The Firecracker Gets Her Man

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The Firecracker Gets Her Man Page 7

by Joannie Kay

  “No, I do not. I still feel the one you gave me last night!” The words popped out of her mouth before she recalled that Bill and Beth were standing right there. “Beth, you’ve been crying! I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings? I tend to speak my mind first, and then realize I shouldn’t have much later, after the damage has been done.”

  “You were right, Rachel. Bill punished me for misleading Jack and for putting him through hell. I need to make it all right again. Please don’t do whatever it is that would get you in trouble. I never want another spanking as long as I live!”

  “You just need to remember that you are an adult and not do foolish things, Bethie,” Bill said, patting her back gently. “I will be with you when you tell Jack.”

  “You will?” she asked hopefully.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Thank you.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.

  “No more of that now, not until you make things right with Jack.”

  “Yes, sir,” she murmured.

  “You two have always been meant for each other,” Rachel said matter-of-factly.

  “Rachel, that is between them and not for discussion or comment,” Caleb scolded.

  “Yes, Papa. You are right. I am sorry again,” she apologized, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

  “I am happy you shared your thoughts; you set me straight, Rachel, and your ability to speak your mind is one of the things about you I have always admired. I am happy you are home again,” Beth added.

  “So am I, Rachel. You belong here with us,” Bill added his thoughts, and was pleased with Beth for speaking up.

  “Thank you both. It is good to be home, and I am lucky Papa welcomed me with open arms. He is the best father in the world.”

  “High praise, that!” Caleb said with a pleased smile. “Thank you, baby girl. I see we are going to get busy now. Make yourself at home in the parlor, Beth and Bill.” He opened the door and admitted Mrs. Knotts. “Hello, Bessie. Not feeling great?”

  “No, Doc. Also, I just saw James Bruce coming this way and he is limping.”

  “We will take care of James too,” Caleb promised. Since Lance was already in the kitchen, and Rachel was looking in on Jack, Caleb asked Beth to help. “Beth, you ask people to have a seat here in the hallway to wait their turn. I don’t imagine you feel like sitting in the parlor right now, and it will give you something to do that will help me and will keep your mind off of your stinging backside.”

  Beth blushed, but she answered politely. “Yes, sir, Doc. I will be happy to help you.”

  “And you scold me for my choice of words, Papa!” Rachel teased him when he entered his office. “I get it from you, you know!”

  Chapter Six

  Rachel managed to find a couple of minutes to slip out of the office side of the main floor and go check on her kitchen. The last she saw it, the table was covered with dirty dishes, and there was a lot of food left over. To her surprise, her kitchen was spotless, and there was a large pot simmering away on her stove. “Wow!” she whispered. “Wow oh wow!”

  “Hey there,” Lance said as he entered the kitchen by way of the back door. “How are the patients doing?”

  “They are doing well. Clay is sore, but he is healing, and we will move him into the downstairs bedroom with Mary this evening. Jack is starting to come around. He knows about the accident, but he keeps asking for someone named Jeannie and that doesn’t sound anything like Beth. Papa says it’s best to keep that to ourselves. You just never know what someone is going to say due to the ether.” She smiled. “You cleaned my kitchen; thank you so much!”

  “You are most welcome,” he said, grinning. “I figured you had your hands full, so cleaning up was the least I could do. Lunch will be ready soon.”

  “You are such a wonderfully sweet man,” she declared, putting her arms around his neck and pulling his head down so that she could kiss him. It was just like the previoust night, only more intense. It felt like instant flames consuming them and pulling them closer together. “Oh my!” she exclaimed, kissing him again.

  “Oh my is just about right,” he answered, kissing her sweet lips. “You are perfect, little one. Just perfect as can be!”

  “How will we last an entire month when all I want to do is make love right now?”

  “I gave your father my word, and I keep my word. Stop tempting me, woman!” he said in mock anger, giving her bottom a gentle swat.

  “Oh!” She looked at him in surprise. “I don’t understand,” she whispered. “What happens to me when you do that?”

