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Hybrids Page 10

by Geri Glenn

  “What’s wrong, Jo?” I watch as that slimy fucker wraps his arm around her shoulders. I fucking hate him, but I’m surprised to see my sister lean into him, like he’s her rock, instead of pushing off his attempt to comfort her.

  “We found it, Cy. I know where it is,” she whispers.

  Emersyn steps up beside me and reaches for my hand as I ask, “What do you mean it? As in, you know where the Old Fart is buried?” I let a small smile reach my lips. Nothing about this situation is funny, but I can’t help but try to lighten the mood for Emersyn’s sake.

  But it’s obviously the wrong thing to do because it makes Joey livid. “It’s not a joking matter, Cy. This couldn’t be any less funny.”

  Wiping the smile off my face, I let her have this one because she’s right. “So, you found it?”

  “Merrick took me to a spot he thought it might be, and I felt it. It was pure evil, Cy.”

  Merrick gives her another squeeze, and I watch again as she seems to relax into him once more. Since when does she need comforting anyway?

  Angry at them both, I grit my teeth. “And he just knew where the Old One was? Just like that? Come on, Joey. Tell me you aren’t buying into his shit. How the fuck would he even know where to begin looking?” I’m pissed that she isn’t even questioning him. For all we know, he’s part of this shit! Fuck, he could be the Old One himself.

  Joey takes a step forward, putting her hands on her hips. “For fuck’s sake, Cyrus! Would you back the fuck off and focus on what’s important here? Merrick is good. He’s on our side, and he has contacts, just like we do. Shit is about to hit the fan, and if what I felt today is any indication of what’s to come, the Old One is gaining power, and quickly. We don’t have time for your shit. If you can’t accept Merrick and his help, then you’re sentencing us all to death.”

  I feel Emersyn shiver before she pulls her hand from mine and faces me. “She’s right. We need to work together.”

  I hate that she agrees with Joey and thinks Merrick can help us. It’s like a slap in the face, but maybe she’s right. Thinking more clearly, I guess it does make sense. I mean, if Joey felt the evil wherever it was Merrick took her, then she would be able to feel evil coming off of him if he was the bad guy. “Okay,” I say softly to Em, then turn to Joey. “What’s the plan?”

  “Did you find anything out about Trent? Anything at all?” Merrick asks.

  Even though I still don’t like him, I bite back my disdain and answer him. “Not a fucking thing. Dude is the perfect fucking citizen. There’s no way that the Trent I’ve been hanging around is the same Trent that came here at the beginning of the school year.”

  “I figured as much. I think it’s safe to say that Trent, or the demon that’s possessed Trent’s body, is behind every bit of bad shit going on around here. I’m willing to bet that the demon who possessed him is a higher level one who’s running the show. He’s determined to gain the strength he needs to awaken the Old One.”

  Just then, the doorbell rings. Sharing a knowing look with Joey, I look down and give Em a reassuring smile, then walk over to the front door. I have a good idea of who it is, but I peer through the small window just to be safe. We’re preparing for a war, and dealing with who knows how many demons. But I’m relieved when I see the familiar face of Father Martin on the other side. Turning the lock, I yank open the door and stare into the face of the man who raised me and my sister.

  “Father, come in.”

  “Cyrus.” He greets with urgency and steps inside.

  As I close the door behind him, he spins around and grasps my arm. “Were you aware that there are at least four demons standing guard around the house?”

  My eyes widen. “What?”

  Joey and Merrick are instantly beside us. “Are you sure? I’ve been doing regular perimeter checks.” Joey asks Father Martin.

  “I saw a few of them hiding in the trees when I got here, but as I was walking up, more were arriving. You did nothing wrong, Joey. They probably showed up right before I did.”

