Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 19

by Lee Morgan

  Kara put her snout to his chest and sniffed. She grinned showing her dangerous teeth and then said “At least you look and smell better, Honey.” He sighed and gave her a hug.

  Sarah walked to his front and started untying the cloak. She let it fall to the floor as she walked to view his back. Her cool fingers began tracing around the sutures she made. “You’re already regenerating well. Hopefully you’ll be completely healed in a few more hours.”

  Connor turned around and gently wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her forehead and smelled her scent; strawberry’s and apples. “I’m just glad everyone will be ok.” He released his gentle hold and turned to his sister and friend. “We have only a few hours until we go down for breakfast. Let’s get as much rest as possible.”

  “Brother, I’m too awake to go back to sleep.” His sister said in her deep animalistic voice as she said down on her haunches.

  “I know it will be hard, but we can’t be groggy tomorrow. News will spread about tonight and I want to be prepared for anything. We are already weakened and I don’t want anything to go wrong if we are too exhausted to act.”

  Mark stood up and turned to look at Connor. His silver eyes were set. “Listen, Buddy. Kara and I will keep guard and rest. You need more time to regenerate. Lay down and rest... I mean it.”

  He didn’t want to argue anymore so Connor walked over to his bed. He sat down and looked to see Mark manipulating his body into a wolf. He went down on the bed just in time to see Mark and Kara take their position to guard the front door. They both laid down on their bellies and kept their ears facing the loose door.

  Sarah slid into bed and tucked her back into Connor’s chest, but she was very careful. She cautiously entering his mind. “Can we talk for a moment?”

  “I can always spare some time for the woman I love.” She reached down and patted his leg approvingly.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, my Knight.” She took a deep breath. “You know I’m glad we fell in love. I say that for many reasons, but mostly because you are so unique. I thought you were making fun of me when you talked about your instincts. Kara told me several instances of how they have served you. She told me of how you stopped the car before a semi almost creamed you or how you saved her from rushing water that led to a waterfall.”

  “Where are you going with this?” He wondered idly.

  “Tonight you woke up to save the lives that we both cherish. I haven’t a clue about how you did it or why we have these abilities, but I am glad you do. I’m glad because I’m a part of something unknown and special.” He could feel her happiness washing all over him. Her bond cannot lie.

  “I have to admit something to you.” She stopped. “That was one hell of a hit you served that woman. She was down before she even touched the ground.”

  “It was wasn’t it?” Sarah actually giggled silently. “Alright, Connor, get some rest.”

  Up and Down

  David, Connor’s grandfather, taught him about how to achieve a semblance of sleep when you’re in the wild or just plain agitated. Breathing remained the first step and consciously slowing it down relaxed a rapid heartbeat. Connor needed to calm his body down before the brain could unwind in kind. Sarah’s delicate scent made his body relax far sooner than normal. David once said “Connor, when you are in an unknown and potentially dangerous situation you must know how to rest. Exhaustion will kill you. Firstly you must be completely calm and clear your mind. The most difficult part of doing this is to simultaneously listen to all of your surroundings while making your mind go blank and time will slow for you. Finally you must listen and sleep at the same time. Your mind will never stop working until the day you die so train yourself to always be aware of your surroundings.” Connor focused on listening to everything while thinking nothing. Mark and Kara’s heavy breathing came loudest and the subtle sound of their powerful hearts pumping gave a calming rhythm. The buzzing sound that came from the hallway light system came next. Jillian and Jack were both whispering in their room, but it wasn’t clear enough to understand. He heard all different sounds as he focused. Eventually his mind went blank and achieved a state of rest. During that time Sarah started her subtle snoring. The harder noise came from Kara as she started snoring in her wolf form. It was worse than her usual sounds.

  Later, Connor heard Mark take a deep breath and stood up silently. Alert hazel eyes shot open as he sat up, careful not to disturb Sarah as her gentle snore could still continue. He entered Mark’s mind. “Is there a problem? I don’t sense anything approaching.”

