Surviving Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

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Surviving Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Page 18

by Maryann Jordan

  Outside the door, Bart walked over to Marc standing guard, and smirked. “Something going on between you and the pretty doctor?”

  Marc scowled, knowing his friend wasn’t the only one wondering the same thing.

  Bart threw up his hands and said, “Hey, don’t sweat it. The rest of us have found someone when on a case. And not just any someone, but the someone.”

  “She’s special,” Marc admitted, “and damn if I’m not crazy about her.”


  “But, it probably hasn’t escaped your notice that we live in different states. Hardly a situation that makes for a strong relationship.”

  “So, what? You giving up…or are you going to fight for it?” Bart pushed.

  Kendall heard voices just outside the door and she hesitated, curiosity taking over. She recognized Marc’s voice but was unable to tell whom he was speaking with. Pinching her lips together, she realized he had been concerned over the same thing that ate at her. Whatever pull they felt toward each other was mired in the difficulty of connecting their separate lives.

  Refusing to think about it now, she turned on the hot water, grabbing a few more paper towels, and washed her face. It did not help with her appearance, but she felt slightly cleaner.

  Exiting the bathroom, she cast a rueful look up to Marc, seeing Bart standing to the side. “Well, it felt good to use a toilet and have hot water, but I could have done without the mirror!”

  Chuckling, Marc bent to place a kiss on her lips. “We’ll both feel better after a hot shower and clean clothes,” he agreed.

  As Marc headed into the toilet, Bart smiled and said, “Go on and grab some food and hot coffee. Also get whatever else you might need.”

  She cast her eyes out toward the small store and whispered, “I don’t have any money with me. My billfold is in my tote and I don’t know where it is.”

  “It’s in the helicopter,” he replied. “Your tote was hooked on you when you came up.” He leaned down, getting in her line of vision and said, “But you don’t need it. Everything is charged to our account. This is business.”

  Wrinkling her brow as she pondered his words, he explained, “This mission is the Saints’, so we cover all costs. Now get some food for you and anything else you need.”

  Kendall wandered over and grabbed a tube of lip balm and lotion, planning on paying them back for the personal items, before moving to the aisle with food. She was soon joined by Marc and the others as they grabbed a few items before each getting hot coffee.

  Marc slipped his arm around her waist, reveling in the smile she beamed his way. Leaning down, he whispered, “How are you doing?”

  “I should be asking you that question,” she replied. “You’re the one who was injured—”

  “I’m fine,” he interrupted. “But I’m worried about you.”

  “I have to admit, I’m dying for a hot shower or maybe a long soak in a tub and to wash my hair, but honestly?” her eyes glanced to the back of the store as she blushed, “Just using a flushing toilet and washing my hands was fabulous!”

  He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head before agreeing, “Yeah, here’s to indoor plumbing!”

  Chapter 22

  A couple of hours later, Logan landed once again, only this time as the passengers looked out, they could see an old cabin with a large hangar in the back. Marc glanced at Bart, who just grinned. “Don’t let Preacher’s place fool you. He’s got a sweet setup here.”

  Once inside, Logan stepped over to Kendall and Marc and said, “Make yourselves at home. I’ll let the others show you where the bathrooms and bedrooms are.”

  Marc heard the intake of breath from her as Bart opened the door to the guest bathroom. While not large or ornate, it was clean, warm, and had a soaker tub with a shower. Looking down at her face, Marc smiled seeing her appreciative gaze. “You first, sweet girl.”

  Bart grinned as he left the room and she turned to Marc, “Oh, the idea of as much hot water as I want is overwhelming! What if I use it all before you get a chance?”

  His cock twitched at the idea of her, naked in the shower, and he groaned. “Well, I could join you to save the hot water, but then we’d never come out.” Seeing her blush, he chuckled. “You’d better get in or I just might decide that we need that shower together after all.”

  Eyes alight, she asked, “Do you think Logan would mind if I soak in the bathtub later?”

