Smith Surprise (Smith Pact Duo Book 3)

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Smith Surprise (Smith Pact Duo Book 3) Page 3

by Ja'Nese Dixon

  “I met him through Dylan’s family. I’ve known him a few years. He’s good people. Why do you ask?” I can feel his eyes as he turns toward me.

  “He asked me out.” I look up trying to read him. He knows how to carry an even tone giving nothing away. It’s his eyes that give him away.

  “You’re a beautiful woman. I’m not surprise. But are you interested in him?”

  I want to act nonchalant but this is Asher. “A little.”

  “I can’t tell you who to date or not date. Just know I plan to have a talk with him.”

  “About what?” My eyes lock with his.

  “About what we expect?”

  “We? Who is this we?”

  “Momma, you haven’t been on a date in this era. People like to swing, send nude pics, and do all kinds of freaky stuff by video camera.”

  “Oh really, and how do you know?” I cross my arms over my chest. They act like I’m an imbecile. Like I can’t look after myself.

  “Don’t worry about that.” He tosses a wink with an exaggerated laugh.

  “Uh-huh.” I shake my head, knowing him and Jazz dated long distance is more telling than his words. I plan to scrub my brain clean of that thought. “Well, don’t worry about me son, I’m a grown woman. I know how to handle myself.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about.” His eyes are fixed over my shoulder. I follow the direction of his gaze and see Jaxon. Like before, he is dressed in a suit. His hair is rustled and a slight five o-clock shadow running the length of his strong jaw.

  He is scanning the restaurant then our eyes meet, the heat their zaps across the room. He strolls through the restaurant, his long strides purposeful closing the distance between us. I’ve seen my boys command a room, Asher and Dylan will have all the women in the room drooling over themselves. But I think Jaxon has them beat.

  People move aside to appreciate his presence and so do I. His eyes are focused on me and a rush of awareness pulse through my veins. I can feel Asher’s gaze but I don’t want to miss the Jaxon Show. I swivel the barstool around determined not to miss a second of it.

  “Breath, I don’t think the man will appreciate you passing out due to lack of oxygen.”

  “Hush boy!” I elbow Asher, forcing myself to breath until he’s beside me.

  “Hello gorgeous.”

  “Hello yourself.” My pulse quickens.

  Jaxon leans forward and kisses my check, holding the space long enough for me to feel the heat bouncing between us. He pulls back and I glance up committing the details of his face to memory. The laugh lines near his eyes. The near perfect smile. And my nervousness is replaced by a foreign feeling. A feeling tingling through my body. A feeling lace with desire and need and lust.

  I want Jaxon.

  A slow sexy smile covers his face and for a moment I wonder whether I’m ready for this. For him. Jaxon leans down until his breath is against my ear.

  “If you keep looking at me like that I might forget I’m trying to be a gentleman in front of your son.”

  “Eh-hum.” Asher clears his throat.

  “Like what?” I whisper enjoying this playful banter.

  “Like you want me to take you away from here.”

  “And what if I do?” My head is spinning in a haze beyond reason other than his is all that and then some and he wants me.

  “Just say the word baby.” His lips brush my earlobe and it takes every prayer known to man to keep myself from grabbing a fist full of his expensive suit and pulling his mouth to mine.

  “I’ll have to remember that.” Who is this woman? I’ve never been flirty or aggressive or so willing to let a man lead me on such a tempting journey. I like the feeling of my heart racing and the ache in my fingers to run my fingers through his hair. To sample what he’s offering.

  Jaxon pulls back, standing upright yet not moving from my side.

  “Good to see you again.” He extends a hand across me, I feel Asher stand.

  “Same to you. Just remember this is my mother. And I know where you live.”

  “Asher!” I pull my eyes away from Jaxon, for the first time since spotting Jaxon in S&J. Asher’s face is a mask of chiseled stone.

  “I think Ronnie can handle herself.”

  I smile up at Jaxon appreciating his response as his eyes caress me.

  “Ronnie?” I ping-pong back to Asher, his eyebrow is piqued. He steps closer. “Just remember what I said. Momma.” And with a quick peck on my cheek he is gone.

  “Do you always stir up commotion?” I ask Jaxon as he takes Asher’s vacant stool.

  “No. It must be my present company.”

  “Oh no you didn’t.” I swat at him and he laughs.

  And like that all my nerves wash away. For all his intensity there is a playful side too. He orders a refill for me and a drink for himself.

  “I thought about your proposal.”

  “And?” His drink is suspended in air.

  “And I’d like to accept.”

  He let out an audible exhale, relief crossing his handsome features. “Ronnie, before we move forward I have to tell you something.”


  Jaxon takes a drink of the dark liquor and faces me. “I have a fourteen year old daughter.”


  “Do you still accept?”

  Jaxon is a father. I scan his face to see if that fact changes anything about him. And it doesn’t. I glance at his left hand on the bar and it’s bare. Not even a slight trace of a tan line.

  “Tell me about her.”

  “Her name is Madison.” I glance up hearing the subtle change in his voice. “She’s an honor student and a true teenage. She loves music, boys, and pizza. She’s already begging to drive.” A different smile crosses his face. And it’s as appealing as the others. Love is written all over him. “You’ll love her.”