  Summoning a small dagger, I look at Emersyn, whose eyes are bright with fear. Knowing I can’t leave her in the house alone, I turn towards Father Martin to ask if he’ll hang back, but he’s already a step ahead of me. “I’ll stay here with Emersyn and keep her safe. I’m not sure if they’re here for her, but if they are, and they get past you three, I’ll protect her. Cyrus, you take the front of the house. Joey and Merrick, go out the back door. I’m sure most of them will be back there, but make your way towards the front as fast as you can.”

  Joey makes her way to the back of the house swiftly, but silently, with Merrick right behind her. He better fucking watch her back or he’s a dead man.

  I throw a quick glance at Em and wink before I slip out the front door, fully aware that the demons standing guard will see me coming. There’ll be nothing stealthy about my attack.

  I only make it about three feet before I see the first one advance. It’s one of the guys from Trent’s posse, and he’s crouched low behind a bush. When our eyes meet, he snarls and leaps from his position, charging at me with hatred on his face. Raising my dagger, Father Martin’s words from years of training come back to me.

  ‘They are still human. Beheading them will send the demon who possessed them back to Hell, but it will also kill the human. The demon will be at the mercy of the human’s body, so they can be easily overpowered. Take care not to kill them. Knock them out and subdue them until you can exorcise the demon from their body safely.’

  Making sure to rein in my strength, I swing my arm so the handle of my dagger crushes into his temple. He’s out cold before he can even take a swing at me. He barely hits the ground before I feel a knife slice into my arm.

  Jumping out of reach from a second slash that would have opened my stomach, I look into the hate-filled eyes of Trent.

  “I know you’ve been checking into me, but I’ve been looking into you as well. I know who you and your sister are now, but you’re no match for me,” he roars.

  “Don’t be so sure, asshole!”

  We tussle back and forth, each getting in random punches and minor slashes with our daggers. I get a good one in on his left arm, just as Joey and Merrick come running around the corner. Swinging my eyes back to Trent, I watch as he looks to each of us and takes a step back.

  “Fools! You could have ruled this world with an army at your command, but you chose to be against us. The Old One is coming, and when he does, this world you’re trying so hard to save, and all of these filthy humans, will die. It will be fiery, bloody, and fucking beautiful!” he screams.

  I lunge for him again, just as four more possessed humans emerge from the trees, intent on our demise. I manage to knock one more out quickly, but I make the mistake of searching for Trent when a second demon pushes his dagger deep into my side. It’s not a fatal wound, but it still hurts like a bitch.

  I hear Em’s muffled scream coming from inside the house and look up, fearing that a demon got past us and is now inside, trying to hurt her, but relief washes through me when I see her watching from the living room window, tears streaming down her face, as Father Martin tries to pull her away from the window.

  Turning back towards the remaining demons, anger burns deep in my belly. I reach out and grab the throat of the demon closest to me. I hate him. I hate them all. They are evil. They are demons who want Em. They are filthy creatures trying to hurt me and my sister, and have stolen the bodies of innocent humans, and for what...power? With one final roar, I slam my fist into his temple and watch with satisfaction as he crumples to the ground. I should worry that I hit him too hard, but at this point, I can’t find it in myself to care.

  I turn and watch Joey wrap her arms around a demon’s throat from behind until he falls at her feet, unconscious. She then rushes to help Merrick disable the one trying to poke him full of holes.

  I can still hear Em crying in the house and see her through the window. I try my best to clear my face of all the
hatred and anger I feel, then give her a reassuring wink, just as the final demon falls to the ground. I need her to know I’m okay, that we can handle this.

  I look around our quiet street and wonder just how much the neighbors saw. Joey and Merrick stand panting, staring down at the bodies of the fallen demons, trying to catch their breaths. Ten bodies in total lay strewn about the yard, twisted at awkward angles.

  “Where the fuck is Trent?” Merrick asks.

  “He bolted as soon as his buddies showed up,” Joey says.

  “Shouldn’t we follow him?” I ask. I want to get to him before he gets too far away.

  “Nah, he’ll be back.” Merrick insists. I want to argue, but looking towards the window, I can tell that Emersyn is about ready to lose it again. She needs me right now.

