McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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McPartland, Mysty - Playing Doctors and Nurses (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 5

by Mysty McPartland

  With a sigh of regret, Kai slid off the mattress and stood beside him. “Good Lord, it will take forever to find our clothes. Darn it, River, you didn’t have to toss them all over the room.” She shook her head and started searching for her clothing, ignoring River’s laughter.

  It took them some time before they found their clothes and finally dressed. When they finished, River took her in his arms and stared down at her upturned face. “You’ll come tomorrow night, won’t you, Kai?”

  Oh Lord, how could she explain to him she couldn’t? Nibbling her bottom lip, she dropped her gaze from his hopeful one. “, I can’t tomorrow, but Tuesday I can.”

  His hold on her tightening, River scowled. “Why can’t you?”

  Kai pulled out of his arms, took a step back and met his gaze head on. “Because I’m having dinner with Chris Stevens, that’s why.”

  “Damn it, Kai, you can’t mean you’re going to go out with another man after what we just shared. By God, I won’t allow it,” River growled, his tone filled with anger and jealousy.

  Stubbornly lifting her chin in the air, Kai’s eyes flashed with her own irritation. “Just because I agreed to be your lover doesn’t mean we’re going to be exclusive. Besides, I agreed to go out with him before you even returned home.”

  “Hell and damnation, what in blazes do you mean not exclusive?” Furious exasperation filled his words.

  A little apprehensive, Kai shuffled backward to the open door. She did not like the way he was looking at her or the tone of his voice. “What I mean is that even though I intend to be your lover, I still intend to see other men.”

  A roar of rage ripped from his throat as he watched Kai spin around and race off. Damn the infuriating woman. He shot off after her and caught her by one arm halfway across the room. Ignoring her wiggling and struggling to be free and lowering his head so his mouth was close to her ear, he whispered harshly in a cold, threatening voice. “Now, you listen to me, you little hellcat. I’m forbidding you to go out with another man.”

  At the order, Kai stiffened anger rushed through her. “I might be your lover, but you have no say over any other part of my life. And if you try to stop me or interfere with my life, our arrangement is off.”

  Instantly, he could feel the jealously and rage boiling within him, and River knew whatever he said next he’d better be careful. He didn’t have any intentions of letting Kai end their relationship. “Damn it, Kai. I don’t want you to see other men. But if that’s what you want, I can’t stop you.” He put her back on her feet, dropped his arm from around her and strode to the door.

  It surprised her that he capitulated so easily. Kai was a little piqued. Sniffing in displeasure, she followed him out of the house.

  While he walked Kai home, River could feel the ire inside him simmering. How could he stop the stubborn little twit from seeing other men? Damn it, damn her, he would think of something, and he’d better think of it quick. Kai was his, and he wasn’t going to let another man taste her wild passionate kisses or anything else. By hell, he wouldn’t.

  When they finally stood on the porch of her father’s home, he wrapped one arm around her waist and hauled her up tightly against him. His other hand captured the back of her head. “I can’t stop you seeing other men, Kai. But you’d better remember what we share and not let another man take what’s mine.”

  Before she could utter a word, his mouth crashed down on hers in hot possession and a thorough kiss. His tongue determinedly stroked the inside of her mouth. He intended to brand her, wanted to make sure she never craved or wanted another man’s kiss but his. He only let up his assault on her mouth when she sagged in his arms.

  When he moved her away, he was satisfied at what he saw on her face and in her eyes. With a grunt of smugness, he let her go and bounded down the steps and along the path. He counted to five when he heard her soft screech. Smiling and quite pleased with himself, he ignored her and walked away.

  Chapter Twelve

  After River left her on the porch, Kai remained there for another ten minutes, torn between spitting rage and overwhelming desire. Darn the dratted man. Oh, she wasn’t a fool. She knew what he was doing and why. Well, it wasn’t going to work. Stomping her foot, she opened the door and stepped inside.

