That Beautiful Orange Gown

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That Beautiful Orange Gown Page 7

by Malone, Misty

  "My house? What do we have to talk about with my house?"

  "If you want to get out of this financial situation you've gotten yourself into a little quicker, you can take out a mortgage on your home and pay everything off. Then you'd have one payment to make every month instead of six credit cards, your car, the loan you took out for your bedroom furniture, and that on-line shoe store you spend way too much on."

  She was quiet, obviously thinking. "What do you suggest?"

  "Normally I would suggest you seriously consider that. The interest rate on a mortgage would be much lower than what you're paying now, and the interest you pay can be a tax write off. In your case, though, I'd think twice before I did it. You make enough money that if you want to, you can do this without touching your house. Although you'll be paying a higher interest rate, you can pay it off fairly quickly if you set your mind to it, which, combined with the points you would pay to mortgage your house, would be less in the long run."

  She nodded in agreement. "I think I'd rather do that. My house is the one thing I have from Mom and Dad. I really don't want to mortgage that."

  "I understand, honey," he said as he pulled her in against his chest. "You can do this, I'm sure. I'm going to be there encouraging you all the way."


  He saw her rubbing her bottom, and chuckled. "Whatever it takes to provide that encouragement."

  She reached up to give him a kiss, which he quickly took control of.

  "Come on, let's go get some dinner. It's on me," he added with another chuckle.

  "Good, because I can't afford it."

  He got serious a moment. "I was serious earlier, sweetie. I know you may feel a little overwhelmed right now, but I want you to keep looking at the bright side as well. There really are a lot of people who would love to be in your shoes."

  "I know," she admitted. "I guess you were right. I am feeling sorry for myself, and I shouldn't. I'm the one who got myself into this mess."

  "And you can get yourself out of it as well. And what a feeling of accomplishment you'll have then."

  "I'll bet you're a really good credit counselor. How encouraging."

  "We'll see how good I am." He kissed her nose and stood, taking her with him. "Let's go eat."

  * * * * *

  Things went well for the first couple of weeks. Emily called Anita and apologized, but said she wouldn't be able to go shopping with her. Nick was extremely proud of her when she told her why. "I've gotten myself into a bit of a financial mess and your brother's working with me to fix it. That means no shopping sprees for the next little while."

  Anita's response surprised her. "Hey, been there, done that. Nick got me back on the right track once, too. It's hard, but if you listen to what he says, he'll get you through it. Trust him."

  "I do trust him," Emily assured her friend. "Thank you for telling me that. It helps knowing someone else has been through it."

  "Just keep reminding yourself how good you'll feel when you're back to debt free. He'll help you, and trust me, it's worth all the hard work."

  Over the next couple weeks he asked to see her $500 several times, and she always had it. He was proud of her every time she had it, and she grew to love that feeling.

  They set it up for her to pay bills twice a week at first, to get her into the habit of thinking of it and doing it. He reminded her the night before, and checked the day after to be sure she'd remembered. Again, she got a warm feeling seeing how proud he was.

  The first problem they had was fairly minor, but Nick wanted to send a message that he was serious about this program and she had to be as well. He reminded her to remember to pay two of her bills the next evening. He wouldn't be over as he had to meet with a client.

  He was over the evening after that, however, as planned. He sat down on the couch, pulling her down beside him for a kiss and a hug. "I missed you last night."

  "It was only one night," she giggled, "but I missed you, too."

  He sat back and pulled her in so she was leaning against him. "I'm anxious to hear how your day went. Bring me up to date on your advertising campaign. First, though, did you remember to pay your bills last night?"

  She paled immediately, and Nick knew he had his answer. He was ready when she tried to jump up and no doubt do it now. "Oh, I forgot. I had to work late last night and it messed up my entire routine. Thank you for reminding me. I'll do it right now. That was a good idea you had to do it a few days early." She tried again to get up, but he held her down.

  She tried to look up at him to see why he was holding her down, but before she could even see his face she found herself flipped over his knee. The skirt she was wearing was flipped up over her back and he was taking her panties down by the time it registered in her head what was happening. "Nick, no. I was only one day late. I'll pay them now. They won't be late."

  "That's not the point. You knew when you were to pay it. The whole point of this program is to get you paying attention to paying them on time. You knew what would happen if you didn't. You need to know this will happen every time you forget. I will be consistent, through the good and the bad."

  Without another word he gave her ten solid swats, hard enough to cause some pain, but not as hard as the first spanking she'd gotten. When he was done, he gently pulled her panties back into place and helped her up and onto his lap. He guided her head to his shoulder, where she leaned against him as she cried, snuggling in next to him. "It's over now. Lean against me and rest, my little one."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Sshh. I know you are. Rest now and then you can pay the bills. I love you, sweetie."

  "I love you, too." She nestled in and allowed his arms around her to provide the comfort she needed.

  He kept his arms around her and made sure she felt safe, and special, as she calmed. When her breathing was back to normal and she seemed content, he loosened his hold. "Okay now?"


