Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 10

by Lee Morgan

  As Sarah quickly put on her cloak and sat beside the fire she saw Connor walking back with a space blanket in his hand and watched as he strolled up to Veronica with his innate and unmistakable authority. Her eyes cautiously looked at the shiny metal. He spoke calmly and with a reassured voice. “Veronica, I have a present for your egg.”

  Sarah felt her mind spread out to all. “What is that?” She pointed at the shiny sheet in his hand.

  “This is a way to keep your egg warm and not become cold as you travel. It’s not much, but I feel honored that you are my first Keeper I’ve met. I wanted to do something nice for you because of all that you told me last night.” He held the bag up so she could see it better. “May I?”

  She kept eyeing the aluminum looking bag and then Connor for about a minute before getting her consent. He laid out the bag on the ground and gently picked up her egg. He made sure the egg was always in her vision or else she would get edgy. He sat the egg gently in the center of the sheet. He looked at her and said “Hold your egg steady while I wrap it up.” She reached over Connor’s head with her long hand and held the top of the egg while Connor grabbed the ends and covered the entire shell. He tied the top of the shell with a piece of string. He put his hand gently under the egg and lifted. “Here is your gift-wrapped child. Just be careful not to rip the thin metal with your claws and it will last quite awhile.”

  Victoria bent her left arm close to her chest. “Put it right here then.” Connor stepped closer and laid her egg in the bend of her arm. She studied the reflective metal and smiled. Looking at Connor she said “Thank you for all you’ve done for us. I’m looking forward to this meeting, now of all times.” Victoria stood up, cradling her egg gently. “I must leave now.” She stepped over the fire and walked into the morning light. She turned to them all one last time and smiled gratefully. “Thank you all so very much. I’ll never forget any of this. May we meet again soon. Farewell until next time.”

  Her long tail went straight as she bent forward. She then quickly propelled her massive bulk on two legs and vanished into the trees with powerful strides while protecting the egg with her arms. It was truly amazing to see the swiftness of an ancient reptile moving at such a great speed.

  Remove and Apply

  A minute after Veronica vanished into the forest Jack came over to talk with Connor. “Now that that is over, may I make a suggestion?”

  “What’s on your mind?”

  Jack brushed some of the loose strands of silver hair back behind his ear. “I already know that you have noticed that daylight has been getting shorter and shorter the further we’ve traveled. I would say we have around six and a half to seven hours of light remaining.” Connor glanced over his shoulder and everyone else was paying attention to the conversation. “I think we should pick up the pace just a bit more. I have already calculated that if we push ourselves slightly harder, we just might make it to our destination in time before nightfall.”

  Connor looked over at everyone. “Do you all want to do this?”

  Kara pulled out her energy bar and said “Sooner the better.” She opened the wrapper and took a large bite out of it.

  He then looked towards Sarah. She was standing by her bag and brushing her long and fluid hair. Each stroke she made came out smooth and unknotted. “Do you?” Sarah’s green eyes were soft and welcoming. “I would enjoy the comforts of a warm bed for a change.”

  “Good girl.” Jillian said with a laugh and rotated her stiff shoulder. “I would like a bed myself.”

  “Alright, if no one objects let’s get started and eat on the way.” He announced, walking over to Sarah. He knelt down and folded up the sleeping bag, rolled it up and then strapped the sleeping bag to the top of his pack. Connor picked up his cloak and tied the string around his neck, grabbed Tool off the ground and strapped it to his right hip. He quickly slid on they pack after removing the last freeze dried meal and three remaining power bars.

  When he turned around everyone else was quickly packing up and preparing for the final departure. Sarah finally finished brushing her hair and pulled it back into a single pony tail. Jack also retied his hair in a similar fashion. Jillian kept her dark brown hair loose, but covered it by her cloak. Kara took Jillian’s idea. Mark was now fully packed as he walked up to his best friend. “Do you know about where we are?”

  Knowing what he meant Connor shrugged the backpack off his shoulder and pulled out the map and compass. He laid it out on the stone floor and spun the paper until it was right. His mind quickly processed how much distance had been traveled these past three days and scaled it to the map. He pointed and looked up to see not only Mark, but everyone else looking down curiously at the map. “We are about right here in northern Ontario. The easing of the secondary bond is telling me that the meeting will be somewhere within the central area of the Canadian Shield. According to my own calculations, if we all increase our speed, like Jack said, we will arrive in time.”

  Sarah laid a hand on his shoulder and said with a calm smile “We better move out then while the weather is in our favor.”

  He strapped his backpack back on as Jack put the fire out.

  They were on the move. Luck seemed to be on their side for the sky remained clear and the air was crisp after the blizzard faded. Everyone doubled their pace as the journey north continued. Both Mark and Jack remained in front followed by the girls and Connor kept the rear. Every few minutes he felt Jack use his sonar and Mark kept his nose and ears sharp.

  Every now and then Connor would get distracted as he would watch Sarah move. Her shorter legs were pumping with power that only he could surpass. Her hips swayed from side to side with each powerful step. As her foot landed and lifted it sprayed a small amount of snow behind her. Her arms didn’t sway because she was holding her cloak closed with one hand and eating a power bar with the other.

