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Filtered Page 19

by G. K. Lamb

  “This isn’t enough to prove to everyone that the real danger comes from the Caretakers and the Peace Officers, but now we have some place to start. We can do this Victor. We just need to find out what’s inside those trucks, who schedules them, and why. When we know that, we can finish what Damian started and accomplish what Mr. Herrington dreamed of.”

  Victor stands and walks toward me with his arms extended and envelopes me in a hug.

  “Thank you. Thank you for keeping me on track. We may have lost everything, but I’m glad I haven’t lost everyone.”

  I cannot speak. I hug him back tightly, trying to silently communicate that I feel the same way. Wrapped in his embrace, for an instant the nightmare takes a back seat to the moment. But the nightmare cannot be kept at bay for long.

  A dull thud and massive tremor break us apart as we both try to steady our shaking legs.

  “Whoa, that was close,” I say.

  Whoosh-crack! The booming sound is immediately followed by another tremor with enough power to send us to the floor.

  “That was in this neighborhood!” says Victor.

  “They must have planted bombs everywhere in the city. We need to make a plan. Should we leave the city until the violence subsides? Or should we wait it out here?”

  Getting to his feet, Victor turns to face the far wall. “Let’s go see.” Running to the wall behind the bunks, Victor pulls down a wall panel revealing a window. “There’s a ladder outside. We can crawl out the window and get to the roof from here. Then we’ll be able to see what’s going on.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Progress up the ladder is slow. Each rung is slick with soot. As we climb, the bright orange glow of the city in flames is impossible to miss. Reaching the top, the scope of the bombings becomes evident. Every building in sight is on fire. Updrafts caused by the inferno send burning ash high into the air, spreading the blaze into the suspended coal ash lingering above. The fire is spreading fast and burning hot. Hundreds of fire trucks choke the streets. Fire Officers rush about below, the blaze reflecting blindingly off their silver suits. Great torrents of water spray from thousands of hoses, and still the fire spreads.

  The city is in chaos.

  Screaming sirens and the fire’s roar form the bass line to a sinister soundtrack. The rat-a-tat-tat of automatic weapons fire and the crack-boom of detonating bombs punctuate its score. I watch in horror as the world around me burns and I can’t help but think that it was I who lit the match.

  About the Author

  Filtered is G.K. Lamb’s debut novel. From an early age, he wanted to be a writer and follow in the footsteps his favorite authors: Ray Bradbury, H.G. Wells, J.K. Rowling, and Lois Lowry only to name a few. With his writing he attempts to make sense of the world, to try and understand the complexities of life, the hypocrisies, narratives, and messages endlessly barraging us all. The truth, right and wrong, meaning, and acceptance are major themes that permeate his stories.

  He holds a BA and MA in history from Northern Arizona University and lives amidst the pine trees in Flagstaff Arizona with his wife, best friend, and two cats.

  Also from Hero House Publishing




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