The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)

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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) Page 563

by William Shakespeare

  Storm still

  A suitor, proud in heart and mind; I curled

  my hair, wore gloves in my cap, satisfied

  the lust in my mistress' heart, and did the forbidden

  act with her; I swore as many oaths as I spoke words

  and broke them right in front of God. I would plot

  my seductions in my sleep, then carry them out when I woke. I loved

  wine deeply, dice dearly, and as for women I had more

  than a sultan: I had a false heart, I listened to all gossip, I had blood on my hands;

  I was a pig for laziness, a fox for cunning, a wolf for greed, a dog

  for madness, a lion for hunting. Don't let women trap your poor heart

  with their creaking shoes and their rustling silks:

  keep your foot out of brothels, your hand out

  of petticoats, your pen out of moneylenders' ledgers,

  and defy the devil. The cold wind still blows

  through the hawthorn,

  says suum, mun, ha, no, nonny.

  Dolphin my boy, my boy, sessa! let him trot by.


  Why, thou wert better in thy grave than to answer

  with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies.

  Is man no more than this? Consider him well. Thou

  owest the worm no silk, the beast no hide, the sheep

  no wool, the cat no perfume. Ha! here's three on

  's are sophisticated! Thou art the thing itself:

  unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor bare,

  forked animal as thou art. Off, off, you lendings!

  come unbutton here.

  Tearing off his clothes

  You would be better off in the grave than exposing

  your uncovered body to the extremes of the weather.

  Is this all that man is? Look at him carefully. You

  don't owe the worm any silk, the animal no skin, the sheep

  no wool, the cat no perfume. Ha! We three

  have been corrupted! You are the genuine article:

  natural man is nothing more than such a poor

  bare two legged creature like you. Off, off, you borrowed things!

  Let's undo these buttons.


  Prithee, nuncle, be contented; 'tis a naughty night

  to swim in. Now a little fire in a wild field were

  like an old lecher's heart; a small spark, all the

  rest on's body cold. Look, here comes a walking fire.

  Enter GLOUCESTER, with a torch

  Please, nuncle, be easy; this is a bad night

  for swimming. A little fire in a big field is

  like an old lecher's heart; a little spark

  in a great coldness. Look, here comes a walking flame.


  This is the foul fiend Flibbertigibbet: he begins

  at curfew, and walks till the first cock; he gives

  the web and the pin, squints the eye, and makes the

  hare-lip; mildews the white wheat, and hurts the

  poor creature of earth.

  S. Withold footed thrice the old;

  He met the night-mare, and her nine-fold;

  Bid her alight,

  And her troth plight,

  And, aroint thee, witch, aroint thee!

  This is the foul devil Flibbertigibbet: he starts

  at the curfew and walks until midnight; he gives people

  cataracts, squints and hare lips;

  he puts mildew in the young wheat, and hurts

  all poor creatures.

  St Withold subdued the demon three times;

  he met the demon and her nine offspring;

  he told her to get down

  and make a promise

  and then he banished the witch.


  How fares your grace?

  How is your Grace?


  What's he?

  Who's that?


  Who's there? What is't you seek?

  Who's there? What you want?


  What are you there? Your names?

  Who are you? What are your names?


  Poor Tom; that eats the swimming frog, the toad,

  the tadpole, the wall-newt and the water; that in

  the fury of his heart, when the foul fiend rages,

  eats cow-dung for sallets; swallows the old rat and

  the ditch-dog; drinks the green mantle of the

  standing pool; who is whipped from tithing to

  tithing, and stock- punished, and imprisoned; who

  hath had three suits to his back, six shirts to his

  body, horse to ride, and weapon to wear;

  But mice and rats, and such small deer,

  Have been Tom's food for seven long year.

  Beware my follower. Peace, Smulkin; peace, thou fiend!

