Red Alert- Missles Inbound

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Red Alert- Missles Inbound Page 7

by Cliff Deane

  “I do have one huge concern that Iran may assassinate Wright and leave evidence of a Mossad Hit. The result is the same and is a powder-keg. Where ever Wright goes he must be tailed by unobtrusive security. If he is, in fact, assassinated, a Clean-up Team must be close by to remove any evidence left behind and replace it with evidence of an Iranian Hit.”

  “So,” said the President, “we must protect Wright and lose control of the government or stand back and just wait for him to be assassinated, with the blame falling on Israel. Will someone please offer another solution, because what we have on the table is totally unsatisfactory.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” said Homeland Security, “Madame President, I am most reticent to suggest this, but we must consider assassinating him ourselves and blaming the Iranians. No matter how you slice it, we are coming close to war for the first time in fifty years. Still, we must consider this option.”

  Every member of this committee felt immense relief because they were thinking the exact same thing. President Greene looked individually at each person at the table before saying, “Yes, reticent or not, this option must be considered.”

  The COS said, “Perhaps, Madame President, there is another way. I believe we should consider delaying the Mid-Term Elections until after Holly Thorne passes. In this scenario, if Holly fails to create a pandemic, then elections happen immediately upon her passing. If she does infect the world, then I don’t see how any of this even matters. Our main objective here is to avoid a war which, I believe, would lead to a scorched and uninhabitable world.”

  “Harry, the fallout will be welcomed by the Legislature incumbents and hated by Wright and his followers. I like your idea, good thinking. Gentlemen, this is the path we take. I will announce the delayed elections two days before. Let’s get the talking heads and the incumbents announcing their idea of delaying elections until after the comet’s passing.”

  17 September 2116, AD 1200 hours

  On Station

  50,000 miles Portside of Holly Thorne

  “Sir,” said JJ, “I have an important connection from Vice Admiral Perry.”

  “Thank you, JJ. Yes, sir, go ahead.”

  “Admiral,” said Perry in a formal tone, “things have taken several dangerous turns here. I’m sending downloads to your AI to give you a heads up. Check them out immediately. Look them over. Every option discussed is dicey at best. Anyway, let’s chat again at 1800: Perry, out.”

  20 September 2116, AD 1000 hours

  FOX News

  New York Bureau

  At the FOX News Network 10:00 a.m. news hour the Anchor Desk began with a report that a bi-partisan move from both sides of the Congressional Isle was floating the idea of postponing the Mid-Term Elections until ten days after the Holly Thorne Comet has safely passed the Earth.

  “This bi-partisan effort they say, will allay the concerns of the voters and allow things to calm down as the comet’s approach is adding far too much, “what if” confusion into the election process.”

  “By delaying the election, the American voters will have sufficient time to assess the best path for the United States without the deafening roar caused by the passage of Holly Thorne,” said Herman Marshall, Democratic Congressman from New York.”

  The News Anchor continued saying that this move might create much more confusion and concern, in that the United States has never before taken such a step to delay the vote.

  He added that the Reverend Wright, aka, Jesus Christ, has promised a legal challenge to prevent such a move. He also shared his concerns that riots would likely erupt across the country, leading to massive damage to the inner-cities and major loss of life.

  The News Anchor said, “I would think it would be much simpler for the Reverend, in his role of Jesus Christ, Superstar, to simply utilize his powers as God to create a miracle for all to witness that would be sufficient to solve this disaster. Instead, it appears that he has just added fuel to an already raging fire.”

  Coinciding with the FOX News Report, CNN’s headline for the same time slot led with the banner, the Conservative Constitutionalist Party, the CCP, intends to end the electoral process in America.

  The Anchor stated, “This move, is undoubtedly designed to seize the nation in the vice of a Dictatorial Government controlled by a Military Junta. Such action from the CCP will most certainly cause this nation to dissolve into Anarchy and Civil War.

