Surviving Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

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Surviving Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Page 26

by Maryann Jordan

  “I’m becoming necessary for my group,” he bragged. “My skills with software, plus my family connections, made me the perfect person for this. And now,” he waved his arm around, grinning, “killing you and then getting rid of your father will give me the perfect opportunity to stop the research.”

  “Even if Dad and I are gone, Fahdil will never help you,” she exclaimed, her brow furrowed. “Surely you know that.”

  “Hmph, who needs him? You forget, I already have an ace in the hole there. Someone who has helped me in the past and will continue to assist.”

  Biting her lip as she allowed her gaze to drop slightly to keep an eye on his hands, she asked, “Who? Who is helping you?”

  “Nope…told you, that was my secret. Enough talk—”

  Tariq’s phone vibrated and his gaze faltered as he moved to pull it out. Not recognizing the number, he hesitated before answering. “Yeah?”

  Just as he brought the phone to his ear, Kendall shoved his shoulders, forcing him backwards over the coffee table.

  Whirling around, she raced to the front door, fumbling with the deadbolt. Hearing Tariq cursing as he scrambled to his feet, she threw open the door. Making it to the front porch, his voice shouted right behind her.

  “Stop, bitch, or I will use this!”

  She halted, her face contorted in frustration at her inability to get away. Just then she heard her name called and she lifted her head to look straight ahead. Heaving a gasp, she cried, “No! Marc, go away! He’s got something strapped to him!”

  Tariq’s eyes darted around but he stayed in the doorframe, protected by the house behind and her body in front. With a satisfied smirk, he called out, “I’ve got it all planned out. You fools are too late.”

  Marc’s weapon, raised toward Kendall who was in the direct line of fire between he and Tariq, watched as her anguished face never left his. She mouthed I love you as a tear slid down her cheek.

  Shaking in fright, she wished she were braver, or at least knew what to do, but standing and staring at Marc’s hard face was all she could accomplish. Hearing Tariq right behind her caused her to lose all thoughts except of the man who wanted her dead.

  “Kendall?” Marc called out, but with a glance realized shock had rendered her slow to react. Sucking in a breath in an attempt at calm, he tried a different approach. “Hey, sweet girl?”

  He watched her blink in recognition, her focus back on him. “That’s it, sweet girl. You wanna know what I was just thinking of?”

  She barely shook her head as Tariq screamed, “Shut up!”

  “I was thinking about grizzlies in Canada. Remember?” He watched as her eyes lit and her breathing increased. Atta girl. You’ve got it.

  With a quick blink, she flung herself down onto the hard wood of the porch, heedless of the pain flaring in her wrist and knees as the immediate sounds of shots whizzing overhead filled her ears. Then a thud behind her. Squeezing her eyes tight to brace for the explosion, she panted as her ears roared.

  In an instant, Marc was scooping her up in his arms, racing back up the driveway toward Blaise as Chad approached the front. Monty and Jack escorted the FBI toward the house.

  Her arms wound tightly around his neck as she buried her face in his neck. His warm skin with the scent of sweat felt familiar…and comforting. She was barely aware of Marc sitting down as he kept her safely tucked in his embrace.

  “Kendall?” Blaise said gently. “Can you let me look at you?”

  Raising her head slightly, she replied, “This is getting to be a habit, isn’t it?”

  Chuckling, Blaise said, “You’re cracking a joke? Girl, you are something special if you can joke about this now!”

  Swallowing back a nervous laugh, she loosened her arms but found Marc tightened his in response. “I’m fine, honestly. It’s just my wrist and knees again. He didn’t touch me. He just talked.”

  Jack, standing over them with several of the Saints around, added, “Very smart. You kept him talking. That gave us enough time to get here.”

  Blaise added, “Then, I’d say you’re very lucky too, but I want to check your wrist again.” He frowned as he unwrapped the bandage and saw more swelling. Shaking his head, he advised, “Marc, I think you might want to get this x-rayed, just to make sure this time did not break it.”

  Marc nodded, his face tight with anger. “Damn, Kendall,” he growled, “I’m so sorry.”

  Eyes wide, she held Marc’s face in her hands and confessed, “I just knew you’d come for me. I knew you’d save me.”

  Forgetting their audience, Marc leaned in, his breath warm against her lips as he said, “Always, sweet girl. Always.”


  As the group from the NCBRT stood at the luggage pick-up in the Baton Rouge airport they chatted among themselves.

  “Anyone hear from Fahdil?” Will asked.