  “You’re right. In the meantime, let’s get some rope and tie these fuckers up.”

  Hurrying to my truck, I dig out the rope I keep there in preparation for something like this, and set about tying up the unconscious demons before they wake up.

  I look up to see Merrick crouch in front of where Joey is tying one up, and whispers something quietly to her. She nods her head and he smiles before placing a kiss on the top of her head. I’m starting to see that their relationship runs a little deeper than I originally thought.

  Dragging the bodies into the house, we lay them in a line across the living room floor, Merrick shoving furniture out of the way as we go. After dragging the last one inside, I walk over to where Em is standing on the far side of the room, shaking like a leaf. “You okay?”

  “I am now that I know you’re all okay, but now what? What do we do with them?”

  Father Martin steps forward, bible in hand. “Now we perform a mass exorcism.”




  Since there isn’t much help I can offer with the exorcism, I decide to head up to my room to do some research. I have so many books, so there has to be something in one of them that will tell us how to stop the Old One from rising—a ritual, a sacrifice...anything.

  Heading right to my closet, I figure starting in on my secret stash of books will be the best bet. Plus, I think I’d already looked through every other book I have last night. I was only searching for information on the coming war Merrick talked about, and had no idea I’d stumble across something even worse.

  The first book I pull out is an old, black book. It’s so old it doesn’t even have a title. Skimming the words on each page, I feel hopeless, finding nothing. There’s information about the Devil Dogs, about Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, even possession, but nothing about Le Vieux.

  I go through book after book, still finding nothing that will help. There isn’t even a reference to the Old One, the Jersey Devil, or Le Vieux.

  “We’re fucked,” I say to myself.

  Hearing a chuckle come from behind me, I jump. Turning my head, I see Merrick standing in my bedroom doorway.

  “You fucking scared me!” I yell. You’d think with all my powers I would have heard him approach, but I was so engulfed in my books and feelings of doom, that the Old One himself could have walked right into my room and beheaded me without my knowledge of his presence.

  Merrick laughs again, then tries to wipe the smile off his face. “Sorry, babe, but you didn’t make it too hard for me, sitting there talking to yourself and all.”

  He laughs again, and this time, I can find the humor in it. I’m sure watching me talk to myself was hilarious enough, but add in me jumping ten feet in the air? Yeah, it was funny.

  “Shut up, you big meanie,” I sass, jutting out my lip.

  Walking up so he’s standing right in front of me, he lifts his hand, cupping my face. “You’re cute when you pout.”

  Wanting to mess with him, I push my lip out even more, exaggerating my puppy dog face.

  His face suddenly changes from humor to...lust? “Careful, Joey. You stick that lip out any farther, you’re asking for me to bite it,” he groans.

  My insides boil and my pussy throbs. I bite my own lip to keep from asking him to do just that. His words alone are enough to make me drop to my knees and beg him to take me.

  “Fuck,” he says between gritted teeth, and then he’s on me. His arms are wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him so there’s nothing between us. His head drops down and his lips land on mine in a kiss that could incinerate everything around us, it’s so hot.

  Moaning, I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer still, if that’s even possible. Reaching down, he grabs my hips and hoists me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on tight, like my very life depends on it. Next thing I know, my back is against the wall. It’s so forceful that my head hits hard enough to stun me for a moment. Merrick pulls away, but I don’t even let him get a centimeter from my lips before I’m pulling him back. The only thing I need is his lips on mine and his body surrounding me. I want him to obliterate everything in my mind besides him, besides what he does to me.

  Just when I think I may die from the heat of his body, the heat of the kiss, I hear the front door slam. It brings Merrick and I out of our haze enough to listen to footsteps on the stairs, heading our way.

  Dropping me to the floor, he steps away from me, but the heat in his eyes remains. I feel like every molecule in my body is scattered, but I try my best to compose myself before whoever is heading our way arrives.

  Seconds later, Father Martin is standing in my doorway. “Ah, there you are. Merrick, I’d like for you to take Cyrus and myself to the place you took Joey earlier, where you think the Old One is buried.”