  “You want us to meet?”

  “I hope so. Eventually, if you’re comfortable with it.”

  “But we’ve just met.”

  “Not really. I don’t keep secrets or important people from Maddie. We are a package deal.”

  That I understand. “Is she here for the summer?”

  “No, she is supposed to spend the summer with her mother. She’ll visit once a month while I’m working here.”

  “And your relationship with her mother?”

  “We co-parent. There’s no drama. We had a thing in college. She wanted a career and I chose to assume full responsibility for raising Maddie.”

  I look back at the my glass. It’s not him having a child I question, it is the relationship with his ex. My husband taught me not to trust men and their past relationship especially when there are children involved.

  His finger cradles my chin turning my face to his. “There’s no other woman. There’s just you.”

  “Me?” His words sound so intimate. There’s just you… Like we’ve been here before. And a part of me, I’ve hidden away, likes the sound of it.

  “Yes, you Ronnie.” His hands grip beneath my thighs as his thumbs brush my knee caps. “You have made quite the impression on me.”

  “How so?” I feel light headed and I have to remind myself to breath. The heat beneath his touch does not compare to the flames in his eyes.

  “Meeting you invoked my curiosity. Watching you from afar with your family had me in awe.” His eyes brim with tenderness and passion. “But our date—”

  “Date?” I manage to whisper.

  “Me, you and about a hundred other men vying for your attention.” His laugh is throaty and hot. “How quickly you forget? I guess I’ll have to work hard to ensure I make a lasting impression.”

  Oh you are…

  “There was no vying.” I comb my mind through the blur of men and only see Jaxon. Each short conversation. His smile, his humor, his intent focus.

  “That’s because you managed to shoot them all down with your deadly smile, infectious laugh, and feminine aura.”

  “My aura…�

  “Yes, Ronnie your aura. The delicate flip of your wrist when you talk. The way you lean in making us believe we’re the center of your world. Your eyes that are like an infinite vortex I can’t wait to explore.”

  His words are low, heated, as if he’s scribing them in long smooth strokes across my skin. And I believe him. I’ve been with a liar and a cheat. The fidgeting. The lack of eye contact. The feeling of not being enough or wanted. But this does not compare.

  “I did all that?” I lean forward, his words make me feel sexy.

  “No baby, it’s just who you are.” He turns and uses my knees to swivel my stool. My legs are between his lean thighs. His gaze roving, lazily caressing my body.

  I close the space, urgency tantalizing the pit of my stomach. A need to taste the words on his lips. My tingling fingers utter a sweet cry of relief the moment I grip a fist full of the material, pulling the object of my desire close. And in a breath I taste him.

  Slow at first. We feel each other out. His kiss is surprisingly gentle, I tilt my head encouraging his lethal command over my mouth. A hint of rum and vanilla brushes from his tongue to mine. This man is disturbing my sense of equilibrium and I can’t seem to get close enough.

  We danced around each other for months. His heat filled eyes speaking promises from across the room and now my body plans to collect. I stand not breaking our connection and lean into his chest. I’m sure he feels my heart beating against his at the speed of a runaway train.

  Jaxon wraps his strong arms around my waist and I let my fingers feather through his silky hair. I feel safe in the most dangerous way wrapped in a sensual experience.

  Will the summer be enough? I quiet my runaway heart.

  “Ronnie…” I tingle all over as he says my name, “is that a yes?”

  “Yes, Jaxon. I accept.” His dives deep again, I feel his hands roaming my backside.

  “Thank you baby.” His gruff whisper holds a hint of longing as he stands. He reaches inside his jacket as I brush a finger across my kiss-swollen lips. Then he drops a bill on the bar reaching for my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Does it matter?” I hesitate. “You’re safe with me baby. Besides, I don’t want to deal with them two.” He tossed a glance over my shoulder. I look too trying to match his stroll with as much grace as I can muster only to see my shocked children. I toss my head back and laugh not letting go of Jaxon’s warm hand. “I think I found a place for your fundraiser.”

  I stop not dropping his hand. “How? Where? When—”

  Jaxon turns slipping a hand around my waist. “I told you. I got you. The sooner you find a place, the sooner I get you alone.”

  His eyes hold me hostage and I can’t seem to string together a coherent thought. “Mr. Reinheart, your flirting game is top notch.”

  He steps closer. “And it only gets better.”

  We wind through the downtown towards the University of Texas. We talked the entire ride about his daughter and his struggles with raising a teenager.

  “It will get better.” I assure him. “I raised two teenagers at once. I survived and you will too.”

  “Yeah, I hope so. She turned thirteen and all of a sudden I felt like I had a different child.”

  Jaxon pulled into a valet parking line. There are several cars waiting ahead of us.

  “Here we are.” The ache in his voice makes me wish I could help. But parenting is specific to each child. I will listen and offer as much support as I can while we’re together.

  Jaxon unfastens his seat belt and I do too glancing out the window on my side. “I guess I’m not the only one needing this little adventure of ours.” I want to see him smile again.

