Adventures of a Middle School Zombie

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Adventures of a Middle School Zombie Page 18

by Scott Craven

  Brent Chapman and Piper Ramirez came huffing up behind him. The three of them always hung out together. Whether it was school, sports, video games, watching horror movies, hiking, paintballing, or, well, doing nothing, they were together. They had been friends for like, ever.

  “Hey. Do you see that glowy crystal thingy?” Gabriel asked, dazzled by the crystalline light show. He dropped his backpack. If I can just make it to the middle without falling in.

  Brent folded his husky arms across his chest. “What, that shiny thing? Dude, get back from there. You’ll freeze if you fall in.”

  Piper, normally the cautious one of the three best friends, didn’t say a word, and Gabriel took it as a sign. A dare, almost. He took another step toward the river. But then Piper found her voice.

  “Wait! I see something out there too, but you can’t go on the ice!” Gabe scrunched his shoulders up to his ears. “Why not?”

  “It’s called pneumonia, bro. As in sick. You getting sick. The water in February is not for swimming in, unless you’re one of the crazies who do the whole Polar Bear Plunge.” Brent narrowed his eyes across the river. “What is that thing, anyway?”

  Gabriel stared at the water, thinking. He knew how risky it was—he didn’t need his friends to tell him that. His own mom had disappeared up here. But he had to get it—that thing was just too sparkly to ignore. Gabriel looked back at his friends with a devilish grin, and then jumped onto a block of ice a couple of feet below. It tilted to one side, sliding him toward the water. He spread his legs wide, dispersing his weight evenly, and the ice leveled out.

  Gabriel glanced over his shoulder and arched a brow. “What is it?” he asked, repeating

  Piper’s question. “That’s what I’m gonna find out.”

  “Are you nuts, Gabe?” Piper’s honey-brown eyes were the size of saucers as she watched him. She looked both horrified and amazed. “Let’s just go back.” She jerked her thumb toward the wooded path leading home. “We’ve got a half hour hike back, still.”

  Gabriel steadied himself and eyed the next ice chunk floating ahead. Maybe Piper’s right. Maybe I am nuts. He fisted his hands wondering if he should turn around and go back. But just then, the sun glistened against the object, making its colors glow even brighter.

  “I have to get that crystal. Shh, you’ll jinx me.” He jumped, landing near the edge of the ice, and cautiously slid to the middle. The slab flopped back and forth under his feet, threatening to capsize him. Whoa. That was close. His mind raced with scary thoughts about falling in. He tightened his leg muscles and gritted his teeth. You can do it.

  Gabriel focused on the glowing object just a few feet away. It seemed to await rescue, steam dispersing like smoke signals. His pulse raced as he thought about his choices. Maybe he should just go back. What if he didn’t jump far enough? Or what if the ice flipped him off right into the icy water? He gulped back the huge lump in his throat. He was too close to give up now.

  He fisted his hands, took a deep breath, and jumped. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The cool air pushed his hair back from his face, and his eyes lingered on the twirling colors sparkling from the crystal. He couldn’t stop staring at the bright colors. Concentrate! He

  darted his eyes back to the slab of ice that rushed up to him.

  But it was too late.

  His body slammed into the river with a horrible slap. His jaw hit the edge of the ice, slicing open his chin. He barely managed to yelp before he splashed under the frigid river. Bitter water enveloped him like a blanket of bee stings. His blood trailed downstream in a red ribbon of color.

  Fighting through the pulsating pain, he swam toward the glimmer ahead, which lit up the murky water like a beacon. The ice holding the crystal had melted, allowing it to break free. As the small, glowing object sank toward him, Gabriel held out his trembling hand, watching as it descended into his palm. Heat from the crystal trickled through his fingers all the way down to his glowing palm. He stashed the shimmering rock into his pocket as the last dregs of air left his lungs.

  He pushed for the surface, only to find that ice had collected above him, creating a barrier. He pressed the ice above him, but it wouldn’t budge. He twisted his head side to side, searching for another escape, but didn’t find one. He didn’t know how to get out. Concentrate, Gabe. Think. Move.

  Gabriel forced his gaze back to the prison of ice over his head. His heart leapt, ramming against his ribs. His lungs threatened to burst even as he denied the possibility of what he was seeing.

  His mother’s face floated above him. Long, brown hair cascaded around her face, and her

  gentle, green eyes turned up at the edges in a smile. Had Mom drowned down here, too?

  A shadow fell over her face, then strong arms wrapped around him, pulling him up. When he broke the surface of the water, he sucked in a mouthful of air like a hungry animal.

  Firm hands gripped him, tugging him to shore. Soon Gabriel lay stretched out on the snowy ground. He coughed and spluttered, then blinked up at Brent who stood over him dripping wet.

  “What were you thinking, bro?” Brent asked with a shiver. “You could’ve drowned!” Piper stomped the ground. “You got a death wish, Gabe?” She fisted her hands on her

  hips, even as relief colored her face.

  Gabriel sat up, then scrambled to the water’s edge and gaped out over the river. “My mom was there.” He cast desperate eyes on Brent and Piper. “Didn’t you see her?”

  Brent looked at Piper, his eyebrows raised. “He must have been under too long. Maybe he lost oxygen to the brain or something.”

  Piper sighed and trudged up beside Gabriel. “No, Gabe, she wasn’t. It’s just us. Your mom’s . . . gone.” She took off her coat and wrapped it around Gabriel’s shoulders.

  Gabriel sighed and plunked down on his butt. “I know, I know. It’s just . . . never mind.” Piper pulled a few tissues from her pocket and handed them to Gabriel. “Your chin.” Gabriel pushed his wet, brown hair away from his face. “Thanks.” He grimaced as he blotted the blood. Remembering why he got the stupid injury in the first place, he reached into his pocket, and pulled the object out. Just like before, it warmed his hand. “I got it,” he whispered in awe.

  Brent dropped to his knees in front of Gabriel. “Wow, that’s awesome. Wait. What is it?” Piper leaned in closer to inspect it. “Is it a crystal? It’s triangular. I’ve never seen a

  crystal like that before.”

  Gabriel held it up, his eyes widening. Beams of red, green, and blue shot through the air.

  “Looks like a crystal, right? It’s epic!” He held the crystal to his cheek and warm beams of light shot over the smile stretching across his cheeks. It tickled, and a slight hum resonated against him.

  I got it!

  --- END OF SAMPLE ---




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