  “With this latest attempted power-grab, it becomes apparent that the CCP President, Eileen Greene does not have the necessary skillset to save our Republic. May God have mercy on us all.”

  Within an hour of the CNN post, the streets came alive with protest, riots, and looting. Fires were set, overwhelming the Fire Departments. What many thought would ignite a Civil War in America quickly deteriorated into another episode of the destruction of the inner-cities through burning and looting.

  The President called in the National Guard to bolster the Police. In Chicago, this move only resulted in inciting the rioters to greater acts of violence when gunfire erupted from windows above the streets. Seven Police Officers and four Guardsman were killed in the first volley. The National Guard returned fire causing the protestors to begin stampeding through the streets. Throughout the night, sporadic vehicles were set ablaze as snipers began the hit and run game which turned the streets of several major cities into war zones.

  21 September 2116, AD 1200 hours

  Oval Office, White House

  Washington, DC

  The Comet Committee, along with the Joint Chiefs of the Military met in the President’s Conference Room. President Eileen N. Greene looked sad and worn as she gaveled the conference into session.

  “Gentlemen, our plan to ease past the emotion of Holly Thorne’s passing seems to have backfired. Perhaps that CNN moron was right in that, I may not have the necessary skillset to right this ship, but the people in this room do. So, what do we do?”

  The COS said, “It seems, to me, that Wright was one step ahead of us on this one. Apparently, his followers were patiently waiting for us to make just this exact move.”

  The Chairman of the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff asked to speak, “Madame President, unless we take immediate action this rebellion will soon gain a momentum that could, in fact, cause the collapse of the United States. It is the considered opinion of the Joint Chiefs that you immediately order the military into the streets to quell this uprising. Lives will be lost, but the Republic will be saved.”

  Homeland Security said, “Madame President, if we utilize our military to regain control, we will have certainly left the Constitution in tatters. While the premise of this move is to preserve the Union, we will have also set a precedent for some future President to do exactly what CNN has just accused us of doing.

  21 September 2116, AD 10:00 a.m.

  Entrance to The Church of The Light

  Philadelphia, PA

  Reverend Wright announced that at 10:00 a.m., he would stop the uprisings that had been raging since the CNN report of Civil War in America. The Media frenzy to record this miracle promised by Wright managed to be online and ready for him to provide evidence of his god-like power.

  At precisely 10:00 a.m., the Reverend exited the Church building and stood before the throngs of people and Media Crews. Across America, the riots abruptly stopped as those protesting looked to their cell phones to hear what their Jesus was about to say.

  Wright stood quietly until the crowds were silent and attentive before saying, “People of Earth, watch and believe.” He then raised both arms toward the heavens. After two seconds, he lowered his hands, turned and calmly walked back into the Chapel.

  The Media was stunned and felt short-changed. What had happened, nothing. Yet, within seconds, reports began to come in stating that the riots within the largest cities in America had ceased, and the protestors had simply stopped and walked back to their homes.

  Inside the Sanctuary, again alone with his inner-circle, Wright and company laughed he
artily. “Well,” said Wright, “the Block Captains have done very well in keeping our supporters in line. When I raised my arms in supplication, I actually felt like I was Jesus. Who knows? Maybe I am. Maurice, make sure the organizers receive a ‘well done’ from me.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” laughed Maurice, “will do, for thine is the power.”

  Tens of millions of Americans were taken in by the machinations of Wright and now believed that he was, in fact, the embodiment of Christ. Good planning, a compliant Media, and magnificent choreography had elevated Wright to Jesus Christ.

  21 September 2116, AD 1015 hours

  President’s Conference Room

  Washington, DC

  “All right,” said President Greene, “how did he pull off his miracle?”

  The COS said, “Good planning, a compliant Media, and simple theatrics. All happening at this critical time in our world’s history. Madame President, Wright has proven to be an excellent planner and showman.

