That Beautiful Orange Gown

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That Beautiful Orange Gown Page 11

by Malone, Misty

  With that thought in mind, it was truly a wonderfully romantic cruise they all four knew they'd never forget.

  Emily did fantastic on her financial obligations, never slipping again. She had paid her payments on time, to the point that Nick now had her paying bills once a week. She'd gotten a raise at work, and he was proud of her. Instead of using the additional funds as extra spending money, she'd been using all of it to pay extra on her credit cards, paying one off completely.

  When it was paid off, he gave her card back to her. He had to fight back a chuckle when she acted like she was afraid to touch it. "I don't think I want it," she said.

  "I want you to put it in your wallet, Emily," he insisted. "Keep it for emergencies."

  "I still have the $500 you gave me. I haven't needed it yet, but if I do, I'll use it. I really don't think I need this card anymore." She tried to hand it back to him, but he wouldn't take it.

  "This is part of the program, honey. I want you to put it in your purse. It's important that you realize having it in there, knowing you have available credit on it does not mean you have to use it. You have to prove to yourself that you can do this. You haven't used them so far, but that's in large part because I had them, so you weren't able to use them. Now you need to learn that you can have them, but that doesn't mean you have to use them."

  "But what if I do?"

  "It depends what you use it for. You have an amount set aside every week for spending. If you decide to use it for lunch, that's okay, as long as you stay within your budget and pay it off completely every month. If you start abusing it again, you'll be spanked. If it continues I'll take it from you again."

  A big smile appeared on her face. "It's nice knowing you'll be watching," she said as she leaned in against his chest. "I feel like I lean on you a lot, in a lot of ways."

  His arms went around her as he chuckled. "That's what I've been trying to get you to do all this time, you know, honey. I want you to know I'm here for you, you can lean on me. Rest assured, I'll be watching you and this credit card closely. Just like I continue to check to make sure you still have the $500. I feel very confident now that every time I ask to see it you'll have it for me. But I want you to know I'm here for you, watching out for you, consistently. It'll be the same with the credit card."

  Shaking her head as she was still leaning against his chest, she said, "Good. I'll take it then."

  * * * * *

  One day, Kelli called Nick at work. "Nick, I wanted to let you in on a secret. Our annual formal dinner and awards night has just been announced, and I wanted you to know Emily's getting an award."

  "That's great. She doesn't know about it?"

  "No, she doesn't. They don't announce the award winners until the dinner. They don't even announce who's in the running for it. The only reason I know is because I had to get the trophies engraved. I wasn't to tell anyone, so please don't let on to her or anyone else. I know how close you two have gotten, and I thought you might like to know. I didn't know if you might want to make reservations to take her someplace special the next day to celebrate, or something. Or maybe just happen to have a bottle of champagne chilling at home after the dinner maybe?"

  "Those both sound like excellent ideas. Thank you, Kelli, for giving me the heads up. I can't thank you enough."

  "You're welcome. She's worked hard and earned this award. I thought maybe you'd be able to make it even more special for her. Just please don't let anyone know I told you."

  "You have my word, Kelli. Thank you again." He hung up the phone and started thinking. Kelli was right; Emily had worked hard. Not only had she worked hard at work to earn this award, but she'd worked hard at fixing her credit. He'd come up with something special to show her how proud he was.

  A few days later, she told him about the dinner. "Our dinner and awards night is two weeks from this coming Saturday. You don't have any plans, do you? I really want to introduce you to everyone I work with."

  "I'll be there with you," he promised. "I wouldn't miss it. After hearing all the stories you've told me about some of the people you work with, I'm anxious to meet them. What kind of evening is it? They have a dinner, and will there be dancing afterward?"

  "They have a cocktail hour, then dinner, which is usually really good. Then while everyone's having dessert they give out some awards. After that part's over and everyone's done eating, they have a band and dancing."

