Only Human (Kirsten O'Shea Book 1)

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Only Human (Kirsten O'Shea Book 1) Page 35

by Blevins, Candace

  Abbott returned and stepped behind me with the blindfold, “With your permission, my darling.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not your darling, but go ahead.”

  “I didn’t think I’d be allowed to do this quite so soon.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I said with a laugh. “I can’t believe this was Aaron’s idea.”

  He skillfully buckled the luxurious, soft blindfold that worked exactly as it was supposed to, as not even a sliver of light made it to my eyes.

  I heard movement as I presumed they moved to the outer edges of the room, and I considered distances as they situated. The closest would be about eight feet from me, while the farthest would be around thirty feet away. It was a big room, and I wasn’t in the center. I kind of assumed they’d start with someone positioned closer to me, but then I stopped trying to use logic. I controlled my breathing, centered and balanced myself, and put feelers on the outside of my shields. I didn’t want to drop my shields here or in the battlefield; feelers were the most I was willing to do.

  “Okay,” I told them. “I’m ready when ya’ll are.”

  I didn’t sense anything. I was like an octopus with eight arms, trying to feel in all directions at once. This wasn’t going to work. What about making my shield into something that could pick up vibrations? Perhaps a membrane stretched around me? It would pick up any vibrations, then I could use the feelers to target the area, maybe? Almost as soon as I imaged it around me, I felt activity and pointed to two o’clock

  “Very good,” came Bran’s voice. “Now try again.”

  I re-centered and waited for my membrane to react again. Ten seconds later I pointed to nine o’clock and Bran said, “Great, and much faster. Try again.”

  I took a deep breath, relaxed, and felt for activity. “Behind me, and stronger than the others have been.”

  “One more time,” said Abbott, “and we’ll think of something harder.”

  I felt it with no problem, pointed to three o’clock, pulled my blindfold off, and said, “I need to know how far my range is. Why don’t one of you get in a car and do metaphysical stuff while someone drives you away, ya’ll can be on the cell phone and I’ll let you know when I can’t sense it anymore. Actually, we could have all of us sensing for this one so we have all of our ranges. Except for whoever is in the car, of course.”

  The people in this room were supposedly friends, but I wasn’t sure they’d want it known precisely how far their metaphysical reach extended. I didn’t point this out, though. If they had a problem with my idea I’d let them bring it up.

  “The brow road is more or less straight,” Abbott said.

  “Right,” I agreed. “So it’ll give us a close enough idea of a straight line distance.”

  The group talked for a while to come up with a plan. Finally, it was agreed one of Bran’s people would drive Abbott, as he already knew his outer limit. They’d go to the end of the road, which was right at a mile way, and return with Abbott actively using his powers. Everyone sensing would be blindfolded, and would raise their arm when they felt it. A passenger would hold a cell phone to the odometer and be on a muted video call with Bran, so he could note the mileage. When they made it home, simple math would show how far away they were for each person.

  Once we worked out the logistics, Abbott left with Preston and Alex while most of the rest of us sat with scarves and blindfolds on our eyes.

  The final determination, once everyone was back, had Joseph and Nathan both feeling Abbott’s power as soon as Abbott began, and everyone else sensing it between four and six tenths of a mile. I was at four tenths.

  We went over a few more logistics for Wednesday night, everyone agreed Aaron would be in charge of the op, and then the evening turned into a social party once again.

  A few of Abbott’s people left around ten thirty, and by eleven the last people were leaving.

  I stood to say goodbye to Bran and Alex. I hugged Alex goodbye and shook Bran’s hand. A little awkward, but it was the best I could come up with.

  Chapter Thirty

  As Abbott shut the door he pulled me to him. “My darling, my Carena, once I saw you in that blindfold I wanted to throw everyone out and have at you.”

  My eyes lost focus as his lips caressed mine. His kiss was both a promise of more to come, and a tease, because it ended much too soon. I knew he could smell my arousal, but I still battled to speak without sounding breathless.