  Karen stood next to him but a respectable foot apart as her eyes cut over to his and she fought to keep a flirtatious smile from her lips.

  Estelle, her lips in a typical pinch, said, “I simply got a text that said he had something come up and he would be taking a later flight.”

  Cliff, tapping his foot impatiently, glared at the luggage belt. “How long does it take to get the luggage off the plane,” he grumbled.

  “What’s your hurry? You got somewhere important to be?” Will laughed. “For me, I’m going to grab something to eat, hit the shower, and then fall into bed.” Cutting his eyes toward Karen, he grinned as she blushed.

  “Dr. Kowtowski?”

  As the group turned toward the speaker, they saw four men in dark suits. All serious. No smiles. And all four holding out FBI badges.

  Will’s eyes darted to the side but he realized all avenues of escape had been cut off. Facing the speaker, he said, “Yes?”

  “You need to come with us.”

  “What is this?” Estelle cut in, her attempts at superiority coming through. “I’m with Homeland Security for the National Center for Biological Research and Training. Dr. Kowtowski works at the center under me.”

  “Ma’am, then you’ll be interested in our findings. We have evidence of Dr. Kowtowski illegally tampering with your security system, hiring the persons who broke into your center last week, and selling information to a known terrorist group.”

  “Will?” Karen stood shell-shocked, her mouth open.

  “What the hell?” Cliff said, turning toward Will. “You goddamn traitor!”

  Estelle’s shoulders slumped at the realization her career was over with a traitor under her nose, her eyes closing for a moment as she pulled herself together. With a final sigh, she straightened her shoulders, casting her glare toward Will.

  “I want a fucking lawyer,” Will stated, his easy demeanor gone, defiance in its place.

  “You’ll get your chance,” the agent said. “Now, if you’ll come this way.”

  The luggage conveyor belt had started and passengers all around grabbed their bags, but Karen, Estelle, and Cliff stood frozen in place as they watched Will being escorted away.

  Chapter 33

  Two Weeks Later

  Sitting in Jack’s large living room, surrounded by all the Saints and their women, Kendall looked over at Marc as he stepped around a travel bassinet and scooped her up, plopping her down in his lap. Careful of her wrist, now in a brace, he handed her a glass of iced tea. Smiling her thanks, she cast her gaze around the large gathering, falling in love with the camaraderie all around.

  “Any word on what’s going on in Alaska?” she asked. Nudging Marc, she added, “This guy won’t tell me much.”

  Jack nodded toward Marc and said, “There’s not much we know to tell. I will say that the terrorist cell went underground and by the time the FBI closed in, they were only able to round up a few of them.”

  Moans came from the group as he continued, “It seems that once they realized Tariq had come to Virginia, acting on his own, the other members decided to go into hiding, uncertain what he was doi

  “So he wasn’t acting on their orders?” Kendall asked.

  “From what Nick has learned, he was not ordered to come after you. While you were initially a target, when it failed with the helicopter crash and you escaped they abandoned the plan and were going to focus on something else. Tariq disagreed and thought going after you by himself would win him a favorable status within the cell.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “I talked to my father and Fahdil is devastated. Even though it was Will, and not him, that was the traitor, he feels so responsible.” Sighing heavily, she added, “He may be taken off certain projects.” Throwing her hands up, she said, “And the whole group is stunned about Will. He was the last person anyone suspected.”

  “He was in debt up to his eyeballs several years ago and when Tariq approached him, the lure of money was too good to pass up,” Charlie surmised.

  The group fell into silence for a moment and Marc pulled Kendall’s body back into his tightly.

  “So,” Faith asked, her smile landing on Kendall. “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”

  Grinning, she nodded as she felt Marc’s arm squeeze her waist. “I’ve been to the University of Virginia and I’ve tentatively accepted their offer.” Her grin broke into a wide smile as the cheers from all around hit her ears.

  “And what about your job in Louisiana?” Sabrina asked. “Will that be a problem to leave?”

  “Fortunately, I was working for Dad, who wants me to be happy, so it won’t be hard. He’s going to finish the latest round of research and then he might consider coming east as well. And,” she shrugged, “my apartment was a rental, so it’s no problem to leave.”

  Marc interjected, “We’re going to fly back in a few days so that she can close everything out and we can arrange for movers to bring what she’d like to keep.”

  Blushing, Kendall observed the smiles and smirks from the group. “Yes, inquiring minds that want to know…I’m moving in with Marc.”

  Raised beers and iced teas toasted the new couple.