  "Sounds like a fun evening. How about the awards? Do they have many awards they give out, do they all give a speech, and two hours later they're done?"

  She laughed. "No. Luckily, there's only a few awards they give out. It's things like the regional sales manager that brought in the most sales of ads, the department that's grown the most, stuff like that. Then they have the big award, the ad campaign of the year. That always goes to one of the old codgers who's been there for like two or three lifetimes, but that's okay. They deserve it. I always figure they're an incentive. After so many years of doing ad campaigns you get really good, and it's nice that they pay them the respect they've earned."

  "That's a good attitude."

  She chuckled. "Actually, it's kind of a goal of mine. I hope some year before I retire I'm the one who needs help getting my old knees to get me up the steps to the podium so I can say I'm shocked, I had no idea it would be me."

  "That's quite a goal," he said as they both chuckled. A little later he asked, "Are you going to get a new dress for the dinner?"

  She looked a little surprised at his question. "It's not in my budget."

  "It can be." He pulled her chin up so she was looking at him. "Emily, you've been doing extremely well with your budget. You've been paying extra on your bills and haven't taken any of your additional income for yourself. You've earned this. You can buy a new dress and still stay on budget."

  She considered his words carefully. "I'll think about it, but I'm not sure I want to until I get at least another card paid off. You and this program are more important to me than a new dress."

  "Thank you, honey," he said with a kiss to her forehead. "But you've earned it. It won't upset me at all if you buy a new dress."

  "I'll think about it," she promised.

  He asked a couple more times, but she insisted she didn't want to spend the money yet. "Have you considered seeing if Anita does have any you'd like to borrow?"

  "No, I hadn't thought of it, but maybe I should." She paused a bit before asking, "Why don't you want me to wear my blue one?"

  "I'm not saying I don't want you to wear it. You look beautiful in it. I'm concerned about you, though. You said before that you've worn all your gowns to these dinners and that ladies remember gowns and know when someone's wearing one a second time. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. We had such a good time at my company dinner, I want you to feel good at yours, too."

  "That's kind of why I'm okay wearing the blue one. Others may recognize it, but I'll be thinking about how special that night was, and I was wearing the blue one then."

  "Honey, that night wasn't special because you were wearing the blue dress. It was special because we were together. I think if you wear a new dress, that dress will become special to you, as well."

  "Hmm. Let me think about that. I may talk to Anita and see about borrowing one."

  She decided to do just that, and two nights later the four of them had dinner at Jeff and Anita's. Afterwards the ladies went to their guest bedroom, where Anita kept her gowns. One by one Emily tried them on and came out to the living room.

  After trying the last one on, Nick made a suggestion. "Before you decide which dress you want to wear, I have one thing I'd like to give you." Both ladies turned to him, waiting for an explanation. "Emily, I've been very proud of you. You've paid your credit cards even faster than I anticipated you could. You've worked extremely hard on that and done a remarkable job. If you'll recall, I told you I believe all actions have consequences, good or bad. I believe that good deeds should be rewarded, and that's what I'd
like to do now. I got you a gift, my way of telling you how proud I am of you."

  "You didn't have to do that, Nick."

  "I know I didn't. But you didn't have to buy us tickets for the dinner cruise, either. I understand why you did, and it means a great deal to me. Please understand why I wanted to buy you something, and accept it with the same understanding." She nodded, and he went to his car.

  When Nick left Emily looked to Jeff. "What did he get?"

  Jeff laughed, shaking his head. "I don't know. I'm not sure he'd want me to tell you even if I did, though."

  "Yeah, maybe not."

  Anita was excited. "Maybe he bought you some jewelry. Maybe a necklace?"

  Nick came in carrying a large box. The girls looked at the box, and to each other. "It's not a necklace," Anita said.

  Nick laughed. "No, it's not a necklace. Go ahead, honey, and open it."