  Mark walked silently on all fours until he could turn his head and set his slit, catlike silver eyes upon the one who saved him and the one dearest to his heart. “No danger that I can sense either. I’m just going to check the time. I think it’s about time to get up, but I want to make sure. The girls are more frightened than we were during the fight.”

  “I think we were all scared. We got lucky that we were the ones injured and not them.” He knew Connor was talking about their women.

  “Yeah we were lucky.” Mark cocked his head. “By the way. How is your shoulder feeling right now?”

  He rolled his shoulder and extended the arm as a test. Doing a blissful stretch and range of motion Connor thought “Good as new.”

  “I’m glad.” He looked at the door and pushed himself up to his back legs. “I’ll be quick.” Connor nodded in the dark room. He carefully cracked the door and closed it without a noticeable sound. Connor remained alert while he was away. He came back in about two minutes later. “Liz is still up and told me it is nearly seven. I think we should wake them up soon.” Connor agreed and saw him kneel down and began to rub Kara’s long hair that ran along her spine. Her snoring slowly came to a stop as her head came up at full alert. She looked frightened for a moment until she realized there was no danger.

  Connor rubbed his wife’s shoulder gently until she slowly awoke. “Good morning, Princess. It’s time to wake up.” He said gently.

  She looked at him with darker than usual green eyes as she slowly sat up. She reached up blindly to touch his already healed shoulder to find it smooth beside the stitches. She sighed saying “Oh, thank goodness.” She raised up to her knees saying “Mark, can you turn the light on for me.” He did and they were blinded for a few seconds. Connor covered his eyes with his right hand. When sight returned he dropped the hand to see her breasts right in front of his face. They were still covered from her long sleeved shirt, but the effect was the same nonetheless. For a moment he forgot how to breath. She touched each damaged area gently, then shifted to look behind his back. She said evenly “There isn’t a scratch anymore, but those stitches need to come out. Don’t move.” She kissed him on the cheek as she dismounted the bed. Connor moved to sit on the edge of the bed for her ease. He watched her walk over to pull a Fang from its home as it sat on the shelf. She walked behind him again to quickly and painlessly cut and pull each thread from the smooth skin. She sat each slightly bloody string in his hand, per her request to leave the bed sheets white “All finished, Connor. What’s next?” and all that remained behind were tiny droplets of crimson from where the string had been pulled from the flesh.

  Connor stood and stretched his arm to find it was back to normal once again. “I love this regeneration factor.” He looked up to see Mark and Kara both on their back legs with a smile tugging at their jaws. He tossed the string in the waste bin along with the bloody shirt. “Well let’s first get ready to go. We need to meet Veronica for breakfast anyways.”

  He walked over to the dresser and slid the cold chainmail over his chest. It felt refreshing until his body heat warmed the links up. Next to be applied were the greaves and armguards and finally a clean black shirt covered it all. Shoes and Tool slid onto their respective locations. Mark and Connor were told by Kara to turn around as Sarah had to take her shirt off to put her chainmail on. Once she was finished they left the room and laid the unhinged door against the hallway wall. Sarah had alrea
dy knocked on her parent’s door and Connor heard them say that they would be out in a moment.

  They emerged from their room a few minutes later wearing the same thing as last night, but they both put on their shoes and Jack slid on a blue shirt. Jack was holding Haunt and Jillian’s dagger hanging from her hip. They weren’t taking any chances after what occurred. They all walked together down the hall. Liz was still sitting at the front desk, but she seemed half asleep until she spotted them. He smiled and said “Good morning, Liz. Were there any other problems since we last saw you?” She shook her head with a smile. “The rooms will be empty until we get back later tonight.”

  They started to leave until she said “Connor, how’s your shoulder?” He rolled up the right sleeve and pulled the chainmail aside to reveal the now flawless shoulder. “Amazing, you heal almost as fast as we can.” He smiled and she returned it in kindness. “Do not worry, both of your rooms will be repaired and cleaned when you all return.”

