Chefs, Ceremonies and Crimes

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Chefs, Ceremonies and Crimes Page 8

by Cindy Bell

  “This is it, it's finally here!” Laura squealed happily.

  Wendy stepped back out of the small room and swept her gaze over everything that she walked passed to ensure that all was flowing perfectly. The musicians began playing, welcoming the guests to take their seats. Wendy managed to squeeze in beside Brian as the multitudes of guests took their seats. She laced her fingers through his and held on tightly.

  “It's beautiful,” he said quietly. “I can't believe that you pulled all of this together with everything else that was going on.”

  “It's important,” Wendy said quietly and smiled at him.

  “Look,” Brian tilted his head towards the end of the aisle as the music shifted. Two of the groomsmen held back the billowing curtains to allow the flower girl and bridesmaids to make their entrance. They began down the aisle in perfect sync. When it was time for the bride to make her entrance the music quickened slightly. From between the luxurious curtains Laura emerged on her father's arm. She had chosen a more traditional ceremony and even had her veil covering her face.

  As they walked down the aisle Wendy turned to look at the minister that was awaiting them. He had been willing to do the service on such short notice when Wendy explained to him what had happened. He was also willing to use the same ceremony that Laura had chosen which was non-denominational and more a celebration of love than anything else.

  Wendy sighed with relief when Laura's hand left her father's arm and settled into her soon-to-be husband's grasp. It was one of her favorite moments. Not the end of the ceremony or the reception, but that transition from the aisle. That was when it became real for everyone in the room, including the bride and the groom. As she listened to the exchange of vows and the beautiful words that made up the ceremony she let her head drift down to rest on Brian's shoulder. It just seemed natural and comfortable to her to snuggle close. If he minded he certainly didn't complain. When the new couple was announced everyone stood to applaud. As the crowd transitioned to the reception, Brian and Wendy walked towards his car.

  “Brian, I haven't properly thanked you for rescuing me,” Wendy suddenly said. “I'm sorry, I just can't think of a way to express how grateful I am.”

  He paused beside his car and turned to face her with a secretive smile.

  “I can think of one way,” he said quietly.

  “What is it?” Wendy asked eagerly. “Anything, really.”

  “Do you remember what you said to me under the pier, when I first found you?” he asked, his voice soft but insistent. Wendy lowered her eyes and blushed as she nodded a little.

  “I remember,” she whispered. “I said, I wish I had kissed you.”

  “Well,” he cleared his throat and tipped her chin gently upward with two fingertips. “That's the only thank you I'll ever need.”

  Wendy smiled at him and in the same moment pressed her lips to his in a soft, sweet kiss. The kiss lingered for a moment, innocent in its gentleness, but it quickly became more passionate. Though they were in the parking lot and most of the wedding guests had already left to attend the reception, Wendy heard a small smattering of applause. She laughed as she broke the kiss and turned to see Laura, her new husband, and the bridal party applauding their kiss.

  “Who knew we had an audience?” Wendy asked with a nervous laugh as she looked back at Brian.

  “Who cares?” he asked in return and wrapped an arm around her waist. He swept her into a deep kiss. If there was any more applause, Wendy was too lost in the rush of excitement that carried through her to hear it.

  The End

  More Cozy Mysteries by Cindy Bell

  Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mysteries

  Matrimony, Money and Murder

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Blush, a Bride and a Body

  Shampoo and a Stiff

  Cosmetics, a Cruise and a Killer

  Lipstick, a Long Iron and Lifeless

  Dune House Cozy Mystery Series

  Seaside Secrets

  Boats and Bad Guys

  Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations

  Drowning the Daffodils

  Suffocating the Sunflowers

  Books, Bullets and Blooms




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