  She opened the box and gasped. Anita looked in the box and her hand flew over her mouth. Emily stared at the box several moments before finding her voice. "It's that beautiful orange gown! Nick, you never even saw it. How did you know which one it was?"

  "I have my ways," he chuckled. "Do I get to see how it looks on you?"

  "I'll be right back," she squealed, pulling Anita with her as she ran to the guest room.

  Jeff was smiling, shaking his head. "So that's the famous beautiful orange gown?"

  "It is. I went and talked to the owner of the store that night after I left here. She said that sale was final. I felt it was important that she return it and see that she could still enjoy the evening in a dress she'd worn before. I made a deal with the store owner. She took the dress in as a return, after I paid for it in advance. I picked it up a couple days later. That's how I knew which one it was."

  "So you've had it all this time?"

  "I have. I've been hoping she'd wear it to this dinner, but I had to make sure she was ready to wear it first. If I just forced the dress on her, it wouldn't have meant as much. She's worked hard and earned a gift from me, and she knows that. I'm hoping that means she'll be able to accept it as a well-deserved gift, and feel good wearing it."

  "You're a good man, Nick. I wish you the best."

  Emily came out into the living room, looking stunning. Instead of stopping so they could see it, she walked directly to Nick, who stood and took her in his arms. She had tears in her eyes as her arms slid around his waist. "Thank you, Nick. I already know this dinner is going to be a special night. Look at what I'll be wearing. And I have a necklace that was my grandmother's that will be perfect with it."

  "I will be the proudest man at the dinner," he said sincerely, looking at Emily from head to foot. "I see what everyone meant. You are simply stunning in that dress."

  Chapter Nine

  Anita was at Emily's house the next afternoon helping her get ready for another dinner. This time, they helped her into her beautiful orange gown. "You know, it's funny," Emily said, looking at herself and the gown in the mirror. "After the fiasco with the last dinner, I never thought I wanted to see this gown again. But now, after all that's happened, I couldn't be happier to be putting it on."

  "It is a beautiful gown," Anita agreed. "And it was so nice of Nick to buy it for you as a gift."

  "And to explain it the way he did. When he told me how much those cruise tickets meant to him, and that he hoped I would accept this dress the same way, it changed everything. I didn't know what was in the box yet, but whatever it was, I wanted it more than anything at that moment."

  "We have two very special men," Anita murmured, and Emily quickly agreed.

  Her dinner was proving to be just as special as his dinner had been. She introduced him proudly to all her friends she worked with, smiling every time she noted jealousy in any of the ladies' faces. He proudly shook hands with every man he was introduced to, not surprised when he saw more than one look of envy on their faces.

  As they ate, Nick found himself in an unusual spot. She was totally relaxed and happy, talking about how she hoped the awards wouldn't take long tonight so they could dance. He tried to act calm, but was getting nervous for her. He agreed with her, assuring her he was anxious to hit the dance floor, as well.

  Looking at her, he was glad things had worked out as they had. That beautiful orange gown she was wearing certainly had a history, but she truly was stunning in it. He was glad she was wearing something she felt so confident in tonight.

  Mr. Warner, president of the Warner Advertising Agency, tapped his glass, getting everyone's attention. "It's so good to see all of you here tonight. We'll open the floor up for dancing after dinner is over, but while everyone is enjoying dessert I have just a few awards I'd like to pass out."

  "Oh, good," Emily whispered to Nick. "We're getting closer to the dancing. It won't be long now."

  He returned her smile, anxious for a different reason.

  They listened and applauded at the appropriate times, as the regional managers came forward to accept awards for the most new contracts in the past year, and the most growth in a region. Emily was excited when her region won the award for the most growth in a region.

  Mr. Warner went to the podium for one more award. "And now for the last award, the coveted Advertiser of the Year award. The last few years there's been one person each year who's stood out among the others for their outstanding work over the past year, and that seems to be the case again this year. There are a couple things different about our recipient of the award this year, however. It's usually one of our long-term people who have a few good accounts they've been developing over the years. That's not the case this year."