  “I do not believe that we can now stop him from pulling off this charade to take control of our Republic. We can no longer delay the elections unless we really do want bloodshed across the US. So, unless we can find a way to get Wright to back off, his candidates will likely be swept into office.

  “Ma’am, I recommend that you invite the new Jesus to the White House. In private we can make him realize that he’s full of shit. We put it to him, plain and simple, work with us to maintain the nation, or never be heard from again. If he balks and actually claims to be Jesus, then put a pitcher of water on the desk and demand he turns it into wine.

  “Then, I believe it to be best if you hold a televised chat with the nation, reassuring the citizenry that elections will take place on time. Let the people know that the idea of delaying the vote was just that, an idea expressed by several members of Congress.

  “You must also ask for calm and suggest that Americans are not fooled by parlor tricks.” Discussion around the table was passionate but eventually came to accept the perspective of the COS.

  Following his meeting with the President, Wright agreed to play ball. His popularity continued to rise among his followers to the godlike stature he so fervently sought. The President held a fireside chat with America centered on Reverend Wright’s visit to the White House. This helped to calm the nation and lower tensions.


  22 September 2116, AD 1000 hours

  Oval Office, White House

  Washington, DC

  Late September in Washington seemed to herald the approach of Fall and the changing colors of the trees. The daytime temperatures were still quite warm but dropped a bit more each night.

  The Chief of Staff, retired Lieutenant General Harry Wolfe and the NASA Chief, Gordon Winters arrived for the scheduled briefing of the President on the progress of Holly Thorne.

  President Greene asked Tess to show the two men in. Tess also provided a carafe of fresh coffee. Once the two briefers were seated, the President said, “All right, Harry, cough it up. Is the plan working?”

  Harry deferred to NASA who smiled broadly and said, “Madame President, we have just been informed by Admiral Perry that on 18 September, following two weeks of being nudged by Admiral King’s mining vessels, the comet had moved five percent of mission goals.”

  Eileen looked at both men and asked, “Okay, five percent; is that good?” Please continue, Gordon.”

  “Oh, yes ma’am, five percent is the exact number we were hoping for. Barring any missteps, Holly Thorne will be moved to mission goals at the end of the ten-month operation.”

  “Missteps, what kind of missteps? Maintenance should not be problematic. They have spares, don’t they?”

  “Madame President,” interrupted the COS, “that far out in space, anything could happen. We just don’t even know all the possibilities for missteps that might be out there to derail this operation. Personally, my biggest fear is the SRI-F’s potential for interference.”

  “Yes, I see,” said Eileen Greene, “you are, of course, right to add a disclaimer to the briefing, especially where the SRI-F is concerned. I can’t say I’m overconfident that the SRI-F will refrain from using Holly as target practice. Oh, they promised not to interfere as long as the operation is progressing according to plan, but trust them? Not bloody likely.”

  24 September 2116, AD

  JFK International Airport

  New York, NY

  Salmon Dudayev, a Caucasian, from Chechnya arrived at JFK International Airport on a Lufthansa flight originating in Frankfurt, Germany. He was traveling under the name of Simon Drucker. His passport stated that he was a German national, born in Dusseldorf, Germany on January 5, 2096.

  There actually was a Simon Drucker who looked much like Dudayev. His body had been fed into a wood chipper and fed to monkeys.

  Salmon Dudayev looked positively European, complete with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes. His passport stated he was Jewish, he was, in fact, a devout Muslim, and he intended to become a martyr for Allah. There was nothing in Simon Drucker’s past to raise any concern. He had been a young, up and coming Pharmaceutical Representative for Bayer Gmbh.

  He passed through customs without a hitch and after renting a Cadillac from Hertz made his way to Philadelphia. Upon his arrival at the Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing. Dudayev’s bags were unloaded by a Bellman who patiently waited until Dudayev/Drucker had turned his car over to the Parking Valet Service Worker.

