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Captive Heroes

Page 4

by Springer, Jan

  Blackie had returned to camp quickly after hearing her screams. Had come back to find her fighting him off. Defiance raged in her brilliant green eyes as she stabbed her attacker.

  He wanted to catch her. To explain. He wanted to keep her safe. To pleasure her. To make her his. Only his.

  But after she had stabbed their leader in the heart and he’d died, she had run like a bolt of lightning. He would have gone after her, but tradition dictated he stay with the body. To bring the leader back to Death Valley for all to see, and then to the place of the dead for a proper send-off. After the traditional funeral, he’d come back for her. He’d been hunting her ever since.

  His lungs burned with fire as he tried to breathe just a little deeper. Tried to run just a little faster. She was only twenty feet away. Her tired breaths echoed past his ears as she dashed through the dense undergrowth in front of him.

  Every few seconds he caught glimpses of her. The fear lacing her heart-shaped face. The splash of silky, curly brown hair that reached mid-back. Her sun-kissed bronze skin.

  Until he had found her unconscious, he’d never seen this female before. But he still wanted her despite her being a killer. He hunted her not only out of revenge but also because he enjoyed a challenge and because of his sexual attraction toward her. Maybe the pull was even curiosity. He wanted to see how hard it would be to train her. He wondered how long before she submitted to the desires he would instill in her.


  Desperation urged him and Blackie pumped his legs harder.

  He could smell her. Sweet, succulent, female.

  He’d never reacted to a female as he had this one. She was petite. Shapely. His for the taking. His female.

  Yes, he would take her. He would make her enjoy his pleasure no matter how much she fought. No matter how hard she resisted.

  His lungs continued to burn from the exertion, but her sweet scent seared more power through him. He ran faster and her fear wrapped around him as he reached out. His right hand clamped over her right shoulder. Her skin was hot, smooth and very inviting as he swung her around.

  She was screaming. Falling. Her eyes went wide with terror as she landed on her back. He came down on her, straddled her and, within seconds, held both her wrists captive in one of his hands.

  With a rope he bound her wrists, and then threw her arms up and over her head, tying the other end of the rope to a small sapling a foot away from her head.

  “Get off me, you bastard!”

  He allowed her beautiful voice to slice into his bloodstream and loved the erotic way his body hummed with desire. He let her buck and writhe beneath him. Tried hard not to let himself become too aroused as her petite body ground against his cock and balls. But it didn’t take long before he clenched his teeth together with the need to take her here and now.

  But the defiant gaze shooting from her eyes gave him pause. This was not a woman who would easily be broken. She would kill him before she let that happen. Just as she had killed their leader.

  No, she needed to be primed, seduced.

  But first he needed to tell her he had not wished for the leader to attack her. He had meant to train her first.

  As she fought him, he couldn’t take his eyes from her body. She wore clothing in an unusual way. He was used to females walking confidently in their nakedness or wearing sheer, see-through clothing.

  This female had taken his hair blanket. It had gone missing from his camp two nights ago while he’d been swimming in a nearby stream.

  She had torn it in two and draped half over her lower body, covering her buttocks and pussy and knotting the sides, allowing him erotic glimpses of her tanned hips and thighs.

  Her breasts were covered with the other half and secured by thin strips at her shoulders—strips that appeared to have been sewn by some sort of thin cord. Strips that loosened every second she struggled.

  He swallowed past his dry throat and willed those garment ties to open. As if the Goddess of Freedom herself had heard his wish, the strip on her left shoulder popped, revealing the generous curve of her breast and a succulent red nipple.

  He shuddered at the erotic sight, remembered how he’d taken those nipples into his mouth while she’d lain deep asleep in her fever dreams. As he peered at her nipple, it mesmerized him into a breathless state.

  He blinked in shock as a weapon appeared in her hand. She thrust it at him and he tried to roll out of the way.

  He wasn’t fast enough.

