The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)

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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) Page 628

by William Shakespeare

  you would be even worse. You've been giving for so long,

  Timon, I fear all you'll have to give will be IOUs

  shortly: what necessity is there for these feasts,

  parties and vanities?


  Nay, an you begin to rail on society once, I am

  sworn not to give regard to you. Farewell; and come

  with better music.


  No, if you're going to start criticising friendship,

  I swear I won't listen to you. Farewell; come back

  with something better to say.



  Thou wilt not hear me now; thou shalt not then:

  I'll lock thy heaven from thee.

  O, that men's ears should be

  To counsel deaf, but not to flattery!


  So. You won't listen to me now; you won't get a chance later:

  I'll keep what could keep you happy from you.

  What a state of affairs when men are

  deaf to advice, but not to flattery!

  Enter Senator, with papers in his hand


  And late, five thousand: to Varro and to Isidore

  He owes nine thousand; besides my former sum,

  Which makes it five and twenty. Still in motion

  Of raging waste? It cannot hold; it will not.

  If I want gold, steal but a beggar's dog,

  And give it Timon, why, the dog coins gold.

  If I would sell my horse, and buy twenty more

  Better than he, why, give my horse to Timon,

  Ask nothing, give it him, it foals me, straight,

  And able horses. No porter at his gate,

  But rather one that smiles and still invites

  All that pass by. It cannot hold: no reason

  Can sound his state in safety. Caphis, ho!

  Caphis, I say!

  And recently, five thousand: to Varro and to Isidore

  he owes nine thousand; there's my previous amount

  in addition, which makes it twenty-five thousand. Still

  throwing it about? He can't keep this up.

  If I want gold, I'd just have to steal a beggar's dog

  and give it to Timon–why, the dog would crap money;

  if I wanted to sell my horse and buy twenty

  better ones–why, I would give my horse to Timon;

  I wouldn't ask him for anything, just give it to him and straightaway

  he would give me excellent horses. There's no guard at his gate,

  just someone who smiles and invites everyone who passes

  to come in. It can't last; there's no way of looking at it

  that makes it sound. Caphis, come here!

  Caphis, hello!

  Enter CAPHIS


  Here, sir; what is your pleasure?

  I'm here, sir; what can I do for you?


  Get on your cloak, and haste you to Lord Timon;

  Importune him for my moneys; be not ceased

  With slight denial, nor then silenced when--

  'Commend me to your master'--and the cap

  Plays in the right hand, thus: but tell him,

  My uses cry to me, I must serve my turn

  Out of mine own; his days and times are past

  And my reliances on his fracted dates

  Have smit my credit: I love and honour him,

  But must not break my back to heal his finger;

  Immediate are my needs, and my relief

  Must not be toss'd and turn'd to me in words,

  But find supply immediate. Get you gone:

  Put on a most importunate aspect,

  A visage of demand; for, I do fear,

  When every feather sticks in his own wing,

  Lord Timon will be left a naked gull,

  Which flashes now a phoenix. Get you gone.

  Put on your cloak, and hurry to Lord Timon;

  tell him I want my money; don't be put off

  by little excuses, or be silenced when he says

  ' give your master my compliments' and

  doffs his hat to you, like this–but tell him

  that I am hard pressed; I must pay my debts

  out of my own money; the time he should have paid has passed:

  and my reliance on his broken promises

  has damaged my credit. I love and honour him,

  but I can't break my back to heal his finger.

  I need my money at once, and I can't

  get any relief from polite words,

  I need hard cash at once. Off you go;

  put on a very stern face,

  one that won't take no for an answer: for I fear,

  when all the property has been claimed by its rightful owners,

  Lord Timon will be left like a naked gull,

  where now he's a Phoenix. Off you go.


  I go, sir.

  I'm going, sir.


  Ay go, sir!--Take the bonds along with you,

  And have the dates in compt.

  Yes, go, sir! Take the papers with you,

  and have the dates of them to hand.


  I will, sir.

