Caught Off Guard

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Caught Off Guard Page 8

by Ramagos, Tonya

  Dean simply shot Barrett a look before returning to the paperwork he attempted to concentrate on. Attempting, because if he were given a pop quiz at that moment, he wouldn’t be able to even recite the first word on the page. No matter what he did, no matter what he looked at, all he could see was Veronica. Hot, sexy, dripping with wetness, moaning and squirming beneath him, screaming his name as her body convulsed around him…

  “I didn’t think you went out partying anymore.”

  “I don’t and I didn’t.” Though he wished he could blame last night’s recklessness on alcohol. At least then he would have some sort of lame excuse for his actions. He had been so rough with her, so demanding. Hell, he fucking raped her! But she enjoyed it, hadn’t she? What was that saying? You can’t rape the willing. She had no doubt been willing, asking for it all, begging for it. She pushed him until he snapped. Had she cursed him when he walked out? Was she cursing him this morning? Was she having regrets?

  “Then you aren’t suffering from the monster of all hangovers?” Barrett stepped into the office, took a seat in the chair opposite Dean at the desk.

  “Not from alcohol,” Dean muttered.

  “Uh oh.” The Lieutenant’s grin was evident in the sound of his voice. “When a man looks as bad as you do after a night of no alcohol, there’s only one explanation. Someone had a bout with a member of the opposite sex. Could her name be Veronica Abbott?”

  “Do I butt into your sexual life, Barrett?” Dean snapped before he could stop himself. In truth, they had exchanged words about their sexual affairs in the past. Not explicitly. They never engaged in what would be considered “locker room talk,” but they had been known to boast a bit.

  Barrett’s eyebrows leaped up in apparent surprise, and he leaned forward in the chair. “You had sex with her last night?”

  “Shit!” Dean cursed, tossed his pen on the desk, and shoved a hand through his hair.

  “And now you’re beating yourself up about it,” Barrett guessed correctly. “But why? Forgive me for saying so, but the woman is hot, Cap. And from the way she was coming on to you in the locker room Wednesday, I would say she’s hot for you.”

  If the man only knew exactly what transpired in that locker room on Wednesday…Dean couldn’t walk into that room without watching a replay of Veronica on her knees sucking his dick as if she had been starving for the last millennium. And the way she waited until she knew he was watching before she swallowed his cum… He still got hard just thinking about it.

  “She’s hot for the sex,” he muttered. “That’s all.”

  Barrett sobered, eyed Dean with a knowing stare. “But you want more.”

  Dean hesitated, feeling odd at having such a deep conversation with another man even if they were friends.

  “We always want what we can’t have.” Barrett sighed and stood. “It’s when we get it and the want doesn’t go away that we know we’re in trouble.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” Dean muttered and picked up his pen. Barrett left the office, leaving Dean wondering what, or whom, the Lieutenant wanted that he couldn’t have.

  Chapter 5

  Veronica had to get out of her parents’ house and fast! She had officially run out of time to find a place of her own. When the phone rang an hour ago, she leapt for it, certain that it was Dean. He was calling to apologize for walking out on her last night, calling to tell her how much he enjoyed the sex they had shared and how badly he wanted to do it again. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been Dean on the other end of the line. It had been her mother. Her parents were returning to Silver Springs on Tuesday. Tuesday! Only two days away.

  She had to get out of the house! No way could she live under the same roof with her parents again. Her father was too set in his ways, too controlling, too certain that he knew what was best for Veronica. The store was already a source of contention between them. Her choice to live the single life instead of immediately looking for a rich beau to marry and take care of her was another. Under her father’s roof, her newly gained freedom would be instantly ripped from her. She couldn’t let that happen. Not when she worked so hard to achieve exactly that.

  How long did it take to rent an apartment? Veronica wondered as she whipped her Corvette into the parking space reserved for future residents in front of the office at Green Leaf Condominiums. She didn’t take the time to look around, could care less at this point if the complex was what she was looking for or not. She suddenly became a very desperate woman and would take just about anything, live just about anywhere, to keep from having to stay under her parents’ roof.

  She got out of the car when she saw Lacy walking out of the office. Professional realtor to the end, Lacy had obviously arrived early for their two o’clock appointment. She was dressed in a no frills business suit, her expression, as plain as the beige material.

  Veronica’s heart slumped to her feet. This can’t be happening, she thought as she watched Lacy walk somberly toward her. But it was happening. Her friend didn’t have to say anything for Veronica to know there weren’t any condos available for her to rent. Now what was she going to do?

  “I should have called before we drove all the way out here,” Lacy said when she reached Veronica. “They rented the last available condo yesterday morning.”

  Veronica nodded, her mind already pondering her other options.

  “They will have more ready in a month. If you want one of those, you should get the paperwork started now.”

  “I can’t wait a month.” Veronica sighed. “I need something now.”

  “You really have to get out of that house that bad, huh? Well, you could stay with me until your condo is ready.”

  Veronica had thought of that but nixed the idea just as quickly as it came to her. Lacy lived across the street and three houses down from Veronica’s parents. It would be better than being under the same roof but not by much. She needed to be further away, somewhere so that her father couldn’t watch her comings and goings.