  The next morning, Marc rolled over in bed, his hand finding the sheets cold where Kendall’s body should have been. Smiling, he knew where she would be. Dressing quickly, he wandered to the kitchen where the coffee was already made and poured a cup. Stepping onto the front porch, he found her on the porch swing wrapped in blankets with the exception of one foot that stuck out, pushing against the plank floor to keep the swing in motion.

  Bending to kiss her lips, he settled in next to her, pulling her close as she tucked her foot up underneath the covering, knowing he would now keep the swing going. Not speaking for a few moments, they watched the sun rise over the trees in the yard and the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance. The peaceful quiet was broken only by the sounds of chattering birds and scampering squirrels.

  Finally speaking, he said, “I remember my papaw telling me that I needed to find a good place to land when I was ready. He said that my mamaw was that place for him.” He held her gaze as he continued with a smile, “Now that you’re here with me, this is my place to land…”

  Her smile rivaled the sunrise, capturing his heart.


  Two Months Later

  The setting sun slowly lowered in the sky as Angel and Monty said their vows in the gazebo at Bethany’s Mountville Cabins. Kendall, sitting with Marc near the front, felt her heart would burst with happiness. Having completed the move, she was happily ensconced in her new job, her new home, and Marc’s heart.

  At the reception underneath a large tent, she held tightly to Marc as they swayed back and forth to the music. Unable to keep the smile from her face, she viewed her new friends, all huddled just as close on the dancefloor.

  Marc lifted his gaze from her face, observing the other Saints as well. A sense of rightness filled his being…here with friends…here with Kendall. His gaze moved over the gathering, seeing Jack and Nick walk to the side of the large tent, deep in a private discussion. Hmmmm, I wonder—

  Turning his attention back to the beautiful woman in his arms, he pulled her tighter against his chest, the warmth of her body fitting perfectly with his.

  Looking up, she said, “Isn’t it strange, the way our lives can turn so unexpectantly?”

  “Like you and me?” he asked, nuzzling her ear.

  Feeling his strong arms encircling her, she nodded. “Yeah…from a random meeting in an elevator to now. With all we went through, we survived.”

  “Thank God,” he said, peering into her eyes. “Because I have to tell you…I love you, sweet girl.”

  Gasping, she sucked in her lips as tears threatened to fall. “I love you too,” she breathed.

  Bending down, he captured her lips like he captured her heart…completely.

  If you enjoyed Surviving Love, please leave a review!

  The spin-off series, Baytown Boys Series, has begun! Click here for Coming Home.

  Other books by Maryann Jordan

  (all standalone books)

  All of my books are stand-alone, each with their own HEA!! You can read them in any order!

  Saints Protection & Investigation

  (an elite group, assigned to the cases no one else wants…or can solve)

  Serial Love

  Healing Love

  Revealing Love

  Seeing Love

  Honor Love

  Sacrifice Love

  Protecting Love

  Remember Love

  Discover Love

  Alvarez Security Series

  (a group of former Special Forces brothers-in-arms now working to provide security in the southern city of Richland)





  Love’s Series

  (detectives solving crimes while protecting the women they love)

  Love’s Taming

  Love’s Tempting

  Love’s Trusting

  The Fairfield Series

  (small town detectives and the women they love)

  Carol’s Image

  Laurie’s Time

  Emma’s Home

  Fireworks Over Fairfield

  I love to hear from readers, so please email me!


  [email protected]






  Amazon author page

  More About Maryann Jordan

  As an Amazon Best Selling Author, I have always been an avid reader. I joke that I “cut my romance teeth” on the historical romance books from the 1970’s. In 2013 I started a blog to showcase wonderful writers. In 2014, I finally gave in to the characters in my head pleading for their story to be told. Thus, Emma’s Home was created.

  My first novel, Emma’s Home became an Amazon Best Seller in 3 categories within the first month of publishing. Its success was followed by the rest of the Fairfield Series and then led into the Love’s Series. From there I have continued with the romantic suspense Alvarez Security Series and now the Saints Protection & Investigation Series, all bestsellers.

  My books are filled with sweet romance and hot sex; mystery, suspense, real life characters and situations. My heroes are alphas, take charge men who love the strong, independent women they fall in love with.

  I worked as a counselor in a high school and have been involved in education for the past 30 years. I recently retired and now can spend more time devoted to my writing.

  I have been married to a wonderfully patient man for 34 years and have 2 adult very supportive daughters and 1 grandson.

  When writing, my dog or one of my cats will usually be found in my lap!





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