Red Alert- Missles Inbound

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Red Alert- Missles Inbound Page 11

by Cliff Deane

  As the Captain took her chair, she said, “Status, Number One.”

  “Yes, Captain, we have been watching the approach vector of the SRI-F ships, and it appears that the starboard-most vessel is straying inside of fifteen-thousand miles of Holly Thorne.”

  “Computer, contact the Admiral and ask him to join me on the Bridge.”

  “Aye, Captain,” replied the on-watch Communications Officer.

  “Admiral on Deck,” said the Marine Guard.

  “As you were,” said Admiral Sky King. Turning to Captain Flynn, who vacated her Chair for the Admiral’s use. “Keep your chair, Jess, it’s for the Ship’s Captain. What’s up?”

  “Thank you, Admiral, but I would be much more comfortable if you took the Command Chair.”

  “All right, thank you.”

  “Admiral, our Radar Watch Officer reports that one of the SRI-F ships is coming far too close to the Comet. If she pops off one of her shotgun blasts, the Changsha will have no chance to avoid being struck. Sir, I recommend you contact Admiral Petrov and make him aware of the danger to the Changsha.”

  “Good idea, patch me through.”

  “Communications, contact Admiral Petrov.”

  Seconds later, the Bridge two-hundred-inch Video Communication screen lit up with the face of Admiral Petrov.

  “Ah, the famous Admiral Sky King. It is a pleasure to meet you. How may the SRI-F be of assistance to the USUG-Confederation on this fine day?”

  “Greetings, Admiral Petrov, it is also a pleasure to meet with you. However, it is the USUG-C who wishes to assist you. Our scans indicate that by remaining on its present course, the Changsha will pass well inside the danger zone of Holly Thorne. She has a wobbly rotation and often shoots off dangerous debris for any ship inside of seventy thousand miles.”

  Sounding somewhat irritated, Admiral Petrov said, “Our computers tell us that we are well outside of the danger zone, but we thank you for your concern. I am, however, confident that all will be well. Could it be that you have fear of this Holly Thorne?” As Petrov continued speaking, his Russian accent became ever more pronounced.

  “Tell me, Admiral King, is something that you wish to hide, or keep us from discovering?” chided Petrov.

  “All right, sir, I hope all goes well. Please feel free to investigate this monstrous comet. But, remember, you were warned. King: Out. Communications, cut the connection with the SRI-F.” The screen switched to the forward visual mode.

  15 October 2116, 1400 hours

  Bridge SDF Cruiser Leyte Gulf

  70,000 miles Portside of Holly Thorne

  5.89 Astronomic Units/548 Million Miles from Earth

  Both Captain Flynn’s and Admiral King’s AI were alerted by the ship’s computer that they were, again, needed on the Bridge. Once they arrived, the XO reported that a rift had begun to appear on the comet.

  “Sir,” said the XO to the Captain, “that rift is going to break up. If it explodes at the wrong time, Holly Thorne will throw a crapload of debris in the direction of the Changsha.”

  Alan turned to the Admiral and asked, “Sir, should we notify Petrov of the danger?”

  “Oh, hell no, is my first thought, but yeah, we had better. Get a link to Petrov.”

  Petrov looked a bit irritated to be interrupted. “Yes, Admiral King, what monster is under the bed that you now wish to frighten us with?”

  “Petrov, the comet is about to calve. When she does, she will throw a shit sandwich straight at the Changsha. King: Out.”

  The connection was cut. King turned to Captain Flynn and said, “Well, he’s been warned. Let’s hope his decisions are more appropriate than his attitude; arrogant bastard.”

  An hour later the rift broke off into thousands of large pieces, sending most of them in the direction of the SRI-F Fleet. The three ships attempted emergency maneuvers to escape the onslaught. Admiral Petrov’s Potemkin and the Kunming were far enough out to allow them to get safely away. The Changsha, however, had no chance to escape. She was hit multiple times by large chunks of rocks which bored through the Changsha’s hull like crap through a goose. Within seconds she was a floating mausoleum, completely devoid of life.

  Once Petrov and the Kunming were safely away from the danger, he contacted Admiral King in a rage. He accused the SDF of intentionally calving the comet and causing the destruction of the Changsha. He made the pronouncement that this action by the SDF was tantamount to an act of war and would be reported to the SRI-F as such. Petrov then cut the connection.

