Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 36

by Lee Morgan

  When the light in the center of the dome lit, Sarah and Connor dropped to the floor and put their clothes on. She looked positively refreshed from the full night of sleep while he felt perfectly centered once again. They walked out of the sanctuary and he closed the door behind them.

  He looked around and saw that the large stone gate was already open. Many of the other Elders were making their way into the center yard, between the three Elder barracks. Somehow there were three large picnic benches that he didn’t see on the way in. On top of the three tables were heaps of breakfast foods. The moment he smelled it, his mouth began watering.

  Off to a far wall he saw sheets of marble and wood that weren’t there yesterday and some other building materials laid nearby.

  “Morning, Brother. Morning, Sarah. Did staying in the forest for the night work out?” She yawned while stretching. Mark walked beside her and he caught her infectious yawn. They were both around the central building and walking up to them looking normal. Mark held Connor’s shirt, chainmail and armguards that he’d left in the painting room. Mark tossed them over and he quickly slid all of them on.

  “Good as new.” Sarah said while patting his stomach. “Now it’s time for breakfast.” Sarah grinned up at her mate.

  “First a greeting then immediately followed up by a reference to food. Yep she’s pregnant.” Kara said while laughing.

  Connor looked at them and asked “Where did you two sleep?”

  Mark said “We stayed up most of the night as she studied all those paintings. We finally went to sleep on the cold floor.” He stretched his arms. “Ah it was wonderful.”

  Kara then couldn’t contain her excitement. “Sarah, you won’t believe this, But Sorono gave me a present this morning. He gave me several painting pallets and twenty different colors of acrylic paint. He said ‘I give these to you on one condition. Make a painting for me and we will call the expenses even.’ and I told him I would have done it regardless. I already have the perfect image in mind.” Kara then pointed a finger at the two of them. “I don’t want either of you digging around in my brain until I’m finished working… Got It!?”

  “Alright, alright. We promise, no digging.” Sarah said and Connor agreed.

  Jillian and Jack found them a few minutes later. Jillian said “Sarah! Last night we got to sleep in the guest quarters of the Elder Keepers. Their beds are so huge. They are as big as your cottage and were lined with red silk sheets. It was a beautiful room.” Jillian hugged Sarah and then let go. “And how did you sleep, Sarah?”

  In his head Connor thought, Naked.

  Sarah shot him a cold look and he knew she was in his mind and that had been why he said it. She smiled at her mother and said “We slept well, Mother. Ready to go get some breakfast?”

  Jillian looked over her shoulder. “Doesn’t she remind you of someone?”

  Jack laughed and said “Yeah, you. Every pregnancy you had meant one thing for me. Get. More. Food.”

  “Aw, quit making fun of me. It’s only a natural thing since I’m carrying your grandchild.” Sarah turned around and grabbed Connor’s hand. They walked together, towards the food. Behind them came snickering sounds.

  By the time they reached the large tables a hush settled in as all the Elders noticed who stood in their midst. It was almost rude of them and how they looked at their small family. That was until they heard a familiar voice.

  “Everyone come sit over here with me.” It was Elder Adela and she was standing up so she could see over the mound of food. “Oh Sarah? If you sit by me I brought you some fresh apples. I want my youngest granddaughter to have a healthy baby girl and she needs to eat properly.”

  Kara chirped saying “If she eats any more apples they will go extinct.”

  The annoying silence shattered as everyone giggled, laughed or roared to the comment. Sarah also chuckled.

  Sarah and the rest of them walked around so they could reach Elder Adela. There was plenty of room for all of them to sit together. They jumped up and landed on the bench seat. Sarah sat beside her eldest grandmother and Mark sat next to Connor. In front of Sarah lay a tray with nothing but an assortment of fresh apples. A platter of pancakes laid nearby along with Sausages, scrambled eggs, unbuttered toast and several sticks of butter off to the side, mixed fruit, fried green tomatoes, bacon and three large wooden barrels filled with orange juice.

  On the Keepers table were stacks of fully cooked pigs, chickens, cows and a few goats were left on the end platter.

  Everyone had arrived except Sorono and Veronica.

  Sarah started tearing into the platter of apples, like a starving tiger stumbling onto a dairy farm. Connor filled his tray with the mixed fruits, bacon, sausage and eggs. He also grabbed Sarah’s and his mug and went to fill them. By the time he returned she had already eaten four apples to their cores. He handed her the full mug and she took a sip. They ate for about three minutes until the last two finally arrived.

  Sorono and Veronica were walking in their direction and Connor noticed a few miniscule differences in their movements from earlier. Before, Veronica walked uneasily beside to Sorono and she gave him as much room as she could. But now they were walking side by side and were very close together. They were like magnets now. Veronica still had her egg wrapped and tucked in the curve of her left arm. The thing is she wasn’t as skittish as she was yesterday.

  It hit him then as Connor figured out why she looked so...complete. If Keepers gave their abilities to Balancers then they could fuse their souls like Sarah did with himself. He understood that since she finally bonded, that she could be herself. He smiled proudly for both of them. They deserved each other.