  “What does Carena mean?”

  “It’s Latin for little darling. It’s a term of endearment, and you are changing the subject.”

  I realized he was asking if I wanted a scene tonight. He wasn’t going to push, but he obviously wanted to. I decided to make it easy on him, and looked him in the eye as I said, “I wasn’t trying to change the subject, Master, I really did want to know what Carena meant. Thank you for telling me.”

  His eyes went dark, the air pressure in the room changed, and my body went tight with anticipation.

  I didn’t know how this first real scene would go. Would he would go easy on me, or would he be harsh and do something to claim me, to make sure I knew who was in charge? Secretly, I hoped for the latter.

  His lips were soft as they touched my forehead. “Go up the staircase, turn left, and go in the fourth door on your right. Remove your clothes and hang them in the closet. You’ll find a variety of bondage devices, and I want you bent over one of them with your ass in the air when I arrive. Several tables and horses in the room will put you into my desired position — choose one, bend over it, and wait for me.”

  I turned to go and his voice was full of bristles this time, no longer soft and affectionate. “You will respond to me verbally. Do you understand the instructions?”

  I know he smelled my body’s fear response to his voice, as well as the pump of adrenaline and the shot of arousal. I made it past the hitch in my breath to speak without my voice shaking, and said, “Yes, Master Abbott.”

  I wasn’t scared of him, but my body didn’t know this and its reactions had me all over the map. I may be an experienced submissive but a good Dom can still shake me up, and Abbott had all the markings of being an exceptional Dom.

  My nerves were a combination of fear and anticipation as I climbed the beautiful marble staircase. The fourth room on the right was exactly as I expected it to be — finely crafted bondage equipment stained a deep wood hue, with lots of leather padding.

  I found hangers in the closet, stripped, hung my clothes, and chose a comfortable looking spanking horse. My hands shook a little as I hung my shirt, but I decided not to stop and collect myself. Abbott had gotten me out of sorts, I’d let him deal with it. Master James had talked to me about my need for control, and worked with me for years to help me let go. If Abbott told me to pull myself together, I would. Otherwise, I should let him see what he was doing to me.

  I settled my knees on the leather padding and situated my torso over the cushioned platform, which ended just before it reached my breasts, letting them hang down. Another padded piece was situated for my forearms and elbows, and I was about as comfortable as one can get on all fours.

  The platforms my knees rested on were several feet apart, and Abbott would see my bottom and private parts as he entered the room. My pussy squeezed on the emptiness at the thought, and my clit hung free with no way to press it into anything — and the longer I was there the more I felt the nothingness around my throbbing private parts, exposed to the air, waiting for Abbott to walk in and see them.

  Sometimes, the anticipation is better than the real thing. Mine had ramped up sky high, and I was hoping Abbott wouldn’t disappoint. I wasn’t so much scared or nervous as I was excited and aroused. Mostly, I thought about the unknown elements — would he make me crawl again? What would he do to hurt me? Would it be new, or something I was used to? How would he soothe me? There wasn’t a doubt in my mind he’d take care of me, both in ways I wanted, and in ways I needed but might not especially want.

  I hear
d Abbott’s footsteps as he came down the hall and into the room, but I didn’t turn to look. It would’ve been awkward, it would’ve reflected on poor training, and I didn’t want to watch him look at my ass and pussy.

  Besides, the spanking horse was situated so I had a magnificent birds-eye view of Chattanooga at night, and I figured he wanted me to keep looking at it.

  “You’re beautiful, Carena. I’m pleased you followed my instructions.”

  My heart soared at the praise, and I marveled we’d fallen so easily into the Master/submissive role.

  His voice was authoritative with a side of affection, and my body definitely reacted to it. The process of disrobing and getting into position had me wet, but his Dom voice had me throbbing between my legs until I thought I might go mad.

  The knowledge he’d smell my arousal, and the power his sense of smell gave him over me, cemented my position as submissive. I once again hoped he could fulfill the promise and truly Master me.

