OCCULT Detectives Volume 1

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OCCULT Detectives Volume 1 Page 19

by Joel Jenkins

  Courage, my son, you are almost there. The voice of the Nameless One was still present inside his mind and Ravenwood could not help but marvel at his mentor’s mental prowess.

  It had been the Nameless One’s idea all along after Ravenwood, Marya and Stagg’s police detachment had cleaned up the vampire nest at the dockside warehouse. All of them assumed that when Baron Savigne failed to report to the Imperial Vampire Court others would be dispatched to find Marya and her daughter. The undead would never give up. Thus it was paramount that they find a sanctuary where they would be safe from their foes; a place no evil could ever discover or overcome.

  That place was the Hidden City where the Nameless One had brought Ravenwood when he was a child and there, with other monks, taught him all manners of oriental philosophies and magics. Thus, when he had put forth the idea, the Stepson of Mystery knew it was the only logical solution.

  So had begun their long journey crossing the Pacific by luxury liner and then crossing the vast breadth of China by rail until reaching Nepal and the city of Kathmandu three days ago. Here Ravenwood had hired two Sherpa guides and the final leg of their trek began on a frigid, October day.

  To their credit, both Marya and Jazzy had endured the arduous climb with silent strength, though he could see in their faces that they were both physically drained. They plodded along behind him like sleepwalkers following his lead unwaveringly. When the path they were on entered into a hidden cave in the mountain, all of them were relieved to be out of the brutal wind.

  “How are you both doing?” Ravenwood leaned back against the cave’s interior wall and pulled the stiff scarf from his face.

  Marya did the same before replying. “Please, tell me we don’t have much further to go.” He could see the hint of doubt in her green eyes and it bothered him that they would soon be parting company. The intimacy they had shared these past week had been precious to both of them.

  “The Nameless One is still in contact with me.” He pointed a gloved hand to his head. “He says we are almost there and he’s right. Though it’s been ten years since I was here.”

  “Tell me they have hot food there?’ Jazzy begged. She was aware of the change in the relationship between her mother and Ravenwood and mischievously teased Marya whenever he wasn’t present.

  My son, do not stop. You must keep moving.

  “That and much, much more,” he said and then pushed away from the wall. “Let’s go.”

  He led them through the cave, which opened to another chasm across which was a small wooden bridge. On the other side was another cave.

  Without stopping, Ravenwood crossed the snow-covered span and entered the second cave. He continued to move through the spacious opening until finally the air about them began to feel warm. Ten minutes later it was hot as they reached a huge opening and found themselves looking down at one of the most unique vistas in the entire world.

  There stretched out below them was a long valley split by a winding river. There were green hills and forest to either side and they could make out the thatched roofs of small villages.

  “Oh, my God,” Marya removed her scarf and hood. Then she pulled off her goggles. The others did the same. “Is this place real or are we hallucinating?”

  “Oh, it’s very real, I assure.” Ravenwood smiled happily. Then he pointed to the left where a wide dirt road from the valley went up to a fantastic complex of snow-white buildings. “That’s the monastery, where you’ll be staying. It was my home once.”

  Marya and Jazzy held hands and looked down on the white buildings, each surrounded by lush, colorful gardens.

  “It’s like the Garden of Eden,” Jazzy suggested. “Look, someone is coming!”

  A bald headed monk in a brown robe and wearing sandals was riding up a winding path to them on the back of a burro. When he reached them, he slid off his mount and greeted them.

  “We’ve been expecting you, Ravenwood. It is good to see you again.” He turned and smiled at Marya and Jazzy. “I am Brother Thaddeus. Welcome to Shangri-La.”



  Fifteen years ago I wrote a 108 page graphic novel script called “The Daughter of Dracula.” In it, Marya Dracula, the only surviving heir of the infamous vampire, Count Dracula, met a young German lad named Manfred von Richthofen just prior to the start of World War One. She at that time was a 500 year old vampire and became infatuated with the young man; enough to keep tabs on him when the war broke out. Of course von Richthofen, a real historical figure, was to go on to become the most deadly German aviation ace of them all nicknamed the Red Baron.

  Marya travels to Berlin at the height of his fame and seduces him thus beginning a torrid love affair that last until von Richthofen is actually shot down and killed. Marya is enraged by his death and declares war against the allied pilots…until she discovers she is actually pregnant with Manfred’s child; that pregnancy ends her curse and she is human once again; no longer a vampire. The book closes with Marya leaving Transylvania behind, very much pregnant and looking forward to starting her new, fully human life again with her child.

  Nine years ago artist Rob Davis read that script and decided he wanted to bring it to visual life. It would take him two years to complete the project. Thus seven years ago we self-published “The Daughter of Dracula” via Rob’s own imprint, Redbud Studio and it has gone on to much critical acclaim. We continue to sell it at Amazon and personally at our convention appearancse and its audience continues to grow. People are surprised by the book’s positive ending and the honest romance at the core of the tale. Which pleases Rob and me greatly.

  Anyway, up until a few months ago I thought Marya’s story was finished. Although as her creator, there was always that part of me that wondered what had happened to her after the end of the graphic novel. Did she have the baby? Was it a boy or a girl? Where did they go to live out their lives? Those questions have buzzed around in my noggin for the past seven years. Then out of the blue, writer Josh Reynolds suggested we do an anthology starring occult detectives. Just like that we had Joel Jenkins and Jim Beard on board. Each of these three talented writers had their own heroes, which they had invented; whereas we needed one more tale to fill the book. Which was when I got the idea of writing a Ravenwood – Stepson of Mystery adventure. Airship 27 had already done two anthologies with the hero and I was particularly eager to try my own hand at writing him.

  But what would I write? And then, as so often happens, the muse began talking to me. What if Marya Dracula came to New York City with her child and crossed paths with Ravenwood? But why? Because they were being chased by vampires….and then just like a row of dominoes falling one atop the other, the plot to “Jazzy,” exploded full blown in my imagination and there she was…Marya and Manfred’s child, now a beautiful, spunky teenage girl. From that point on I couldn’t write this story fast enough. I pray you enjoyed it and if you haven’t read “Daughter of Dracula,” will go out and pick up a copy. Whereas if you are a dedicated fan of that graphic novel, I hope you liked seeing Marya again and meeting Jazemara Dracula.

  For me, it was very much like coming home again.


  RON FORTIER - A veteran comic book creator, he’s best known for writing the Green Hornet and Terminator:Burning Earth, with Alex Ross, for Now Comics back in the 90s. Today, he keeps busy writing and editing new pulp anthologies and novels via his Airship 27 Productions (http://robmdavis.com/Airship27Hangar/airship27hangar.html). He won the Pulp Factory Award for Best Pulp Short Story of 2011 for “Vengeance Is Mine” which appeared in The Avenge – Justice Inc. from Moonstone Books and again in 2012 for “The Ghoul,” which appeared in Monster Aces.

  He continues to write his own graphic novels and series, such as Mr. Jigsaw Man of a Thousands Parts via Redbud Studio. (http://www.robmdavis.com/RedbudStudio/index.html)

  You can keep updated with his latest projects by visiting his personal website at: (www.airship27.com )

of Contents

  Personal Devil




  The Lost Wife of Thomas Tan

  Calling Sgt. Janus!






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