Half Moon Bay

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Half Moon Bay Page 12

by Young, Helene

  That night Ellie had looked to her parents for reassurance. Instead she’d been met by the gruff humour of her dad and her mother’s gentle sarcasm. So much for democracy.

  With regret, she realised it was one of her last memories of her mum. She suspected that many of her memories were really Nina’s and her father’s handed down to her. Those memories were inundating her now. The bout of nostalgia was so vivid that Ellie had to shake her head to clear the voices.

  Focus, she needed to focus.

  She repositioned two of the tables and hung the screen to give everyone the best view. The public gallery would be packed today and, while she knew her photos would not be as impressive from that distance, she still needed to include them in today’s performance, not just the wavering councillors. Once the projector was connected to her laptop she started the slide show, moving it back to create the largest image as the photos rolled.

  Ellie’s grandfather had also been a photographer. He’d captured images of Australia over seven decades. She’d drawn together a collage using photos from the 1950s when her grandparents had first moved to Half Moon Bay, as well as her own more recent works, and some from Ron.

  The shots of towering sand dunes on the mid-north New South Wales coast collided with ugly images of fish floating belly up, poisoned by contaminated water overflowing from facilities not large enough to cope with the demands of a growing population. Aerial shots of sand blows moving inland, leaving bleached skeletal remains of once tall eucalyptus and ironbark trees, were contrasted against earlier photos taken before human intervention opened the way for erosion.

  Her eyes burned at the memory of Nina banking the Cessna hard so she could capture those later photographs. It all started when Nina flew home from university with a new conquest who was training to be a pilot. He’d taken Ellie for a joy flight over the Bay and she’d been hooked. Tom had never been able to say no to his girls, so over the next two years they both completed training for their private pilot licence. He’d even chipped in half the cost when Nina found a Cessna 172 for sale. Owned by a retired airline captain, the aircraft was old but immaculate and the price was surprisingly low.

  For Ellie it opened up a whole new dimension of photography – a birds-eye view. She’d got quite good at trimming the controls so she could fly solo and still hang out a window to snap a shot. The happiest times though were when Nina flew and she could shoot.

  The aircraft still languished in a hangar on Palmer Island at the McIntyre airstrip. The caretaker looked after it, but she should make arrangements to sell it. She couldn’t bring herself to fly it without Nina. Too many memories.

  Ron’s images of drunken revellers at last year’s New Year’s Eve dragged her back to the moment. The last of the photos clicked over to a serene sunset taken from the water, a line of surfers waiting for the last of the day’s waves, with the rising hills a dark backdrop. Her message was simple. They’d chosen this place for its natural beauty and quiet lifestyle. Did they want to allow the council to sell out? Did they want to see wilderness sold by elected officials and then destroyed?

  She felt a tremor through her body at the reminder of Nicholas Lawson’s dominant presence. No man had ever disturbed her so instantly. She was attracted against her better judgement and annoyed that he muddied the clarity of her mind.

  Her career had kept her too busy to squeeze in anything more than casual boyfriends. At uni she was one of the boys, studying, playing sport and surfing. Maybe working so closely with a sister as beautiful as Nina meant she’d always seen herself as plain, boyish even. She certainly wasn’t alluring enough to capture the attention of a man like Nicholas Lawson and yet she’d seen interest in his eyes. Was he just toying with her?

  She continued laying out cables for the portable speaker. What would Nina do? The tune from her mobile phone brought her back to the present.

  ‘Hi, Alex, where are you?’

  ‘I’m just leaving your house. But I’ve done some digging on Nick Lawson.’

  ‘Really?’ Her frown deepened.

  ‘Lawson is ex-army. Resigned two years ago.’

  ‘Really? Where did he serve? Do you have a photograph?’ She stood a little straighter.

  ‘He sounds like a combat engineer to me, but my mate’s still checking. So far no photo.’

  ‘Okay. So we can’t be sure that it’s him, then. A photo would make identifying him a whole lot easier.’

  ‘I know, I’m working on it. Anyway I’ll be there soon. Just be on your guard.’

