Claimed By Her Demon

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Claimed By Her Demon Page 5

by Lili Detlev

  “I’m glad to hear that,” she murmured against his ear. “Because I’m nowhere near done with you.”

  “Naughty, naughty girl.” He kissed her hard before pulling back and out of her.

  Melinda whimpered in disapproval at the sudden emptiness. But Ramael was unruffled.

  “Turn over.” His tone commanded obedience.

  Which of course meant Melinda had to defy him. “Make me.”

  There was no mistaking his growl this time. Melinda squealed in delight as his hands clasped around her hips and she was flipped onto her stomach. He tugged on her body, pulling her up onto her knees. She leaned forward, resting on her elbows, and moaned when he flipped her skirt up over her waist. Everything she had was now on display. Her ass, her damp pussy. She could feel his gaze zeroing in in her sex. As he massaged her buttocks apart, Melinda turned her head so she could watch. She smiled at the awe that etched his features, and thrilled to see his face rippling. His demon was on the verge of breaking through. It wouldn’t be long now.

  “Does your monster see something he likes?”

  Ramael let out a slow, heavy breath. “You are absolutely perfect.”

  “Take me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Ramael. Look at my face.” She waited until their eyes met, and gave him the most sincere look she could muster. “I’ll be fine. Now take me.”

  He swallowed. She kind of loved the fact that he looked nervous. Then he nodded. She watched as he positioned himself behind her. His hands never stopped caressing her ass. Then the head of his cock pushed against her pussy.

  “Yes,” she said, drawing the word out in a happy sigh. She closed her eyes and dug her fingers into the pillow. Ramael paused: one second, then two.

  And then he rammed himself home.

  Melinda grunted with the force of his thrust. Her pussy burned as it was plowed open. But it was soaked with need and reveled in the invasion. Before she had time to catch her breath, he rammed into her again. Her last conscious thought was oh God, this is going to be awesome. And then everything was a ball of sound and sensation.

  He hammered her, over and over, in a brutal, steady rhythm. Her pussy clenched with each invasion, and struggled to hold his cock captive. But he was in control down. He called the shots. Their bodies slapped wetly each time his pelvis collided with her ass. She could feel his tight scrotum smacking against the lips of her pussy. All of it, the pounding, the squelching noises, his labored breath, her grunts of ecstasy, all of it rolled over her in wave after wave of pleasure. She twisted the pillowcase over and over, knotting and pulling it, as if willing all of the sensations in her body to transfer into the luxurious material. She reveled in Ramael’s possession, ached for him to give her more, even as he took her.

  Then she felt a new sensation. The fingers grasping her hips shifted. They lengthened and thickened, and the finely manicured nails grew into dangerous claws.

  “Yes!” she shouted. “Yes! Do it. Give yourself to me. Give it all to me!”

  The buzzing in her body burst open, synapses firing wildly. She tried so hard to hold on and maintain control, but his transformation, and the knowledge that she was the cause of it, proved to be too much. She scrabbled at the pillow, clinging to it like it was the last branch before she plummeted over a cliff, but she couldn’t hold on. She drew a deep breath, and let herself go.

  Her scream was a primal bellow, ringing in her ears and through the house, sounding up to the heavens. She emptied her lungs until her mouth simply hung open, unable to push any more air past her vocal chords. She nearly fainted. Ramael’s grip was all that kept her grounded in the world of the conscious. Then, finally, she inhaled, filling her aching lungs with precious oxygen. It was the sweetest breath she’d ever drawn. She tried not to gulp, tried to breathe steadily. It was all just too much, and she couldn’t help sobbing with joy.

  She felt a snout nuzzling her neck, and warm breath feathering across her skin. A forked tongue flicked behind her earlobe. She reached behind her with one arm and held Ramael’s head close against her own. “So good,” she whispered. “Oh God, so good.”