  "Good. Ready to pay your bills now?"

  "Oh, yeah." She got up and went to her desk.

  She was back five minutes later and snuggled in against him. "All done."

  "Good." He reached down and kissed the top of her head. "Are you okay?"

  She looked up at him, knowing he didn't mean physically. She thought for a moment before nodding.

  "Emily, I'd like to hear an answer, please."

  "Yes, I'm okay."

  He put his arm around her, pulling her in next to him. "I want you to understand how serious I am about this. I know this is not going to be easy, and I want you to get off to a good start. I want you to know I'm here watching you, helping you."

  She looked up at him, obviously thinking. She leaned back in against him. "Thank you for that." She didn't see the smile on his face, but she felt the kiss he placed gently on the top of her head.

  After a couple minutes of cuddling and reconnecting, Nick went back to his earlier question. "So, how's the ad campaign going?" He loved listening to her talk about her work. She was definitely in her element there. They spent their evening talking and watching a movie.

  He kissed her good-night and was about to leave, when he remembered something he'd wanted to talk to her about. "Oh, I almost forgot. My company has an annual dinner, and that's coming up in three weeks."

  "What kind of dinner; is it a formal dinner, or casual?"

  "It's a formal dinner, with drinks before and dancing afterward."

  "Oh, sounds fun."

  "It is fun. It's a time for all of us to get dressed up and enjoy an evening, meet everyone's spouse or the person they've been dating."

  "I'll have to get—" She paused. "May I get a dress to wear to it, and some shoes to match?"

  Nick frowned. "Don't you have anything you could wear? You have three closets of clothes." Before she could object he continued. "Don't try to tell me you don't, because I've seen them. The point is, no one has met you yet. They won't know if you're wearing a new dress or one you've had for a year, or even ei
ght years."

  "I'll know."

  He took her in his arms to finish the discussion. "I know you will, but you'll be the only one. More importantly, think about a year from now. If you're diligent and keep to your program, stay on your budget and keep making your payments, a year from now you'll have two of the credit cards paid off and the others paid down. You'll have more leeway then in your budget to buy special things like this. But by then you will have earned them, and that will make them even more special."

  "Maybe, but that doesn't help me any now. I really can't think of anything I can wear."

  "I have an idea. Tomorrow night, let's go through your closets. I know you have several gowns because I've seen them, and I've heard you talk about your annual dinner. Let's go through and look at them tomorrow night. Then we'll talk some more."

  She nodded, but he could tell she wasn't happy. He kissed her again before he left, but her kiss seemed empty. He thought about the situation on his way home. She'd been doing well on her program, but they hadn't hit her first major roadblock yet, either. He'd known all along this would be a difficult time. It always is, the first time they want to buy something that their new budget won't allow.

  He'd have to give this a lot of thought. He wanted to see her succeed in this program, but caving and letting her blow her budget the first time she wants something certainly isn't sending the right message. He had to find a way to get her to see that a dress for his dinner isn't that important. No one has seen her. If it were her annual dinner, he would be a lot more inclined to allow her to get a dress. She has worn her gowns to that, and those were all people she works with and knows better. He had to find a way to get her to see this, and stay on her budget. Being proud of yourself afterward can play a big part in your success, and he wanted her to feel that pride.

  True to his word, the next night he steered them toward her bedroom. "Are your gowns in this closet or one of the others?"

  Emily frowned. "How do you even know I have more than one closet of clothes?"

  "I was with you the time you searched your closet for the pink pair of sandals you knew would be perfect with the shorts and shirt you wore when we went to the barbecue party at Kelli's house. Remember?"

  "Oh, yeah."

  "I commented on how full your closet is, and you said that's why you had to put some of it in the two guest closets."

  "I forgot." Trying to change the subject quickly, she said, "I think they're all in here."

  "All? How many do you have?"

  "I've worked there five years, and we have a dinner every year. I think I got one or two for other things that came up."

  "Let's look. If you have that many of them, surely one of them will work."

  They spent the next hour looking at her gowns. She'd point out all the reasons she couldn't wear one, and he'd tell her the things he particularly liked about it. At the end, he picked out four that he especially liked, and asked if she would please try them on so he could see them on her. She knew he wouldn't approve of her attitude if she refused, so she reluctantly laid them on her bed, while he retired to the living room to wait. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a good eye, as every one of the gowns he'd chosen had been her favorites, as well.

  One by one, she went to the living room to let him see the gown. His eyes lit up every time she walked into the room. Emily had to admit that it was nice seeing his eyes light up every time she went in wearing a different dress. She could tell he meant every word of the praises and compliments he was giving her. But it just wasn't the same. A special event required a new gown.

  It was important to her that she make a good first impression on Nick's friends and co-workers. She was nervous about meeting them, and she wanted every advantage she could get. She knew if she was wearing a new gown that she felt good in, it would make a difference. It would be the advantage she needed.

  At the end of the day, Nick really liked her royal blue gown, and if she had to wear one of her old ones, she agreed it would be that one. But she was determined to come up with some way to get a new one. She just had to.

