True Love Brides 02 - The Highlander’s Curse

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True Love Brides 02 - The Highlander’s Curse Page 19

by Claire Delacroix

  “But I know you do,” she confessed.

  Garrett did not know what to say. The combination of her confidence and her innocence left him thrilled but wary of moving too quickly. He resolved to let her set the pace, that she might better discover the differences between their bodies.

  She stood and reached for a bucket that he only noted now and dipped a sponge into the water within it. As he watched, transfixed, she washed herself from head to toe. Garrett watched the soap lather against her skin and the water run in rivulets over her body. He braced himself on his elbow and would have risen to assist her, but Annelise halted him with a fingertip.

  “I want you to see all that I am,” she said.

  Garrett reluctantly remained in place, wondering what his maiden had planned. She turned before him as she washed herself, casting him glances filled with temptation even as she blushed. He looked upon her and admired her, his desire doubling and redoubling. He could smell her and see her, and there was naught in his thoughts but Annelise.

  And how he would make her his own.

  When finally her skin was clean and glowing, she dried herself with much deliberation. Then she returned to kneel beside him again, that playful smile curving her lips. Her hand slid under his tartan to close over his erection and Garrett was overwhelmed by her touch. He whispered her name and she laughed.

  “Do you cede to my demand, husband?”

  “I am powerless to do otherwise. And it would be churlish to deny a lady.” He could not help but tease her. “If you were not a maiden, I might have thought you planned to make it impossible for me to resist you.”

  Annelise laughed. She stroked him with her fingertips, her touch making him dizzy. “I am not so innocent as you might expect, husband,” she whispered, her eyes dancing. “I have witnessed the breeding of the mares at Kinfairlie and have heard much in the whispers of my wedded sisters.” Her fingers stroked him with surety, making him gasp. “I know what is here and where it must go.” She bit her lip, her anticipation clear. “Though this will be the first of a man that I have seen.”

  It was all Garrett could do to lie back and let her explore him. Annelise hesitated only a moment before she unwrapped his kilt and spread the tartan wide. Garrett inhaled sharply as his erection was freed from the constraint of the cloth. Annelise’s lips parted as she looked upon him. “So large,” she murmured, her gaze darting to his as her confidence faltered.

  He needed no more encouragement than that to take command. Garrett caught Annelise in his arms and rolled her beneath him, capturing her lips beneath his. He had been sleeping on a heavy cloak, nestled upon a bed of straw. Annelise’s skin was as fair as moonlight in contrast to the dark wool. Or perhaps she was a pearl in a rough setting. Either way, Garrett would ensure that she had no regrets. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, enticing her to enjoy the pleasure they could share. Her fingers wound into his hair, pulling him closer, then her arms wound around his neck. She opened her mouth to him and he partook of the feast she offered, using his lips and tongue and teeth to make her gasp with pleasure.

  “There is no need for haste,” he whispered in her ear, delighting in her shiver. “For this is a deed that is better for being anticipated.”

  “Show me,” she whispered and he could not refuse her.

  “First, we must learn of each other,” he said, running his hand down the length of her. Her eyes sparkled as she stared up at him. He kissed her lips with leisure, then trailed a row of kisses to her ear. “And there is no better way to do so than with the lips,” he confided, nipping at her earlobe, then flicking his tongue across it. He blew softly on her ear, making her shiver, then speared his fingers through her hair. He kissed her temple, her eyelids, the tip of her nose, then her mouth again, savoring how Annelise melted in his embrace. He kissed her chin, her throat, then feathered kisses over first one shoulder and then the other. Her collarbone received similar attention, a trio of kisses landing in the hollow of her throat. Annelise kept her hands on his shoulders and closed her eyes, surrendering to him so completely that Garrett’s breath caught.