  Nick glanced at Emily and saw confusion written on her face. "Our winner this year is a big part of the reason the region with the most growth won that award. Our very deserving winner this year has only been with us a few years, but what a job she's done. Congratulations, Miss Emily Hollinger. Would you please come forward?"

  Nick was momentarily concerned. Emily sat there, an empty expression on her face. Trying to help, he stood and gently pulled her up, while leaning in to whisper in her ear. "I am so proud of you, honey. Go get your award."

  His words, or maybe it was simply his voice, pulled her out of the trance she was in, and she looked around. All her co-workers were looking at her, applauding. She thought she'd been dreaming, but no, this was really happening! Nick was leaning down to say something to her again, as she was trying to clear the haze she seemed to be surrounded with. "You've earned this award, honey. Mr. Warner's waiting for you."

  She turned to him and as it was registering in her mind, the only thing she could actually see was him. So she did the only natural thing to do, as an extreme case of nerves set in. She leaned on him. Actually, she wrapped her arms around him and let him support her, as her legs pretty much gave out on her. It looked to everyone else like she was giving him a hug, which ignited a fresh round of applause.

  Nick felt her trembling, and was glad he was holding her steady when he felt her legs give out. He held her while using his calm voice close to her ear to help her find her strength. When she was standing again he walked with her, supporting her as they walked, to the steps. She stopped, looked at them, and back to him, looking like a frightened animal.

  Luckily, Mr. Warner saw the look on her face when she looked at Nick, and quickly surmised what was happening. He quickly took the mike and said, "Bring her on up, Nick. Our winner looks a little stunned." As Nick helped her up the stairs he went on. "Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Nick Farrington. Nick and his family have been personal friends of our family for a lot of years." They reached the stage, but Emily was still clinging to him. "Bring her on over here, Nick. She looks like she's in shock. Maybe you better hang on to her." He chuckled as he added, "Or let her hang on to you."

  Everyone laughed, and applauded as Emily stepped up to the podium, obviously in shock, and still clinging to Nick. "Wow," she finally said, quietly. Chuckles and another round of applause filled the room. "I re
ally wasn't expecting this."

  More laughter erupted and Mr. Warner said, "I think we all believe you, Emily. Congratulations. We're all proud of you."

  "Thank you," she whispered. She started to turn to leave, but stopped. She stepped back to the mike and said, "I want to thank all of you. It's a team effort, and my ideas wouldn't fly without all of you taking my crazy ideas and making them work. I also want to thank this handsome guy beside me, for all the inspiration he's given me this past year."

  Now she turned to leave, Nick supporting her again, and carrying her trophy for her. He took her back to their seats, where she collapsed into it.

  Nick was concerned. "Are you okay?"

  "I don't know," she said sincerely. "But I'm pretty sure I will be. I'm just—did that really happen?"

  "It did," he said with a chuckle and a kiss to her forehead.

  Mr. Warner had made his way to them, a look of concern on his face. "Is she okay, Nick?"

  "I think so. I think you need to mark this date down on a calendar, though, as the day you left Emily speechless!"

  Her boss laughed. "I think we definitely did surprise her." He turned to her. "I have no idea why you didn't see this coming, though, Emily. You've brought us more new business, signed more contracts than anyone this year, and two of them were for large campaigns. Both are hugely successful, too. Surely you saw this coming, or at least had a suspicion?"

  "I really didn't," she insisted. "Since Nick and I have been dating, I've been happier than ever before, and it seems like the happier I am the more ideas I have. But I've been so happy and so busy, I haven't been paying any attention to what projects others are working on. I've been doing my work and not really paying attention to much else. That sounds pretty selfish, doesn't it?"

  Both men tried to reassure her. "No," Mr. Warner said. "It sounds to me like you're very lucky. You're in a good place right now, and I'm glad to hear it."


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