Captive Heroes

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Captive Heroes Page 15

by Springer, Jan

Wiping wet, stray strands out of her eyes, she piled more wood onto the flickering fire. It crackled, smoked a bit, then caught. Blessed heat swept against her. Hope flooded her. Things were going to be okay now.

  She opened the door to get the pot, only to have the howling wind blow her hair back into her face again.

  “Friggin’ wind,” she snapped angrily. Thankfully though, the pot was already overflowing. A moment later she had it anchored over the roaring fire.

  Hot air filled the cabin and she thought of stripping off her wet clothes and wrapping herself in that second blanket she’d laid on Taylor.

  “Cobwebs,” he muttered again.

  Oh God.

  “I can’t clean out the place right now, Taylor. The cobwebs will have to stay a bit longer,” she called over her shoulder as she warmed her hands by the fire.


  Cobwebs prevented infection?

  She squatted beside the bed, eyeing him. He looked feverish, delirious.

  “Are you serious?”

  He nodded.

  “So what? Scrape the webs together and…”

  “Press into wound…pack…”

  Kayla closed her eyes as a wave of revulsion crashed into her. She hated webs just as much as the creepy creatures that created them.


  Oh God, he was definitely delirious.

  His voice was growing weaker. “Black…white cross…juiciest…”

  Oh my God!

  She expected him to start laughing, to tell her he really was just trying to lighten this dire situation. She willed those luscious lips of his to lift into a grin.

  Nothing happened.

  “Did I mention I hate spiders?” she replied meekly.

  He did not answer. Just kept staring at her. Like he was accusing her of being a wimp.

  “How about you smiling for me, huh? Just once.” It would make her day a whole hell of a lot better.

  He didn’t.

  Her gaze flew back to the ugly wound. God, what she wouldn’t do to have the internet handy now.

  “Okay, I’ll do it. Then I want a big smile from you for all my hard work. Okay?”

  He nodded, but barely.

  “And this spider soup… If I make you some, you are going to owe me something big. You got it, big guy?”

  Again, another nod. The fact he understood what she was saying meant only two things. The guy was definitely not delirious and she was in one big heap of trouble.

  Spiders. Ew!

  * * * * *

  Despite being the weakest he’d ever been in his entire life, Blackie’s blood boiled with lust and his body burned with need. He wanted to fuck these females in order to get release. It was unbearable. He needed them so badly he could hardly stand it. He could barely keep his knees from buckling as he stood in front of a giant, crackling fire with many Yellow Hair females staring at him.

  He’d passed out for a while and discovered he’d been taken to a camp in a meadow consisting of several hide shelters. They’d tied his wrists and lifted his arms by a rope until he was almost on tiptoe. And then they began to massage his cock until he had no choice but to react.

  Anger burned through him. Kinley must have deserted him because she was nowhere in sight.

  “It will be a shame to eat him,” one of the Yellow Hairs said, a petite youngling with wide hips and a grin much too wide for his liking. She stroked his erection so sensually he almost came.

  “I want to be the first one who eats him the other way,” one of them giggled, her cheeks flushing pink as she dropped to her knees before him and licked her lips in obvious delight.

  “Touch me and you die!” he shouted. Relief slammed into him when surprise washed over their faces and they stopped touching him.

  “He…he…speaks?” a female gasped. “I…have heard some can now speak.”

  “All the more reason he needs to be killed. Talking males are not to be kept alive. It is the Law,” another of them muttered and she reached out to touch a whip scar that ran along the length of his lower belly. Her fingers trailed a sultry line of fire. The Passion Poison once again began to scream through his system.

  He would die from the poison unless administered the antidote—a twenty-four-hour sex marathon with these females. But the Yellow Hair virgins would most likely kill him before then now that they’d heard him talk.

  Even trying to escape would have him dead if he did not take one of these females with him to supply the antidote. But the thought of fucking anyone besides Kinley didn’t turn his mind to fire as it did when he thought about taking her.

