Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 13

by Lee Morgan

  Connor looked at Sarah imploringly. “Huh?”

  “You will need to give a small demonstration of your powers and only then you’ll get to eat.” She explained worriedly. She entered his mind again for privacy’s sake. “Connor, what are we going to do? We can’t show them just yet.”

  He smiled disarmingly and she blinked repeatedly. “Don’t worry. I have an idea about that, Princess.”

  A musician walked across the stage holding a violin and a bow, but he too wore the same robe that Elder Adela had. The man had barely entered middle age before bonding and also had caramel dark skin, eyes and long hair. He had a high ridged forehead and deep set eyes along with a strong jaw. He was also clean shaven. And he was at most an four inches taller than Elder Adela. Connor bowed as he said in a similar accent to his mate “I’m Elder Alexander. Please, will the newcomers follow me up on stage?”

  He looked over at his sister and she shrugged with a wry smile. Sarah nodded for him to go on ahead, but to exercise caution. Kara stepped forward first and he followed close behind with a mug of water. They each used the steps to ascend up to the stone stage. When he stood at the top of the platform Connor saw that it was all polished marble. What is with all the marble? It must have cost a fortune to bring here for this mountain is mostly granite. He thought to himself absently. Each platform was a cubed surface of white stone that has been polished to perfection. If not for the natural veins in the stone it nearly looked to be painted white.

  The elder stopped in the center of the stage. “This is their first time so give them some support if they need it!” Alexander looked at Kara with his ageless black irises. It seemed strange because Connor began learning with greater accuracy just how old someone is just by looking into their eyes. “Go ahead, child” The ancient man stepped back and allowed Kara to look out at the crowd. Being a cheerleader gave her an edge over him because he doesn’t like large crowds. She loved showing off at any time.

  His sister smiled as her silver eyes began to glow. Then came the snapping of her bones and the growing of her fur and nails. Soon she took the shape of a sandy blonde wolf. She kept her fur loose and long. She still stood on her legs and asked the elder with her deep animalistic voice “Is that a good enough to show?” For an answer she received an applause from the table row of Changers.

  She smiled as the elder smiled and he nodded it was enough. He then looked towards Connor. “You’re next.”

  Kara dropped to all fours and walked back to everyone. Connor hated showing off in front of crowds when it doesn’t have any meeting, for him though there was little choice. He sighed and decided to get it over with. He focused his mind and pulled the water out of the mug without effort. Connor collected the water and ice into a ball in his right hand and then threw the mug straight into the air. Carefully he watched the plastic mug rotating as it began dropping back down. At the right moment he threw the ball of ice and water. The ball perfectly landed inside the hollow of the mug. He caught it before landing on the ground without taking a single step and felt proud when he didn’t spill even a single drop of the clear liquid.

  He looked up to see and hear the table with Balancers clapping. The Changer’s didn’t regard him and the Keepers only glanced at him. It became apparent then that although they would live under one roof, it would be like school all over again. The groups stay with their people. Connor turned to the Elder as he clapped weakly. Alexander raised his hand and allowed him to leave.

  Connor quickly made his way back to everyone. Kara returned to her normal human self and her fur was already disintegrating on the floor. Elder Adela gave Kara a broom and she swept her own mess and threw it in the garbage bin that sat beside the building.

  Sarah pleasantly spoke first. “That was really good, Connor. Now we can get our meals.”

  Over on the counter were two large circular plates. On the plates sat an entire shoulder of a cow with the bone still in it and it had been cooked well done. On top of the shoulder was a full rack of ribs and a large bag of plain potato chips. Three baked potatoes, two full loaves of freshly baked white bread, broccoli covered with cheese, ten bananas and a whole watermelon. There was a set of plastic utensils in a plastic wrapping with a napkin.

  Sarah’s plate was the same except she also received her requested extra fifteen red apples.

  Sarah walked over and easily grabbed her plate. Connor did the same and started walking with her. They stopped to wait until everyone caught up. Everyone received practically the same things on their plates. Once everyone caught up they searched for a place that they could all eat together without being bothered.

  They settled on eating in the back side of the large room. Connor had to jump over nine long tails and felt as if he was little kid playing jump rope or not stepping on the crack. Eventually they each used the ladder to get up to a seat. Behind Connor stood a pillar that held up the ceiling and a light on the pillar gave them a clear view of their bench. He sat between Jillian and Sarah as he slid his plate up on the table top.

  They all started eating and no one said a word until the frenzied massacre ended. Connor started with the bananas and quickly finished those off. It felt good to refill energy reserves. And if Sarah’s apple cores were of any evidence, she was too. Each of them soon finished their first filling meal that they haven’t had in days. It was amazing how so much felt like so little.

  Just before they were about to leave Connor sensed someone walking in their direction. He turned to see golden eyes looking upon the group. He startled everyone by yelling “Veronica, you made it here safely! How are you doing?” Connor then noticed another, taller figure walking several paces behind her.