  She looked around, realizing now that the condominium complex was exactly what she hoped for. It was quiet and secluded yet not so far out that she would feel as though she lived in the boondocks. She'd have a bit of a drive to and from the store, but it wouldn’t be a bad drive. Actually, it'd be well worth it.

  From her vantage point in front of the office, Veronica could see that each building consisted of four individual condos. The buildings were strategically spaced to allow for privacy and seclusion, and each condo had its own narrow, private driveway outside its front door. Huge shade trees, manicured bushes, and a variety of plants and flowers dressed the landscape around and between the buildings. She couldn’t see the backyards but could tell that a few of them overlooked the golf course.

  Maybe she could pitch a tent on the back nine for a month, she mused, moving a few steps from the car to see more of the buildings that lined the two-lane street, divided by beautiful magnolia trees. Much of the buildings to her right appeared to be still under construction, but the ones to her left were occupied. And that’s when she saw it. The fire-engine-red motorcycle parked out front of one of the finished condos near the back of the complex.

  “Isn’t that Dean Wolcott’s motorcycle?” she asked, shooting a glance back at Lacy over her shoulder.

  “Probably. I think he’s the only one in town with a bike like that. I forgot he lives out here.”

  Veronica turned, cocked her head. The tone of Lacy’s voice had her asking, “Did you really forget or were you just trying to set me up?”

  “I really forgot,” Lacy nearly screeched in her own defense. “Besides, I told you about this place before you even mentioned Dean.”

  That was true , Veronica silently conceded. She remembered Lacy first speaking of the condos when she came into the store the Wednesday before it opened, the same Wednesday Veronica had visited the fire station.

  Veronica felt her lips curve into a smile as an idea began to take hold. It was a silly idea, a stupid idea, a completely spo
ntaneous and brazen idea. She loved it!

  Obviously catching on immediately, Lacy stepped up to her, shook her head in disbelief. “Veronica, you aren’t thinking—”

  “I am thinking.” Veronica nodded, excitement flip-flopping in her belly even as her mind latched onto the ways she could accomplish her new goal. “And I’m going to do it.”

  * * * *

  His dream had come to life. Well, almost. He pulled into his driveway instead of walking out his front door, and she wore clothes instead of being completely naked, but his dream blond leaned against his motorcycle all the same. Dean put his truck in park, paused to steady himself before turning off the engine. Finding her at his place was the last thing he expected. Though, he wasn’t sure why it should come as such a surprise. Catching him off guard and unprepared seemed to be her forte.

  “Hey there, cutie,” she greeted him as he climbed out of the truck. She wore a pair of the tightest jeans he saw on a woman, with a halter-top that left her bellybutton ring exposed and a smile that made any man weak in the knees. The woman was drop-dead beautiful, and she knew it.

  “What are you doing here?” At the crestfallen look that flashed through her eyes, Dean realized what he said and how it must have sounded. And for the briefest instant, he saw the innocent, bashful Veronica she had once been. Just as quickly, that young girl was masked and the sexpot Veronica was back.

  “I wanted to see you, lover,” she said and met him halfway in the driveway.

  Lover . Was that truly how she thought of him? Did two foreplay encounters and one night of incredible sex make them lovers in her eyes? Well, duh, he guessed it would make them lovers in anyone’s eyes. She wanted to see him. He should have been happy about that. Only he knew why she wanted to see him. She was no doubt looking for a replay.

  Lover . He couldn’t handle simply being her lover. Delete the “r” from that word and he would have what he wanted. Too bad there wasn’t a delete button in spoken conversation.

  She reached for him, but he sidestepped her, moved past her, and walked to the front door. He fumbled with his keys, dropped them on the concrete, picked them up, and fumbled some more before finally managing to find his house key and unlock the door. She had shaken him up. Who was he kidding? She always shook him up, and he was convinced that was her intentions. However, shook up or not, this encounter with Veronica would be different. He'd make sure of it. They had been together three times in less than a week and each time had been sexual. This time wouldn't begin that way. Dammit, it wouldn't!

  When he shot a glance over his shoulder, he saw that she hadn’t followed but still stood in the driveway watching him, her expression, a combination of uncertainty, anger, and pain. Obviously, he had thrown an unexpected curve to whatever plan she had in the works. Good. That was a good thing.

  “Are you coming inside?” he asked, keeping his tone neutral as he swung open the door.

  She shoved her hands in her pockets—how the hell did she even fit them in there as tight as those jeans were—and seemed to contemplate his question for a minute. When she finally answered, her voice portrayed the confusion on her face. “You don’t sound like you really want me to.”

  Dean sighed, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He was acting like a total ass. He knew it, and yet he couldn’t help himself. If he were nice to her, if he showed her how much he truly wanted her there, how much he truly wanted her, she would take his need and run with it…straight down his pants. Too bad she wouldn’t take it and lock it inside her heart.

  “Come inside, Veronica.” He molded himself to the doorframe, leaving her ample room to enter the condo without touching him. But of course she didn’t let him get away with that. She walked through the doorway slowly, hesitantly, her arm brushing his front as she passed. And just that slightest bit of contact had his body growing warm and his dick jumping to alert.