  “He must have been a difficult male for the Goddess of Freedom to leave him with such scars,” replied the female whose fingers caressed his scars.

  “Where is the goddess? She will be angry at all of you for laying a hand on me without her permission,” Blackie growled, bucking his hips, trying to get a female’s hands off his balls.

  The one stroking him so sensually he literally hurt glared angrily at him. “She is the Goddess of Freedom. She knows our ways. She will understand.”

  Despite her anger, she continued massaging his cock and no matter how hard he tried not to, he just kept responding. He wanted these females riding him, fucking him.

  He moaned as pleasure ripped through his entire being. She held a mug beneath his cock as he shot his release. Virgin Yellow Hairs took semen from their captured males and mixed it with their own blood, thus bonding him to those virgin females. Then they would seduce him. And he would have no desire to stop them from mounting him.

  “What is the meaning of this? What are you doing to my slave?”

  Relief sizzled through Blackie at the shrill voice belonging to Kinley. Thank the Goddess of Freedom. He wished he could gaze upon her, but she was somewhere behind him. The other females, however, frowned with disappointment.

  Nonetheless they stopped caressing him and all the females grew quiet as they bowed to the ground.

  Blackie blinked in shock. Perhaps she was the Goddess of Freedom.

  “He is being prepared to give us the sacred drink,” the tallest of the females replied. She had been standing in the background, watching the other females. She spoke coolly and confidently as she and the others stood.

  “I fully understand,” Kinley replied and hopelessness swept Blackie literally off his feet. The ropes around his wrists burned as his knees buckled.

  “Since I am the Goddess of Freedom, I wish to have a night with him first.”

  Gasps echoed through the virgins and Blackie instantly realized her mistake. It was said the real Goddess of Freedom owned no male slaves and never had sex with them.

  The tallest Yellow Hair paled. “The Goddess of Freedom mates with males? ’Tis not allowed!”

  “Are you questioning the Goddess?” Kinley’s voice turned cold as ice. “I do as I wish. I am the one who set all these rules, remember? Am I not entitled to change them? Especially for myself?”

  Well done, Kinley. Well done.

  “As I told you earlier, I hit my head. I forgot who I was. In order to blend in with the others and avoid questions, I colored my hair brown. Thankfully you were able to supply me with a color that is close to my original. Soon it will grow out and you will see that I am a Yellow Hair as you all,” she spoke so confidently Blackie swore he would come just from the strength she exuded.

  “I know how to enjoy a male’s body. It brings me pleasure, but I do not allow it to curtail my decisions. I have decided you may have the male for your virgin dance and fucking ceremonies.”

  Cold hatred shattered Blackie’s heart. He glared at her as she strolled into his view.

  Her brown hair had been colored pure yellow and braided into hundreds of small braids. They had dressed her in a filmy, white dress that accented her generous breasts and illuminated her curvy hips.

  He swallowed as carnal desire overwhelmed him. He wanted her. Wanted her more than anything. S
he would be his.

  He needed to escape. Needed to be with her.

  She moved in front of him. To his surprise, she reached out and took his engorged cock in her hand. She squeezed gently, tenderly. The intimate touch scorched flames of desire though him to the point where he moaned. Satisfaction flashed in her eyes and he suddenly understood. She had been his captive and now he was to be hers.

  “Bring him to my shelter. Tend to his wound and prepare him for me. Bind him with the cock ring as per our traditions. I will be there shortly.” Kinley spoke with an authority he had not yet seen in her. Three women leapt to do her bidding. She let go of his cock, a smug smile on her pretty face as she maintained eye contact with him.

  “I will give him to you in the morning. Until then, I will bless him with my sacred channel and you virgins will be special when you become women.”

  You bitch.

  He wanted to shout it at her, but the words would only make her smile much more smugly.

  The excited chatter of the young females made Blackie uneasy. He hoped Kinley knew what she was doing. He had to believe she had a plan for them to escape, because if she didn’t, he was a very dead male.

