The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)

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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) Page 468

by William Shakespeare

When such a great man begins to rage, he is

  Even to falling. Give him no breath, but now

  Very close to falling. Give him no breath, but now

  Make boot of his distraction: never anger

  Take advantage of his distraction: anger never

  Made good guard for itself.

  Guarded itself well.


  Let our best heads

  Let our wisest men

  Know, that to-morrow the last of many battles

  Know that tomorrow is the last of many battlesWe mean to fight: within our files there are,

  That we mean to fight: in our ranks there are,

  Of those that served Mark Antony but late,

  Of those who until recently served Mark Antony,

  Enough to fetch him in. See it done:

  Enough to bring him in. See it done:

  And feast the army; we have store to do't,

  And give the army a feast; we have the supplies to do it,

  And they have earn'd the waste. Poor Antony!

  And they have earned the indulgence. Poor Antony!




  He will not fight with me, Domitius.

  He will not fight with me, Domitius.





  Why should he not?

  Why won't he?


  He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune,

  He thinks, since his fortune is twenty times better,

  He is twenty men to one.

  He is twenty men to one.


  To-morrow, soldier,

  Tomorrow, soldier,By sea and land I'll fight: or I will live,

  By sea and land I'll fight: or I will live,Or bathe my dying honour in the blood

  Or bathe my dying honor in the blood

  Shall make it live again. Woo't thou fight well?

  That will make it live again. Will you fight well?


  I'll strike, and cry 'Take all.'

  I will order them to take everything.


  Well said; come on.

  Well said; come on.Call forth my household servants: let's to-night

  Tell my household servants to come: tonight let's

  Be bounteous at our meal.

  Have a generous meal.

  Enter three or four Servitors

  Give me thy hand,

  Give me your hand,

  Thou hast been rightly honest;--so hast thou;--

  You have been honest as you should be; --so have you;--

  Thou,--and thou,--and thou:--you have served me well,

  You,--and you, --and you:--you have served me well,

  And kings have been your fellows.

  And you have been side-by-side with kings.


  [Aside to DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS] What means this?

  What is this about?


  [Aside to CLEOPATRA] 'Tis one of those odd

  It is one of the odd

  tricks which sorrow shoots

  tricks that sadness shoots

  Out of the mind.

  Out of the mind.


  And thou art honest too.

  And you are honest, too.

  I wish I could be made so many men,

  I wish I could be made into many men,

  And all of you clapp'd up together in

  And all of you put together into

  An Antony, that I might do you service

  One Antony, so that I could serve you

  So good as you have done.

  As well as you have done.


  The gods forbid!

  May the gods forbid!


  Well, my good fellows, wait on me to-night:

  Well, my good men, wait on my tonight:

  Scant not my cups; and make as much of me

  Keep my cups filled; and make as big a deal of me

  As when mine empire was your fellow too,

  As when my empire was yours too,

  And suffer'd my command.

  And was under my command.


  [Aside to DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS] What does he mean?

  What does he mean?


  [Aside to CLEOPATRA] To make his followers weep.

  To make his followers cry.


  Tend me to-night;

  Take care of me tonight;

  May be it is the period of your duty:

  It might be the last part of your service:

  Haply you shall not see me more; or if,

  You may not see me again; or if you do,

  A mangled shadow: perchance to-morrow

  Just a beaten shadow: perhaps tomorrow

  You'll serve another master. I look on you

  You'll serve another master. I look at you

  As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends,

  In the way of someone who is saying goodbye. My honest friends,

  I turn you not away; but, like a master

  I do not push you away; but, like a master

  Married to your good service, stay till death:

  Depending on your good service, stay till my death:

  Tend me to-night two hours, I ask no more,

  Care for me tonight for two hours, I do not ask for more,

  And the gods yield you for't!

  And may the gods treat you well for it!


  What mean you, sir,

  What is the meaning of this, sir,

  To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep;

  To make them so uncomfortable? Look, they cry;

  And I, an ass, am onion-eyed: for shame,

  And I myself am teary-eyed: for shame,

  Transform us not to women.

  Don't make us like women.


  Ho, ho, ho!