  * * * * *

  That Friday evening, they were at Jeff and Anita's house for dinner. The men were outside with Garrett, while Emily was inside helping Anita finish up the meal. Anita was concerned about Emily. "Everything okay? You seem quiet tonight."

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking."

  "Anything I can help you with?"

  "No." She glanced at Anita and changed her mind. The two of them had hit it off from the start, and had become quite good friends. "Actually, maybe you can. You said you've been through this; maybe you can give me some advice."

  "It can't hurt to try. What's on your mind?"

  "Nick's company dinner is coming up."

  "The formal dinner?"

  "Yes. That's my problem. I want to get a new gown, but—"

  "But Nick's saying it's not in your budget?"

  "Exactly. How am I going to get a new gown without him knowing?"

  Anita giggled. "I think I know now why I like you so much. We think a lot alike. You didn't ask how to try to change his mind; you asked how to get around him."

  "I don't think there is any changing his mind about this."

  "I think you're right about that, especially this early into your program." She looked toward the door to make sure the guys weren't around before continuing. "Are you sure you want to do this, though? I mean, Nick will see you in a new dress. What if he finds out how you got it? He has a way of doing that, you know."

  "Oh, I know," Emily assured Anita. "Somehow he seems to find out about everything I do. That's why whatever I come up with has to be really good."

  Anita giggled. "If you're sure you want to do this, we need to come up with something pretty quick. How long do we have?"

  "The dinner's two weeks from tomorrow night. I don't have very long."

  "The guys will be in soon, so we can't talk now. I'll give it some thought, though, and we'll talk soon."

  Emily studied her new good friend. "Are you sure you want to help me?"

  "Count me in. Men don't understand how important a new dress can be sometimes."

  "Thanks. We'll talk later."

  Nick and Jeff came in a few minutes later, both going up behind their ladies and wrapping their arms around their waists.

  "There you guys are," Anita said, turning to kiss her husband. "We can put dinner out and eat whenever you're ready."

  "Then let's eat," Nick said. "You've got three starving men here who need nourishment."

  Little Garrett laughed, but puffed his chest out. "Yeah. Us three men are as hungry as a bear in the spring."

  All four adults laughed at his antics. "Are bears pretty hungry in the spring?" Emily asked him.

  "I don't know," Garrett admitted. "I heard that on the TV show we watched last night."

  Anita chuckled as she handed him some napkins and a bag of hamburger buns. "Then we better eat. Take these out to the picnic table, little bear. Papa bear will be behind you with his hands full, too."

  He skipped outside, with the four adults following. They enjoyed their dinner outside on the patio. They had a nice visit after the dishes were done, but neither of the girls mentioned Emily's need for a new dress.

  Chapter Six

  Monday afternoon at work, Emily got an excited call from Anita. "Do you have a minute where you can talk?"

  "Yeah, this is a good time. What's up?"

  "I think I may have come up with a plan. Have you thought of anything?"

  "No, I haven't. I brought my lunch today, thinking I could save some money if I start bringing something instead of going out, but there's no way I'll have enough in two weeks. What's your plan?"

  "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm a terrible liar. Jeff catches me every time I try."

  "I have the same trouble. I don't know how he does it, but somehow Nick always knows."

  "Well, knowing that, I gave this a lot of thought, and I think I've come up
with the perfect plan. We won't have to lie to our men, and maybe they won't even know anything's up. Your saving money on lunches could provide the missing link I haven't been able to come up with yet."

  "Sounds perfect, but I've got to tell you, I thought of another obstacle I'll have to get around somehow."

  "That doesn't sound good. What's the obstacle?"

  "Nick likes my blue gown and he thinks I'm wearing that. If I get a new one, he'll know. I can't even tell him it's one I forgot I had, because he looked in all my closets, so he knows he's seen all of them I have. Does your plan somehow include a way of getting around that?"

  Anita thought a minute before squealing. "It can, yes. It's perfect!"

  "Oh, good. What is this perfect plan?"

  "We'll go shopping together, find the perfect dress, and I'll buy it. You can pay me back as you have the money. It'll still technically be my dress until you pay for all of it, so we'll just tell the guys you fell in love with one of my dresses and decided to borrow it. We won't be lying."

  "I like it, but there are a couple things I'm worried about. How about Jeff? Won't he know you didn't have a dress like that? And will he see it on your credit card bill?"

  "I got both of those figured out. Remember I told you Nick helped me get my credit back on track one time?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "During that time I went way overboard buying things. I got a new job and it paid more, so I went out and started buying all the things I always wanted, but never could afford. Every now and then I pull something out that he never saw, and I admit it was from those times. I'll just tell him this is one of the things I bought then. He doesn't like to talk about that time, so he won't even question it."

  "Well, you know him better than me. If you think that'll work, that's great. I don't want you to get in trouble with him, though, for me."

  "It'll work fine, don't worry about it. As women, we have to stick together."


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