  “You are a passionate woman,” Lance explained, and then gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Not all women are so blessed.”

  They heard Caleb’s voice calling for her, and without another word, she picked up her skirts in her hands and took off running.

  Lance went to see how many patients were waiting for Doc and was pleased to learn the last one was just called in.

  “Doc sure works hard!” Bill commented.

  “I had no idea,” Beth said, shaking her head. “I am so glad he was here to help Jack.”

  “Rachel just told me that Jack is starting to come around. He knows where he is, and she said that is a good sign.”

  “I am so scared to face him.”

  “It needs to be done, Bethie, and you know it.”

  “Yes, but it is easier to agree to do it than it is to actually tell him the truth,” Beth admitted. “I am afraid he will be so angry!”

  “He has a right to be angry, and I suspect he is going to feel like spanking you too.”

  “No! I am much too sore for another spanking. Please don’t allow that, Bill!” she pleaded.

  “I doubt he will be up to doing any such thing for a few days, Beth, and by then he should be over most of his anger.” Lance tried to give her some courage. “I suggest you sit down and think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.”

  “Thanks for trying to help, Lance,” Bill said. “She is afraid. Of course I’m not about to let the kid spank her again. She’s paid in full for what she did, and I hope Jack agrees once he gets past the hurt.”

  It was less than an hour later when Doc came to get them. “Bill and Beth, Jack is awake and asking for you. He seems very agitated and says he must speak to you both.”

  They hurried to his side. “Kid, you scared me silly,” Bill announced.

  “Scared me too,” Jack admitted. “Beth, don’t hate me for this. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I wanted to wake up big brother and you and make you both realize that you love each other. I have a girl named Jeannie, and I love her and want to marry her someday. I’m sorry, Beth, but there is just no easy way to say that. I hope that you and Bill will stop being stupid and really notice each other!” He looked at them and was surprised when they eyed each other and grinned. “No, I am serious now!” Jack insisted.

  “Jack, I was seeing you to try and make Bill jealous. I wanted him to notice me as a woman; he was waiting for me to grow up. I came in here to admit the truth and tell you how sorry I am for misleading and using you. I am so happy to hear about Jeannie and I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Brother, I just tanned this little gal for what she did, and I owe you a trip to the woodshed for the same thing!” Bill commented quietly.

  “No! I won’t allow that!” Beth defended Jack. “Jack was trying to help us, Billy. I am thankful he loves us so much.”

  “I thought sure that hearing we were engaged would get you to do something, big brother. Jeannie understands, but she is fast losing patience with me. Will you please go and get her and bring her here? I need her.” Jack sounded as serious as could be.

  “Doc says you are going to be fine, kid. No worrying now.”

  “I am all right, but I want Jeannie to come. I want you two to kiss and make up and start planning your own wedding. Please?”

  “We will, now that Bethie is officially free.”

  “She does love you, Bill. Ever
y time I went over there all we talked about was you.” Jack said.

  “We need to let Jack rest now.” Doc stated firmly.

  “Jack, I do love you, but as a brother,” Beth told him, and then kissed him on the cheek.

  “I love you as a brother too,” Bill teased.

  Jack smiled, and then said “Ouch. Go on you two,” he ordered.

  “Come and have some soup,” Lance invited, and was pleased when they joined him in the kitchen. Mary came to fix a tray for herself and Clay, and Doc joined them at the table just as Bill was leaving to go find his brother’s girl. Beth stayed a bit longer, then also left. When Doc was through eating, he went to sit with Jack so that Rachel could eat.

  “Papa says your soup is wonderful, Lance. I can’t wait to try it.”

  He promptly ladled a bowl of the hot soup for her, placed it in front of her, and said, “Enjoy.”

  He poured another cup of coffee for himself and one for her, all the while watching her as she tasted his offering.

  “Oh, this is so good! If you get tired of being a ranger, you could open a restaurant!” She took another bite, and sighed dramatically. “This is such a treat, Lance. Thank you so much for cooking, and for cleaning up in here. You impressed Papa too.”