  Hey, hey, hey!

  Now the witch take me, if I meant it thus!

  Now the witch take me, if I meant it like that!

  Grace grow where those drops fall!

  May good things grow where those drops fall!

  My hearty friends,

  My strong friends,

  You take me in too dolorous a sense;

  You misunderstand me in too sad a way;

  For I spake to you for your comfort; did desire you

  For I spoke to you for your comfort; I wanted you

  To burn this night with torches: know, my hearts,

  To fill this night with torches; know, my hearts,

  I hope well of to-morrow; and will lead you

  I have good hopes of tomorrow; and will lead you

  Where rather I'll expect victorious life

  Where I expect a victorious life

  Than death and honour. Let's to supper, come,

  Rather than an honorable death. Let's go to supper, come,

  And drown consideration.

  And drink away our worries.


  Enter two Soldiers to their guard

  First Soldier

  Brother, good night: to-morrow is the day.

  Brother, goodnight: tomorrow is the day.

  Second Soldier

  It will determine one way: fare you well.

  One way or another, yes: farewell.

  Heard you of nothing strange about the streets?

  Have you not heard anything strange around the streets?

  First Soldier

  Nothing. What news?

  Nothing. What news?

  Second Soldier

  Belike 'tis but a rumour. Good night to you

  Probably just a rumor. Goodnight.

  First Soldier

  Well, sir, good night.

  Enter two other Soldiers

  Second Soldier

  Soldiers, have careful watch.

  Soldiers, guard carefully.

  Third Soldier

  And you. Good night, good night.

  They place themselves in every corner of the stage

  Fourth Soldier

  Here we: and if to-morrow

  Here we are: and if tomorrow

  Our navy thrive, I have an absolute hope

  Our navy does well, I have a firm hopeOur landmen will stand up.

  That our infantry will stand up.

  Third Soldier

  'Tis a brave army,

  It is a brave army,

  And full of purpose.

  With strong conviction.

  Music of the hautboys as under the stage

  Fourth Soldier

  Peace! what noise?

  Quiet! What noise?

  First Soldier

  List, list!

  Be still, be still!

  Second Soldier



  First Soldier

  Music i' the air.

  Music in the air.

  Third Soldier

  Under the earth.


  Fourth Soldier

  It signs well, does it not?

  It's a good sign, right?

  Third Soldier



  First Soldier

  Peace, I say!

  Enough, I say!

  What should this mean?

  What does this mean?

  Second Soldier

  'Tis the god Hercules, whom Antony loved,

  It's the god Hercules, whom Antony loved,Now leaves him.

  Now leaving him.

  First Soldier

  Walk; let's see if other watchmen

  Walk; let's see if other guardsDo hear what we do?

  They advance to another post

  Second Soldier

  How now, masters!

  What's going on, men?


  [Speaking together] How now!

  What?How now! do you hear this?

  What? Do you hear this?

  First Soldier

  Ay; is't not strange?

  Yes, isn't it strange?

  Third Soldier

  Do you hear, masters? do you hear?

  Do you hear, men? Do you hear?

  First Soldier

  Follow the noise so far as we have quarter;

  Follow the noise as far as we are able;

  Let's see how it will give off.

  Let's see how it will go off.


  Content. 'Tis strange.

  Stopped. It's strange.


  Enter MARK ANTONY and CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, and others attending


  Eros! mine armour, Eros!

  Eros! Get my armor, Eros!


  Sleep a little.

  Sleep a little.


  No, my chuck. Eros, come; mine armour, Eros!

  No, my darling. Eros, come; my armor, Eros!

  Enter EROS with armour

  Come good fellow, put mine iron on:

  Come, my good man, put my armor on:

  If fortune be not ours to-day, it is

  If fortune is not ours today, it is

  Because we brave her: come.

  Because we challenger her: come.


  Nay, I'll help too.

  No, I'll help too.

  What's this for?

  What's this for?


  Ah, let be, let be! thou art

  Ah, leave it, leave it! You are

  The armourer of my heart: false, false; this, this.

  The armorer of my heart: wrong, wrong; this, this.


  Sooth, la, I'll help: thus it must be.