  Chapter Nine

  Kinley’s heart pounded a mile a minute as she stood ready to enter the shelter the leader of the Yellow Hairs had assigned her. The building was a cone-shaped wigwam covered by a patchwork of hides, woven grass mats and evergreen boughs.

  She’d wanted to get to Blackie as soon as possible after finding him tied to a tree limb—those blond bitches’ hands trailing over his body—but the women had insisted she attend a feast they had waiting for her. How the hell could she refuse? After all, she’d somehow convinced them she was the Goddess of Freedom—whoever the heck that was.

  They’d served her all kinds of food. Charbroiled steaks and other meats, the flavors exploding so wonderfully against her taste buds she didn’t dare ask what they were. For all she knew the meal could’ve been human. She didn’t want to offend them or tip them off that she wasn’t who they thought, so she ate the food and kept her mouth shut. But her ears did the work.

  She listened intently to their free and easy conversations regarding the male they intended to fuck, kill and eat. In exactly that order. The Yellow Hairs were an interesting bunch to say the least, but she still couldn’t wait to get back to Blackie.

  “I will post two guards at this door tonight. If you require assistance in any way, let them know. They are at your disposal,” the leader of the Yellow Hairs said as Kinley readied to go inside her designated shelter.


  The last thing she needed was guards.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Kinley insisted and opened the flap to the hide house—as the women referred to their shelters.

  “Nonetheless, they will be here,” the tall one replied with a firmness that irritated Kinley. The leader annoyed her, hovering around like a starstruck fan.

  “Then that would be greatly appreciated.” Not!

  She entered the structure and found it quite dark. In the middle of the hide house orange coals glowed, heating the interior. For a moment, she allowed her eyes to grow used to the dimness and finally found Blackie.

  Hot blood rushed through her as she spied white and realized a cloth bandage had been wrapped around Blackie’s arm. Odd that they would listen to her and tend to his wound even when they were about to kill him.

  Crazy, stupid bitches!

  He was tied to a post standing near the glowing coals. He was naked. And fully aroused. Outfitted with nipple clamps, a ball gag, cock ring and a ball spreader. She creamed.

  Oh my God!

  He looked so damn hot and pissed off. If the glare he threw her way was any indication, if his eyes could speak, he would rip her a new asshole.

  “Looks like the shoe is on the other foot now,” she whispered smoothly and smirked…then shivered as his glare darkened. She creamed harder.

  “It looks like you’ve gotten yourself into a pickle.” She dropped her gaze to his engorged cock, trapped by the cock ring.

  “A nice big pickle I’d love to get a taste of.” She trembled as erotic ideas scampered through her mind. Ideas she shouldn’t be thinking about at a time like this. His eyes widened and he groaned as she traced a finger around the tight cock ring.

  “I wonder if this hurts. Or maybe this cock ring is giving you so much pleasure, you simply can’t stand it.”

  His mouth tightened around the ball gag, completely giving him away.

  “I’ve done my research on what Passion Poison does once a male is infected, my nice big male,” she teased. She stroked her fingers in feather-like brushes up and down the length of his heated shaft until he was writhing and moaning.

  “Pain turns to pleasure and pleasure is merely doubled at a female’s touch,” she whispered. She moved closer to him, allowing her entire body to run erotically against his nakedness. He was hot, his flesh wet with perspiration and creating heat waves against her as she rubbed her nipples against the tips of his nipple clamps. He glared harder and moaned.

  His tortured voice seeped into her bloodstream, making her even hotter for him. Oh yeah, she wanted to hear him speak. Wanted his anger to burn through her. She liked it when he was pissed off at her. Reaching up, she undid the ball gag and let it drop away.

  “A plan. What is it?” he muttered gutturally as she continued to stroke his swollen shaft.

  “We’ll figure one out, I’m sure.”

  His breathing intensified as she whispered her fingers over his scrotum.

  “Feels good doesn’t it, my male slave? To have pleasure build through your body and being unable to attain the release you crave so desperately.” Her voice was strangled, aroused as she spoke. Her breaths came faster and raspier as she pushed her lower abdomen against his solid erection. She smelled her arousal, a scent heavy with spice and anticipation as she creamed harder.