  Intense pain sliced into his upper arm, throwing him totally off balance. One second he was straddling her, the next instant he lay on his back, writhing in the brilliant sparks of red-hot agony, helplessly fascinated by the curvy backside of his momentary captive. She was quickly swallowed by the surrounding lush green ferns.

  Damn! He’d lost her!

  Forcing himself to roll onto his good side, he winced at the waves of pain ripping through his upper arm. He managed to stand and curse. The rope lay near the sapling, the end that had bound her wrists…snapped.

  He slapped a hand to his waist. His knife was gone. While he’d been distracted by her breasts, she’d somehow broken free of her bonds and slipped the knife from his sheath.

  Next time he wouldn’t make the same mistake. Next time he wouldn’t be gentle either. He didn’t want her damaged, but he would make her hurt. In a good way. She would be his. Even if it killed him.

  * * * * *

  Kayla stared through the metal bars of the cage at the full silver moon hanging low over the nearby trees. Huh. If she didn’t know any better she could swear she was back on Earth. The moon looked the same. The air smelled the same.

  For a moment, she pretended she was lying out in her parents’ rural backyard with her brothers and sisters, watching for falling stars. The moon blurred and a swell of emotions washed over her as she thought of her family. Her brothers had always been fascinated by the stars, the moon and anything to do with space, so it hadn’t come as a surprise when all three had been accepted into NASA after completing their education.

  Now her brothers were stuck here on this godforsaken planet, waiting for help from her and her sisters, and she didn’t have a clue how to get out of this friggin’ cage, how to find her brothers or get help for her sisters.

  She’d left Piper lying unconscious with Kinley, who appeared dazed after suffering a head injury. But Kinley had assured Kayla she was fine and, despite Kayla’s instincts telling her Kinley wasn’t acting right in that she seemed forgetful, she’d left them.

  God, had she been nuts, just leaving them there so she could go off to get help? The snap of guilt disintegrated. Yeah, she’d done the right thing. Kinley had always been a resourceful woman. She would stick with Piper and find food in the wilderness. She would make sure Piper was okay.

  But Kayla had been naïve in thinking the group of women she’d met on the dusty road after she found her way out of that wretched swamp would help her. All they’d been interested in was tying her up and bringing her to that village. There she’d been bathed and clothed, if she could call these flimsy see-through garments clothing, and then she’d been sent to the auction block and sold to these two women who’d quickly shoved her into this cage.

  Oh crap.

  She was letting everybody down. Big-time. She needed to get the heck out of here, but how?

  Resisting the urge to pull and push—yet again—on the metal bars, her momentary anger drifted away. There was nothing she could do about her circumstances right now. Everything was out of her control, so she may as well just try to relax. But she was anything but relaxed.

  Arousal lashed her. Yeah, there must have been something in that swamp water she drank. There just had to be. It was the only thing she could think of as to why she needed sex, despite everything else being not good.

  She sighed and thought about the man who’d been dragged behind the wagon. She’d always liked scars on a man, found them attractive, and his scars certainly made her insides jum
p like a live wire. Kayla rolled her eyes and cursed softly. God help her, she must be a sadist if a man’s scars turned her on.

  Plopping her ass back onto the wooden bench, she crossed her arms over her breasts and tried to ignore how erotically the night air caressed her hot, flushed skin. Too bad the two women had led the guy out of her sight. She frowned and a raw spear of jealousy jabbed into her.

  They were probably having a threesome or something!

  The envy of him being with those women had her empty pussy throbbing and aching to be filled. Her breasts were so tender and big and she was possessed by an overwhelming need to touch herself.

  She searched the surrounding darkness for any sign of them and saw nothing. The three of them were probably wrapped in each other’s arms, sleeping after some red-hot sex. They wouldn’t know what she was up to in this cage. She needed to get herself off, that’s what she needed. A nice bit of sexual satisfaction would clear her mind.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the cool bars and slid both hands beneath the flimsy material, her fingers trailing upward until she cupped her breasts. Squeezing them lightly, she inhaled at the sudden surge of pleasure whipping through her.