  Everyone turned to look at the first Keeper he got to meet. Her egg was still covered in the space bag he gave her. She looked so much better. Her glossy black scales were even shinier in this lighting compared to the cave. Her walk was sure and her posture perfect. When she became close enough she entered their minds. “It seems that you have all finally arrived.” She grunted as she sat down on the bench next to Kara. Veronica sat with her tail under the table and her legs stretched out in the walkway. She looked back at them with her big golden eyes. “There is someone I would like for you all to meet.” She raised her palm at another Keeper. “This is my only other child. His name is Firon.”

  “These were the ones who rescued you, Mother?” She nodded with her large reptilian head. He turned his yellow eyes upon their group. Firon looked similar to the front gatekeeper who removed the temporary bond. A broader chest, larger arms and a thicker tail must be the common male trait. The only difference was that his eyes were brown where as Firon’s is yellow. Firon wore a white robe like Veronica’s, but his belt was thicker and made of seamless silver that clasped in the front. He also stood close to fourteen feet. The pendant of an Immortal Guard hung gracefully around his thick neck. He stopped his eyes on Connor and said “Thank you all for saving her and my younger sibling.”

  Connor smiled. “Think nothing of it, Firon. All the trouble we had doesn’t compare to the joy of meeting your mother. She is by far the kindest person that we’ve met so far.” His jaw dropped slightly at such spirited words. “We were just about to leave, but we could stay if you want to talk?”

  “Thank you for the offer, but I have things I need to attend to. I have to see to the border and check that the others are doing alright” He bowed as did Connor. Firon turned and walked to the central pillar, leaving all of them.

  Connor turned and looked over at the scaled mother. “Veronica,” She quickly looked back at him. “why is your egg still wrapped up?”

  She looked down at the egg held in the bend of her arm. “When I settled in my room earlier today, it took some careful maneuvering, but I untied your string. I gently peeled the…what did you call it…? That’s right a space blanket. I felt my egg and it was as warm as when I left all of you this morning. It is a wonderful gift.” She grinned at him. “All of the females asked what covered my
egg and I told them what it does. Now all the other females want one for their future eggs.”

  He smiled because he didn’t know that Keepers also gossiped like human women. “That’s great, Veronica. I’m glad that you like the gift so much. We only have three more, but you’re more than welcome to have them. We won’t need them because when we leave here it will already be springtime.”

  Her golden eyes widened and started sparkling. “Really? I can have them?

  Sarah spoke up. “Of course you can. We have no need for them anymore and you do... By the way who tied the top of it?”

  It took a moment to understand what his wife asked about.

  The silvery blanket had a longer red string than he put on and was wrapped in a bow so that all you had to do was pull an end and the knot would easily become undone. “I couldn’t retie it with your first string so I found a longer string and did it myself. Does it look alright?”

  Kara playfully slapped Veronica’s leg again, but this time it wasn’t so much a shock to her as it first was. Still, Veronica looked down at Kara with a large eye. Kara chirped “You could wrap a railroad track around the top and still make your egg look pretty.”

  The smile Veronica showed us was pure joy and relief. “Thank you, Kara.”

  Mark jumped in. “Veronica, we are just about to retire for the night. If you’re not too busy, would you accompany us to our lodge? We all need to get some rest and you can get the other covers.”

  “I’m free for a few hours. Firon will catch up with me later.”

  Connor grabbed his tray and Sarah’s. All that remained on the trays were banana skins, watermelon rind, apple cores, bones and an empty bag of chips. He walked over to the trash bin in the front and put the tray in the return bin. Jack did the same for Jillian and Mark for Kara.

  They made it back to all the women as they waited beside the central pillar for their return. Mark and Kara took the lead and stayed on the inside row of steps which were closest to the pillar itself. Next went the in-laws. Then Sarah and Connor went next and Veronica followed close behind. He barely heard his careful steps as he walked up the large steps because of Veronica’s heavy foot falls and her toe claws were tapping against the stone floor.

  They all made it easily back to the second level. The seven of them walked close to each other. Every being that was on that level watched all of them walking together. It must have been extremely rare to see a Keeper associating with their group. He had to smile because their family is the new spectacle.

  They arrived at the lodge and Connor knew there wasn’t any way to get Veronica to fit her through the small door. He turned to look up at his new friend. “Wait right here. I will be right back.”

  She looked at the door and wrinkled her mouth in disgust. He even heard a slight growl escape her throat. “I understand, Connor.”

  The six of them entered the lodge, but Liz wasn’t at the front desk. They walked down the corridor and Connor pulled the key out of his back pocket to open the door. Sarah went straight to her bag and dug around in it quickly. She pulled out her folded space bag and handed it over with a gentle smile. He stepped back into the hall as Kara walked out with the last two space bags.

  He walked back outside and Veronica waited right where they left her. She saw his exit and heard her throat purr gratefully in a reptilian way. Connor walked right up to her with the three folded blankets and held them up. She smiled and leaned down with an open palm. He sat them in her hand and warned “Be careful when you open them. They will be useless if they get ripped.”

  She stood straight again and nodded. “Thank you for your generous gift. I wish there was something I could do to repay your hospitality.”

  As she put the blankets in a pocket of her robe he had a thought. “If you feel so strongly about it, how about you have breakfast with us?”