  All right, now, I'll help: this is how it must be.


  Well, well;

  Well, well;We shall thrive now. Seest thou, my good fellow?

  We will succeed now. Do you see, my good man?

  Go put on thy defences.

  Go put on your defenses.


  Briefly, sir.

  Quickly, sir.


  Is not this buckled well?

  Isn't this buckled well?


  Rarely, rarely:

  Unusually well:

  He that unbuckles this, till we do please

  He that unbuckles this, until we choose

  To daff't for our repose, shall hear a storm.

  To take if off for rest, will hear a storm.

  Thou fumblest, Eros; and my queen's a squire

  You fumble, Eros; and my queen's a squire

  More tight at this than thou: dispatch. O love,

  Who can do this better than you: go on. Oh, love,

  That thou couldst see my wars to-day, and knew'st

  If only you could see my wars today, and knew

  The royal occupation! thou shouldst see

  The royal occupoation! You would see

  A workman in't.

  A workman in it.

  Enter an armed Soldier

  Good morrow to thee; welcome:

  Good morning to you; welcome;

  Thou look'st like him that knows a warlike charge:

  You look like a man who knows the ways of war:

  To business that we love we rise betime,

  We get up early to do things we love,

  And go to't with delight.

  And go to it with delight.


  A thousand, sir,

  A thousand men, sir,

  Early though't be, have on their riveted trim,

  Even though it is early, have their armor on,

  And at the port expect you.

  And expect you at the port.

  Shout. Trumpets flourish

  Enter Captains and Soldiers


  The morn is fair. Good morrow, general.

  Beautiful weather. Good morning, general.


  Good morrow, general.

  Good morning, general.


  'Tis well blown, lads:

  It is well bloomed, boys:

  This morning, like the spirit of a youth

  This morning, like the spirit of a young man

  That means to be of note, begins betimes.

  That means to make a good name for himself.

  So, so; come, give me that: this way; well said.

  So, so; come, give me that: this way; well said.Fare thee well, dame, whate'er becomes of me:

  Farewell, lady, whatever happens to me;

  This is a soldier's kiss: rebukeable

  This is a solider's kiss: a bad

  Kisses her

  And worthy shameful cheque it were, to stand

  Think it would be, to stand

  On more mechanic compliment; I'll leave thee

  On a more meaningless compliment; I'll leave you

  Now, like a man of steel. You that will fight,

  Now, like a man of steel. You who will fight,Follow me close; I'll bring you to't. Adieu.

  Follow me closely; I'll bring you to it. Farewell.

  Exeunt MARK ANTONY, EROS, Captains, and Soldiers


  Please you, retire to your chamber.

  Please, go rest in your room.


  Lead me.

  Lead me.He goes forth gallantly. That he and Caesar might

  He goes out bravely. If only he and Caesar might

  Determine this great war in single fight!

  Determine this g
reat war in a single battle!Then Antony,--but now--Well, on.

  Then Antony, -- but now -- Well, so it goes.


  Trumpets sound. Enter MARK ANTONY and EROS; a Soldier meeting them


  The gods make this a happy day to Antony!

  May the gods make this a happy day to Antony!


  Would thou and those thy scars had once prevail'd

  If only you and your scars had convinced me

  To make me fight at land!

  To fight at land!


  Hadst thou done so,

  If you had done that,

  The kings that have revolted, and the soldier

  The kings that have rebelled, and the soldier

  That has this morning left thee, would have still

  That left you this morning would still have

  Follow'd thy heels.

  Followed after you.


  Who's gone this morning?

  Who left this morning?



  Who!One ever near thee: call for Enobarbus,

  One who was always near you: call for Enobarbus,

  He shall not hear thee; or from Caesar's camp

  He will not hear you; or from Caesar's camp

  Say 'I am none of thine.'

  Say 'I am not one of yours.'


  What say'st thou?

  What do you say?



  Sir,He is with Caesar.

  He is with Caesar.


  Sir, his chests and treasure

  Sir, his chests and treasureHe has not with him.

  He has not taken it with him.


  Is he gone?

  Has he left?


  Most certain.




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