Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)

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Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) Page 57

by R. C. Martin

  “Hi,” Teddy speaks, beaming at me.

  I stand, making my way from behind my desk as she shrugs out of her coat, draping it over the chair where she discards her purse.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” she says sweetly, wrapping her arms around my waist as I stop in front of her. “I’ve never been to your office before. As your future wife, I think it’s important I know where you work.”

  My chest swells and my dick jerks hearing her use the word wife. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d want such a thing—but I sure as fuck want her. I seek to possess her in every way possible, for she has managed to possess me. The sooner she takes my name, the better.

  “And when will you be my wife?” I ask, reaching up to hold the back of her neck.

  We haven’t discussed wedding details too much yet, but I know that she wants one. I could care less about a wedding, but my shy girl can have whatever she desires. My only stipulation was that she pick a date within the next six months.

  “I was thinking maybe in May? Depending on venue availability. Would that be okay with you?”

  “Five months. I suppose I can wait that long.”



  “Will you kiss me?”

  I don’t think twice before I lean down and press my mouth to hers. She parts her lips and I flick my tongue between them, teasing us both. Her hands grip the back of my shirt and she presses herself up on her tiptoes as she seeks to kiss me deeper. Her tongue is in my mouth when we’re interrupted. Aunt Eddalyn clears her throat and Teddy pulls away from me immediately. My hand falls away from her neck as she turns to address our intruder.

  “We’re ready,” my aunt says with sly smile.

  I frown, not understanding what she could mean.

  Teddy turns and grins at me before she takes my hand. “Come on, birthday boy.”

  I don’t like the sound of that at all.

  Aunt Eddalyn leads us out of my office and toward the conference room. When I see the bunch of balloons in the middle of the table, complete with two numbered balloons marking my age, I wonder how in the hell she got those in here without my noticing. Then, as soon as we cross the threshold, I see that everyone in the office has gathered—and before I can think to stop them, they start a chorus of Happy Birthday. Teddy lets go of my hand and hurries to stand beside Logan as she joins them, grinning from ear to ear.

  I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  She’s exquisite, my future bride—and I’m going to fuck her for this.

  When they’re done singing, they all applaud. I force a smile and nod politely as Teddy hurries back to my side, announcing that the ice cream cake is for everyone.

  “It’s cookies and cream with chocolate cake,” she tells me. “I though you deserved a little ice cream in the middle of your day.”

  “Judah? I think Roden and I are in love with your girlfriend,” says Logan.

  “Oh,” Teddy murmurs, looking up at me. I can see the question in her eyes, and I offer her a slight nod. She then turns to Logan and says, “Actually, we’re getting married.” She holds up her hand, showing off her ring, and Logan gasps.

  “What?! Jude! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

  “Holy shit,” mutters Brittany from the other side of the room.

  “That ring is gorgeous,” declares Kim, hurrying to Logan’s side.

  “Congratulations, Jude—that’s big news,” says Rick, patting me on the back.

  Soon, the room is abuzz with excitement of a different sort, my birthday almost all but forgotten.

  “Oh!” Logan laughs, taking Teddy’s hand and pressing it against her belly. “That’s Roden. He’s excited for you, too.”

  “Wow,” Teddy murmurs. She takes a step closer to Logan, resting her other hand on the other side of her belly. I watch as her shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath before she says, “That’s—that’s amazing.”

  “Teddy—if you cry, I’ll cry,” Logan warns.

  A slight frown pulls at my brow as I close the distance between us. I rest my hand on the small of Teddy’s back, and she leans against me, slowly removing her hands from Logan.

  “Sorry,” she says with a forced laugh. “How far along are you?”

  “Twenty-eight weeks.”


  “Teddy—meet me in my office.” She nods, turning and exiting the room without argument. I cut a slice of cake and grab two forks, looking to join her. “Everyone, please, help yourselves—then get back to work. My birthday is no excuse for a wasted hour.”

  When I get to my office, Teddy is sitting in the chair behind my desk, turned away from me. At the sound of her sniffle, I close and lock the door before making my way toward her. I set down the cake and she sighs, wiping her cheeks dry.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it like that in front of everyone.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I won’t ever be able to give you that,” she whispers, looking up at me.

  “Yes. I know. Stand up.” She does as I ask and I occupy my chair before guiding her down into my lap. “We’ve been over this before,” I continue. “That has no bearing on our relationship.”

  “You say that now.”

  “Look at me. Listen to me—I don’t want children. I have what I want. I understand that your inability to birth a child may be a difficult reality for you—but it doesn’t make you any less of a woman to me. It doesn’t make you any less desirable. I—”

  She cuts me off with a kiss, her hands gripping the sides of my face. When she doesn’t pull away, I don’t either, and soon my head begins to fill with images of me fucking her all over this office. When I shove my hand between her legs, cupping her pussy beneath her short skirt, she gasps, pulling her lips from mine.


  “It’s time we had a chat about the stunt you just pulled in the conference room.”

  “You mean the cake?”

  I nod, dragging my finger up her cunt in an effort to find her clit. I stop when her mouth falls open in a sigh, her legs slipping apart a little further.