  The idea of her in the tub sent more shock waves to his dick and he hung his head. “No, babe. You take care of you right now.” Leaning down to kiss the top of her head, he left the room quickly before he gave in to his base urges and skipped the bath to throw her on the bed immediately.

  Jack had been notified as soon as the pick-up was made successfully, but as Kendall showered, Marc called his boss himself.

  “Good to hear from you, man,” Jack said, his voice shaking with unusual emotion. “This mission went to hell and I hated not being able to give you the support you needed.”

  “I kept thinking of Cam and Miriam, stuck in the Mexican jungle,” Marc remembered. “It was a hell of a mission, but we did fine.”

  “You can tell Dr. Rhodes that her father has been informed of her rescue. I understand she handled herself well, given the circumstances.”

  “Absolutely,” Marc enthused. “She did just what she needed to do each step of the way. I suppose you know she saved my life.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” Jack said, before turning back to business. “I know you just got back but we need to consider the next step. The original plan was for her to go to straight to D.C. for the meeting with Homeland Security. However, they sent representatives to Louisiana and there was a meeting yesterday. I’ve informed the representatives of her return and they’d like to speak to her ASAP, so you can fly to Louisiana tomorrow morning and she’ll meet with them tomorrow afternoon. We’ll need to stay vigilant because I’ve got suspicions concerning some of her co-workers here and Luke’s checking into them.”

  “What about my plane?”

  “Got Nick and Monty still in Alaska checking into the FBI office there.”

  “I’ve been wanting to get back to Virginia, so I can work with Luke and Charlie there to do some digging myself, but it sounds like you need Kendall back in Louisiana.”

  “Yeah, after you’ve had a day to recuperate Bart’ll charter a flight for you to come here. Bart, Jude, and Blaise will head back to Virginia.”

  “You want me in Louisiana too?”

  Chuckling, Jack replied, “Figured you’d like to keep the security mission until we know where the threat to her is coming from. And if Bart is to be believed, you and Dr. Rhodes have gotten close.”

  “Bart and his fuckin’, gossipin’ mouth!” Marc growled, shaking his head. “He’s worse than the women!”

  Jack laughed and said, “Well, just remember her father is here. See you when you arrive.”

  Disconnecting, Marc sat on the bed for a moment until interrupted by Kendall walking out of the bathroom, steam billowing out of the room all around her. All thoughts of her in danger flew out of his mind as he watched her glow with pink-tinged skin and her wet hair hanging down her back. Standing, he moved swiftly to her, his arms encircling her as he pulled her into his chest.

  “God, you smell good,” he exclaimed, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. “I hate to let you go, but with you this clean, I’ve got to take a shower as well.” Pushing her back slightly so he could see her face, he teased, “Did you leave any hot water for me?”

  Playfully slapping him on the arm, she moved away and stepped over to the bed. “Yes! I skipped the bath so there’d be sure to be some left and you could get in sooner. What’s the plan?” she asked, as she ran a comb through her hair.

  “Well, we’ll stay here tonight, get a good night’s sleep, and then tomorrow you and I’ll take a charter flight back to Louisiana.”

  At those words, she whirled around, eyes wide. “Another plane?” she
moaned, her expression falling. “Can’t we drive?”

  “That’s over thirty hours of driving, Kendall,” he said shaking his head. His heart ached at her fear. “Sweet girl, if I had a magic wand to get you there without having to fly, I would use it…but we need to get you back.”

  Rubbing his chin, he looked up sharply when she asked, “What?”

  Before he could speak, she added, “When you are trying to think of what to say to me, you rub your chin.”

  Barking out a laugh, he said, “Okay, Miss Observant, you’re right.” He told her about the meeting and watched closely as her eyes morphed from fear to shrewd.

  “I’m sure Dr. Wallace was more than happy to share our information,” she said, her eyes narrowed in irritation.

  Cocking his head, Marc queried, “When I asked you about your work and why someone would want you out of the picture, you said that you all worked on the projects and you weren’t the only one responsible.”