  “Tonight will be more about pleasure than pain,” he told me as he caressed my shoulder.

  My heart sank, disappointed, and he chuckled. “I’ll make it good, my darling, and if it’s pain you need in order to feel pleasure, we’ll get there. The point is, tonight will be about my learning your body. It won’t be about my taking what I want from you.”

  I nodded. “Yes, Master.” The reminder of just how invasive his sense of smell was going to be during a scene was disconcerting. I wouldn’t be able to hide anything from him. Not that I wanted to, but everyone wants to hold a little of themselves back, and I was realizing this might not be possible.

  “Three rules tonight. You call me Master or Sir every time you speak, you don’t orgasm without permission, and you do as you’re told, immediately. Consequences will be dealt with at once should we have any issues.”

  I didn’t ask what the consequences would be, as he’d told me during negotiations he wasn’t big on letting a submissive know ahead of time what would happen if a rule were broken. I’d have my safeword tonight, even during consequences, so I dealt with not knowing.

  With Master James, I generally had a good idea of what would happen if I didn’t follow an order, and there were times I balanced the two in my head. Not often, because Master James didn’t mess around with consequences, but still, it was nice to know why I was doing something I hated so much — to avoid whatever horrible thing I knew would happen if I didn’t obey.

  So, I understood why Abbott preferred to operate this way — to keep me from deciding whether or not to obey based on known consequences. It completely changed the flavor of my submission.

  His cool hands roamed my body, and I wished I was bound to the equipment — it was hard to force myself to remain motionless and accept his touch. I wanted this, and wanted him to touch me, but putting me into position and then running his hands over my body cemented his status as Dom. This is how one fondles a horse, running your hands from shoulders to flanks, appraising muscle tone and how well the horse reacts.

  Abbott ran his hands all over me, and though he kept away from the best parts, he came maddeningly close. Still, the first few minutes were mostly about him touching me, handling me, owning me.

  Eventually, he stood behind me, fingers working my thighs, higher and higher, driving me crazy. Now, I once again wished I was bound, but this time it was because my body wanted to move and wriggle, and try to get his hands to touch me where I craved to be filled.

  Soft, caressing fingers teased my bottom and thighs for what seemed forever. When he finally brushed his hands over my outer lips, I moaned, arched my back, and pushed my bottom higher in the air, begging for more touch.

  While Master James didn’t always restrain me, he almost always buckled my wrist and ankle cuffs on, to help me remember I was submissive each moment.

  Now, I was on the spanking horse of my own accord, not bound, and yet having to submit. I wanted more, but I couldn’t reach myself to play, even if I wanted to. I did want to, but yet…not. I was submitting to Abbott, I wanted to give this to him, to show respect and deference.

  Finally, when I had to do something, I quietly said, “You’re driving me crazy, Master Abbott.”

  “Good to know, Carena. You have no speech restrictions. You shouldn’t make demands, but I like hearing from you.”

  I smiled, wagged my bottom a little, and spoke in a normal tone of voice this time. “So, can I tell you how much I want something inside me, Sir?”

  “You certainly can, but I think I shall play with this beautiful little puckered asshole before I give you what you want.”

  The arch in my back went straight, bringing my bottom down, and he chuckled. “You have to know, once I’m through the exploratory phase I’m going to have fun teaching you to like it when I play with your ass, to crave having something in it.”

  Master James had been working towards that end for years. I no longer detested it the way I once had, but I was a long way from wanting it.

  His hands left me long enough for gloves to go on, and I felt a slippery, gloved finger at my bottom. I tensed, but didn’t feel the burn of latex, and let the breath out I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  He massaged outside in an attempt to get me to relax, but soon saw the longer he played, the tighter it squeezed.

  He worked a finger in, and I knew he had to be depending on his sense of smell again, because he teased the outside of my pussy with one hand while he worked the other finger in my ass. He kept me aroused, and I moved my bottom wanting more from the hand outside my pussy, which seemed to please him.