  I will, sir.





  Enter FLAVIUS, with many bills in his hand


  No care, no stop! so senseless of expense,

  That he will neither know how to maintain it,

  Nor cease his flow of riot: takes no account

  How things go from him, nor resumes no care

  Of what is to continue: never mind

  Was to be so unwise, to be so kind.

  What shall be done? he will not hear, till feel:

  I must be round with him, now he comes from hunting.

  Fie, fie, fie, fie!

  He doesn't care, and won't stop! He's so unaware of money

  that he doesn't know how to carry on

  nor how to stop: he doesn't pay attention

  to his outgoings and gives no thought to

  how he'll carry on: nobody was ever

  so foolish, to be so kind.

  What's to be done? He won't listen until he feels it:

  I must speak to him plainly, now, as he returns from hunting.

  Damn it all!

  Enter CAPHIS, and the Servants of Isidore and Varro


  Good even, Varro: what,

  You come for money?

  Good afternoon, Varro: what's this,

  you've come for money?

  Varro's Servant

  Is't not your business too?

  Isn't that what you're after too?


  It is: and yours too, Isidore?

  It is. You as well, Isisdore's man?

  Isidore's Servant

  It is so.

  That's right.


  Would we were all discharged!

  I wish this would all be settled!

  Varro's Servant

  I fear it.

  I have my doubts.


  Here comes the lord.

  Here comes the lord.

  Enter TIMON, ALCIBIADES, and Lords, & c


  So soon as dinner's done, we'll forth again,

  My Alcibiades. With me? what is your will?

  As soon as we've had dinner, we'll go out again,

  friend Alcibiades. You want me? What do you want?


  My lord, here is a note of certain dues.

  My lord, I have here a note of some debts that are due payment.


  Dues! Whence are you?

  Debts! Where are you from?


  Of Athens here, my lord.

  From here in Athens, my


  Go to my steward.

  Go and see my steward.


  Please it your lordship, he hath put me off

  To the succession of new days this month:

  My master is awaked by great occasion

  To call upon his own, and humbly prays you

  That with your other noble parts you'll suit

  In giving him his right.

  If you please, your lordship, he has fobbed me off

  from one day to the next this month:

  my master has very important business which means

  he needs his money, and he humbly requests

  that you'll be as noble in this as you are in everything,

  and pay him what you owe.


  Mine honest friend,

  I prithee, but repair to me next morning.

  My honest friend,

  I'll just ask you to come back tomorrow morning.


  Nay, good my lord,--

  No, my good lord -


  Contain thyself, good friend.

  Be calm, good friend.

  Varro's Servant

  One Varro's servant, my good lord,--

  I am Varro's servant, my good lord -

  Isidore's Servant

  From Isidore;

  He humbly prays your speedy payment.

  I am Isidore's servant;

  he humbly requests that you pay him at once.


  If you did know, my lord, my master's wants--

  If you only knew, my lord, what my master needs -

  Varro's Servant

  'Twas due on forfeiture, my lord, six weeks and past.

  You were due to pay a forfeit, my lord, more than six weeks ago.

  Isidore's Servant

  Your steward puts me off, my lord;

  And I am sent expressly to your lordship.

  Your steward keeps fobbing me off, my lord;

  and I have been sent to see your lordship in person.


  Give me breath.

  I do beseech you, good my lords, keep on;

  I'll wait upon you instantly.

  Give me room to breathe.

  I beg you, my good lords, go on;

  I'll be with you in a moment.

  Exeunt ALCIBIADES and Lords


  Come hither: pray you,

  How goes the world, that I am thus encounter'd

  With clamourous demands of date-broke bonds,

  And the detention of long-since-due debts,

  Against my honour?

  Come here: I ask you,

  what have things come to, for me to be attacked

  with noisy demands for overdue bonds,

  and accusations of unpaid debts,

  calling my honour into question?


  Please you, gentlemen,

  The time is unagreeable to this business:

  Your importunacy cease till after dinner,

  That I may make his lordship understand

  Wherefore you are not paid.