  “That’s true, but he’s never hidden the fact that he’d like to take over the lab. I’m sure he thought my dad would retire earlier.” Shrugging, she said, “He always got pissy when I was the one who presented at conferences, but that’s just professional envy…not a threat.”

  Marc said nothing, but tucked that information away to investigate later. I’ll be able to talk to the good Dr. Wallace myself when I get to Louisiana.

  “Speaking of tonight,” she said drawing his thoughts back to the present. “Um…where will we all sleep?”

  Grinning, he replied, “Logan’s got his own room, obviously, plus two spare rooms. Bart’s already said he’ll take the pullout in the den and Blaise and Jude’ll share the bunks in the other room.”

  “Bunks? All of your friends are huge! They’ll never fit in bunks!” As she pursed her lips and looked at the double bed next to her, she turned her gaze back to his. “Are we sharing this room?” she gasped, blushing.

  “You got a problem sharing a bed with me?” he teased.

  “No…but, what about them?” she lowered her voice to a whisper.

  “They know we’ve been sleeping on the ground and they’d all like us to get a good night’s sleep on a good mattress. There’s no hotel around that’s safe, so it’s the best solution.” Smirking, he added, “I’ve got no problem sleeping with you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “Do they know that we’ve, um…”

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he said, “There’s no locker room talk happening between me and my co-workers, so rest easy. What’s happening between you and me is private. My friends respect that and they’ll respect you.”

  Biting her lip, she looked uncertain as she asked, “I wasn’t sure…about…us. Um…you know…when we got back.” Throwing her hands to her sides, she said, “God, I sound so stupid when I’m nervous.”

  Sliding his hands from her shoulders, down her arms, so that he could link his fingers with hers, he bent forward resting his forehead against hers. “I know the past days have been crazy. But for me, I think you know you mean something…not just a fun time on a fucked-up mission.”

  Nodding, she smiled, letting out a long breath. “I know. And me too. I’m just worried about the logistics of this whole thing.” Squeezing his fingers, she added, “Okay, go take your shower and I’ll wander out and see if I can help in the kitchen. I’m still starving.”

  Thirty minutes later, Marc emerged from the back rooms and found Kendall happily ensconced in the kitchen with Logan, delectable smells emanating from the stove. Blaise was in the den, talking on his phone. Bart and Jude were sitting at the kitchen bar, chatting with Logan.

  “Oh, my God,” Marc moaned, “what am I smelling?”

  “Tacos,” Kendall answered, her eyes glowing as she twisted her head around to look at him. They smiled at each other, both knowing how much the scent of the spicy food was teasing their appetites.

  Logan grabbed some paper plates from a cabinet and tossed them on the counter. “Come and get it,” he called out. The other Saints stepped back, allowing Kendall and Marc to fill their plates first. Sitting at a long table, with benches instead of chairs, the group dug in, moans of appreciation coming from all, but loudest from Kendall and Marc.

  “Don’t you get lonely out here?” Kendall asked between bites.

  Marc knew Logan had been Bart’s SEAL commander and, while he was grateful for the rescue, knew not to ask about his work. As he glanced around the simple, but comfortable, log cabin, he wondered what secrets it held. Not many people have a former Army Lakota helicopter in their hangar along with a smaller, tourist bird.

  “I like it secluded,” Logan answered, a smile dancing at the corners of his mouth.

  “Do you do a lot of rescuing?” she continued.

  Marc started to interrupt, but Logan replied, “Yeah, I do some ski and hiker rescues in the mountains around here.”

  Licking her lips, drawing Marc’s undivided attention to her mouth, she nodded, “I wondered why you had such a big helicopter.”

  The other Saints smiled indulgently, knowing Kendall’s curiosity would soon pass and Logan was perfectly able to handle her inquisition with enough facts to be believable and enough fiction to keep his business secret.

  The topic of conversation soon moved over to the reason they were there. “I just have such a hard time believing that anyone would want me or my dad harmed,” she exclaimed.