  Clearing his head, he tried out the newest ability. He focused energy to his eyes and looked at Sarah’s back. A shadow of a blue flame surrounded her like a huge sphere and it was colossal. Her dark blue flames must have reached at least fifty feet in every given direction. Her flames were at least three to four times larger than Veronica’s.

  The terrain changed from mountain filled trees to a flat frozen lake as Sarah sensed him using energy. She turned her head to glance at Connor. “I felt you use your power. What were you doing?”

  Apparently no one else could sense energy as their strides remained the same and continued running. “I was just seeing how large your aura really is. It is very remarkable.” Her head returned to the front and he had a sudden idea. “Would you like to see what your energy looks like?”

  She looked over her shoulder again with a small smile. “You mean…”

  “Yes. Let’s link our minds.” Together they ran and pushed their minds together simultaneously. Once their separate minds linked together Connor could instantly see from his eyes as well as hers. Every step she made was like he made them himself and it was as easy as taking a calming breath. Every breath was calm and controlled despite the exertion from running at such a pace. Her nose and ears were relatively cold, but she could still feel them. She swallowed the last of her bar and his empty throat swallowed by reflex. Through her mouth he could feel the cold air surge in and leave her lungs somewhat warmer. He could hear the rushing wind whistling past her ears as they rocketed across the frozen lake. He even felt the miniscule weight she carried and was relieved knowing she wasn’t pushing herself or becoming fatigued. Her lips curved into a smile and he knew that she felt everything his body did as well. “Ready to see what your aura looks like?”

  Her smile widened fractionally as he brought the internal power forward and focused it to his eyes. Connor stared at her and then her aura appeared. Her green eyes widened as she saw the gigantic size of her dark blue aura. She continued running and looking forward like nothing was going on between them. “Connor, it’s so… enormous!” She glanced over her shoulder. “Let’s have a look at w
hat yours looks like.”

  He could feel her energy being collected to her eyes, through her eyes, and through himself, he could feel the power emanating from within her body. Still running forward and looking back at him for a moment, he saw his own energy. Dark blue invisible flames were just as, if not larger, than Sarah’s. The aura was like a giant sphere that encompassed him. It even saturated below the surface of the frozen lake. “It really is big. No wonder why Veronica couldn’t get an exact read on us. It was larger than the cave mouth could show.” He smiled and so did she.

  They returned their focus back on the running and unlatched the hold on the other’s mind and it felt better to only be inside their own body. It is far less disorientating and confusing. Their little test was completely unnoticed by every single person, which was good because it would have been difficult to explain.

  Just as the sky began to darken the six of them stood atop the peak of a mountain that was well within the Canadian Shield. The map Connor carried with him didn’t have a name for this particular mountain. The bond the Keeper placed on allowed them the knowledge that the end of the journey laid just ahead.

  Before them stood a gigantic mountain that was one of the biggest ones that they’ve come across on their journey. The slope face stood covered with trees that reached almost half way up the mountain. The top was capped with snow and the peak of the mountain was shrouded in cloud cover. The sun was beginning to set and it cast an orange glow that gave the mountain an eerie look to it. At the base between the mountains they stood upon and the one that laid before them sat a thick evergreen forest. From the tree tops Connor could tell there was a light breeze coming through the valley. It held a majestic beauty that only nature could bestow. He couldn’t resist smiling at the grand design.

  Jillian and his sister became overly excited once they too realized they were almost finished. Jillian threw the hood of her cloak back and said “We haven’t used this mountain for a meeting in four hundred years.”

  Kara pushed her hood back and asked Mark “Is she serious.”

  Mark crossed his arms and grinned. “Close. It’s been four hundred and twenty five years since we last used this base, but who’s counting?”

  Sarah leaned her shoulder into Connor’s and spoke with her calm and smooth voice. “We might finally get the answers we’ve been searching for...”

  He had an idea, but didn’t know how the others would take it. “Speaking of answers.” Everyone turned to look at Connor. “I’m not sure if we should show people that we are different right of the bat. It might compromise our safety. We should try and blend in so as to not draw too much attention to ourselves.” He looked down at Sarah as she still leaned on him for support, but her eyes were looking up casually. “For now, I think we should stick with one element, until we have to meet with the Elders.”

  “Why do you think we should do that?” She asked.

  “I think we might get into a little less trouble this way. We are traveling together and we need people to underestimate us. If they think we are weak, they might think that we are not worth the trouble and leave us alone; hopefully. If we were to show everyone our strength, some of them will be looking for a fight just to challenge us.”

  “That is a good plan.” Mark said and he turned to look at his mate. “Don’t show your bone manipulation until you become registered either.” They discussed what to do quietly between themselves.

  Sarah regained his attention by weaving her arm in his. “I’ll go along with your plan. What elements should we choose to stick with?”

  Connor turned his eyes to her parents as they looked across at the other mountain. They each had their own smile as they felt the nostalgia from past meetings. He gained their attention and simply asked “What are the weakest Balancer traits?”

