Winter's Awakening: The Metahumans Emerge (Winter's Saga #1)

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Winter's Awakening: The Metahumans Emerge (Winter's Saga #1) Page 10

by Karen Luellen

  “You always did catch on fast, Greg. No, he hasn’t contacted us directly. But he did send four meat-heads to ‘collect’ us and take us back to The Institute. We also found a GPS and audio transmitter in the truck.

  “He’s probably hired a whole team of people to track us and make sure we get to where we’re going. But they haven’t been too worried about whether Cole and I survive. They just want the kids back.”

  Greg was frowning deeply. I wondered what he was thinking so I watched his facial expressions and listened to the tone of his voice when he spoke.

  “You always had a way of befriending the hard-luck cases. Why you ever got involved with this, I’ll never know! No offense to you kids, but Theo, you have to think about Cole. He shouldn’t be a part of this. He’s already lost one parent, for Pete’s sake! You don’t owe Margo anything. You helped her as much as you could twelve years ago. Both you and Jenna did! These kids can be turned over to the state. They’re almost of age anyway.”

  “Stop right there, Greg.” Dr. Andrews’ voice was stern and his face hardened. “I knew what I was getting into when I met Margo, and I knew what I was getting into when I flew down to Texas to pick up her children when she went missing.

  “Yes, Cole has lost his mom. So now it’s up to me alone to teach him the importance of faith, integrity, right and wrong and friendship, Greg. A part of me died with Jenna, and the only reason I didn’t give up entirely was because of our little boy. Jenna loved Margo and if she were here today she would be sitting beside me at this table asking you to help these children. This is the right thing to do, and you know it!”

  Three things happened while I heard this heart-felt speech from the doctor.

  1. I knew Dr. Andrews had loved my mother deeply.

  2. I knew he was here because he felt obligated to be.

  3. I knew my brothers and I needed to release him of that obligation by handling Dr. Williams and The Institute alone.

  Before Mr. Burns had a chance to speak, I asked to be excused to use the restroom and signaled my brothers to follow me after a few moments. I had no doubt they’d figure some excuse to leave the table.

  Three minutes later, we met up by the restrooms. And I could tell by the looks on their faces, we all knew what I was about to say.

  “It’s time to let the good doctor and his son off the hook,” I said.

  “Yeah, he’s done more than enough,” agreed Alik.

  “It’s getting way too dangerous for them, now,” Evan nodded.

  “What are we going to do? We are in the middle of Arizona and have no way of getting to California on our own?” I shuffled my feet into a pile of peanut shells as I thought.

  “So, why are we hanging out by the bathrooms?” It was Cole’s voice.

  I looked up and saw his sparkling eyes smiling at me and my brothers. We must have looked as if we just got caught with our hand in the cookie jar.

  “Hey, Cole. We were just,…” Alik stammered.

  “Yeah, well, we got to thinking maybe it would be a good idea if, er…um,…”

  “We’ve decided we need to finish this on our own,” I said.

  “Well, I wasn’t planning to help anyone use the bathroom!” Cole teased, trying to lighten the moment. He knew something serious happened just before he walked up and he was bracing himself for what it might be.

  “You and your dad have been so great to help us. Your dad flying down to Texas to get us, searching for our mom’s whereabouts, driving us all the way here… it’s just—it’s just getting too dangerous for you two,” Evan explained.

  “Mr. Burns was right, and we like you guys too much to see you get hurt because of us,” I said, trying not to blush.

  “We were just trying to figure out how to go from here,” Alik said.

  Cole looked at each of our faces measuring our resolve. He pressed his lips together and nodded slowly. Then he shrugged and said, “Well, you’ll need the wheels. I’ll head back to the table and get the keys. Meet me at the truck in a couple of minutes. After you leave, I’ll stall dad telling him you three were needing some time to talk, or something, so he won’t come looking for you right away. Okay?”