  “No one has been this adamant about celebrating my birthday in years. It’s not necessary, Teddy.”

  “You’re wrong,” she breathes. “I will always celebrate you—especially on your birthday. It’s your day to indulge in whatever you want.”

  “Whatever I want, huh?”

  I reach for the top of her tights, tugging them away from her hips before slipping my hand down into her panties. I circle her clit with my middle finger and she grips hold of my tie with both hands.

  “Judah—we can’t.”

  “We can do whatever I want. It’s my birthday, remember?”

  “What if someone—?”

  “The door is locked, and I want to fuck you. Right here. Right now.”

  “But—oh, god,” she moans as I tickle her entrance.

  I duck my head, my lips seeking out the soft skin just behind her jaw. She tilts her head, granting me access, and I taste her as I slip my finger inside of her.


  When I discover that she’s nice and wet, I pull out and grab hold of her hips, forcing her out of my lap. She looks at me from over her shoulder as I yank her tights down her legs before pressing down on her back, bending her over my desk.

  “What if—what if someone hears us?” she asks, her labored breaths cluing me in to her excitement.

  “They won’t,” I insist, standing to my feet. I lean over her, bringing my lips to her ear. “Because you aren’t going to make a sound.”

  “Shit,” she whines.

  “This is payback, Teddy—for this morning in the closet, and for making my employees sing to me.”

  She laughs and I loosen my belt, unbutton my pants, and shove them down below my ass. I know already that this is going to be fast and hard, as I have work to do. I lick my hand before rubbing
the head of my dick, and then I thrust myself into her hot, wet, perfect cunt. She gasps and I grunt, grabbing hold of her hips as I begin to pump in and out of her.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you are, sweetheart? Bent over my desk with your pretty ass in front of me? Shit, I love this ass.”

  She whimpers and I smack my hand against her backside, turning her skin pink.

  “Quiet, Teddy—not a sound.”

  “Why do you always ask me to do such impossible things?” she asks before she moans softly.

  I grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back as I thrust faster.

  “Do you want to scream? Huh? Go ahead—let the whole office hear how much you love my dick.”

  “I do,” she groans, arching her back as she props herself up on her hands. “I love having you inside of me. You feel so amazing—every time. Ah—right there—right—” She sucks in a sharp breath, balling her hands into fists. “Cover—cover my mouth. Please—please—cover my mouth!”

  I do as she asks, letting go of her hip as I press my palm over her mouth. She parts her lips and bites a chunk of my skin as she hits her small fists against the desk. Then, she reaches up and presses her hand over mine as she frees a loud groan, her insides clenching around my dick. I pump faster, chasing my own release, knowing that I’m not far behind. Pleasure races up my spine when my cock finally swells before I spill my seed deep inside of her.

  She lets go of my hand and I pull it from her face as we both work to catch our breath. A smirk tugs at the corner of my mouth at the sight of the teeth marks she’s left in my palm.

  My wild girl.

  The room is now filled with the musk of sex, and I wonder if I’ll be able to concentrate at all after she leaves. Suddenly, her surprise visit is one I wouldn’t mind repeating—minus the fanfare of balloons and cake, of course. All I need is her. Dress up, legs spread.

  “I should probably run to the bathroom really quick,” she says as I pull out.

  I readjust my pants, watching as she slips her panties over her tatted thighs. She then wiggles her tights up around her hips before straightening out her skirt. Thinking about my cum soaking her panties is enough to make my dick twitch, and I sit back in my chair, pulling her into my lap.

  “Jude,” she protests, squirming against me. “I just need—”

  “Cake first,” I insist, sliding the plate in front of us.

  “But, I—”

  “It’s melting. We have to eat it now,” I tell her, scooping up a bite before holding it in front of her mouth. “Open, sweetheart.”

  I let Judah feed me ice cream cake and then insist that he tell me where the bathrooms are so I can clean up a little. Before he lets me out of his lap, he rubs his fingers over my center, smearing his cum in my panties even more.

  “You’re so gross,” I say, trying hard not to laugh and failing.

  He grins at me, making me want to kiss him, and then tells me where I can find the ladies room. I hurry out of his office, finding my destination with ease, and then slip inside. It’s not a large space, but big enough to house two stalls, and I close myself in the largest one to handle my business. Feeling marginally better, I step out to wash my hands and make sure my hair doesn’t look messed up after Judah had his hand in it.

  I’m still in the mirror messing with my hair when another woman enters the bathroom. I feel like I smell like Jude and sex, but I hope I can sneak out of the room while she’s peeing so she won’t notice. Unfortunately for me, she doesn’t enter a stall. She occupies the sink beside mine, where she proceeds to touch up her makeup. She doesn’t speak to me, which makes me feel awkward, so I decide my hair looks good enough, and I begin to leave.

  “He’s not the settling type. I hope you know that,” she says before I get two steps.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, unsure if I’ve heard her correctly.

  “The ring, it’s obnoxiously beautiful, but just because he put it on your finger doesn’t mean he’s a changed man. Be careful, sweetheart. I know his kind.”