  She looked at his for a while like he was a new specimen for her to study in a controlled lab. She blinked and said “You have a deal, Connor. When would you like for us to meet?”

  “Umm how do you tell time in here?” He honestly didn’t know without looking into the sky. Good luck with that underground.

  She pointed at the roof of the Keeper’s lodge. “There is a time keeper over on my building… Here let me show you where it is.” She started walking away with her longer strides.

  He quickly caught up and found Sarah’s mind as she stayed in their room. “Sarah?”


  “Veronica is taking me over to show me where the clock is. I’ll be back soon.” She understood and severed the link.

  Connor followed the walking giant past the bath house and stairwell. They arrived at her lodge and she pointed at a large clock that was built into the wall. The clock read 8:53 p.m.

  “Alright, Veronica. We’ll meet you at eight in the morning for breakfast down in the cafeteria.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Have a good night.” She tapped her pocket. “I will use your gifts well.”

  “That I do not doubt, my friend. Sleep well.” She blinked with confusion when he called her my friend, but he didn’t wait because he got what was needed.

  Connor jogged back to his room and Sarah was already in bed with the lights off. He quickly shut the door and took off his clean clothes because he would wear them again for tomorrow. He slid between the sheets and all the while Sarah just watched him from the pillow of the bed. It felt small compared to their last one.

  She spoke in her soft and velvety voice as she rubbed the lines on his chest. “Did you find where the clock was?”

  He kissed her forehead and said “Yes, I did.”

  “Why did you need to know where it was?” She rolled on her side.

  “Because Veronica is going to join us for breakfast in the morning. She wanted to know when to meet and I didn’t know the exact time. We’re going to meet at eight in the morning.” Her fingers stopped tracing the scarred lines. “What’s the matter, Princess?”

  “Connor, didn’t you see how everyone was looking at us on our way here?”

  “Of course I did. I’m not blind… Listen we are going to do what we want and hang out with every person who treats us with respect. If they don’t like it, that’s their problem. There isn’t a written rule that says we can’t associate, Right?”

  “No, but…” He put a finger over her lips.

  “If you think about it, we’re doing what this meeting is all about.” Her brow furrowed in confusion and he removed the finger off her pouting lips. “Whoever started these gatherings wanted us to be together and learn from the others. Not just associate with only your species, but to become diverse. Social interaction is what separates us from most other species on the planet.”

  “That does make more sense if you put it in that way.” She agreed and slowly scooted closer to him and he abruptly noticed she was also naked when she threw her leg over his.

  He spoke quickly and before his will broke. “I cannot wait for tomorrow!”

  She stopped moving. “Why?”

  “Because we are going to play some games!”

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. She wanted to sleep in a warm bed, but by the time she fell asleep it was almost stifling. The day finished with a Great night!

  Play and Watch

  That strangely familiar dream appeared to him once again.

  Connor reached the surface of the ground after gigging his way out of some strange pit that threatened to suffocate him and as he stood he found himself both naked and a little cold. He felt like as if he were the size of a small child because everything of the surroundings were enormous. His strong senses made him suddenly aware of something strange standing nearby. Something was looking at him and it was close. There wasn’t any sense of danger coming from whatever it was and it seemed joyous for some reason. When he stood fully erect and looked up, a pair of enormous eyes met his and continued staring down at him from beyond the darkness of the shadows. It looked like a large moving shadow of a gian
t man in the shade of a tree. The dream felt a little different this time because it felt more like a distant childhood memory, oddly enough, but not clear. The shadow was actually solid, but glossy black and standing proudly. Connor knew it was just watching and waiting for something, but he couldn’t see the color of its eyes let alone what exactly it is. But he could also not feel any danger or hate coming from the creature. Just what is it?

  The creature suddenly disappeared from sight as soft and warm arms encircled his body and hoisted him off the ground. Connor’s chilled body warmed up quickly from being embraced in both protective and loving arms.

  The dreamed changed when he looked up to see a pair of piercing hazel eyes looking down on him and the pupils had a line in them, rather than circular pupils. Why do they look so familiar…? He wondered in his dream.

  He woke up from the reverie too soon. Connor wanted to see and learn more, to understand its profound meaning, but as with all dreams they cannot be controlled. His mind was awake and the dream began fading, but the elusive feeling remained. It felt like it was almost seven in the morning or somewhere close to it. He regretfully decided to wake up Sarah. She grumbled when he woke her. “Princess, I’m going to check and see what time it is. I’ll be right back.” She nodded, closed her eyes and rolled back over to resume her earlier progress.

  He slipped out of bed and slid on some boxers, black pants and a black long sleeved shirt and slid his feet into the socks and boots. He opened the door and closed it quietly because Sarah had already begun to snore softly.

  Silently, he walked down the hall and found Liz behind the desk again wearing a paper thin white sleeved shirt. She looked bored so he started a conversation saying “Good morning. Did you have a good night’s sleep?”

  Fire lit in her eyes where monotony reigned moments before. “Don’t you know what I am? Why are you being so pleasant? Do you have a death wish?”


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