  Poor Tom; the one who eats the swimming frog, the toad,

  the tadpole, the water newt and the lizard; who

  in his madness, when the devil rages,

  eats cow-dung instead of salad; he swallows the old rat

  and dead dogs; he drinks the scum off the

  standing pool; he is whipped from parish to

  parish, put in the stocks and imprisoned; he

  once had three suits and six shirts to wear,

  a horse to ride and a weapon to carry;

  but mice and rats and such small game

  have been Tom's food for seven long years.

  Watch out for the devil. Peace, Smulkin,

  peace you devil!


  What, hath your grace no better company?

  Is this the best company your Grace can get?


  The prince of darkness is a gentleman:

  Modo he's call'd, and Mahu.

  The devil is a gentleman:

  he's called Modo, and Mahu.


  Our flesh and blood is grown so vile, my lord,

  That it doth hate what gets it.

  Our own flesh and blood has become so vile, my lord,

  that it despises its parents.


  Poor Tom's a-cold.

  Poor Tom's cold.


  Go in with me: my duty cannot suffer

  To obey in all your daughters' hard commands:

  Though their injunction be to bar my doors,

  And let this tyrannous night take hold upon you,

  Yet have I ventured to come seek you out,

  And bring you where both fire and food is ready.

  Come in to my house: my loyalty will not allow

  me to obey all your daughters' harsh orders:

  though they have commanded me to lock my doors,

  and let this terrible night descend on you,

  I have decided to come and find you

  and bring you to where there is both food and a fire.


  First let me talk with this philosopher.

  What is the cause of thunder?

  Let me first talk with this philosopher.

  What causes thunder?


  Good my lord, take his offer; go into the house.

  My good lord, take him up on his offer; go into the house.


  I'll talk a word with this same learned Theban.

  What is your study?

  I'll have a word with this clever chap.

  What's your speciality?


  How to prevent the fiend, and to kill vermin.

  How to block the devil, and to kill vermin.


  Let me ask you one word in private.

  Let me have a word with you in private.


  Importune him once more to go, my lord;

  His wits begin to unsettle.

nbsp; Plead with him again to go in, my lord;

  he's beginning to go mad.


  Canst thou blame him?

  Storm still

  His daughters seek his death: ah, that good Kent!

  He said it would be thus, poor banish'd man!

  Thou say'st the king grows mad; I'll tell thee, friend,

  I am almost mad myself: I had a son,

  Now outlaw'd from my blood; he sought my life,

  But lately, very late: I loved him, friend;

  No father his son dearer: truth to tell thee,

  The grief hath crazed my wits. What a night's this!

  I do beseech your grace,--

  Can you blame him?

  His daughters want him dead: ah, Kent was a good man!

  He said this would happen, the poor exile!

  You say the King is going mad; I'll tell you my friend,

  I am almost mad myself: I had a son,

  whom I have now disowned; he wanted to kill me,

  very recently: I loved him, my friend;

  no father loved his son more dearly: to tell you the truth,

  the grief has made me mad. What a night this is!

  I beg your grace–


  O, cry your mercy, sir.

  Noble philosopher, your company.

  Oh, excuse me sir.

  Noble philosopher, come to me.


  Tom's a-cold.

  Tom's cold.


  In, fellow, there, into the hovel: keep thee warm.

  Go in, fellow, in there, into the shack: keep yourself warm.


  Come let's in all.

  Come on, let's all go in.


  This way, my lord.

  This way, my lord.


  With him;

  I will keep still with my philosopher.

  You go with him;

  I'll stay with this philosopher.


  Good my lord, soothe him; let him take the fellow.

  Humor him my good lord, let him bring the fellow.


  Take him you on.

  You lead him in.


  Sirrah, come on; go along with us.

  Come on, sir, come with us.


  Come, good Athenian.

  Come on, you clever fellow.


  No words, no words: hush.

  Say nothing, say nothing: hush


  Child Rowland to the dark tower came,

  His word was still,--Fie, foh, and fum,

  I smell the blood of a British man.


  Child Roland to the dark tower came,

  His motto remained: Fee fie fo fum,

  I smell the blood of a British man.



  I will have my revenge ere I depart his house.

  I will have my revenge before I leave his house.