  Kara walked up in her wolf form. “Thank you. What can we do to help?”

  Liz shook her head. “No, this is my responsibility as the manager for this cabin. You are all good people and have treated me with more respect than I’ve gotten in nearly two hundred years. Medial jobs don’t get much respect or honor, but it is a job. Just have a good time and I will as well.”

  They waved goodbye and made their way down to level three.

  It was about thirty minutes until the others would join them so they waited like they did the day before. Every now and then Connor would catch others looking in their direction and pointing for others to understand. Hr knew that the entire meeting would be buzzing about them sooner than he ever expected.

  So much for being inconspicuous... It’s like high school all over again.

  He looked to his right. “Jillian? What were you two talking about when we got back to the cabin?”

  “You heard us? We were only whispering.” She shook her head slowly and sighed. “Whatever... We were talking about how you handled yourself last night. We both agreed that if it was anyone else besides you, you would be asked more questions by the Guard, about the events that transpired last night. The actions from the one who attacked you in Firon’s presence made all the proof unnecessary. Also we decided to stick around you a little more closely. We believe that you scared off any more attempts, but we will have to guide you…better.”

  “I need as much help as I can get.”

  About twenty minutes later three large, familiar shapes began descending down the spiral stairwell. Once they spotted the group, Veronica’s gait increased almost into a run. She walked straight up to them with worry evident in her large eyes. “Firon just told me about what happened during the night. Did the Changer really bite you, Connor?” She adjusted her egg in her arm as she knelt down to get a closer look at him.

  He dropped down to the ground without making any disturbance and placed a hand on her snout and rubbed. “Yes it is true, my friend. Do not fear for my health because I am already completely healed.” Connor rolled his sleeve up again to show her the pristine shoulder and she smelled it. Her hot and humid breath rolled over him giving evidence she wasn’t being coldblooded at the moment.

  Firon said “How have you healed so quickly? I smelled a lot of blood on you.” Connor explained how he can also regenerate quickly and asked what he did with the three transgressors. “I brought them to the Elder Changer on call and explained their crimes while also giving evidence by relaying what I saw with my mind. It was quick and they were taken to a holding cell until they could be transferred to our special immortal jail. They will be given only the food that they will need to survive. Once their weight diminishes that is. They will not be able to transform during their imprisonment term.”

  He had to ask “Firon, why did you take them to the Changer Elders?”

  Firon’s yellow eyes looked at Connor like it should be obvious, but he answered the question since he didn’t sense a sarcastic tone. “Whenever there is a law that has been broken, especially here during a meeting, the accused has to face their species Elder. It has always been this way so that there isn’t any favoritism or persecution from the other Elders of different species. If you were to break a rule, I would take you to the Balancer Elders…I think.”

  Clarein grabbed his shoulder. “What do you mean, you think?” She looked up into his eyes and her tone confused.

  He scratched the back of his scaly head absently. “He could be different. I’m sure the other Guards would agree with me, if they knew what we do.”

  Connor whistled to get their attention and it worked little too well because everyone in the room quieted down and turned towards the group. Apparently his presence and actions were a little too exaggerated. Connor spoke so only those closest could hear. “I’m not going to intentionally get into dilemma that would force your hand.” He looked around. “This talk isn’t needed so how about we eat and discuss more pleasant matters.” Sarah caught his drift and dropped down with a playful smile. She took his left hand and linked their fingers together. They then started walking towards the short cafeteria line.

  While waiting in line, Connor looked up. “Firon, what time did you get to go back to sleep? I hope it wasn’t too long after late meeting.”

  Firon shook his hand down at the remarkable little creature. “Not to worry, Connor. I was able to get back to sleep about an hour after I disposed of the instigators. I slept quite pleasantly.”

  During the end of the breakfast meal a rich voice, on the other side of the table asked loudly “Mother, is that you?”