  Her breasts he caressed first, cupping each in one hand and sliding his palms across her taut nipples. Then he followed the path of his hands with his lips, kissing each in turn. Annelise shivered, then gasped as he took one peak in his mouth. He suckled her, working the nipple to a tighter bead, then grazed it with his teeth. She whispered his name, but he held fast to her waist as he bent the same attention upon the other breast. He could smell the heat between her thighs and was determined that she should be as ready for him as possible.

  He abandoned her breasts with reluctance, then trailed kisses to her navel, holding her hips captive as he rolled his tongue within the hollow. Annelise, it was revealed, was ticklish and his move made her giggle and squirm. She protested, bracing herself on her elbows to watch him with sparkling eyes. Garrett smiled at her, pressing a kiss to the mound at the apex of her thighs. He watched her swallow and her smile fade, then he turned to consider her feet.

  His maiden had need of a little more encouragement. Garrett caught one perfect foot in his hand and kissed her arch, discovering another ticklish spot. There was still water between her toes and he eased it away with the cloth, holding her fast as he ensured that her feet were dry. She protested, for that tickled as well, but he liked how she laughed and was put at ease. When he kissed the soft flesh on the inside of her ankle, her laughter died and her gaze locked upon him. He held her gaze, even as he trailed kisses up the inside of her shin. He paused to caress the backs of her knees, but Annelise was ticklish no longer.

  He held her gaze as he knelt between her ankles, and placed his hands upon her knees. He gently pushed her thighs apart and she spread them wide even as she watched him, her cheeks flushed with anticipation. He smiled at her, then ran a line of kisses up each thigh.

  When he closed his mouth over her sweetness, she gasped, then sighed in capitulation, falling back against the hay. When he caressed her with his tongue, she moaned, and then Garrett knew that all would be well.


  Annelise had never felt such sensations. Her skin could have been set afire, for she burned with a need she could not name. There was a heat inside her belly as well, and a greater fire between her thighs. She felt a yearning that could not be denied, and one she did not know how to sate.

  She knew enough to guess what must happen, but the size of Garrett had given her pause. She loved that he took the time to set her fears at ease and conjure her desire. His thousands of kisses had seemed to awaken her body in increments, making her keenly aware of his every touch. The warmth of his lips upon her body felt both new and delicious.

  When his mouth closed over her secret heat with surety, Annelise knew that all would come aright. Indeed, she could think of nothing but the pleasure that was coursing through her body, even as the yearning grew more acute. She felt his hands upon her, holding her so that she could not evade his marauding tongue, and she welcomed his possession of her. She found her back arching and her agitation growing, that yearning becoming more sharp with every flick of his tongue. The heat built within her so that she thought she might be set aflame by her desire, then Garrett touched what seemed to be her very core. A piercing release shot through her and she cried out at the tumult that flooded through her body. She found herself trembling from head to toe even as he continued his amorous assault, feeding that pleasure until she could bear no more.

  She fell back, her heart racing and her breath so quick that she might have been running hard. When she opened her eyes, Garrett was before her, smiling, a very satisfied gleam in his eyes. “I wonder how many within these walls recognized the import of that cry,” he mused and Annelise felt herself blush.

  “You should have warned me.”

  “In future, I shall take care, wife. I was not aware that you would be so loud in your passion.”

  Annelise cringed, even though she could not have regretted that experience for any priz
e. “What will they think of us?”

  “That we are happily wedded, that I must be recovering. Perhaps a few will regret the taking of their vows when they are reminded of what they have abandoned.”

  “Are you not embarrassed?”

  “Nay.” Garrett became serious. “I could never be ashamed that you are my lady, or that I can give you pleasure.”

  At that, Annelise was reassured. “But in future?”

  “You might wish to bite down on a piece of cloth.” He smiled at her, then shed his jerkin and chemise. He tugged off his boots and set them aside, then paused to consider her. “Would you rather watch or aid me?” he asked, his words so low that Annelise’s heart fluttered.

  “I would touch as well as see,” she said, rising to her feet. “For I have been told that lips are the best means of exploration.”