  Sorono and Veronica smiled as they saw everyone already gathered, but they walked over to sit at the head of the Keepers table. Everyone quieted as they sat down. Then once Veronica grabbed a few pigs and a goat and Sorono grabbed a single cow, ripped it in half and kept only the hind in and everyone resumed what they were doing.

  It was then that Connor noticed something peculiar. Sorono didn’t consume near the quantity that his brethren did.

  After everyone finished eating did Elder Adela and Alexander stand and drop to the ground. Elder Alexander informed “We must go and start preparing breakfast for everyone else. We will return within a few hours.” And then they were leaving down their hall with a pentagram above the hallway’s entrance. Two Immortal Guards pulled from the shadows and followed their charges.

  Connor felt Sorono entering his mind as did Sarah. “Alright everyone, we need to go over today’s meeting and what must be done.” Every head turned to the end table where he spoke. It became clear with the linked minds then that Damian always sat there and it seemed awkward for the others to see the true leader take his rightful place at the head of the table. “I will begin in the middle of the stage and be joined by Conner, and if Sarah wishes she may join us.”

  “I insist.” Sarah said answering Sorono.

  “Very well. I will then tell the gathered about what happened and why things went the way they did. Also we will tell them to treat our gusts with respect, because all of you witnessed yesterday’s events and you know they will all be confused.” Everyone turned to look at Connor and then they looked back. “There is still one thing we still need to figure out. We have had a few suggestions on how to end this meeting, but we haven’t decided on a plan of action as of yet. I have heard you all tell Damian things like a holding talent show, ability demonstration, reopening the tournament hall or even making an art exhibition. Unfortunately I will not allow the tournament hall to be reopened because I destroyed it and something else is now occupying the room.” Apparently no one knew of this and they sighed. “Are there any more suggestions one could make?”

  Sarah mumbled quietly down at her empty platter and Sorono heard it and smiled. It looks like Harmonizer’s also share acute hearing.“Would you like to share your thoughts to the rest of them?”

  Sarah’s head jerked up to look at him coo
lly. “I thought a dance would work for everyone. It’s not dangerous and we can use the cafeteria for the dance floor. After we move the tables out of the way, that is. I know we have great musicians here and I love couples dancing.”

  “What would you have to wear for the dance?” Sorono smiled knowingly and Connor then caught his plan. Sorono is a devious ancient creature.

  “Well, since we are stuck down here for the next few months I think we can make our own clothing. Unfortunately we will need some materials.”

  “Do not worry about that. I can get whatever is needed and have it here within two days if there is an agreement. What say the rest of you? Do you like this idea or should we keep planning?”

  Head Elder Amphrite raised her hand and Sorono allowed her to speak. “I like the idea, but what kind of dance should we have? There are so many styles to choose from. You know like Masquerades, Ballroom, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Belly, Swing, Latin or I could continue naming more.”

  “Why not do several different dances?” Kara said, thinking aloud again. She realized what she said when everyone looked at her. She knew they wanted more and Connor knew she would be happy to oblige them. “I mean, we can do a dance a day like they did during my high school freshman year. We will be stuck in here like Sarah said and I’m already getting bored of the same routines. What if we also held dance classes for those who don’t know those dances. We can also split up between men and women to create our outfits. I know I don’t want Mark to see the dresses I’m going to make until the dance itself. I mean come on; even I can see how bored all you old people are and I can see you want a little excitement from these long and boring meetings. I mean your lives can’t be that consumed in ruling everyone, come on your immortal; you have the time to relax once in awhile. Being cooped up in here all the time must be so stale.” She rested her chin on her right palm which her elbow propped on the table and sighed.

  “Kara, stop referring to the Elders as old people.” Mark warned.

  Amphrite threw her head back and laughed. “Girl, I like you. Your blunt honesty is just what we old people need.” She then turned to her mate. “Poseidon, how do you feel about dancing with me after all this time?”

  His gentle green eyes spoke everything. “I’m in. We haven’t properly danced together in centuries.” Amphrite squealed and threw her long arms around her stunned mate. “Also I like the idea of separating into men and women to make our clothing. What do the rest of you have to say?” No one had any objections. He turned his green eyes to Sorono and said “The Balancers agree to do the dance. I expect Adela and Alexander to also agree with the group. Plus I know Alexander will enjoy playing music for the dance regardless.”

  “The Keepers also agree. Do the Changers have any objections?”

  Head Elder Raphael looked at his companions and they all nodded. “All of us agree to do the dance. I ask when and where should we get started on this dance?”

  Sorono rubbed his scaly chin as he looked up to think. “Since we have covered pretty much everything for the meetings as Elders, we can get started on designing the clothes and rehearsing tomorrow. We can let the women use the audience hall and the men can use level one to start designing their clothing. We can hide the clothes behind curtains and have Guards posted keep any spies away from peeking at their mate’s clothes. How about we set five hours a day for preparing for the dance and also end the meeting a month earlier?”

  “Father, what do you mean by ending a month earlier?” Damian said for them all to hear. “We have always done six month meetings.”