  Relieved that her father wasn’t anywhere about, she closed and locked the door. She hurried upstairs to her bedroom. After shutting herself inside the room, she lit the lamp and sat down on the edge of the bed. She did not understand why River would act so possessively.

  All he wanted from her was to be his lover, so why should he be concerned and angered that she intended to see other men? Surely, he would know she would never do the same things with the other men that they did together. When she saw him on Tuesday, she would explain it to him, and hopefully it would be enough to sooth his temper.

  With a sigh of exasperation, she reached behind and started to undo her buttons. She could not help but remember how quickly River undid them and how slowly he did them up. Oh, he was such a sexually wicked man. It still annoyed her slightly that he had been intimate with other women, but the way he described it didn’t sound very passionate or satisfying at all to her.

  Her dress undone, she stood up and quickly removed the rest of her clothing then lifted her nightgown off the bed. After pulling it over her head, she shoved her arms through the long sleeves. Her hand covering a yawn, she turned, blew out the lamp and slipped beneath the covers, snuggling down in the mattress.

  A wide, happy smile covered her face as she thought over what she and River had shared today. They were so wonderful and so beautiful. She still could not believe all the amazing feelings she’d experienced. What they shared in the past did not even compare to what she’d tasted today. She even marveled in the changes in his body.

  Lord, he definitely was a magnificent specimen of male perfection and beauty. He tasted just as good as he looked, and she loved the taste of him. She hoped he would be reasonable because she didn’t want things to end between them. Not since they’d only just begun. They would have many more hours and days, perhaps years, to continue what they had started today.

  A sigh of eagerness left her as she thought of the years to come, sharing the sexual intimate rapture with River. Now that he’d found a way to stop her from becoming pregnant, she didn’t see anything in their future that should interfere in the intimacy they would share. No, there was nothing to stop them enjoying each other for a very long time.

  * * * *

  Long into the night, River tossed and turned. Sometimes he was filled with anger and sometimes filled with happiness. Kai had him twisted up in an emotional knot, and it aggravated the hell out of him. Hell and damnation, how could she even think about going out with another man after those glorious hours they’d just spent in each other’s arms making love?

  How could he ever find a way to stop her from dating other men? Damn it, he wanted to wring her delectable little neck. As dawn lit the sky, he gave up the pretense of trying to sleep and concentrated on how to solve this latest problem. Maybe if he wasn’t available on Tuesday or the next few days after that Kai would miss him, miss what they’d shared and forget about other men.

  A harsh breath blew out of him. Hell, why didn’t he just admit he didn’t have any blasted clue how he could put a stop to this nonsense? Well, he would give it a try, and if it didn’t work, he would try to think of something else. Damn her obstinate hide. It was sure going to be hell keeping away from her, especially now after the amazing passion they’d experienced together, but he would do it.

  He knew her so well, and by his reckoning she would be frustrated, angry and only thinking of him. By the end of the week, he would have her back in his bed. However, this time he intended to make sure she would be agreeing that they were going to be seeing each other exclusively. In the past, she’d belonged solely to him, and she would be solely his in the future.

  His eyes drifted shut, and a smile of pleasure crossed his fe
atures as he remembered every glorious minute they’d spent in each other’s arms. Her body had now changed from child woman to all woman. He hadn’t even come even close to discovering all the changes in her body. It would probably take long, pleasurable hours to discover them all.

  To think, those few times he’d thrust himself into other women’s bodies might have been a relief. However, none of them even came close to what he’d experienced with Kai. His beautiful, loving Kai. It felt so damn good to know that no other man had ever tasted her passion and touched her except him.

  Suddenly, he frowned, his eyes flew open and he glared into the dawn lit room. Had Kai ever played doctors and nurses with someone else? He felt sick to his stomach at the thought of her doing such things with another man. He didn’t know what he would do if he found out that she let another man touch and taste her or that she’d touched and tasted him.