  Jillian turn her head completely around to look behind her. Jillian became nearly as excited as her tone of voice. “AMBER!” Jillian and Jack spun in their seats and dropped down. Connor couldn’t see anything so he quickly finished the last of his water and sat it on the tray. Four sets of feet shuffling on the floor moved around the bench and approached and he also heard the sounds of small and quick kisses being given. “Oh my dear daughter, how I have missed you ever so much. How has your life been these past two decades? I know we’ve spoken, but it isn’t the same.” Jillian stopped for a moment. “Oh wait a second, there is someone you just have to meet.”

  Connor turned to look at Sarah as a soft smile touched her lips. From that expression he knew this meeting would be much more pleasant than the one with Ryan and Laura. She held his hand and a second later they saw Jack coming around the table followed by Jillian, dragging someone along with her left hand. He then saw his new sister-in-law for the first time. She had a similar shape of her body as Sarah, but she was about three inches taller. Her hair hung loosely and brushed the tops of her shoulders and her hair color shone the color of light brown. Amber’s calm eyes were a greenish blue and he judged her to be about four hundred and fifty. The structure of her features was closely similar to Sarah’s, but she had freckles on her cheekbones, giving her the appearance of looking much younger. Just like her grandmother. Her fingernails were painted in a light red, as were her toenails. She was wearing a gray t-shirt and short shorts. Her feet were only covered by brown sandals. Around her neck was a thick metal necklace and on her arms were wrapped chains from her wrist all the way to her elbows. Connor remembered being told that she was a rare Metal Balancer. Amber looked up and spoke in a higher voice than Sarah’s saying “Little sister? Is that you up there?”

  Sarah spun and dropped to the ground without her husband. He looked at the other members of the group, quietly watching the little family reunion. He turned back as Sarah hugged her elder sister. “It is so very good to see you once again, Amber.” She grabbed her long hair and tossed it behind her shoulder. “You are looking well.”

  Connor decided to join in after Jack smiled up at him. He dropped down behind Sarah. She didn’t flinch, but Amber took a cautious step back after the suddenness of his soundless arrival. “Sir, if you do not mind I am trying to say hello to my sister and family.” Her voice and tone were polite, but fearful.
  Sarah stepped back into his chest and he knew she was smiling. In her soft and velvety voice she said “Amber. I would like for you to meet my mate, Connor.”

  Amber’s hand came up to her lips as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “Oh forgive me. I did not know… Wait… Sarah, did you just say he is your mate?” Without looking up at him Sarah nodded. “This is wonderful. I am so happy that you have found your love… Finally… I was afraid you would have taken a vow of celibacy after all this time.” Amber had a trace of humor in her voice. She walked up to them and held out her hand. “It is a treat to meet my sister’s new mate. I’m Amber.”

  He took her hand and said “I’m Connor.” Then he saw a lanky shadow moving behind Jillian and Amber.

  A well built man about in his late teens to early twenties walked up to stand at Amber’s side. He had short and spiky red hair. Leaf green eyes contrasted with his slightly reddish eyebrows. He was around four hundred years old himself. A strong jaw line was complimented by a thick neck. He stood around five foot ten and one hundred and eighty pounds. He had on a white t-shirt and black shorts. His footwear were also sandals, but no metal even touched his skin. His arms were long and wiry, but Connor knew that those kinds of arms would be quick and deadly. He smiled and said “Hello, Connor. My name is Ben. I am Amber’s mate.” They shook hands as well, but Ben seemed very mature and logical.

  A minute later two heavy landings sounded from behind. Connor slightly turned to witness Mark and Kara making their way up to them. Ben took a defensive step forward to block their path from getting any closer to his mate. Kara pushed up on her back legs. She stood next to her brother saying “Hello. I’m Kara. It is also a pleasure to meet Sarah’s big sister. I think of her as my sister as well.” Kara grinned. “I think we can share her.”


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