  Hearing her talk about Judah as if she knows a thing about him irritates me. Then, when she calls me sweetheart, I’m not just irritated—I’m pissed off. I’ve come to know Judah very well, and if there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that she—whoever she is—knows nothing about him. There’s no way he would allow her to see who he is. He’s her boss, not her friend, and definitely not her lover.

  “What is it that you think you know about him?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

  She smiles at my reflection as she replies, “I know he’s looked my way more than a few times.”

  Honestly, whether she’s spouting off lies derived from jealousy, or truth drenched in arrogance, it wouldn’t surprise me if Jude had admired her at one point. She’s very pretty, and I’m not naïve about Judah’s past. But I’m his future, and whatever she’s trying to convince me of right now, it isn’t working. Furthermore, I don’t intend to take it lying down. Judah is mine, a fact that she needs to get straight.

  “How long have you been working with Judah?”

  “On and off for a couple of years,” she says with a nonchalant shrug. “Until he moved here, of course.”

  “Right. What’s your name?”


  “Brittany, has he ever taken you out?”

  “No,” she mutters, her confidence slipping.

  “I see. Well, let me tell you what I know about Judah—he gets what he wants, when he wants it—which is how I just ended up with his cum staining my favorite pair of tights.” I offer her a nonchalant shrug of my own as her mouth falls open in shock. “If he wanted you, he would have had you by now. But you’re right,” I continue, making my way to the door. “This ring hasn’t changed him. His love for me—that has. Oh, and please don’t ever call me sweetheart again.”

  I look at her one last time before making my exit without another word. I feel strangely empowered after the exchange, as if my engagement ring has given me the superpower of a whole lot more gumption. Whatever the case may be, as I make my way back to Judah’s office, I’m reminded that I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

  He chose me.

  Five Months Later

  I lean back in my chair as I sip at my scotch, my eyes taking in all the faces that fill either side of the long, rectangular dinner table. We finished with rehearsal a couple hours ago, which ended up being far less obnoxious than I anticipated. I suppose with a wedding party consisting of two, it all ends up being pretty damn simple.

  In spite of the fact that I told Teddy that money was no object, and she could have whatever she wanted to make today everything she dreamed, she’s managed to keep the whole affair fairly small. Aside from the venue and all of our accommodations, she spent hardly anything. I’ve easily spent three times as much on our honeymoon. Then again, two weeks in Italy is an extravagant gift for my bride.

  While I assured Teddy that I had no preference for any of the details of this weekend, that didn’t stop her from running everything by me first. I agreed to almost everything. Tomorrow we will be married at two o’clock in the afternoon. The ceremony will take place outside, on the grounds of The Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch resort here in Beaver Creek. Our wedding party consists of Harper and Benjamin, and we arranged for Teddy’s pastor to officiate the whole thing.

  Since our wedding party is so small, Teddy wanted to invite all of her closest friends to join us, along with our families, to the rehearsal dinner. Then tomorrow, while she does what women do for occasions such as these with Harper and Carrie—Benjamin, Andrew, Geoffrey and I will be off playing a round of golf. If I’m forced to play host, I couldn’t imagine a better activity to indulge in on my wedding day.

  The remainder of our guests, of which there are only forty, will arrive tomorrow afternoon, just in time for the main event. Our reception will be an intimate affair, with dinner and just enough dancing to make Teddy happy. That’s all I want, is for Teddy to be happy. S
he’s only doing this shit once—and she deserves for it to be perfect.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts at the feel of her soft lips pressed against my cheek, just above my beard. “I love you,” she murmurs before kissing me once more.

  I shift my gaze on her, my exceptional, young bride, and admire her poise. It hasn’t escaped my notice that she’s been remarkably calm throughout the entire planning process, and I must admit that I’m quite proud. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. I’ve waited as long as my patience will allow—it’s time for her to become Mrs. St. Michaels.

  “Tell me again tomorrow,” I finally reply, the corner of my mouth curling in a knowing smile.

  “Oh, I most certainly will. Over and over. You’ll tire of hearing me say it.”

  “Never,” I insist, bringing my lips to hers before I mumble, “I love you.”

  She leans into me as I kiss her tenderly, her hand finding it’s way to my thigh. For a moment, I forget that we’re not alone, but seated side by side at the head of our table. I’m reminded only at the sound of someone tapping at the side of their glass.

  “Enough, you two. There will be plenty of time for all of that later,” says Geoff. “Right now, I’d like to make a toast.”

  Teddy and I pull away from each other, both of us looking in his direction as he stands. He picks up his bottle of beer in one hand, tucking his other into his pocket as he clears his throat.

  “I’ll keep it short,” he begins, smirking at Teddy. “Freckles, you’re one of the best people I know. It’s an honor to be called your friend, but even more so—I’m thrilled to be here with you this weekend. You, baby girl, deserve all the happiness in the world. And I know that sounds cliché, but I mean it, so I don’t give a shit how it sounds.”

  “Here, here!” chimes in Harper, eliciting a bit of laughter around the table.

  “I know you’re going to be an amazing wife,” Geoff continues, “because you’re an incredible friend. I wouldn’t let you go into the arms of just anyone—but I know how much you are treasured by the man at your side, so for what it’s worth, you have my blessing.


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