  Admiral King turned to Captain Flynn and said, “Well, that didn’t go well, now did it? I suspicion is that he won’t be joining us for dinner after all. I’ll be in my Ready Room preparing a report on the incident. I strongly suggest that you and the XO file your own reports, accompanied by statements by the Bridge Personnel.”

  Captain Flynn said, “Yes, sir, of course. We’ll get right on it.”

  Back in his Ready Room King told JJ to contact Admiral Perry for an emergency meeting. He then turned to the computer and said, “Computer, send a sub-space recording from your databanks to Vice Admiral Perry informing him of the incident. Also, send a copy to the SDF Commander at Red Sands.”

  Yes, Admiral, chimed the computer. The report is on the way. It will take approximately thirty-four point five minutes to reach Earth.

  “JJ, this is a pickle, a real pickle. Contact Captain Flynn and direct her to signal the fleet to go to Code Yellow Alert status and be prepared to maintain it for the long term.”

  Yes, Admiral, done. Sir, have you given any more thought to our little situation?

  “Of course, I have. Haven’t you been monitoring my thoughts on that issue?”

  Admiral, you know the only time I am aware of your thoughts are when you direct them to me. I have no other access to any of your thoughts or communications.

  Sky wondered if JJ was telling the truth. The AI programming made lying impossible, but that was before JJ became sentient. Did that programming still hold true?


  20 October 2116

  US President’s Conference Room

  Washington, DC

  President Greene entered the Conference Room, and after everyone was standing, she told them to take their seats. The COS smiled inwardly as he was pleased that Eileen had taken his advice on protocol.

  The President had been briefed earlier by Vice Admiral Perry of the incident regarding the SRI-F vessel, the Changsha. To this point, there had been no contact from the SRI-F Chairman. She found this more troubling than a loud threat-filled rant.

  The President gaveled the briefing into session and said, “Gentlemen, the SRI-F Fleet has arrived on station with Holly Thorne. I’m sure you have all heard some variant of the Changsha incident. Now, you will hear the truth, as recorded by the players involved and the computer records which were downloaded immediately following the destruction of the Changsha and the threats from Admiral Petrov.”

  The individual reports were read, followed by both audio and video provided by the Leyte Gulf computer. Following these reports, Greene said, “Admiral, let’s begin with you.”

  “Yes, Madame President, thank you. Gentlemen, as you just saw and heard the reports of the Changsha Incident, the Russian Admiral Petrov was warned to stay at least seventy-thousand miles from Holly Thorne. We now must decide on our next move. “

  Admiral King was also tied to the meeting without the knowledge of the participants via JJ.

  “Madame President, we must increase our military alert status, but it must be in very small increments. We must not frighten the button pushers in Beijing. Ma’am, I recommend we maintain our current normal level of Def-Con 2. As we currently have the only Space Force in Earth Orbit, all three ships, we do hold some sway with the SRI-F. These three ships have been placed in geo-sync orbits above the capitals of the SRI-F.

  “The SRI-F has only one military counter-measure to use against our SDF, that being Ground-to-Space Missiles. We feel rema
ining directly above the capitals will help to keep things under control. No matter how mad they get, if they can’t do anything about it, we can, hopefully, avoid a shooting war.”

  20 October 2116

  SRI-F Chairman’s Conference Room

  Moscow, Russia

  “Gentlemen, we have a conundrum before us. Having reviewed the reports and computer data supplied by the USUG-C, it seems apparent, to me, that the fault for the loss of one of the Capital Ships of the SRI-F lies not with the USUG-C, but with Admiral Petrov.”

  “I agree,” said the Chinese Representative. “I insist that it be recalled, and noted, that both China and India objected strenuously to sending that fool, Petrov. Now, look where we stand.”

  “Yes,” added the Indian Representative, “but, at this point, I believe we are incapable of taking any action against the USUG-C. Even when our additional four vessels arrive on station with Petrov, we will still find ourselves at a military disadvantage. Personally, I am unsure whether Petrov can successfully execute Operation Case Blue.”