  My heart thundered in my chest. Cole wanted to help us and he understood this was the best way he could help. Without thinking, I stepped up to him, wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest. So unexpected was my display of affection, that it took him a moment to respond. But when he did respond, wow! I could almost see the sparks shooting off of us as we held each other for just a moment.

  “Come on, you two! We’re not saying good-bye, forever. Cole, we’ll contact you once we find our mom. Count on it!” said Alik.

  “The plan will only work if we maintain our secrecy, guys. We’ve gotta go!” Evan urged.

  We slipped out the back door of the restaurant. Moments later, we were at the truck. True to his word, Cole met us there and handed the keys to Alik. “Take care of yourselves. I’ll be waiting for that call.”

  The boys slugged each other on the shoulders in that guy-to-guy affectionate way, and we loaded up fast.

  “Meg,” Cole called just before I closed the truck’s door. He looked so sincere as he leaned toward me and brushed his warm lips against my cheek in a gentlemen’s kiss. I was breathless. He smiled that dimpled smile and closed the door for me.

  With Alik at the wheel, we pulled out of the lot and headed down the highway. I don’t think I stopped grinning for an hour.

  Chapter 36 Just the Three of Us…Well, and Maze

  We drove in silence for a few hours, each of us lost in our thoughts. Maze woke us from our trance with an annoying whining sound.

  He had to find a bush, and quick. I’d been so caught up in our worries; I’d completely neglected my best buddy. Alik pulled the truck over and we got out to stretch our legs while Maze found the perfect spot on which to pee.

  “So, you ready to let us in on your plan, Meg?” Alik spoke just above a whisper, though we were completely isolated. I think he was worried I was going to get all moody and crazy on him. Poor fellow. It must be tough living with a walking emotional superconductor all the time.

  I smiled ruefully at my brothers.

  Back in the truck, Evan worked as my scribe as I shared my skeleton plan with them. “Alik, how much detail do you remember about The Institute’s floor plan?”

  He caught on fast and smiled. “Everything. They had an emergency exit map laminated beside the door to my room. That is, assuming they haven’t changed the layout.”

  “Right,” I said, “We’ll just have to hope they didn’t.”

  “Evan, they’re bound to have a pretty high-tech security system set up in multiple stages throughout the facility. Do you think you can get us past them?”

  “I’ll need some equipment, but yeah, I think I can figure out how to bypass anything they’re using.” Evan said with an uncharacteristic smile pressing his lips.

  “As for me, I will be able to find mom once we’re in there.”

  “What do you mean, you’ll ‘be able to find mom’?” Alik asked.

  “Listen, I’ve been noticing something since we left the ranch. Maybe I could always do this and just didn’t need to. I mean, I’ve only had you guys, mom and Maze to work with. Or maybe I’ve just started developing this skill … kinda like what mom hinted to in her journals. But, if I concentrate, I can feel people.” I said all this in a near whisper as if it were a huge secret and outside ears wouldn’t understand. Or maybe I just felt stupid putting what I’d been feeling into words.

  My brothers both looked over at me with raised eyebrows.

  “Don’t look at me as if I’m crazy, you idiots! I’m telling you I can feel people. I can feel what they’re feeling. It’s how I knew we could trust Dr. Andrews and how I know Michelle Andrews is the one who put the tracker in the truck. I knew what the thugs were thinking when they attacked. I’ll be able to feel mom. It’s like knowing there’s a fresh baked pile of
cookies hiding in the house and following your nose to find it. That’s the best way I can think to describe it. If I’m close enough, I can find her by following her scent.”

  “Wow, Meg. You’re a real freak, you know that? I mean, I’ve always known you’re an emotional nut-job, but now you can feel the emotions of others?” Alik glanced over at me from the driver’s seat, clearly teasing me. It made me want to punch him square in the jaw.