  Oh damn, she needed him so freaking bad it hurt. Why did seeing him tied up like this, with his cock swollen so badly from the cock ring, turn her on so bad? His lips tightened as she feathered her fingers up his naked waist, clasped his flesh and held him there. Swaying her hips, she brushed herself against his thick cock, giving him light, teasing touches as she danced. She had until morning to figure out what to do. A little bit of action to alleviate this need for him would help.

  His eyes blazed with a fierce lust, something she was fairly sure she’d never seen before in a man’s eyes.

  He licked his lips and leaned nearer to her. She moved toward him and whimpered as his lips touched hers. His mouth was warm and firm yet yielding as he kissed her. He tugged at the ropes as if trying to kiss her harder. Boldly, she stroked his lips with her tongue and every muscle in his body tensed and shivered. Her own blistering need brought her to the edge of control.

  “Hmmm… You like this don’t you, Blackie?” she whispered after breaking the kiss.

  He remained silent yet his eyes glowed in agreement.

  She leaned closer again, this time dropping her hands, pulling up the sheer dress she wore and moving between his thighs, spreading her legs.

  Oh man, she hoped she didn’t regret this impulsive act in the morning. Her mind grew hot with anticipation, her clit throbbed with need as she pushed herself against him, taking his mouth in another kiss. She gyrated her hips in a circular motion, using his swollen cock head to massage her throbbing clit. Rubbing her breasts against him, she moaned at the electrifying tingles shimmering through her nipples.

  Oh yes.

  This is what she needed to help clear her mind, not to mention give the guards outside a sound show they wouldn’t forget. Hopefully their sex noises would prevent the guards from thinking that she might not be their Goddess of Freedom after all.

  Scorching heat fluttered through her pussy and whipped into the rest of her body. She shuddered, wanting to tease Blackie as he had teased her when he’d placed that collar and the other bondage items on her. B
ut she was way past ready to have him take her.

  She broke the kiss as something flickered at the back of her mind, something sinister and dangerous. It had nothing to do with Blackie, she was sure of that. She whimpered as distress raged though her body and mind. The flashback lasted only a split second and then it disintegrated, shattering into a million disjointed pieces, thrusting her back to the present. Back into the heat, the arousal, the intoxicating need for this male.

  Gosh, she should be figuring a way out of here, not wanting to fuck her brains out with him.

  “I want you,” she murmured and shuddered as he suddenly thrust his hips forward, his large cock-ringed erection sliding into her vagina.

  Oh wow! Exquisite! Every thick, solid inch of him stretched her, impaled her to perfection. He withdrew and quickly drove into her again.

  She gasped and begged for more as arousal engulfed her and she instantly tumbled into an orgasm so strong and explosive her vision darkened and she saw stars. Pleasure lashed her like electrical whips. She tightened, cried out, fought to keep herself standing.

  His heavy cock continued driving into her, stroking every nerve ending, wrapping her in emotions she never knew she possessed. Extreme happiness. Wicked giddiness. Succulent surrender. Release.

  Perspiration blossomed over her skin as she met every delicious, powerful thrust. She moaned and whimpered, her senses dazed, her mind numb with white-hot ecstasy. He’d somehow broken his restraints while he continued to fuck her, his large hands moving between their naked bodies and cupping her breasts. He tweaked and pulled her nipples, shocking more desire into her.

  A cry bubbled inside her, escaped her parted lips. His hard mouth melted over hers, sending her reeling as another orgasm tore through her like a seductive tornado. She could barely think as—without breaking the kiss—he lowered her to a soft fur mat and came down on top of her.

  His stiff cock entered her, slowly this time. Torturously slow. He was thick. So beautifully hard. His breaths were harsh, his groans desperate as he began an erotic thrust. Smooth, seductive strokes as he came in and out, massaging her clit with the ball spreader as he entered her again.


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