  “No. Besides I would have offered just about anything to spend time with you.”

  “Why?” This is the question of the hour.

  “Why what?” He leans against the door facing me.

  “Why go through all of this? I mean, I appreciate it. But this is new territory for me.”

  “It’s new for me too.” He reaches for my hand. “Ronnie, I told you. There’s something about you. I won’t lie and say it’s not physical, because woman you are fine.”

  I smack his arm, dropping my head. He finds a way to keep me laughing.

  He rolled us forward in line. “And I thought it was a passing interest until you kept popping up. I’d see you over lunch. I’d see you talking with the guys. You want to know what pushed me over?”

  “Besides the opportunity to share me with a million guys?” I like to see his eyes twinkle when he laughs.

  “No, that was not it.” The strain is in his voice again. “I almost left. But the miserable look on your face made me stay.” He turns his intense gaze on me.

  “Is this more of your signature flirting?”

  “Nah, more of my truth.” He brushes a kiss on the back of my hand. My heart is racing again.

  “So what was it?”

  “Your relationship with you kids.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He shrugged rolling us forward. There’s now two cars ahead of us. “Maybe it’s Maddison growing up. Or Brooklyn’s disinterest in truly connecting with her. But I see the love in your eyes for them. And I’ve learned to embrace happiness at all costs.” His words hang in the air. “Does that creep you out?” His nervous chuckle pull me from my stupor.

  “No. Most men find my helicopter mom ways off putting. But I won’t apologize for it.”

  “And you shouldn’t. Like Maddie and I, you all are a package deal.”

  We are in front of the valet station. He opens the door giving the keys to the young man waiting before opening my door.

  “We’re early.” He extends a hand to me.

  “Early for what?” I step out and move aside glancing up at the building.

  “I called in a few favors to get a tour for you. I hope you like this place.” His hand circles my body and rests on my lower back. I jump. The electricity moving from him is like fresh static from a dryer. Our gazes hold as his large hand spans my lower back pulling me closer. I lick my lips ready for the kiss heading my way.

  “Mr. Reinheart?”

  I glance over his shoulder to see a young woman. “Are you ready?”

  “Ronnie…” he moves closer, as if that is even possible. I feel his physical reaction to our chemistry. My eyes cut to his and the flames hidden in their depths take my breath away.

  “Canned goods. Slumber parties. Flat tires.”

  “What in the he—” his brows bunch.

  I shrug. “It’s the best I got. You obviously need a distraction. You can’t spin around with him…,” I glance down, “…leading the way.”

  His eyes widen then a roar of laughter spills from him. “Flat tires…”

  The woman waits probably confused by the whole ordeal. He held me tight not rushing or moving from where we stood, unfazed by the actions of others.

  “Is that how you distract yourself when aroused Ronnie?” He brushed a tear from my cheek.

  “I had to think of something.”

  “Ronnie, canned goods and flat tires will not keep me from wanting you.” His head slowly moves in my direction with his gaze locked on my mouth.

  “Oh no you don’t.” I step back, stopped by the car. “We have a room to see.”

  His eyes are twinkling again. “We’re ready.”

  And it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. The sales manager walk us through the banquet hall.

  “Divided this space is three rooms but combined it can hold up to 500 people. And you are planning to host a gala.” She glances at her notes.


  “Should you decide to have round seating that will take it down to 300 comfortably. These doors open.” She used a remote and the sliding doors pull back and we’re in the middle space. The space is now open. “We can add a stage on either end.”

  “What about the food?” Jaxon asks from behind me.
r />   “We have a full service catering team. We can serve sit-down style or buffet. I’ve include all the details here.”

  She passes me a folder and Jaxon nods. “When do you need our decision?”

  “Immediately if possible. We had a potential contract on the space. But I was told to hold it for you.”

  “Thank you Candace. Can you give us a few minutes?” I turn to Jaxon. His questions give me the impression that he’s done this before.


  She leaves us alone. I sweep the room, pausing once I face Jaxon. This is exactly what I need but at what cost. He’s waiting for me. I step back and turn away.

  “Do you want the space Ronnie?”

  “It’s not a matter of wanting it.” I flip through the pages in the glossy brochure. “Have you planned a gala before?”

  “Not really. But my mother is a events planner. Weddings, balls, bar mitzvahs.”

  That makes sense. I flip through the brochure. The pictures provide different seating options. All of them look expensive.

  “Talk to me Ronnie.” He sits in the closest chair, patting the chair beside him.

  I let out the pent up air.

  “Shoot straight. It’s not that big of a deal. Yes or no.”

  “What’s this going to cost me?” I could cover the cost of the banquet hall, then there’s the food, marketing, and god knows what else.


  My eyes jump from the glossy page to his dazzling eyes. I search his face for a trace of humor. “What kind of game are you playing? I’ve already agreed to go out with you.”

  “No games. This will be my donation.”

  “Why?” I cross my arms over my chest. My back stiff, my shoulders tense.

  “The board is wooing me. They want to extend my contract. I used it to get this space for you.”

  “Why?” There is more. There always is.

  “Why what?” His voice rises meeting mine.


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