  Garrett smiled and shed the last of his garb. Annelise surveyed him, knowing he was giving her the opportunity to do so. She had never seen a man fully nude, and her gaze strayed repeatedly to his erection.

  “I will fit, Annelise,” he said softly. “We shall be slow about it, and you will be able to halt the deed if you desire. I promise it to you.”

  “You want me to like it.”

  He laughed for the first time in her experience. “Aye. I think it would be better if you did, and that goal merits some patience on my part.” He took a deep breath and shook his head. “Though you test my resolve sorely.”

  “You desire me?”

  His sidelong glance was hot. “Can you doubt it?” He turned to face her, propping his hands on his hips. “Was that not why you washed yourself before me so seductively? To ensure that I could not deny you again?”

  Annelise felt her cheeks heat. “I have chosen, Garrett. I will not allow Orson Douglas to steal my desire from me.”

  Garrett sobered. “Nor will I.” He offered a hand to her and she went to his side, stepping into his embrace so easily that they might have done this a thousand times. She trusted him with all her heart, and when his bare skin was pressed against hers, she felt a rekindling of that yearning.

  ’Twas then she knew that only the feel of him inside her would sate that desire.

  Garrett kissed her with the same deliberation he always showed in an embrace. He was slow and thorough, his kiss deep and wonderful. He demanded of her only when she melted against him, only when she parted her mouth to him and offered her all. His hand was at her nape, his fingers in her hair, and Annelise loved the combination of strength and tenderness in his grasp. She knew she could halt him with a fingertip and he would step away, regardless of the price to himself, for his determination to treat her with honor was absolute.

  It also was what made her trust him fully.

  When he lifted his head, she could see the pace of his heart at his throat. He smiled at her and lifted the sponge out of the bucket then squeezed it. “I shall follow your lead.” At Annelise’s nod, he dipped the soap into the water and began to wash himself. He did his face first, giving her ample opportunity to look. He was well-proportioned, strong and muscular, tall and broad. There were no scars upon his body and naught that was less than ideal. There was fair hair upon his chest and upon his legs. He moved with the economy and grace of one well aware of the power of his body and how it might best be used. It was not long before he stood clean before her with his hair wet, rubbing himself down with the cloth.

  Annelise found her mouth had gone dry and her heart was fluttering when he smiled at her. She reminded herself of her resolve to be bold. She thought also of Garrett’s promise and trusted him. Even now, he looked as if he would wait through eternity for her to decide how to proceed.

  At that realization, Annelise reached out to touch the hair upon his chest. She ran her hands over it and through it, feeling the hard muscle beneath the tangle of hair. Remembering his deed, she bent and touched her lips to one flat nipple. Garrett caught his breath and she felt the peak tighten against her lips. That she could give him pleasure like this was a marvel, so Annelise teased his nipple precisely as he had teased hers.

  It not only responded, but his erection grew larger and harder, pressing against her hip. The evidence that she had some control in this was exciting to Annelise. She ran her hands more boldly over Garrett, feeling his arms, his shoulders, his back and his hips. She followed her hands with her lips, kissing and tasting as she progressed, gripping his buttocks and stroking his thighs. She felt the tension grow within him with her every gesture, then changed her course.

  His feet were not as intriguing as one other part of him. Annelise reached out and closed her hand around his erection. Garrett fairly jumped from his skin at her touch and she knew he had not expected as much. Indeed, she felt a quiver building within him, and knew that this was how she could please him best. She explored the length and breadth of him with her hands, then took a deep breath and bent to touch her lips to the hardened shaft. Garrett inhaled sharply and caught her chin in his hand, lifting her to his kiss. His eyes were glittering and his nostrils flared, proof of her affect upon him. He kissed her then, his kiss more demanding than it had ever been before, and swept her into his arms, bearing her back to the cloak. He kissed her there once more, his ardor and her surety of what would happen next making her heart race.

  “We need your chemise,” Annelise said and he looked at her without comprehension. “There must be proof.”