  This time, when he pulled out, there wasn’t such an emptiness left behind. She still felt his length and girth, still felt full and satisfied. Even with that, electricity still hung in the air. As her heartbeat eased to something approaching normal, Melinda knew that Ramael still wasn’t finished with her.

  He nuzzled her again, and the thick bar of his cock slid along the seam of her ass. She purred as he eased her buttocks open and nestled between them, applying gentle pressure to her most intimate hole.

  “Feel something you like?” she said, not quite able to keep her voice from quavering.

  “You,” he replied. He growling voice rumbled through her body. “Only you. And only with your permission.”

  “Yes,” she said. There really was no other answer to give.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Ramael. I said yes.” She tilted her head just enough to lock gazes with her demon. She brushed his snout with her hand, and kissed the end of his nose. This was her fierce protector. A predator without equal, at least not in the human realm. At any point, he could have threatened her, forced her to submit to his will, and there would have been nothing she could do to stop him. But he’d given her a choice at every turn. She wanted him, plain and simple. She wanted to please him, thrill him, and maybe even someday love him. For Melinda, there was no turning back.

  Ramael received her message loud and clear. He nuzzled her once more, and traced her neck with his tongue. She hummed in appreciation and settled back against the pillows. That tongue continued across her neck and moved down her spine. She felt his weight shift as he moved further down her body, lapping at each vertebra until he stopped at the hem of her skirt. Those dangerous claws of his slipped beneath the hem of the material, and slid it over her hips and down her thighs. Melinda lifted each leg slightly so he could pull the skirt free. She listened to it rustle as it settled on the floor beside the bed.

  “Your stockings stay on,” he said.

  “As you wish.”

  Then she gasped, because that tongue went back to work on her body, flicking against her swollen labia, teasing her clit, and then sliding up to circle her anus. She spasmed as her hole was teased and tickled. Ramael certainly wasn’t taking any chances. He clearly intended to work her open gently, ensuring that he drew out every possible bit of pleasure.

  Melinda clenched her ass as the fork of his tongue pushed inside her. “You don’t have to-” she began, but he shushed her.

  “Trust me, my sweet,” he said, and then went back to work.

  She relaxed under his ministrations, and didn’t protest when his tongued delved back into her exposed bottom, circling her sphincter before pushing up into her. She shivered and moaned as it worked its way into her, tantalizing the soft tissue lining the walls of her rectum. Ramael pushed deeper and deeper, touching places that she’d never felt stimulated before, not even when she experimented on her own. Melinda sucked in a breath and clutched at the sheets again. Then she slid a hand down between her thighs, rubbing her aching clit.

  Ramael pulled his tongue from her hole and traced it back up her spine, circling it around the base of her neck. Melinda moaned, heavy with need as she continued to stroke her sensitive little bud. His cock slid up and down the seam of her ass.

  “Please,” she said. “Please do it.”

  She kept rubbing as he positioned the head of his thick member against her asshole. She was ready so very ready, and pressed back against his hardness. Her thighs burned as his claws pressed against them, but she didn’t care. If he marked her, so be it. She would wear the bruises proudly.

  And then he was in.

  Her anus stretched wider than it ever had before. Ramael surged into her bowels, sinking his cock into her with one sure, steady thrust. Melinda cried out. Pain and pleasure swirled together in one beautiful miasma of sensation.
She felt full, impossibly full, and marveled at how deep his cock plunged before he finally bottomed out.

  He eased back, sliding his dick against her tender walls, sparking new bursts of pleasure as he retreated. When he was just shy of popping out, he pushed forward once more.

  She loved it. Every sensation, every glide of his cock, every inch of it that pushed in and out of her bottom. His movements were steady and sure; now that his demon was released, he had ultimate control. Each thrust was just a tiny bit faster than the one before, and just a touch more forceful. She lost count of how many times he’d pushed into her. She moved her hand from her clit and held onto the pillow for dear life. He was ramming her full force now, slapping against her, hitting her pussy with his balls. She heard him growl, and grunted in response. Pure bliss coursed through her body, and she chanted “yes, yes, yes” over and over again.