  How, my lord, I may be censured, that nature thus

  gives way to loyalty, something fears me to think


  I worry, my lord, how I may be punished, for

  allowing loyalty to get the better of my natural instincts.


  I now perceive, it was not altogether your

  brother's evil disposition made him seek his death;

  but a provoking merit, set a-work by a reprovable

  badness in himself.

  I can now see that it was not just your

  brother's evil nature that made him want to kill your father;

  there was a good reason, though it was spurred on

  by his own wickedness.


  How malicious is my fortune, that I must repent to

  be just! This is the letter he spoke of, which

  approves him an intelligent party to the advantages

  of France: O heavens! that this treason were not,

  or not I the detector!

  How unhappy my fortune is, that I must feel bad about

  doing the right thing! This is the letter he spoke of, which

  proves him to be a spy for France:

  Oh heavens! I wish this treason did not exist,

  or that I was not the one who discovered it.


  Go with me to the duchess.

  We'll both go to the Duchess.


  If the matter of this paper be certain, you have

  mighty business in hand.

  If what's in this paper is definitely right,

  you have great things to do.


  True or false, it hath made thee earl of

  Gloucester. Seek out where thy father is, that he

  may be ready for our apprehension.

  True or false, it has made you Earl of

  Gloucester. Find out where your father is, so we

  can have him arrested.


  [Aside] If I find him comforting the king, it will

  stuff his suspicion more fully.--[Aloud] I will persevere in

  my course of loyalty, though the conflict be sore

  between that and my blood.

  If I find him assisting the King, it will

  make him even more suspicious–I will continue

  my loyal efforts, even though it is almost

  tearing me apart.


  I will lay trust upon thee; and thou shalt find a

  dearer father in my love.


  I will put my trust in you; and you will find a

  better father in me.



  Here is better than the open air; take it

  thankfully. I will piece out the comfort with what

  addition I can: I will not be long from you.

  You're better off in here than in the open air; be

  grateful for it. I will bring what I can to make it

  more comfortable: I shan't be away for long.


  All the power of his wits have given way to his

  impatience: the gods reward your kindness!


  All his sense has given way to his impatience;

  may the gods reward you for your kindness!


  Frateretto calls me; and tells me

  Nero is an angler in the lake of darkness.

  Pray, innocent, and beware the foul fiend.

  Frateretto calls me, and tells me that Nero fishes

  in the lake of hell. Pray, you innocent, and beware

  of the devil.


  Prithee, nuncle, tell me whether a madman be a

  gentleman or a yeoman?

  Please, nuncle, can you tell me whether a madman is a

  gentleman or a commoner?


  A king, a king!

  A King, a King!


  No, he's a yeoman that has a gentleman to his son;

  for he's a mad yeoman that sees his son a gentleman

  before him.

  No, he's a commoner that has a gentleman as his son;

  a commoner would have to be mad to let his son become a gentleman

  before him.


  To have a thousand with red burning spits

  Come hissing in upon 'em,--

  To have a thousand with red burning weapons

  hissing down on them–


  The foul fiend bites my back.

  The devil is biting my back.


  He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a

  horse's health, a
boy's love, or a whore's oath.

  A madman is one who trusts in the tameness of a wolf, the

  health of a horse, the love of a boy, or the promise of a whore.


  It shall be done; I will arraign them straight.


  Come, sit thou here, most learned justicer;

  To the Fool

  Thou, sapient sir, sit here. Now, you she foxes!

  It shall be done; I will put them on trial at once.

  Come, you sit here, you learned judge.

  You, you wise man, sit here. Now, you vixens!


  Look, where he stands and glares!

  Wantest thou eyes at trial, madam?

  Come o'er the bourn, Bessy, to me,--

  Look how the devil stands and glares!

  Do you want witnesses to your trial, madam?

  Come over the stream to me, Bessie–


  Her boat hath a leak,

  And she must not speak

  Why she dares not come over to thee.

  Her boat has a leak,

  and she must not say

  why she doesn't dare come over to you.


  The foul fiend haunts poor Tom in the voice of a


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