly have no idea what you’re into, Emerson, but I’ve been chasing someone I can’t have for too many years and I don’t have any patience left for games.” Gina lifted her chin to punctuate her statement.

  Emerson stood, speechless, her eyes shining as a soft smile spread over her lips. It turned sultry, and she opened her mouth and started to speak. “You look so se—” She stopped abruptly and shook her head. The flirtatious look from a second before was replaced by a shy smile. Her cheeks dimpled, and lashes lowered. “What I mean to say is I don’t want to play games, either.”

  Butterflies took flight from Gina’s chest—a flurry and flutter that gave her heart wings.

  Before she could think of how to respond, Emerson’s lips parted as she leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met, electrifying Gina on impact. Their mouths moved over each other hungrily, noses touching as they turned their heads to get closer. Emerson wrapped her hands around Gina’s neck.

  Gina let her take charge, understanding this was more than a kiss. This was Emerson spreading her wings. Expressing her true feelings. Taking a chance.

  Emerson gathered Gina into her arms, never breaking contact with her lips. Gina’s nostrils flared, inhaling deep breaths of sweet femininity.

  Gina swirled her tongue around Emerson’s. When the blond shifter moaned softly, it sent her heart racing. She slipped a hand beneath her sundress. Emerson’s skin felt like the smoothest velvet, warm and silky to the touch. Gina brushed her fingers up Emerson’s leg, coming to a rest on her thigh.

  Her fingers trembled. She’d never touched a female between the legs. Years ago, she’d made out with Olivia in the woods during a full-moon celebration. Olivia had been a sloppy kisser, drunk on brew, but it had been exciting to kiss another female until Olivia panicked and rushed away. The shifter had ignored her and become a major flirt with the males ever since, while Gina had turned back to torturing herself over Taryn—until this moment, when the whole world was on fire and Emerson stood, bright and self-assured, stoking the flames.

  She took Gina’s hand and guided it to her sex, breaking off their kiss to whisper in her ear. “You don’t have to be timid with me.”

  Gina’s body tingled from head to toes. She sank a finger inside Emerson’s warm, wet heat. The blonde closed her eyes and gasped happily.

  Blood burned inside Gina’s veins. When she stroked Emerson, the blonde moaned as though nothing had ever given her more pleasure than Gina’s touch. In that moment, Gina felt like she could love this female for the rest of her life. She was so damn sexy and sensual—so utterly, shamelessly uninhibited. Gina wanted to lick the moans off her lips.

  She stroked harder and faster, adding a second finger. Emerson panted, moaning her pleasure the entire time until she cried out. When Gina pulled her fingers out, Emerson shot her a sly, sultry smile.

  “My turn.”

  The blonde dropped to her knees with the speed of a comet and was under Gina’s dress even faster. She didn’t tremble or hesitate. No, not Emerson. She had her tongue between Gina’s legs within seconds, her soft hands gripping Gina’s ass, holding her to her mouth.

  After Gina got over her surprise, waves of pleasure gathered force at her core, building momentum. The first surge to crash over her made her pitch forward. Emerson’s grip on her made her feel secure, while her probing tongue pledged to melt Gina into a puddle on the ground.

  When they were done, Gina’s eyelids felt heavy, and she wished she could spend the evening cuddling with Emerson. The blond shifter was smiling, looking extra pleased with herself.

  She threaded her fingers through Gina’s and gave her a gentle tug. “There’s still time for supper.”

  “Why were you avoiding me before?” Gina asked as they walked hand in hand through the forest. She felt like she’d finally gotten Emerson to be honest, and it still bothered her that she’d taken so long to seek her out.

  “Ugh,” Emerson said with a grimace. “I was afraid I’d grossed you out that horrible afternoon by the cabin. So humiliating.”

  Gina laughed. “Are you serious?” When Emerson didn’t respond, she squeezed her hand and studied her profile.

  Using her free hand, Emerson flipped long blond locks of hair over her shoulder.

  Gina laughed again. “Such vanity, and on my behalf.” She found it delightful. “Nothing could diminish your beauty.”

  Emerson huffed. “Not even barf all over my hair?”

  “Not even that.” Gina smiled.

  She expected Emerson to release her hand when they neared the glade, but if anything, her grip tightened. When the smoke from the bonfire became heavy inside her nostrils, Gina pulled her hand out of Emerson’s. The blond shifter snatched it back up. When Gina freed herself only to have her fingers captured again, Emerson laughed as though they were playing a game, but her next words said otherwise. “No more games, Gina. I want the whole hollow to know you’re mine.”

  Gina’s heart took off in a panic. She liked where this was headed and had enjoyed what they’d done together. She wanted to do it again without interference from the pack.

  “But what if they forbid us?” Gina asked.