  Whoa! Definitely something going on here.

  Yes, she was a sexual woman, but usually she needed a bit more stimulation to get her motor running. And her motor was definitely running fast and hot. Perspiration sprinkled across her forehead and her breaths became raspy as she rolled her tender nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

  Erotic tightness zipped through her pussy and a harsh, insistent ache pulsed deep inside her vagina. The need for release had her squeezing her nipples tighter. The buds grew harder and she clamped her thighs together, trying to get some friction going while she tended her breasts.

  Urgency made her move one of her hands from her breast and thrust her top up, allowing the air to directly brush her fevered flesh. While she tugged her nipple, she used her free hand to peel off the skirt and drop it to the cage floor at her feet. She spread her legs and moved her hand between her thighs, smiling as she discovered the wet heat.

  She arched her hips and moaned as her fingers pressed past her wet pussy lips and swept feverishly against her swollen, sensitive clit. She trembled at the intoxicating friction and, within seconds, hot ripples of need built deep inside. Using the hot cream of her arousal as lubrication, she rubbed her clit with firm pressure, pinched and plucked her nipples harder and harder until the erotic bite shredded her like an unleashed storm.

  She lost control. Lost herself in the mindless enjoyment. She barely heard herself cry out into the quiet stillness of the deep, dark night. Barely cared if anyone heard her.

  Shaking and moaning, she jerked and bucked her hips, suspending herself on a rack of pleasure. Thrusting two fingers inside, she withdrew and plunged in again, making sure she rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings of her clit every time.

  She fantasized about the stranger taking her right here on the bench. He would be impatient, demanding yet tender. She’d seen at least that much in his eyes. Eyes that were unreadable most of the day, but every now and then gave her glimpses of his sexual needs, knowingly or unknowingly. She didn’t care which. She just wanted him.

  Tweaking her nipples, she continued her mad, erotic thrusts into her pussy. His lovemaking would be addictive. Intoxicating.

  As she came a second time, Kayla grew more aroused than before.


  * * * * *

  Taylor watched her from the shadows, panting as the silvery moon splashed beams of light over the female’s near-naked figure. She sat half on, half off the bench.

  Her garment was thrust up, revealing pert, luscious, creamy breasts he ached to touch. He craved to cup her swollen flesh in his palms. His breathing grew rapid and his cock throbbed and swelled as she moaned and thrust her fingers between her wide-spread thighs.

  Gritting his teeth, he was able to keep himself from stroking his cock. He could withhold getting his satisfaction for a long time. Denial had been trained into him over the years and the learning he’d endured as a sex slave was hard to forget.

  He would take this woman. He would quell his sex-slave training of self-control. But first he needed to break her out of that cage. Sighing with frustration, Taylor ignored the insistent throb in his cock and balls.

  After the two females had led him to a secluded area and tied him to a tree, he’d held his breath, awaiting the ankle bracelet he was sure would come. But they appeared too involved with each other as they’d held hands and giggled. Sexy, muffled moans and whimpers had come from behind some bushes they’d retreated to, and then later, silence. He’d waited a long time, making sure they slept before he’d moved into action.

  Slipping out of the binds had not been too much trouble. He’d used the friction of the ropes to cut into his flesh. The blood made things slippery enough to free himself. Then he had headed toward the wagon. That’s when he saw the woman…and what she was doing to herself. In Death Valley, masturbating—for females—was not allowed. Punishment would be whippings and bondage.

  Taylor grinned despite the discomfort plaguing his lower half. He would enjoy punishing this woman for her transgression.

  He could hardly wait.

  Chapter Three

  If she weren’t so exhausted from her several intense orgasms, Kayla wouldn’t have hesitated bringing herself off yet again. But the euphoria of the sexual haze drifting all around her was sweeping her into a blissful peace she really enjoyed. Her mind was freeing itself, devoid of questions, of anxiety and fear. She wanted to drown in the erotic blankness.