  The Bellman then led the way to the Guest Check-in Counter. His reservation requirements were for a quiet room overlooking the river yet far away from the elevators and vending machines.

  The following morning, Simon Drucker took a private, limo driven tour of the city, which now included The Church of the Light, headquarters of the returned Christ.

  Drucker took copious photos and videos of each stop, though his only true interest was in The Church of the Light.

  At 2:00 p.m. Simon Drucker arrived at the Deutsche Bank at 1735 Market Street where a safe deposit box had been opened for him by another Rep of Bayer Gmbh.

  Once Simon was in a private cubicle, he opened the large box and found a lightweight vest with four straps of Semtex plastic explosives, and one dead-man’s switch with the proper connections. Additionally, the box held $10,000, one Beretta Model 71 LRS, chambered in .22 LR with three magazines loaded with hollow points, one Sig Sauer 228, chambered in 9 mm, three magazines loaded with hollow point ammunition. These weapons were over one hundred and fifty years old, which made for easy identification.

  The Beretta Model 71 was the favorite handgun of the Israeli Mossad. It would be left at the scene of Wright’s murder.

  The plan, simple, yet bold, was to be near the front pews. During a prayer, Drucker would quickly rise and fire his Sig 9 mm into the body and head of Wright. He would then turn the weapon upon himself and fire a 9 mm round into his mouth. The shock of the shot would cause the assassin to release the dead man’s switch causing a loud and devastating explosion. The shot to the face would destroy the ability to properly identify the body as anyone other than Simon Drucker, even if any identification was possible.

  The attack was planned for Sunday’s 08:00 a.m. Service on September 27th.

  27 September 2116, AD 0600 hours

  The Church of the Light

  Philadelphia, PA

  Anticipating a long line, Drucker arrived at the Church at 6:00 a.m. He was stunned to see thousands already in line for the 8:00 Service. Drucker quickly realized he needed a new plan. Seeing this throng of worshipers, he realized that it was highly unlikely that he would even be able to get into the 10:00 Service. He, therefore, decided to find another way to get access to Wright.

  Drucker returned to his hotel room and began looking for apartment rentals fronting The Church of the light. He was somewhat surprised to find that there were several units available for a one-year lease.

  He called the Apartment Finder Office and spoke with a Realtor. She informed him
that all the commotion, noise, and night lights had sent many residents to more quiet apartments away from the hoopla.

  Following the signing of the lease and taking possession of the unit, Drucker placed a personal ad in the local Internet Gay Connections Guide for Philadelphia. The ad read:

  SWGM seeks SBGM as partner for a new experience with holo-graphic audience. Respond via Box 4269, this publication. I’m excited to meet you, you rascal.

  This posting was his way to contact his handler for support, and information explaining why the original mission would be scrapped.

  SWGM was normally meant to be Single White Gay Man, Drucker, and SBGM coded as Single Black Gay Man, Wright. The reference to a holographic audience meant he needed a holographic projector. Excited to meet you meant, no contact, use the Deutsche Bank Deposit Box, and you rascal meant that he was unable to carry out the attack as planned.

  There were several responses to his original ad, but only one caught his eye, the ad read, “Hi Slim, word is you need a long dong, I’ll meet you at the ICandy Bar at 254 S. 12th Street. Just let me know what time and how to recognize you.”

  The code name for Drucker was Slim. The coded message told him that his new toys would be in the Bank Box. The number 25, as in the Street number was only part of the date. To properly read the day of delivery Drucker’s handler had to add the numbers 1+2, from 12th Street, to the 25, meaning that the projector would be available on the 28th. The term long dong meant that he would also find a collapsible 7 mm sniper rifle in the box.

  On the afternoon of the 28th Drucker retrieved his tools from the Bank Box. He placed the items in his sedan and drove to an abandoned quarry in Delaware to zero in his new toy. His rifle, unlike his sidearms, was not an antique, but rather a state of the art, bolt action, massively powered air-shot, made in Israel.


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