  “Thank you. I’m happy you approve.”

  “Approve is such a mild word for my feelings. This soup is excellent, and it was so nice to know that the food was under control while I was working with Papa this morning. It doesn’t always happen like this, but there are days when I can barely put on some broth to heat through to feed a sick patient, much less make something filling for Papa. You are special.”

  “Would you like more?” he offered.

  “Please, if there is enough?”

  “I made that pot full. There is plenty.”

  “Good. Did you hear about Jack? He was trying to make his brother realize that he is in love with Beth, and Beth in love with Bill! He confessed, and Beth just laughed. It is a good thing. Papa feared for his health if he was devastated by Beth’s confession.”

  “The one I feel sorry for is Bill. Beth was pretending to love another man – his own brother – when she really loved Bill, all the while his brother was pretending too, with the best of intentions. I wonder if either of them are grown up enough to get married.”

  “Beth has matured a lot since I last saw her.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “It is time to go and wait for the stage. I would like to come with you, Lance,” Rachel said, taking her bowl and spoon and placing them in the dishpan to wash with the supper dishes. “I don’t think Misty Feathers will be on the stage, but perhaps I should go and watch for her just in case? After all, I know what she looks like.”

  “I guess I didn’t spank you long enough or hard enough last night?” Lance replied.

  “I was just checking; there’s no need to be upset!” Rachel quickly moved out of his reach. “Besides, I need to do some major cleaning in the surgery. I need to move Clay to the bedroom, clean the bed he is in right now, and get it ready for Jack. You be careful; if Misty arrives, you can almost gamble that Jared will sneak into town after dark to be with her.”

  “You let me worry about that, young lady.”

  “Very well. Thank you again for making the soup. It was delicious. I’ll put what is left in the cellar where it is cool. We can use the rest for lunch tomorrow. What do you want for supper tonight? I was thinking about pork chops.”

  “That sounds real good, but will your father mind if I show up at his table again?”

  “Heavens no. He really likes you, Lance.”

  “That is a good thing,” Lance said, nodding. “You mind me, young lady, and keep your fanny inside this house. If I catch you out and about, I’ll make you wish I didn’t.” He gave her bottom a hard swat that left a burning handprint on her delicate skin, and then marched from the kitchen, intent on going to the stage depot to watch the passengers disembark.

  Rachel was insulted as she rubbed the burning and itching spot. She could feel each one of his long fingers where they’d landed, and it only made her more determined to do her own investigating. She was pretty sure that Lance wouldn’t tell her one darn thing, and if Misty was trying to avoid attention, she would be dressed so sedately that Lance wouldn’t recognize her. A long dress designed to hide her pregnancy and a hat with a long veil would make it nearly impossible. She, however, would see beyond the disguise because she knew what she was looking for.

  Rachel ran upstairs to her room, changed from her clothing into her pants, shirt, jacket, floppy hat, and boots. She then strapped on her gun belt and used her favorite exit from the house – her window. Her father had threatened to cut down the old tree more than once, but he never did, and she continued to sneak out of the house this way when she didn’t want to be seen.

  She knew Mary was watching over her husband and taking care of Jack too.

  Rachel ran through the alley until she was behind the stage depot, and then she climbed over the fence and stood in the shadows where she could watch without being seen. It wasn’t the first time she’d done this, although it had been some time. While she was away from town, she never wore her britches – not until Jared Cane killed Doctor Merritt. Then it was how she managed to stay hidden from Cane while he and his gang searched for her.

  Today the stage was actually on time, and only two men disembarked. One appeared to be a salesman, and the other headed straight for the saloon. Rachel turned around, intending to get back to the house before Lance arrived. However, her leg was grabbed from behind as she started to climb the fence and she was pulled down to the ground. “Let me go!” she demanded, reaching for her gun.

  Another hand beat hers to the holster and took the weapon before she could reach it and use it.

  “Let me go!” she growled, trying to wiggle free.