  Bart had briefed Marc on the Saints’ findings but left it up to him to choose what to disclose to Kendall. Marc wanted to keep her up on all information, knowing her insight would be needed.

  Turning toward her, trying to ignore the moans she made while her lips closed around a taco, he said, “We’ve got co-workers in Alaska working on the angle of who up there would have tampered with the plane. And we’ve got co-workers in Louisiana who are investigating the facility where you and your dad work.”

  Her eyebrows dipped into a “V” as she shook her head slightly. “But no one there would profit from our being killed.”

  “Kendall,” Jude interjected, gaining her attention. “You never know what’s going on in someone’s personal life that can impact their professional life.” Seeing her still-confused expression, he added, “Something that would make them sell out…their co-workers or their country.”

  Eyes wide at the implication, she almost responded negatively, but instead mulled his words over in her mind. “As a scientist, I have to be open to all types of possibilities when determining the outcome of an experiment.” Slowly letting out a long breath, she twisted back toward Marc. “I’ll be open to whatever I need to consider, to make sure we get who we’re after.”

  The other men chuckled at her determination, respect in their eyes. Marc held her gaze and for the first time on a mission, his heart beat erratically at the thought of her in danger.

  Later that night, Marc sat up with the others discussing the case as Kendall went to bed. She had hugged each man in thanks and then gratefully headed to the bed in the guest room, excited for a mattress. She wondered when Marc would join her, but sleep claimed her long before he made it in.

  After she left the room, Marc said, “Okay, you’ve given me the overview, now I want everything you’ve got. I’m torn between wanting to head back to Alaska to kick the ass of whoever fucked with my plane and heading to Louisiana to see who set her up.”

  “That all?” Bart asked, a smirk on his lips.

  Holding his gaze, Marc grinned. “Nope, I’d also like to head back to Virginia…with her at my side.” His friends grinned while Logan simply shook his head.

  Slipping underneath the covers with her a few hours later, Marc reveled in the feel of the soft sheets and the warm body that snuggled up to him, pillowed with the comfortable mattress. Wrapping his arms around her, he closed his eyes as the scent of her shampoo teased his nostrils. He had thought about this moment for the past several days and had to admit it was better than he had imagined…and he had imagined it as perfect.

>   I may never be able to sleep with her in my arms again. That was the last thought he had before slipping into slumber.

  Waking up the next morning, he knew he had to do something because it was different…she was different. All he wanted to do was to lie there, wrapped up in her.

  Chapter 23

  Kendall clung to the Saints and Logan as she said goodbye, offering tearful thanks for her rescue once more. Then she clung to Marc’s hand during most of their chartered flight, although it was peacefully uneventful as they landed in Baton Rouge by early afternoon. Planting a kiss on her lips as they taxied into the hangar, Marc whispered, “You good?”

  Smiling against his lips, she murmured, “With you beside me? Always.”

  Hoping her words were true, he grinned as the plane came to a stop.

  Marc alighted first, seeing Jack standing near Kenneth Rhodes. A flash of doubt flew through his mind at the thought of her life in Louisiana and his in Virginia. Moving slightly to allow Kendall a chance to see her father also, he watched as she screamed, “Dad!”

  Running to her father, he captured her in his embrace, tears filling his eyes.

  Marc headed over to Jack and Patrick, shaking their hands as he shot a glance to the side, ascertaining Kendall was all right. She was tearful, but smiling. As he turned back, Jack and Patrick both smirked at him. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, rubbing his chin as he grinned at them.

  Kendall dragged her father over to Marc, making the introductions. Kenneth shook Marc’s hand vigorously, thanking him for saving his daughter. As the group made their way to the SUV, Kendall slipped her hand into Marc’s. He dropped his gaze down to their hands before lifting his head, cocking his eyebrow at her. She replied with a smile of her own as she linked her fingers tightly with his. As he assisted her into the back seat of the vehicle, he noted her father’s gaze was latched on their hands as well.


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