  ‘Thanks, Alex. Are you okay?’ His voice sounded strained, angry. She had to ask. ‘Are we okay?’

  ‘Fine, fine. I’ll see you soon.’ He was gone.

  Something was bothering Alex. Surely he wasn’t still sulking?

  ‘We’re in for a picture show, are we?’ Amusement simmered below the surface of the now familiar deep voice.

  Ellie’s fingers closed around her phone as she took her time turning, composing her face. How much had he overheard? Had she used his name? Her heart quickened. ‘Mr Lawson.’

  ‘Please, the name’s Nick. Your photos are powerful; evocative.’ His gaze swept over her again and she was incapable of stopping the blush flooding her cheeks. ‘I underestimated you again. You really are talented.’ The smoky edge to his voice and the lift to his lips made her think of dark nights and slow kisses.

  ‘Charm School 101 again? I would have thought you’d do better than empty flattery.’ She lifted her chin and met his eyes, refusing to be intimidated. Her nerve held, just.

  The warm glint in his eyes made her lean against the table for support. Felicity was one hundred per cent right. He was too damn attractive for his own good. And too well dressed. Only a tailor could fit a suit so closely to a man’s body.

  ‘Empty flattery?’ He shoved one hand in his trouser pocket, his jacket swinging loose on his shoulders as he sauntered towards her. A predator with an air of danger. She felt her body tense. ‘If I said you had hair the colour of spun toffee and eyes that reminded me of the ocean on a clear summer day, then you could accuse me of flattery.’ He stopped within touching distance, his jaw set and his expression enigmatic. ‘But I didn’t. I stated a fact. The photos are strong, effective. That takes talent.’

  She cleared her throat, desperate to change the mood. ‘Well, thank you, but your opinion means nothing to me.’ She tried for flippant as she moved to the other side of the desk, putting something solid between them. ‘Alex is right. He said I shouldn’t trust a man who was better looking than Hugh Jackman.’

  He laughed. ‘Hugh Jackman, huh? No titanium bones in this guy.’

  ‘Just super-human control.’

  He held her gaze again. ‘We could be friends.’

  ‘Yeah, I always threaten people I want to befriend. Your approach was a little different last week.’

  He grinned at her, almost the boyish human from the surf again. ‘It’s not my normal pick-up line, but it seemed like the only way to actually shut you up last time we were here. You were in over your head.’ He paused. ‘And it did work, but that’s not why I’m here. I tracked you down to apologise. I was rude this morning. It was inexcusable of me to drive off showering you in loose gravel. I guess we were both wound up after the boy’s accident. Can I buy you dinner? Make it up to you?’ Her outraged snort had him raising his hands in mock surrender. ‘No please, seriously,’ he said. ‘It’s a genuine offer. No strings attached, no expectations. Just a nice quiet evening so we can get to understand each other’s point of view better. I even promise to answer your questions if I can.’

  ‘Great, so the rest of the town can see me out wining and dining with Public Enemy Number One? Thanks, but no thanks.’ She turned her back. God, she was tempted.

  ‘Look at the new angle. Just imagine how much more credible your opposition against the development will be. You’re prepared to have the journalist writing your story stay at your house for sleepovers. Why not share dinner with me?’

nbsp; She felt paralysed, trapped by his logic and unsure where he was leading.

  ‘It would prove how very impartial you are. You’ll do anything for your cause, including dine with the devil.’

  Ellie found it impossible not to give in to a tiny smile as she turned back to him. This was ridiculous. How could she be seeing this man as attractive when he was threatening everything she held so dear?

  His voice still rumbling with laughter, Nick shook his head at her. ‘And remind me not to get into a fight with you again unless you’re on my side either.’

  She bridled. ‘I’ve seen different streets, I’ve seen different realities to you, and those worlds won’t be colliding any time soon. We could never be on the same side, Mr Lawson, never.’

  ‘Never is a very long time, Ellie.’

  ‘Well, Mr Lawson, never will do just fine for now. If you’ve finished apologising, I’ve got work to do, so . . .’