  “Settle down, kid. I’ve finally caught you, and I’m goin’ to toss you in jail until you give me the information I need to contact your pa. Stealin’ is a crime!”

  “I am not a thief, you moron! Let me go, Arnie, or I swear I’m going to hurt you!”

  “Is that you, Miss Rachel?” the sheriff asked in stunned surprise.

  “Keep your voice down! I don’t want Lance to hear you!” she whispered. “I didn’t know you had a thief in town.”

  “Yeah. Some kid is swipin’ food and other things. I don’t intend to arrest him, but I need to find out his situation and see what needs to happen. He could just be a kid who needs a good tannin’, or he could be all alone and need some help. Do you know anyone who could be stealin’ to eat, Miss Rachel?” he asked. “No kid should have to scrape by for a meal.”

  “I agree with you, Arnie,” she said. “However, I have been gone too long to have any idea who it could be, but I’ll talk to Papa and see if he knows anything to help us figure it out. Now, let me go. I need to get on home.”

  “I’ll just bet you would like for me to do that, but I ain’t gonna do it. You ain’t supposed to be out of the house right now, and I aim to walk you home and see to it your pa and Ranger Lance know what you’ve been about.”

  “No! You can’t do that, Arnie! Lance will be furious with me.”

  “I reckon he will be,” Arnie said in agreement. “I can’t let you go off alone. You might need help if one of that Cane Gang spots you. Now, come on. Let’s get you home.”

  “Sorry, Arnie, but I can’t let you take me home.” She kicked him, and he doubled over in pain. In the next moment, she was over the fence and running down the alley toward her house. When she got there, she climbed up her tree and let herself inside.

  A few minutes later, she was dressed and had her hair brushed. There was a tap on her door. “Yes?”

  “Honey, I need you downstairs to watch our patients. I have to go and deliver a baby for Judy Henson.”

  “Again?” she asked, laughing. “How many is it now, Papa? Five?”

  “Six. Honey, I need to go. Little Johnny said his ma need
ed me right now.”

  “I will be right there. You go on, Papa,” she said, smiling.

  For an older man, her father ran pretty darn fast. He didn’t bother with his horse and buggy, but simply ran to get to the Henson’s home, a couple of streets away, as quickly as possible.

  A few minutes after he left, there was a knock on the front door. Mary came running to answer the door before Rachel could do it herself. “Yes?” she asked politely.

  “I need the doctor,” a man said frantically. “My wife is having a baby, and it’s too soon! Please help us!”

  “The doctor is on another call,” Mary said.

  “Bring your wife inside,” Rachel called from the door to the office. “We’ll check her and see what is going on.”

  “Thank you!” he breathed the words in relief. He went to the back of the wagon, spoke softly to the woman there, then he gently picked her up, carrying her inside the house and straight into the doctor’s office.

  “Place her here, Mr…” Rachel looked at him questioningly.

  “Brice. Timothy Brice, and this is my wife, Sally.” He carefully laid her on the examination table.

  Sally cried out in pain and when the contraction stopped, she started crying. “I don’t want to lose our baby, Timothy!”

  “We aren’t going to let that happen, Sally,” Rachel said calmly. “The first thing I am going to do is examine you. We’ll know more then. Would you step out and give us some privacy, Mr. Brice?”


  “Yes, please. I don’t want you to see me in pain,” she whispered, biting her lip when another contraction hit, harder than the one before. Rachel was sure Sally had been in labor for a good while already. Once Timothy left the room, she calmly undressed Sally and put a white nightdress on her.

  “Spread your legs wide for me, Sally. This won’t take but a moment.” To her shock, Rachel was just in time to catch the tiny baby boy as he entered the world screaming his head off. Thankfully, her father was always prepared, and she had everything she needed for the baby and new mother at her fingertips. “He is beautiful, new Mama!” She placed the infant in his mother’s eager arms. He was breathing just fine, and he did not appear to be early. “I think you got the dates mixed up, Sally. He is doing beautifully.”


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