  If you please, gentlemen,

  this isn't a good time for this business:

  postpone your demands until after dinner,

  so I can help his lordship to understand

  why you haven't been paid.


  Do so, my friends. See them well entertain'd.

  Do that, my friends. Make sure they are well fed.



  Pray, draw near.

  Now, please come with me.


  Enter APEMANTUS and Fool


  Stay, stay, here comes the fool with Apemantus:

  let's ha' some sport with 'em.

  Wait, wait, here comes the fool with Apemantus:

  let's have some fun with them.

  Varro's Servant

  Hang him, he'll abuse us.

  Hang him, he'll abuse us.

  Isidore's Servant

  A plague upon him, dog!

  Curse him, the dog!

  Varro's Servant

  How dost, fool?

  How are you, fool?


  Dost dialogue with thy shadow?

  Are you talking to your shadow?

  Varro's Servant

  I speak not to thee.

  I wasn't talking to you.


  No,'tis to thyself.

  To the Fool

  Come away.

  No, you were talking to yourself.

  [to the Fool]

  Come away.

  Isidore's Servant

  There's the fool hangs on your back already.

  There's the fool hanging on your back already.


  No, thou stand'st single, thou'rt not on him yet.

  No, you're standing alone, you're not there yet.


  Where's the fool now?

  Where's the fool now?


  He last asked the question. Poor rogues, and

  usurers' men! bawds between gold and want!

  He's the one who asked the last question. Poor scoundrels,

  moneylenders' men! Pimps between money and need!

  All Servants

  What are we, Apemantus?

  What are we, Apemantus?




  All Servants




  That you ask me what you are, and do not know

  yourselves. Speak to 'em, fool.

  Because you ask me what you are, and don't know

  yourselves. Speak to them, fool.


  How do you, gentlemen?

  How are you, gentlemen?

  All Servants

  Gramercies, good fool: how does your mistress?

  Well, thanks, good fool; how is your mistress?


  She's e'en setting on water to scald such chickens

  as you are. Would we could see you at Corinth!

  She's just boiling the water to pluck chickens

  like you. If only we could see you in Corinth!


  Good! gramercy.

  Very good! Praise God.

  Enter Page


  Look you, here comes my mistress' page.

  Look, here comes my mistress' page.


  [To the Fool] Why, how now, captain! what do you

  in this wise company? How dost thou, Apemantus?

  Why, hello there, captain! What are you doing

  amongst all these wise people? How are you, Apemantus?


  Would I had a rod in my mouth, that I might answer

  thee profitably.

  I wish I had a cane instead of a tongue, to give

  you a proper lashing.


  Prithee, Apemantus, read me the superscription of

  these letters: I know not which is which.

  Please, Apemantus, read the addresses on these

  letters for me: I don't know which is which.


  Canst not read?

  Can't you read?





  There will little learning die then, that day thou

  art hanged. This is to Lord Timon; this to

  Alcibiades. Go; thou wast born a bastard, and thou't

  die a bawd.

  Not much learning will die then, the day

  you're hanged. This one's for Lord Timon; this for

  Alcibiades. Go; you were born a bastard, and you'll

  die a pimp.


  Thou wast whelped a dog, and thou shalt
famish a

  dog's death. Answer not; I am gone.

  You're a son of a bitch, and you'll die as

  a starving dog. Don't answer me, I'm gone.



  E'en so thou outrunnest grace. Fool, I will go with

  you to Lord Timon's.

  This is just how you run away from salvation. Fool,

  I will go with you to Lord Timon's.


  Will you leave me there?

  Are you going to leave me there?


  If Timon stay at home. You three serve three usurers?

  If Timon stays at home. You three work for moneylenders?

  All Servants

  Ay; would they served us!

  Yes, we wish they worked for us!


  So would I,--as good a trick as ever hangman served thief.

  I wish that too - that they'd work the trick on you the hangman


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