  ‘Yeah, I’m sure you do. Dinner tonight. The pub, or name the restaurant. My shout, of course.’

  ‘Are you totally insensitive or just amazingly arrogant?’

  ‘I’d call it perceptive. We both know you’re passionate,’ he paused, a wicked glint in his eyes, ‘about your causes.’

  She closed her eyes and breathed. When she opened them, he was watching her.

  ‘It’ll add substance to your case, remember.’

  ‘No.’ The word exploded from her lips.

  ‘I’m not leaving, Ellie. I’m an all-expenses-paid guest of your dear lord mayor,’ he answered smoothly just as O’Sullivan’s whining voice reached them from the rear of the chamber.

  ‘Ah, Nick, I see you’ve met Eleanor Wilding. We have to sit through her little trip down memory lane this morning. Strange someone of her generation chooses to live in the past, but then her family’s been troublemaking for years.’

  His snide remarks washed over Ellie, but she was intrigued by the look of annoyance that crossed Nicholas’s face before he turned towards the mayor. Was it irritation at having to deal with such an obvious fool, or the fact that he’d let slip the council was funding his visit?

  It took a couple of seconds to analyse the pieces of the puzzle. Was he a gun-carrying ex-military operative, masquerading as a developer in downtown Half Moon Bay and involved in drug running? Or was he really a corrupt engineer, forced to deal with fools like O’Sullivan as part of a much bigger plan? She made a snap decision, hoping she wouldn’t regret it. Nina would be proud of her.

  ‘My place, seven-thirty, tomorrow.’ Her voice was pitched low to ensure it wouldn’t carry to the mayor. A slight incline of his head was the only indication Nick gave that he’d heard her.

  ‘Lord Mayor, I’d kill for a good coffee. Does the cafeteria run to an espresso machine?’ As he turned to walk towards the man, his eyes locked with Ellie’s. ‘Tomorrow.’ The possibilities in that one word were electrifying.

  O’Sullivan was at his sycophantic best. ‘Of course, Nick. We might be a small coastal town, but we still appreciate the finer things in life.’

  Ellie rolled her eyes, already regretting her invitation. Damn it. What had she just done?

  She fussed with the equipment, checking the interfaces. She was sure the little grimace that had crossed Nick’s face was one of contempt. And that was the same feeling she’d had the other day, crouched under the table.

  She recognised she was playing with fire. If she were entirely honest, the strong physical attraction she felt for this man was part of the motivation. Would Nina have approved? Probably, although her risks had always been calculated. This was something spontaneous. Too late to back out now.

  The first of the councillors were beginning to arrive, so she switched the system to hibernate before starting the social round, drumming up support as she went. The public gallery was filling up. Encouraged by the friendly smiles and nods, she knew that her work was worth every effort.


  ‘But Alex, it’s only dinner. I’m sure I’ll be able to wheedle some more info out of him.’

  ‘You’ll wheedle something out of him, but I doubt it’s going to be information. Look, Ellie, you’re a big girl now, but if you play with men like Nicholas Lawson, you won’t be calling the shots. Let me check him out some more. I’ll be able to ID him from the photos when I get back to Sydney.’

  ‘Then we can both work from different angles,’ Ellie said, with her palms up. Alex had been distracted during the morning’s presentation. She’d watched him fidget with his phone, texting almost continuously.

  ‘Don’t be so pig-headed. It’s pretty obvious he’s interested in you.’

  ‘Interested because I might block his development.’

  ‘Don’t come running to me when you get hurt, Ellie. The jerk just about told me you were on his trophy list.’

  ‘Now who’s being melodramatic, Alex? He told me you’d warned him off. Sounds like misplaced jealousy to me.’ She turned and touched his arm, suddenly contrite for riling him so much. ‘If it’s any consolation, he’s not my type, but he may well hold the key to stopping this development and catching the lord mayor out.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, and you’ll do anything to achieve that, including screwing strangers?’

  She flushed guiltily. ‘I’m only talking dinner here. So, he’s attractive. So are you. I don’t see us falling into bed at every moment.’