  Emerson lifted her chin. “I’m on council. I won’t let that happen.”

  Tendrils of hope blossomed inside Gina’s belly then quickly withered away. “I’m sure your father will be thrilled,” Gina said bitterly. Everyone knew he wanted Emerson with Raider or, if not Raider, some other virile male to make beautiful blond babies with her. Gina couldn’t give her that.

  Confidence radiated from Emerson’s shining blue eyes and toothy smile. “If my father can have two females, he can’t object to me having one.” She leaned in closer, searching Gina’s eyes. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I’m not going to hide my love. That’s not me.”

  Gina rubbed her thumb against Emerson’s hand. “I know.”

  “Good. Now let me get you supper.”

  Gina felt as if she were floating on a cloud,
her legs no longer attached to earth, when she and Hudson left the glade and walked to their patrol area.

  “Hey, Hudson, give me a moment alone with Gina, will you?” Taryn called out behind them.

  Gina’s thoughts had been so preoccupied, she hadn’t noticed her friend trailing them.

  Hudson chewed on his lip a moment before replying, “Sure. I’ll double-check the perimeters before we turn in for the night.” He took off into the woods without another glance.

  Gina turned to face Taryn’s pouty lips. She’d glowered all through supper, shooting Emerson death glares as she ate stew beside Gina on their log. At the end of supper, the blond shifter had sent her off with a kiss on the lips and a promise to meet her at breakfast.

  “Until then, I’ll be dreaming about you,” Emerson had said with a wink that had sent heat pooling between Gina’s legs.

  It was impossible not to blush, remembering that flirty tongue on her earlier.

  Before Taryn could grumble, Hudson had come over to collect Gina for patrol, but they’d been followed.

  Gina used to think Taryn looked even more beautiful when she was put out, but now that she’d tasted something sweet, she felt no temptation for sour. Slender, dark eyebrows slanted above her high cheekbones. Taryn’s hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. The roots seemed to pull at the corners of her lips, yanking a scowl over them.

  “You do realize Emerson is using you to get back at me.” Taryn’s rough tone chafed like tree bark over Gina’s newly discovered happiness.

  She narrowed her eyes. “Em has no reason to get back at you.”

  “Em?” Taryn sneered. In that moment, she didn’t look the slightest bit attractive. Taryn put a hand on her hip. “She thinks I tried to drown her sister. Jordan already took Chase from me, and now Emerson’s trying to steal my best friend.”

  An icy chill slid down Gina’s back. Would Taryn target Emerson if she thought the shifter was getting in the way of their friendship? Was she capable of such a thing?

  Gina clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes. “The night of the claiming ceremony, I saw you go into the woods shortly after Jordan and Chase. You were gone a while.”

  Taryn huffed. “Are you seriously questioning me?”

  “Just tell me the truth. Did you push Jordan into the river?”

  Taryn flicked her ponytail and rolled her eyes. “Fine. I pushed her in, but that’s all. I didn’t plan to. She was standing on the edge of the bluff all drunk and stupid, and I couldn’t resist. The way she tells it, I tried to drown her. She’s trying to get me banished. Is that what you want?”

  “Of course not.” Gina shook her head.

  “Well, if you tell Emerson, that’s exactly what will happen. I’m putting my future in your hands. That’s how much I trust you. That’s how much your friendship means to me.”

  Gina chewed on her bottom lip. Knots formed in her stomach, and a crushing weight pressed over her chest. She didn’t want to keep secrets from Emerson, but Taryn was right. Emerson would run straight to her sister with the information and could very well motivate the council to consider banishment.

  Gina had been friends with Taryn for years. She couldn’t betray her like that. “I won’t say anything to anyone.”

  Taryn nodded. “You’re a great friend, Gina, which is exactly why I don’t want to see you get hurt. My brother’s great, too—when he’s not being stupid.” Taryn glanced into the woods where he’d disappeared and heaved a sigh. “Why couldn’t the two of you have ended up together?”

  “Because life doesn’t always work out the way we want.”

  Remembering Emerson’s bright smile and bold kisses made Gina smile to herself.

  Sometimes it worked out better.

  chapter eighteen

  Early the next morning, Jordan stood on wobbly legs, gripping the trunk of a tree as Raider slammed into her from behind with a deafening roar before coming inside of her for the zillionth time that night. If the moon was in full phase, she had no doubt Raider’s swimmers would have seized an egg and nailed it to her uterus—as persistent as a swarm of butterflies pollinating bee balm, cornflowers, lavender, and milkweed. Her thighs ached with rawness. Raider hadn’t let her sleep a wink—it was almost as if he was punishing her for not admitting how she felt. Fine by her. She enjoyed his punishments.

  He pulled out of her, causing her body to shudder in the wake of his withdrawal.

  “The gong’s going to ring soon,” he said, stepping away from her.