  A second finger went in my bottom and he ignored my squeal as he pressed in, though he spent more time getting me worked up once it was buried. When the fingers finally came out, something hard and slippery touched me back there, and he said, “Open for it, Carena,” as he pressed it in.

  I didn’t know what it was, or how large, but I dropped my head, breathed, and did my best to open for him. I wasn’t surprised he went there so fast, and I respected him more for not shying away just because of my issues. He went slow and careful, but he didn’t stop, and I tried hard to keep quiet and breathe through it.

  Part of me knew I’d need to test him soon, as I was having a hard time obeying. I needed him to prove his Mastery, prove he could make me obey when I defied him.

  But not yet. I gave up on being quiet, and groaned and squealed as he pressed slow and steady without relenting. The discomfort never made the jump to pain, but I didn’t know how much more there was to take, or how much wider it would get.

  When at last the plug went in and seated, I was both frantic with need, and relieved I’d taken the damned thing and he could stop pushing it in.

  I heard the gloves coming off, and then moaned in bliss as a finger finally went into my pussy.

  “Reach back, Kirsten. Hold your ass open for me so I can see the toy better. I want to see you puckered around it.”

  My hands moved to do as he said, but halfway there I changed my mind and put them back on the platform.

  “So soon?” he asked, as he pulled his finger from me.

  Within seconds, leather struck the back of my thighs and I gasped as he said, “One.”

  I turned to look, and saw him with a leather strap about the width of a man’s belt and perhaps eighteen inches long, with a nice handle.

  None of the strikes made me scream, and none gave me incentive to hold my bottom open. I felt them, it wasn’t as if they were token swats, but they weren’t enough to make me bow to his wishes.

  When he reached five, he stopped and said, “Hold yourself open, Kirsten.” His voice wasn’t mean or angry. It was an order he expected to be followed, and it was honestly a little hard for me to keep my hands still, because I wanted to please him.

  I also needed him to prove he could handle me, though, so I didn’t move.

  The next stripe across my thighs burned like a delicious, liquid fire, and pulled a small scream from me. This time he gave me ten lash
es, each a little harder than the one before, and the final three made my eyes water. I screamed for all ten.

  When he stopped, he didn’t have to ask this time. As soon as I realized the tenth strike was the last, I reached back and held my heated cheeks open. Those ten weren’t even close to what it would take to make me safeword, but I had no need to keep pushing. There was no doubt in my mind he’d ramp things up until I either did as he said or safeworded.

  I was hornier now than I’d been before he started, and I said, “Thank you for disciplining me, Master Abbott. Please give me some relief? Please?”

  He stepped around front of me and said, “Not just yet. I’ve been wanting to feel your mouth around my cock for much too long.”

  The reminder he could use me however he wanted made the fire burning in my core grow hotter. I’d been worried he’d make it all about me when he said tonight would be more about pleasure than pain, and I was elated he was going to use me to take his own pleasure.

  I don’t enjoy giving blowjobs under vanilla circumstances. If I can say no, I will. However, put me in a position where I have to or else? I couldn’t wait to feel him in my mouth and down my throat.

  He stepped in front of me, toed off his shoes, pulled his socks off, dropped his trousers, and tossed them over a nearby piece of equipment. Why did my body have another surge of lust when I saw he’d gone commando? I’d never understand why this was sexy, but it was.

  His cock was of average length, but thicker, and uncut. He grasped it, pulled the skin back, and I obediently opened my mouth as he stepped forward.

  Abbott wasn’t looking for the back of my throat; he tantalized my mouth with his length and width, and I reciprocated by using my tongue to play back.

  A few minutes in, he took his frilly top off, tossed it over his pants, and we were both nude.

  There was no doubt he was Master and I was submissive, but it was still a two way street. He allowed me to pleasure him, though he was in control, and I became engrossed in my job as I sucked and rolled him in my mouth, caressed and kneaded him with my tongue, and my arousal continued to climb. I wanted his cock inside of me, pounding me, but I was enjoying the reactions I could get from him this way, for now.


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