  She would have, too, had she not smelled him. His dominant, fiercely sexy scent—a combination of dust, sweat and intensity—tensed every fiber inside her into live wires of sexual awareness and intoxicating need.

  A split second later, she snapped her eyes open and found a shadowy figure fiddling quietly with the padlock of the cage door. She’d studied his silhouette enough during the day to recognize his powerful build, and she couldn’t stop the sensual gasp whispering past her lips as her body hummed with erotic alertness for him.

  “Not a sound,” he whispered.

  Suddenly her senses returned. He was breaking her out! Gosh! Had he been watching her masturbate? Oh man, how embarrassing!

  Blushing profusely at her disarrayed attire, she rushed to get her skirt back on and her top in place.

  Her legs nearly buckled, but she managed to hold on to the nearby bars until she was strong enough to walk to the door. A moment later, he opened the cage and his hands snaked in. Grabbing her by the waist, he literally swept her off her feet and she sailed right out of the cage.

  Powerful man!

  Those two words pounded into her brain like a battering ram and excitement and fear swept through her. He could overpower her easily. He could dominate her. Do whatever he wished to her once he got her away from their captors.

  In the silvery glow of moonlight his deep-set eyes glittered with lust, and the strong chin, the firm set of his full mouth spoke of self-control. Tension oozed off him as he settled her upon the ground ever so gently, an indication that maybe he wouldn’t hurt her at all.

  She couldn’t help but drop her gaze to hungrily scan those scars lacing his muscular chest, which was dusted with a soft shadow of hair. Once again heat flared deep inside her vagina, sending her senses whirling into erotic mode.

  Shit! All that masturbating was for naught. She was more aroused than ever! And it didn’t even seem that she cared about escaping after all. She was nuts! She had to be. She resisted the sudden urge to slap this man silly for making her throb with such intense need for him.

  “We go now. Stay silent,” he said coolly. The hands wrapped around her waist slipped away, and then his fingers intertwined with hers and he held tight as he pulled her along behind him.

  Fuck! The powerful grasp of his strong fingers captured her full attention and sent conflicting em
otions spiraling through her. Dazed excitement at having him rescue her and feminine relief at having such a big, muscular man protecting her.

  Most of all, though, erotic-sweet fear had slipped into her bloodstream at the rock-hard, huge erection he was toting for her. For sure he’d been watching her masturbate.

  His intentions for rescuing her were clear. And if she were to accommodate his blatantly demanding cock? What then? Would he let her go? Or would he turn her into a submissive sex slave?

  She wasn’t sure if he would agree to help her find her sisters and brothers. She didn’t really care about anything but having him thrusting between her thighs. Her emotions had once again gone haywire. She was in trouble.

  Big trouble!

  * * * * *

  She still had no idea who in the world she was, where she came from or how she got lost in this god-forsaken jungle. Looking down at the silver medical alert bracelet, she couldn’t so much as fathom a memory.

  Kinley Hero. The name felt right as she said it over and over in her head. The name belonged to her, yet she couldn’t think of a reason of why she was lost in this jungle. She remembered bursts of flames dancing on the water, the smell of fuel, her swimming with two other women. The blonde-haired woman with the startling blue eyes had told her to stay with the unconscious one, and then Kinley had awoken to that Blackie man fucking her senseless with his fingers.

  After killing the brute who’d tried to rape her, she’d seen the horror in Blackie’s dark eyes. Stabbing her attacker had happened so fast everything around the incident was hazy. Blackie would most likely want revenge against her for killing his friend. Yet he was the only person she could think of to get her out of this jungle. Keeping close to him even though he continued to track her made her hope that sooner or later, he would tire of her and head out to civilization. She’d be right behind him. That is, if she could keep from being captured by him.

  She just needed to stay close to him and not get caught. Close enough so she could watch his evening bathing ritual, but at the same time not be seen. Spying on him was the highlight of each night.


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