  How could he speak in a normal tone and take such steady steps toward his discarded clothing?

  Jordan fought to straighten her body, as though her spine had permanently realigned itself to accommodate Raider’s dick. Shouldn’t he be sluggish and depleted?

  Raider kept a brisk pace to the river and, for the first time in Jordan’s life, she struggled to keep up. Her legs still felt rubbery, her thighs sore, and her head hazy with sleep deprivation.

  The gong clanged through her body as they passed by the glade. She tried to keep pace with Raider, but he kept his distance from a few feet ahead.

  Turning to her with a feline smile, he said, “Finally wore you out.”

  She screwed up her face, too tired to talk. No kidding. She felt like she’d been fucked by every male shifter in Wolf Hollow—all in one night. Raider was a force of nature and the most virile shifter who had ever occupied the hollow. He’d pumped enough semen in her to repopulate the entire world, if such a thing were possible. He could probably do it all over again that night, and the next, and next.

  Jordan stumbled over a tree root and groaned. “Maybe tonight we should get some actual sleep.”

  Chuckling, Raider swung his arms as he walked. “Whatever you want, Jordan.”

  “Right now, I want food and a cold rinse, but in the opposite order.”

  Raider chuckled again.

  They stripped at the Sakhir River. As Jordan peeled down her jeans, Raider ran his eyes over her legs, focusing below her belly.

  “Sure you don’t want to—” A smile curved over his lips.

  Jordan groaned in answer right before she yanked her tank top over her head and flung it on the ground then hurried with renewed energy into the river. As the icy water licked over her skin, she hissed. Raider joined her. The waters were shallow by the lower bank, and they had to sit down to let it rush over their bodies up to their necks.

  Jordan’s teeth chattered. Raider sucked in a breath after he eased in. Stiff with cold, Jordan got up and waded back to shore. As her body regained feeling, wakefulness settled into her mind like morning porridge bubbling to life. She had emerged from the river and dressed ahead of Raider when Emerson’s voice sang out from the tree line.

  “Good morning, sister.” Emerson’s sunny smile stretched and lit up her eyes. She looked past Jordan at the male shifter emerging from the river. “And hello, Raider.”

  Jordan snarled and balled her fingers into fists, which only made Emerson grin wider.

  “What do you want?” Jordan demanded in a tone she usually reserved for her father.

  “We’ve been summoned to the den for breakfast. Palmer needs our help with Sydney. She’s been inconsolable ever since the search for David was called off. And Camilla’s having some kind of breakdown—or maybe that was Sydney, or both. Anyway, Palmer wants us there.”

  Jordan wasn’t fully listening to her sister, the same way Emerson wasn’t fully looking at her—not when she had her eyes all over Raider’s naked body, practically bathing him in her stare.

  “How about you keep your eyes on me,” Jordan snapped.

  With a lilting laugh, Emerson tossed her hair back. “You know my motto, sis. Until there’s a claim, looking’s fair game—not that you have anything to worry about.”

  Grabbing her sister’s arm, Jordan pulled her toward the woods.

  “I’ll find you as soon as I finish up with my family,” Jordan called over her shoulder to Raider.

  “See you back at the knoll,” he returned, getting dressed.

  Jordan didn’t breathe easily until there were enough trees blocking him from view. Only then did she release Emerson, who had the audacity to giggle. “You’ve got it bad, sis.”

  Now that they were on their way to the den and Jordan could relax, she rolled her eyes. “And you’ve got a staring problem. Might want to work on that, Em.”

  Emerson snorted. “Oh, please. I’m not ogling him as mate material. I’m looking at him as my future pack brother.”

  “I’m not ready for that kind of commitment.” Jordan sniffed and pushed back the damp ends of her hair.

  The smile faded from Emerson’s face right before she shook her head. “If you want to keep him, you’ll make yourself ready, and you’ll do it before the full moon. The way I see it, you’ve got one shot. If you don’t make a claim before the new pairings, you might as well kiss Raider goodbye. He’s not the type to chase after a female.”

  It was a good thing Jordan hadn’t eaten yet, because if she had, her breakfast would have turned to rot in her gut. Since it was empty, it filled with acid instead. “Then maybe he’s not right for me.” The words lashed through her with a bitter sting.

  Emerson’s eyes narrowed, all playfulness fleeing from her face and tone. “If you want someone chasing after you, then by all means continue leading Hudson along.”

  Jordan took a stumbling step forward, but there was nothing beneath her feet besides smooth forest trail. It was Emmy’s harsh words that had tripped her up. They prickled and throbbed all the worse coming from Jordan’s closest ally, the sister who was supposed to be on her side no matter what. She wasn’t supposed to make her feel like total dog shit.

  Jordan swallowed. “How did you know about Hudson?”


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