  Evan, ever the diplomat, spoke up. “I have a bit of a confession too. I mean, I would have told you guys sooner, but I always worried about saying too much in front of Dr. Andrews and Cole. Besides, it just started showing up a few days ago. Kinda like Meg, I don’t know if I could do this for a while and just never had the opportunity on the ranch, or if it recently came-about.”

  “What is it? What are you talking about Evan?” I was excited to know that maybe I wasn’t alone in my newfound abilities.

  “I can pretty much unlock any machine.” Evan said simply.

  “That’s not new. You’ve always been good at taking apart and putting together all things mechanical.” Alik said matter-of-factly.

  “Well sure, and Meg has always been hyperemotional. That’s not what I’m saying. I can crack any mechanism nearly instantaneously. All I have to do is look at it and I can see in my mind its inner workings. Then, I can manipulate those workings.” Evan looked to me for understanding then continued. “Now sometimes I need equipment to help me accomplish that, but that’s just a necessity. I’m not magical!”

  “Wait. Back up. You can make machines do what you want it to do? Like what, make an ATM spit out money?” I asked.

  “Well, yeah, I could probably do that. But I don’t think that would be very ethical. I don’t like the idea of stealing; besides mom would flip her lid.”

  “You got that right!” Alik blurted. “It’s bad enough we took this truck from Cole and Dr. Andrews.” Alik pointed out with a hint of guilt in his voice.

  “We did what we had to do to protect them. It’s not like we abandoned them on the side of the road. I’m sure Mr. Burns will help them get back to Kansas safely.”

  Truth be told, I missed Cole and Dr. Andrews. Those two men had truly honest souls and only wanted to help us. I wondered what Cole thought of me and remembered his tender good-bye. Was he relieved to be done with us? Would he think of me? Would I ever see him again?

  From a passenger’s viewpoint the doctor’s SUV was comfortable and functional. Now that we were in the driver’s seat, so to speak, we got to appreciate the bells and whistles.

  Evan took one look at the GPS and quickly did a search for The Institute’s address. Within moments, he had a map pulled up on the screen displaying the approximate drive time. It was only three hours twenty-three minutes away. Our mom was so close I just wanted to fly to her side and kill the monster that had taken her.

  But before the fury and anxiety merged into one of my typical uncontrollable rages, I made myself breathe slowly and think. It would do mom no good to rush The Institute half-cocked with no decisive plan, all guns blazing. That could be fatal, for all of us.

  “Listen guys, we need more time to prepare our strategy. Let’s not rush it. You mentioned that we need to gather equipment, right Evan? We’re going to need to create a diversion too. Explosives?” I was just thinking out loud ticking off ideas as they came to me.

  A thought occurred to me. I reached over and popped the glove compartment open. There sat the two guns Dr. Andrews had packed.

  “That’s not going to be enough,” Alik and Evan said at the same time.

  “Nope, not nearly enough.” I agreed.

  Evan leaned back to the onboard computer. With a few flicks at the screen, he pulled up three addresses of sporting good stores in the area. Reading briefly a basic list of the merchandise each offered, he zeroed in on his top pick.

  “What are you thinking, Evan?” I could almost hear his thoughts racing with a solution to our needs.

  “Well, I believe I’ve got a plan, big sister.” He looked up at me with a mischievous grin.

  Oh yeah, this is exactly what we need! My heart cheered.

  Chapter 37 The Audacity of That Woman

  He had quite enough of this impudence. How dare her! Her little display of ungratefulness left a serious mark on his neck. He could barely swallow or talk.

  The pain medicines he administered to himself kept wearing off too fast, so he’d just established his own morphine pump. All he had to do was push a little button and a wave of deliciously numbing medicine pumped into his vein. But he had to be careful not to overdo it. He had to maintain all his faculties. After all, he had a lot of work to do, and he needed a clear head to do it.