  By hell, he just might beat her if she did. He might have had sex with other women, but other than a bit of groping there had been nothing else. The sickness in his gut intensified the more he thought of Kai playing doctors and nurses with some other man. And what if it was more than one?

  Oh God, he didn’t want to think about it. If he did, he would go out of his mind. Yet he could not push it aside, could not stop the images of faceless men with their hands and mouths all over Kai.

  He shot up in bed, tossed the covers aside and slid off the mattress. As soon as it was a decent hour, he would go over to see Kai and demand that she tell him. If he didn’t find out the truth, he would never be able to think of anything else or be any help to his patients.

  No, he needed to know as quickly as he possibly could. Now, though, he needed to keep himself busy until he could go and see Kai. If he didn’t, he would drive himself crazy with his tortured thoughts.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Even though it was still early, River could not wait a minute longer to see Kai. About to knock on the door when it opened, he forced a pleasant smile on his face when he came face to face with Kai’s father. “Good morning, Mister Bennett. I’ve come to have a quick word with Kai if she’s up.”

  John Bennett smiled broadly. He was immensely pleased to see River back in town. He was even more than happy knowing that Kai and River had spent yesterday together after church. “Yes, yes, she’s up. She’s in the dining room. Oh, and River, come by for supper sometime this week.” John shook the younger man’s hand and moved across the porch and down the steps. He was already running late.

  For a few thoughtful moments, River watched Kai’s father hurry away. He felt a nervous knot tie up his stomach. Remembering why he was here he grew determined to have his answers and strode swiftly into the house and through the parlor. Pushing the door open, he stepped into the dining room and spied Kai at the table.

  Hearing the heavy footsteps and thinking her father must have returned, Kai turned in her seat. Her eyes grew round at seeing River standing in the doorway. “River, I didn’t expect to see you.”

  With long legged strides, River reached her side in few a steps. “Kai, I need to know if you’ve played doctors and nurses with any other man.” He was so desperate to know the answer the words flew out of his mouth.

  At first shocked then offended by his question. Kai lifted her chin. Her eyes narrowed with her anger. “And what if I did? I don’t see that it’s any of your concern.”

  A growl tore out of him, and River grasped her chin. “Damn it, Kai, just tell me the blasted truth.” Barely able to contain his rage, he forced himself not to grab hold of her and shake the answer out of her.

  His fury blasted her like bullets, Kai licked her lips nervously. What he was suggesting not only was insulting but hurt her as well. “Why does it matter? You admitted sharing intimacies with other women.”

  Another growl ripping from him, River dropped her chin, grasped her by the shoulders and hauled her out of her seat. “Are you saying you have? Are you telling me you have been with other men? No, damn it, I won’t believe it,” he yelled at her. No, he didn’t want to believe she could do such a thing.

  Eyes growing even wider, Kai saw the devastation on his face and the anguish in his eyes and felt guilty for hurting him. “Oh, you’re a nincompoop and very insulting, but you’re especially stupid. I’m not as cheap and tawdry as you. I would never do such a thing, and you are disgusting to even think I would.”

  The emotions flying through him were of immense relief and pure happiness. He ignored her insults and anger. His arms went around her, and he crushed her tightly in his embrace. “Thank you, darlin’, thank you.” He bent down and captured her mouth in a passionate, drugging kiss. He felt just so damn happy knowing that Kai had never let another man touch her.

  When River finished kissing her and let go of her, Kai fell into her seat, her legs were no longer able to support her. The damn coyote kissed her and left without another word or explanation. She sniffed and lifted her chin. She had a good mind not to see him tomorrow night for insulting her, she thought with annoyance.

  Her shoulders slouching in defeat, she knew she wouldn’t go through with her threat. Darn the dratted man, he was twisting her up in knots. Letting out a long sigh of resignation, she knew would see him and knew what would happen when she did. Lord help her, how could she not see him? She would be a fool and only hurt herself if she didn’t. With an annoyed grimace, she turned in her seat and finished off her breakfast.