  Admiral of the Fleet, Akash Paliath Achan pointed out that this complaining did no good. Immediate action must be taken to replace Admiral Petrov, even though he was five-hundred and fifty-million miles out in space. Mr. Chairman, who is the Senior Captain of the combined six-vessel fleet?”

  “All right,” said a highly agitated Admiral First Class Liu Bang, “I’m sure we all agree that Petrov must go, now, what do we do about the loss of the CSN Changsha?”

  “Admiral,” said Chairman Alexi Belinsky, “I would suggest that you kick the construction of a replacement into high gear. Payment will come from the three, member nations, which, of course, means a temporary increase in taxes of our affiliated republics. Are we agreed?”

  All were in favor of this course of action, but only after the Chairman agreed to replace Petrov as soon as the four trailing Cruisers of the SRI-F joined the fleet already on station.

  21 October 2116

  SRI-F Chairman’s Conference Room

  Moscow, Russia

  “Gentlemen,” announced Chairman Belinsky, “the senior Captain of the combined fleet is Captain Nicolay Volodin of the RSN. He has been notified of his pending promotion to Admiral following the arrest and disposition of Petrov’s body.”

  The selection of, yet another Russian to replace Petrov did not sit well with the SRI-F allies, but Belinsky was correct in that Volodin was the senior Captain.

  22 October 2116

  RSN Soyuz

  On station, Holly Thorne

  The arrest and execution of Petrov occurred at 1100 hours on 21 October 2116, as Admiral Petrov exited his Shuttle Craft and boarded the RSN Soyuz. The four vessels of the trailing SRI-F Fleet arrived on the morning of 20 October 2116.

  The operation to replace Petrov kicked off when the Admiral arrived at Captain Volodin’s Cruiser, the Soyuz. RSN Marines (Special Unit) met the Admiral with weapons drawn. They escorted Petrov to the nearest airlock and sent him to his reward for the loss of the Changsha. The time from arrival to spacing was four minutes and ten seconds.

  Volodin then made a fleetwide announcement that the Admiral had suffered a massive stroke and collapsed in Captain Volodin’s Ready Room. His lifeless body was committed to space just as Earthbound sailor’s bodies were committed to the depths of the sea. The new Fleet Commander’s first official order was for the SRI-F vessels to move to seventy-thousand miles from Holly Thorne.

  Admiral Petrov’s Aide de Camp was given other duties which were more in line with his training, along with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. The remainder of Petrov’s immediate Staff followed Petrov into the last frontier. The new Admiral had considered sending Petrov’s Aide into the great beyond but, in the end, he relented. This single action gave the Admiral a new and ultra-loyal officer. Volodin’s XO was promoted to Captain, as were others down the line to fill the void.

  Volodin then made a show of reporting the sudden death of Admiral Petrov to the Russian government. Seventy minutes later Captain Volodin received orders promoting him to Admiral. The Admiral’s flag was moved to the RSN Soyuz. The replacement of Petrov became a simple fait accompli.

  The new Admiral began searching the records of female officers in the grade of Lieutenant. One applicant would be selected to serve as Volodin’s Aide de Camp in this capacity.

  23 October 2116

  USSDF Leyte Gulf

  On station, Holly Thorne

  Admiral King and Captain Flynn to the Bridge. The two officers arrived almost simultaneously.

  “Admiral on deck!” shouted the Marine Guard.

  Captain Flynn said, “Status?”

  “Captain, we have been asked to call the two of you to the Bridge by an Admiral Volodin of the Russian Space Navy. I have ordered a check of all known RSN Admirals and can find no reference to one named Volodin. There is, however, a Captain Volodin commanding the RSN Cruiser Soyuz. Do you wish to be patched into the Soyuz?”

  Turning to Admiral King, Captain Flynn said, “Admiral, I think you should take this call.”

  “Yes, Captain, I agree. XO patch me through to Volodin.”

  “Aye, Admiral. Communications, connect the Admiral.”

  Volodin appeared on the Bridge communications screen wearing the insignia of an Admiral in the RSN.

  “Good day, Admiral King,” said a polite and pleasant sounding Volodin. “My name is Admiral Nicolay Volodin. I have placed this courtesy call to inform you that Admiral Petrov suffered a massive stroke and has died. His body has been committed to the depths of space. I, as the senior Captain in the fleet, have been promoted and ordered to replace the departed Admiral Petrov.”