  ‘Exactly my point. For God’s sake, Ellie, are you so in lust with him you can’t see what’s happening?’

  She moderated her voice. ‘I’m not in lust with him, Alex, but nor am I a blushing virgin. If I get hurt, then it’s my problem and I’ll fix it. You’re never going to be replaced in my life by anyone.’ She put an arm round his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. ‘We’re mates. That’s so much more important than a quick grope on a dark night, Alex.’

  ‘Yeah, sure. You’re not convincing me.’

  ‘Trust me, then.’

  He shook his head, shaking her loose from his side. ‘Ellie, it’s not you I don’t trust . . . Just stick with the legal appeals. It’s not worth it.’

  ‘I’ll be fine, Alex. I’ll ring you tonight.’

  ‘I’m out at a function in Woolloomooloo tonight.’

  ‘I’ll send a text message, then.’

  ‘Just take care. You might be biting off more than you can chew. I’ve got to go.’ He pecked her on the cheek. ‘Call me.’

  ‘I will and I’ll email the photos through when I pick them up from the lab.’

  ‘Okay, do that. I’ll wait for your text, Ellie.’ He hesitated, his eyes dark. ‘And just remember, you’re not Nina, nor do you have anything to prove to me or anyone.’

  Shocked into silence, she watched his retreating back.

  Was that what she was doing? Trying to be her sister, live up to her tough reputation? No. She shook her head. No, I’m not Nina. She would have had Nick Lawson in bed on the first day she met him.

  That little slither of desire snaked down her spine again. No man had ever been so obvious in his intent before. Even if you discounted the constant string of compliments, you couldn’t dismiss his invitation to dinner as anything other than a pick-up. Why did she find such Neanderthal behaviour so attractive?

  Her phone rang and she snapped it open. ‘Hey, Ron,’ she said. ‘How’d it look from where you were sitting? Great . . . Thank you. No, I’m just outside in the car park seeing Alex off back to Sydney . . . Okay . . . I’ll be there. See you in two.’

  With the presentation over, the hard work was just about to begin. They had a team meeting this afternoon to look over the submission against the approvals. Tomorrow she wanted to head to the harbour and talk to some of the fishermen. And then there was dinner tomorrow night. She bit her lip a little pensively. Dinner might provide some answers, but then again it might be full of temptation as well.


  By the time Alex turned into his driveway the shrubs by the front of his house were dark shadows outside the yellow pools of
the streetlights. He waited for the garage door to close, watching it roll down in his rear-vision mirror. Only then did he unlock his car.

  He opened the door into the house a crack and waited in the darkness. Nothing. No sound, no movement. He banged the door wide on its hinges so it bounced off the wall, the sound echoing around the garage like a gunshot. With his other hand he flicked on the bank of light switches, flooding the townhouse with brightness.

  ‘Shit.’ Jan hadn’t lied. The place was trashed. ‘What the fuck is really going on?’ he whispered into the emptiness. He knew with certainty Teisha couldn’t have done all this. Picking his way through scattered papers, he made his way to his office. The filing cabinet drawers were hanging open, the swing files strewn in heaps across the floor. It was going to take days to bring it back to order. His hand shook as he reached for the cupboard door. Inside, the shelves were empty. Simmering anger overtook the spiking fear. His back-up hard drives were all gone. Untidy as he was, he was meticulous about saving his work and every New Year’s Day for the past ten years he’d started a new back up. Lucky for him he’d recently invested in iCloud so everything was stored electronically as well.

  Including his password, he realised, with a leap of his heart.

  ‘Shit.’ He hurried back to the car and grabbed his computer case from the front seat. He’d need to change that now. ‘Shit,’ he swore again.

  He had to use his mobile broadband to log in as the intruders had smashed his modem and wi-fi network. It took a couple of minutes to initialise, but he could only summon the energy to set his office chair upright again and pack a few files on his desk. There was still no word from Teisha, and Sammie had phoned him twice during his drive back from Half Moon Bay. He was going to have to report this to the police, but there were too many questions he still didn’t have answers for.


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