  * * * *

  Veronica’s tennis shoes made a squeaking sound as she stepped onto the brown tiled floor of the entryway. It was more a short hallway, she realized, with a short set of beige carpeted stairs immediately to her right—presumably leading to the second level—and a closed door on both the right and left of the hallway. The brown tile met more beige carpeting as the hallway led her to a wide combination dining and living room area. The left side of the room housed an entertainment center complete with a thirty-two-inch television, combination VCR/DVD, and a nice stereo system. A movie poster of—what else—the X-Men hung on the wall along with a small trinket shelf that held a dozen different Wolverine action figures.

  Before the entertainment center sat a black leather recliner—a throw blanket with a weaved-in picture of a firehouse tossed over the back—and a matching sofa had been placed off to the side as a way of separating the area from the dining portion. A coffee table and a single end table between the sofa and recliner completed the living room furnishings. The dining area to her right was even sparser on furnishings with only a small oval table and four chairs in the center. The table appeared to be used more as a desk than for eating if all the papers and books covering the surface were any indication. . She saw a darkened doorway off the dining area and guessed it led to a small kitchen.

  The complete downstairs of the condo was small and there was nothing glamorous or exquisite about it. Yet, she felt a cozy, at home, sensation wash over her as she gazed around the room. This was what her condo would look like, she realized, and, though it was nothing like any place she had ever lived before, she loved it.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Dean asked, breaking into her thoughts as he pushed passed her and made his way to the darkened doorway off the dining room. A light came on, and then he spoke again. “I don’t have much in here. Soda, water, beer…” He peeked his head around the doorway, his expression questioning.

  “Whatever you’re having.” Veronica shrugged.

  He walked back into the room carrying two bottles of beer. He handed one to her before turning back and taking a seat at the far end of the dining room table.

  Okay , Veronica thought. What the hell is going on here? She had thought only those who ran in her parents’ social circle knew how to be rudely hospitable, but apparently she was wrong. He had invited her inside—if one wanted to call his almost curt order an invitation—offered her a drink but was hardly looking at her and keeping as much distance between them as possible.

  She looked at the table, at the stacks of magazines, papers and books that lined the sides and covered the center. The only clear spot for her to sit was at the opposite end of the table from his. Yet more distance between them, she mused as she pulled out the chair and sat.

  Dean leaned back in his chair, his beer bottle cradled between his hands on the table in front of him, and stared at a spot on the wall over her head. He didn’t speak, didn’t move, and his expression revealed absolutely nothing of what he thought.

  Veronica fought the urge to squirm in the chair, taking a long pull from the beer instead. It was ice cold and hit her stomach like a glacier sliding into the mouth of a volcano. Despite the coziness of the condo, she felt uncomfortable, and she didn’t like it. She could feel herself sinking into the confused, timid girl she had once been, and it pissed her off. She wasn’t that girl anymore. She was confident…of herself, of what she wanted. She was a woman in control of her life. She didn’t cower to people anymore, didn’t let anyone tell her what to do or how to act. And she didn’t avoid confrontations. Not anymore.

  “You’re angry with me.” She said it as more of a statement than a question, blunt and straight to the point. “Want to tell me why?”

  Several heartbeats passed before he answered. “I’m not mad at you, Veronica,” his tone was despondent, only the slightest trace of the rudeness with which he had greeted her remained. “I’m just not in the mood to have sex right now.”

  A man who wasn’t in the mood to have sex! Now, wasn’t that one for the record books? Though his comment held a comical amazemen
t, she was stunned. No way was this a laughing matter. He obviously thought…

  “Funny, I wasn’t aware you had such a big ego,” she said, adding a bite to her tone, and sat her beer bottle on the table a bit harder than she intended.

  “Isn’t that why you’re here?” He finally looked at her, and now she found herself wishing he hadn't. His eyes were so hard, his lips set in a thin grim line. Where was the softness, the desire she always saw when he looked at her?

  “I’m here because I wanted to see you,” she said through clinched teeth. “Because I happened to be in the area, saw the motorcycle, realized it was yours, and decided to wait for you.”

  “You were in the area.” Skepticism rang in his voice.

  “Yes, I was in the area. I’ve been looking for my own place to live. Lacy told me about the condos out here. Unfortunately for me, we waited too long.”

  “You want to live out here?” That got a raise of an eyebrow.

  “I would love to live out here. Especially since I’ve seen the inside of your condo.” She made a show of looking around and then crossed her arms at her middle as she said, “It has such a cozy feel, a homey feel. That’s what I was looking for.”

  “Several of the condos are still under construction. Can’t you get on a waiting list or something for one of those?”

  “I could. There’s one set of them that will be ready in a month.” And from the way her parents had talked on the phone that morning, it would be a month spent not only under her parent’s roof, but under her father’s foot as well. It wasn’t uncommon for her parents to spend weeks or even months at a time in their home in Silver Springs even though their primary residence was in South Florida. Now that Veronica was back in town, she was certain their visit on Tuesday would only be the start of one very long stay.


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