  While she sipped at her coffee, she thought a little payback would teach the exasperating man a lesson. He deserved it after making such a disgusting suggestion and for the way he always kissed her mindless and then had to nerve to race off. Yes, the more she thought about it the more she liked the idea. It would be very enjoyable to turn the tables on the arrogant devil for once. Now, though, she just needed to think of a way to pay him back.

  * * * *

  Kept busy all morning with patients, near lunchtime River enjoyed the few moments of peace in his office. He nearly groaned when the door flew open, but when he saw Kai step inside he swiftly stood up and was at her side before she could even take another step.

  His arms went around her, and he propelled her up against the wooden panel. His mouth covered hers in a raw, hungry kiss, a kiss that was purely carnal, filled with wild need and ravenous passion.

  Her eyes blinked rapidly at the speed in which River moved. She only just looked at him for a mere second. The next thing she knew, he held her in his arms and he started kissing her with such uninhibited, scorching hunger all she could do was wrap her arms around him and kiss him back.

  Mindless to everything else but the woman in his arms, River pressed his growing flesh against Kai and moaned when she arched her hips into his. He could not stop plundering the sweetness and eagerness of her mouth. He wanted to take her here and now. On the very verge of lifting the bottom of her gown up, he suddenly froze when he heard the knock on the door.

  Tearing his mouth free, he blinked and tried to focus his mind. Letting out a string of soft curses, he pulled away from Kai but couldn’t look at her. He cleared his throat when the knock came again. “I’ll be with you in a minute,” he called out, his voice still rough with passion. His gaze shot to Kai. “Damn it woman, you have to leave.”

  He grasped her shoulders, moved her from the door and pulled it open. He turned her around and, with a hand in the middle of her back, gently shoved her through the doorway. He was going to have to make sure she never came here again. Good Lord, he’d just about taken her right here against the blasted door with patients waiting in the next room.

  Not quite together after leaving River, Kai smiled as she moved through the room where the patients waited. She was quite pleased with herself. She knew she’d rattled River and that was just what she’d wanted to do.

  Carl grinned as he watched little Kai walk out of his son’s office. There could be no mistaking what they were doing. Kai’s mouth was swollen, her hat sat askew on her head and loose strands of hair hung aro
und her face. The blush she wore on her cheeks certainly wasn’t from embarrassment. “I’d say we’re in for some interesting times.”

  Old George chuckled. “Yep, hope it’s as interesting as it was when they were younger. Sure kept us all amused.”

  Yes, it had, Carl thought and it didn’t look like things might have changed much between his son and Kai. He was very pleased over the fact. Those two were made for each other and would make a perfect marriage.

  Chapter Fourteen

  His hands shoved in the pockets of his coat, River stomped home. He checked out the only two eating establishments in town, and Kai wasn’t at either one of them. Just where in the hell could she be? He could wring her blasted neck and just might do it the next time he saw her. River slammed his way into his house, and the door banged shut behind him. Pulling off his coat, he tossed it across the room and slumped into the nearest chair.

  He took off his hat, threw it against the wall and wiped a frustrated hand over his face. Damn it, where was she? Maybe after that kiss in his office today she might have had a change of heart and stayed home. Yes, that was it. He felt a lot better after that thought.

  God, he could not believe what had nearly happened today, couldn’t understand how he forgot where he was and how very close he’d come to taking Kai in his office. Even now, he could barely comprehend how close he’d come. Never had sex been such a hunger in his blood.

  Well, not until he returned home again and spent most of yesterday making love to Kai. Now it was all he thought about, all he craved. Stretching out his long legs, he sat morosely staring into the fire. He needed to get a handle on this overwhelming appetite for Kai before it overrode everything else.

  But how could he leash the need inside him? Damn it, he was a doctor and should be able to take control of this craving for her. Well, hopefully, she wouldn’t come to see him at work again. He was now unsure if he should be here waiting for her tomorrow night.


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