  Admiral King said, “Though I am saddened to hear of Admiral Petrov’s demise, I congratulate you on your promotion to flag rank.”

  Volodin beamed and said, “Thank you, Admiral. I will be hosting a small promotion party this evening, consisting of the Captains and their XOs of this SRI-F Fleet. It is my wish that you and your Captain Flynn, along with the other Captains and XOs of your fleet join us. May I assume that you will be able to attend?”

  King’s mind jumped into hyperdrive before he responded with, “Admiral Volodin, Captain Flynn and I would be honored to accept your kind offer. Our other Captains and their XOs are, unfortunately, engaged in duties concerning our mission to move the Holly Thorne Comet. What time would you like for us to arrive?”

  Volodin’s eyes, for just an instant, betrayed his disappointment that all of the Senior Officers of the USUG-C Fleet would not attend.

  “Pity,” Volodin said, “I am, however, thrilled that you and your Captain Flynn will do us the honor of attending. Please plan to arrive at 1830 hours. The uniform is Mess White.”

  “Admiral Volodin,” said King, “Captain Flynn and I are both honored and humbled by your invitation and will arrive aboard the Soyuz at 1830 hours.”

  “Wonderful, I look forward to becoming friends this evening. Goodbye for now.” Volodin ended the transmission.

  “Captain Flynn, may we use your Ready Room for a discussion of these events?”

  “Of course, Admiral. XO, you have the Bridge.”

  “Aye, Captain, I have the Bridge.”

  23 October 2116

  SRI-F Chairman’s Conference Room

  Moscow, Russia

  Chairman Alexi Belinsky sent an encrypted email to the members of the Politburo, the Russian High Command, and his cohorts in the SRI-F Holly Thorne Mission.

  From: Nicolay Belinsky, Chairman, SRI-Federation

  23 October 2116


  It is with a feeling of deep sadness and personal loss that I must report that the great Admiral Ivan Ivanovich Petrov has died from a massive stroke. The medical staff aboard RSN Soyuz was unable to save the Admiral as his heart went into irreparable failure. The incident occurred as he was discussing the tactical situation in Captain Volodin’s Ready Room.

  Admiral Petrov has been nominated to receive the
“Hero of the Federation” medal. His passing has left a deep rift in our hearts which can never be fully filled.

  Following a funeral with full Military Honors, his body was, as per the custom of the Naval Service, committed to the depths of space. He has been replaced by Admiral Nikolay Volodin, former Captain of RSN Soyuz.

  I am confident that Admiral Volodin will perform his duties in an exceptional manner.

  Alexi Belinsky


  Sino-Russian-Indian Federation

  23 October 2116

  Captain’s Ready Room

  USSDF Leyte Gulf

  50,000 miles Portside of Holly Thorne

  As Admiral King and Captain Flynn sat at the small table, a Yeoman brought a carafe of coffee and several small sandwiches.

  “Thank you, Yeoman, that will be all for now,” said the Captain.

  “Aye, Captain,” replied the Yeoman as she exited the room.

  “WOW!” said Admiral Sky King. Jess, I would like to hear your thoughts on the developments in the SRI-F Fleet.”

  “Yes, Admiral, either Petrov did, actually, have a stroke at that incredibly opportune moment, or he was spaced immediately upon his arrival aboard the Soyuz. Sir, I tend to believe the latter. If Petrov was assassinated, I find it difficult to believe that Volodin took this step without the direct order from Chairman Belinsky. Petrov was an arrogant, ne’er do well who was only able to attain Flag Rank through political contacts. He lost the Changsha through incompetence and arrogance. Since someone had to pay for the loss, the logical conclusion is that Petrov was the guy. I need to research Volodin to figure out his role in this play.”

  The Admiral sat back in his chair as he sipped his coffee and swallowed a bite of his sandwich. “Yes, I totally agree with you, Jess. I suspicion the Chairman, or a rep of the Central Committee will put out a blurb about how Petrov gave his life to the Russian people. He’ll probably get the Hero of the Federation medal. After that, no one will ever hear of him again.”


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