  She heard a heavy snap in the room, and felt the rush of air as Ramael unfurled his wings. Oh God, so close… He slammed into her, again and again and again. Her chanting turned into a cry, and the fireworks behind her eyelids popped once more. Ramael pushed into her one last time and roared.

  Warmth coated her bowels as he shot load after load of hot cum up inside her. Melinda matched his roar as she spasmed around his cock, milking him for all she was worth while the orgasm plowed through her. She was floating on a sea of the most intense pleasure she’d ever known.

  And then Melinda opened her eyes and realized she really was floating, hovering above the bed. Ramael’s wings beat steadily, and he held them suspended in the air as he shot a last spurt of semen inside of her. She felt him shudder, and then they lowered back onto the bed. The mighty demon collapsed on top of her, panting and spent.


  His weight was a welcome counter to the fog of her mind. Melinda was sure he’d fucked her into oblivion, and the feel of his body pressing against hers was a welcome reminder that she was still very much alive. His heart thudded against her back, and warm breath feathered her hair. He was changing back into human form. She could feel his muscles rippling and reshaping. She wouldn’t have minded being held by the beast, but had no complaints about the man who wrapped her into his arms and rolled them onto their sides. No, that felt pretty nice too.

  Ramael’s softening cock slipped free of her anus. Melinda took the opportunity to turn in his embrace so that she could face him fully. His lids were heavy as he fought against the exhaustion that was etched across his features. She smiled and kissed the side of his mouth.

  “Still with me?” she said.

  “Always, my sweet.”

  “That was incredible.”

  “I hope I didn’t frighten you. I got rather carried away at the end.”

  She chuckled. “And here I always thought people were full of shit when they said how sex made them feel like they were flying.”

  He snorted a short laugh. “Wings do come in handy on occasion. I can honestly say that’s the first time I’ve ever done that, though.”

  “You mean you don’t spend your nights flying through the air, ravishing innocent maidens?”

  “No, but I think I’ll take it up as a new hobby.”

  She swatted his arm.

  Ramael pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t think any innocent maiden would be nearly as exciting as you, my naughty, naughty girl.”

  “That’s better.” She nestled against his chest. “I hope Adrienne and Mare aren’t worried about us.”

  “I have a feeling they’ve managed to find some way of entertaining themselves.”

  “Oh yeah? Your brother has the hots for my roomie?”

  “I have a feeling she caught his eye, yes.”

  “Good. That means we don’t have to get up any time soon, then.”

  “No, my love. We’ll stay here as long as you like.” He kissed her hair. “You should rest now.”

  “Don’t wanna.” She pouted, but couldn’t deny that a pleasant form of exhaustion slowly enveloped her. Gone was the stress and fear that had haunted her the past several days. She felt safe now. She felt like she was where she belonged. This strange creature who held her so close in the strange charmed house? Somehow he felt exactly right.

  She listened to the rhythm of his heart, and rocked against the steady rise and fall of his chest. She lifted her head long enough to see that Ramael’s eyes were closed. Melinda smiled at the peaceful bliss that radiated from his relaxed faced. She kissed his brow, nestled back against him, and allowed his movements to lull her into slumber. Just before crossing over, she murmured two words:

  “Thank you.”


  Lilien Detlev writes erotica and steaming hot romances. Follow her on Twitter @LiliDetlev. You can also find her other stories by following the links below:

  The Alien’s Amish Wife:

  Battlefield Gangbang:

  The Escort’s Surprise:

  Gina Goes Geek:

  Gina’s Library Lesson:

  The Girl in the Red Bikini:

  Tentacle Beach (1): Cassie’s Capture:

  Tentacle Beach (2): Angie’s Abduction:

  Monsters and Maidens (1): The Tentacle Pool:

  Monsters and Maidens (2): The Curse of Anubis:

  Monsters and Maidens (3): Seduced by the Gargoyle:




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