  Jack adjusted Haunt on his shoulder and cautiously answered. “Well you must have the opposite abilities for starters. And of those, the weaker elements would be Fire and Liquid. Most of us have these elements at our disposal.”

  He thanked him with a smile and a nod. “Sarah, how about you only use Fire and I will use liquid.” Connor looked up at the failing light and quickly said “We had better hurry or else we’ll have to stay here the night.”

  Understanding the caution, they started their way down the mountain.

  When they hit the base of the mountain they entered the forest.

  About a minute later Connor felt that there was at least two people following them. They weren’t amateurs and they were strong; his instincts explained that much clearly. As they ran in the same formation Connor entered all of his companion’s minds to alert them to the danger. He thought with caution. “Everyone keep your pace and do not turn around.” The only person who barely stumbled was his sister, but she quickly regained her composure. “We’re being followed and they are good.”

  Mark jumped into the conversation. “I don’t hear or smell anything.”

  “That’s because they are downwind from us.” With that out of the way he continued. “Mark, I will need you to take the rear. Everyone else maintain your placement. I’m going to pay a little visit to our stalkers.” He could feel that Sarah grew worried. He exited everyone’s minds except for hers. “I don’t sense that they are a threat, but I’m not going to take that chance.”

  “Be careful, Connor.” Her mental voice was strained. He then cut the conversation and prepared for the encounter.

  Mark slowed his pace and ran at his side in the rear. When the line went through the thick of the trees Connor suddenly veered to the right. He could tell that they kept going at a reasonable pace. He then found some loose snow and buried himself inside. The light from the sun finally fell behind the edge of the horizon once all things seemed to stop.

  It continued getting darker by the second which gave him a huge advantage.

  About a minute later he sensed the followers were close. They rushed right by his pile of snow and he could see both of the dark figures. They were moving close together and that made things all too easy. They went past him silently and with a fluid grace impossible for a human. Just as they were ten feet away Connor launched himself out of the snow. With a burst of speed and stealth he closed the distance instantly. Before they could react to his movement he grabbed the back of both of their necks. His left hand wrapped almost all the way around the neck of the smaller figure and his right hand wrapped to each side of the other’s throat. They were both short and from the body of the one in his left hand was a girl and the other a guy.

  “Why are you following us?” Connor said in a calm voice while lifting both of them clear off the ground.

  “Let me go or I’ll kill you!” The man said and tried to struggle out of his grip in vain. His voice grew strained with pain, but his voice held a heavy European accent.

  Connor tightened his grip even more from the outburst and he screamed out in heightened pain. He eased the pressure on the back of his neck and spoke in a dangerous, but calm tone. “If you keep struggling and threatening me I will snap your neck. I’m in no mood for anyone who makes a threat with me at the moment. And I’m not going to like it if you lie. Do you understand me?” The two of them quit struggling and went silent. As a reward Connor eased the pressure even more, but didn’t let them go nor set them back down on the ground. “That is a good start. Now tell me why you were following us?”

  The girl spoke. Her voice was also accented. He wasn’t sure but he believed them to be Balancers and mates for their earlier show of speed and strength, but weren’t as powerful as a Changer’s would be. “We are part of the Immortal Guard and we are tasked with insuring that the immediate area is cleared of all humans. We were heading back to change shifts and as we were coming back we spotted your group headed through the forest. We meant you no harm. Please release us.”

  Connor knew she was telling the truth and took his hands off their necks. “I’m sorry for attacking you two, but I had to be sure that you didn’t have any ulterior m
otives. You can never be too careful. Please accept my apology.”

  The two of them stumbled forward after landing on their feet. They both started rubbing the back of their necks with one arm. He could see them clearly, but from the way they stared at him said he wasn’t clear to them, just a large form. They both had short black hair and a slight tanning to their skin. The girl’s irises were black, but his were dark brown. They both stood about the same height now, but they were both even shorter than Sarah, but not by very much. They were both wearing long white sleeved shirts to blend in with the snow. They both wore golden necklaces and a pendant was held there. The pendant was made of gold and it had two swords crossed over a shield.

  At one look Connor knew that is the symbol for members of the Immortal Guard.

  The girl stepped forward. She said “We accept your apology. It has been over nine hundred years since anyone got the drop on us so easily. I’m Cassie and this is my mate Marik. Might I get your name and age?” She sounded pleasant.

  Connor stood up straighter and offered a hand in greeting. “I’m Connor and I am nineteen.”

  “You’re just a child!” Marik’s voice was astonished as Cassie shook his hand. “What is your affinity?”

  “That is my business.” His face became a stone mask. “Right now I need to catch up with my comrades before they get worried.”

  Before they could say anything else he sidestepped them and started running towards Sarah. They had made a lot of progress during his ambush and interrogation and so he picked up the pace. Connor easily sprinted through the valley and started to climb up the side of the mountain without slowing. About three minutes later an orange light shone through the thinning trees. Right now he was about halfway up the gigantic mountain. When he cleared the trees he found that everyone was waiting for him out in the open. Sarah was the first to spot his form and quickly came up to him. “Were there any problems?”


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