  Breaths still coming out in short pants, Merrick straightens and takes a step towards him. “Of course,” Merrick says. Glancing back at me for only a second, he winks quickly then turns to follow Father Martin out the door.

  “Should I come too? Just in case Trent and his lackeys show up?” I shouldn’t ask because my mind isn’t in the game. I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.

  “No, I need you to stay here with Emersyn. I don’t think they’ll come back, or if they’re even after her anymore. However, we can’t take the chance of leaving her unprotected. I know you can handle it if someone were to show up.”

  I nod my head and start to walk past him and down the stairs, but Father Martin touches my arm, stopping me. “Are you all right, Joey? You don’t seem like yourself.”

  Ashamed, I look down at my feet. I can’t tell him that when Merrick’s around, I feel lost. He takes my breath away and leaves me wanting things I have no right to want, things that I shouldn’t want. No, I can’t say anything. He wouldn’t understand.

  “I’m fine, Father. I just wish we had more information about this Old One. We don’t know how to stop him from rising, or how to kill him if he does.” It’s not a complete lie, but I’m hoping it will be enough.

  “We’ll figure it out, my dear. I have a few calls I want to make, but I think I may have something. It’s not much, but it’s a start. Once I get back, I’ll be able to explain.” He pats me on the shoulder, then guides me down the stairs. I can only hope that what he has is solid enough for us to come up with a plan. I hate not knowing what I’m dealing with, or having a clue how to stop it.

  Downstairs, Merrick is already outside, where I assume Cyrus is waiting as well. Father Martin whispers something to Emersyn, who is sitting on the couch with her arms wrapped around herself. She nods, then looks up at me and gives me a smile.

  “We’ll be back soon,” Father Martin says before walking out the door. I hear the truck start and rev loudly before it speeds away.

  When I can no longer hear the engine, I sit down beside Emersyn. “So,” I say, but I’m unable to finish when the front and back door crash to the floor at the same time, seeming to explode as the house is flooded with a mixture of possessed humans and demons in their true form. From where I sit, I see at least twenty of them as they rush into the house in a blur of bodies and colors.

  Snapping out
of my shock, I barely have enough time to stand and reach for my holstered knife before ten demons are on me. I get my hand on one of my knives, but it’s not enough. If only I could get to my sword, then I would have a greater range to do the damage necessary.

  Fighting with everything I have, I use my years of training to try and knock them back so I can make it to Emersyn, but I can’t even see her. She was on the couch beside me, but now she’s gone. Not even caring if I kill a human in the process, I start to swing my fists and knife without even looking at who or what they connect with, but it’s no use. By the time I gain even a little bit of ground, or I’m able to cause even the smallest amount of damage, they push and hit back. I can’t keep up with them. There are way too many. I have no idea where they are going to hit next, or if the next shot will be the one that will mean the end for me.

  They keep pushing me back, until they finally corner me. I have nowhere to go, and I somehow lost my knife in the fight. Suddenly, it occurs to me that they aren’t trying to kill me. Are they trying to distract me? Fuck! Emersyn.

  Killing me is not their objective, or even hurting me. They just needed to get me out of the way so they could get to her.

  Pushing my way forward, I’m able to gain a few feet, knocking out a few demons in human bodies in the process, but then I feel something that resembles a wrecking ball slam across my face, dropping me to the ground instantly. Blackness starts to cloud my vision and my ears start to ring. Just before the darkness completely takes me over, I hear her screaming my name.


  Chapter Ten



  Pulling into the parking lot that Merrick points us to, I turn off the truck and look around. “Are you sure this is the place, man? Looks like an old courtyard to me.”

  Merrick’s jaw tightens and he nods, eyes pointed out the window at something I sure as hell can’t see. “I’m sure. Not the courtyard, though. Follow me.” The three of us jump out of the truck and meet Merrick at the end of the parking lot. “It’s this way.”


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