  Garrett spun and seized his chemise, spreading it beneath Annelise. Then he stretched out beside her, gathering her against his chest. One arm cradled her shoulders and held her fast, while his other hand eased down her belly to the top of her thighs. “Do not lose your boldness now, my Annelise,” he whispered with a smile. “Not just before the reward is yours.”

  Annelise smiled back at him, then parted her thighs. His fingers moved against her much as his tongue had earlier, and she was surprised to feel that urgency build within her once again. She caught at his shoulders, wanting something she could not name, and he caressed her until she thought she might die of desire. She whispered his name and he moved between her thighs. At his touch, Annelise lifted her knees, holding his gaze as she felt his strength against her.

  He bent and caught her lips beneath his own, kissing her sweetly even as she felt the pang she had dreaded. She might have cried out but he swallowed the sound, and then the gasp that followed. Annelise felt him move within her, felt him ease deeper and fill her with his strength. She felt a warm trickle that she knew must be the blood of her maidenhead, but that detail did not trouble her. Mostly she felt a wondrous sense of communion with Garrett, that they two had become one with this act. She held fast to his shoulders, so overwhelmed that a tear slipped from her eye. When he broke his kiss and looked down at her, he frowned and kissed it away.

  “I am sorry,” he whispered, then held her tightly. “Just this once, it must be this way.”

  Annelise had no time to tell him that she was not so injured as that, for Garrett rolled to his back smoothly and quickly. Annelise was surprised to find herself straddling him, sitting atop him, with her hands on his chest. He set his hands on her waist lightly and smiled at her.

  “I am all yours, my lady. Take as much or as little as you please.”

  Annelise’s heart clenched with the conviction that she had chosen aright. She smiled at Garrett and shook out her hair, knowing from his expression earlier that he liked when it fell loose around them. Then she spread her thighs wide, took a deep breath, and pressed herself against him. She accepted the fullness of him in steady increments, watching with pleasure as he was astonished by her choice.

  And when he was fully captive within her, Annelise leaned over him, framing his face in her hands. “Husband,” she whispered, then kissed him fully.


  Garrett could not believe Annelise’s choice.

  He was in awe of her and dazzled by her, as well. She sat atop him, her hair spread across her shoulders, her gaze so bright that he could not help but
smile at her. She had selected him—and more, this maiden who had claimed she had no ability to be at ease in the company of men had seduced him completely. He would never meet her like, and truly, he did not care.

  Annelise was more than sufficient, and with her by his side, Garrett believed his fortune had to change. Not even a deity could turn aside from the opportunity to make such a beautiful lady smile.

  She held him so tightly within her that he barely dared to breathe, for he did not wish to hurt her. But Annelise moved tentatively, even that increment a challenge to his control. He gripped her hips, watching her smile broaden as she realized she held him in thrall. He liked that she felt powerful in her beauty, for he believed she should, and he was more than happy to be her possession forever.

  He slipped his hand between them, though, loving her surprise when he touched the hard bud of her desire again. She caught her breath and flushed, then rubbed herself against his fingertips. It was Garrett who caught his breath then, and they smiled at each other. Annelise leaned over him, her hands braced on his shoulders and her breasts nearly touching his chest. She stared into his eyes, even as her hair fell to surround them like a curtain. They moved together, each understanding and anticipating the other. Their gazes held, and Garrett imagined that she struggled to endure more pleasure, even as he did. He saw the pulse of her heart, he heard the quickness of her breath, and he saw the flush spread over her breasts.

  The passion rose within her again, and he coaxed it higher, knowing that there could be no greater pleasure for him than to watch her attain her release while he was buried inside her. They moved more quickly, rocking against each other as desire burned more hotly. Garrett felt the tide rise and knew he could not last. He felt Annelise clench around him even as she reached for him. Garrett caught her close and rolled over, pinning her beneath him and kissing her as she convulsed in pleasure. He swallowed her cry, barely noting the way her fingers dug into his shoulders, then buried himself deep inside her with one last thrust.


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