  His personal bodyguards made very short work of Ms. Winter. Considering the injuries she brought on herself, she may very well die before the children arrive. No matter, she was just the bait. The true goal has always been to bring the children home. Once they’re here, he was sure they could be persuaded to embrace their roles.

  They had so much catching up to do. So much had happened since they were stolen away and he was anxious to involve them in all his newest ventures. He had great plans for them. Ah, so much to do, so little time.

  His group of four collectors had failed him miserably.

  He pressed the little button for the second time in five minutes.

  But they served a purpose they knew nothing about. No matter. A good general always sends his pawns in first.

  The children were coming to him just as he had planned. When they arrived, he would have a welcome home party the likes of which they’ve never seen.

  A morphine-induced grin showed jagged, yellow teeth.

  The children will see how much they were missed. The gifts he had given those children had been squandered by that wretched woman all these years.

  Now, the children would have the long overdue opportunity to thank him for all he did for them.

  He was anticipating that moment with great zeal.

  Chapter 38 Immaculate

  It was late. We arrived in town around 7pm and decided to drive around The Institute to get a feel for what kind of security they may have.

  The center building stood seven stories tall and covered one square block, at least. There were four smaller buildings connected to the main structure at its corners. They stood glistening stone-white in the setting sunlight. Blackest windows etched into a symmetrical pattern across the external walls. The entire compound covered four square blocks and was maintained flawlessly.

  Every shrub and tree was trimmed perfectly into neat little cubes or spheres. The deep-green grass encircling the buildings looked soft enough to sleep on. There was a stone pebble walking path that snaked around the complex intentionally highlighting the immaculate landscaping, but it was just for looks. There was no one on it except the landscaping crew of guys. They must be out here daily to keep this place so pristine.

  An inconspicuous steel rectangular sign was angled near the entrance of the main building. It simply read: The Institute of Neurobiological Studies - Dr. Kenneth Williams CEO.

  Oh, yeah, this guy was full of himself and not afraid to plaster his name all over a building that housed horrific and illegal scientific practices. He truly must see himself as exempt from the law, from ethics and from humanity.

  Although I didn’t see any security as we circled the complex, Evan did. His trained eyes knew what to look for. He pointed out cameras, could spot “hidden” sensors, and even got an idea what kind of system and guards would be just inside the lobby doors.

  “Alik, does this bring back memories?” I asked my brother gently, not sure if coming here had just opened Pandora’s Box.

  He pressed his lips together tightly and squinted straight ahead looking like he was really concentrating on the road. I gave him some time to answer. I felt him working through his inner turmoil with the flood of images passing through is mind while collecting the necessary blueprint data we needed.
  “Yeah, I remember everything.” He gestured with a nod of his head at the large center building. “The executive suites were on the top floor of that building. Williams’ office should be there. Floors two through six were offices for researchers, developers, assistants, etcetera.”

  His blue eyes looked with unrestrained hatred at the smaller building on the southwest corner. “And that’s where they kept us while they worked on their top-secret Infinite Project. That’s where they made the metahumans.”

  All three of us stared at the building with our personal degrees of loathing. Being here was going to be harder than I imagined. I could feel my brother’s anguish and it nearly caused me a physical reaction.

  I needed to concentrate. It was time for me to try to find mom.

  With effort, I pushed back the waves of emotion streaming toward me from Alik and Evan and tried to focus instead on trying to sense mom. I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes. I thought of my mother, the beautiful woman who raised me. I allowed myself to remember the little things that brought waves of emotion crashing down on my heart.

  In my mind, I saw my mother’s strong, gentle hands. They were always the right temperature. If I were feverish, they felt cool and soothing on my forehead. If I had chills, my mother’s hands felt like warming mittens against my skin.

  In the evenings, when we sat around the living room playing games or reading, my mom would always have to have her hand or her toes or something touching us. If I were sitting next to her on the couch, she would make sure we were snuggled against each other. Even if we didn’t say one word, lost in our own leisure activities, we were always near each other.


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