  “Because as Kara put it, were all getting bored, I can sense it. The other immortals have become restless. I cannot afford to have any conflicts just to pass the time. The outside world has grown to live and change faster, whereas we are too used change taking longer. Patience isn’t always a good thing when decisions need to be made. And I have a few someone’s I’m looking forward to greeting once we wrap up the meeting.”

  Connor said in mild humor “Yeah I can’t wait to go out and see real nature as well.” Sorono grinned and started laughing. Everyone was clueless except for those in his sanctuary yesterday.

  “Alright, let’s get cleaned up and get ready for today’s final meeting.”

  Everyone stood and cleaned their plates and left to get ready.

  Sarah stood up and helped both Kara and her mother clean off the remnants of the table. She turned around when a hand gently touched her shoulder. The tall Head Elder Amphrite stood before her. Amphrite wore her sleeveless black robes and her green eyes were stunningly curious on her fair features. Sarah bowed out of habit and asked “Is there something I can do for you Head Elder Amphrite?”

  “Amphrite is fine. Formalities are just for the meetings.” She looked behind her shoulder. “Is it alright if we talk in private for a minute?”

  Sarah looked at her mother as she said “We can finish up here without you. Go on ahead.”

  She dropped to the ground with Amphrite and could tell Connor was watching them walking to a secluded corner of the front room. They silently walked over to the corner, but it wasn’t silent thanks to everyone’s chattering behind them. Once they arrived, Amphrite turned to lean against the wall. Her eyes remained curious as did her faint smile. She started the conversation by saying “Yesterday was quite interesting I must admit and I also admit that I’m very curious about you and your mate.”

  Sarah leaned against the other wall and caught him stealing a glance in their direction again. “He’s something else isn’t he? I’m sorry about how he reacted during the meeting yesterday and how he spoke to your mate, Poseidon.”

  She let out a sighing laugh. “It was a very literal demonstration of using all five elements if I do say so. I myself can only use Metal and Terra and Poseidon can use the other three. For the longest time we were the strongest Balancers. We were so odd that together we could use all five together like none before us, but you and your mate can do all five separately. Does this sound strange if I told you I’m happy that you are stronger than I am?”

  “It does sound strange. Why do you feel that way?” Sarah rested her head on the wall to look at the eldest living Balancer.

  “Because no other Balancer’s before or after me have ever been able to control the five elements. When Poseidon and I became one and we learned of our unique traits, we were given tests to see why we were so different. Not one person was able to tell us why we could do what we could. After twelve thousand years my mate and I made it to be on the Elders council and another fifteen thousand to become Head Elder.”

  She felt just a little reckless so Sarah said what popped into her mind. “Just to let you know, my dream is to one day take your place as Head Elder. I know it will take a long time, but I do have to warn you.”

  Amphrite let out a lilting laugh. “Well I look forward to the rivalry. I’m not ready to give up my throne so easily.”

  “I wouldn’t want it if it was easy to achieve.” She felt so relaxed talking with this ancient woman. “So why did you really call me over here?”

  Amphrite’s curiosity returned. “What is it like being the way you are?”

  “Interesting to say the least,” Sarah admitted truthfully. “When we became one, everything just felt right. My parents gave us the affinity test and we learned of our situation. Just about every month our strength seemed to double as did our energy storage. I saw you watching us as we ate.” Amphrite smiled and showed her perfectly white teeth. “I know we eat a lot, but it only satisfies us. Neither Connor nor I have ever felt a full sensation since we bonded. And since my little one is siphoning off my energy, I’m even more hungry. I could go without food for two to three month with my current level of energy, but I am still always hungry.”

  “I was the same way with my five daughters. Trust me, I know the feeling all too well.” She glanced at the table as it was mostly finished being clean. “One last thing, do you wish to use our facilities before going out?”

p; Sarah knew her clothes smelled a little ripe, but Amphrite was trying to remain polite. “I would like that very much. May I ask if the rest of us can because they might like it as well? Thank you for the offer, Amphrite.”

  Amphrite pushed off the wall and raised her voice. “Everyone associated to Sarah please follow me!” Connor was beside her in a flash as she ended her sentence. Amphrite blinked at his swiftness and shook her head. Kara, Mark, Jillian and Jack all made their way over. They then saw Veronica walking in their direction. Amphrite held her hand up. “I’m sorry Honored Mother, but you won’t be able to enter where I’m taking them.”

  Veronica said “I misunderstood. I will excuse myself then.” She shifted her gaze to her friends and smiled happily. “I will see all of you soon then?”

  “Of course.” Sarah said. “We are just going to freshen up before the meeting.” She nodded and walked back to Sorono’s side.

  “Alright. Please follow me into our bath house.” Connor and the rest of them followed the tall and well built Amphrite.

  They entered the opening of the Balancer’s stone gate, on the left side. This room held only two large buildings and was half the size of the Keepers room. The buildings were in the back of the room, but the center of the room held a huge rock garden that has been perfectly sculpted. The outskirts of the garden held shrubs and tree sculptures in the shapes of different animals. They utilized the winding stone path through the center of the garden and up to the two squared marble buildings. They looked the same, but one building held a carved bed over the eave while the other held rolling waves. Amphrite led them to the right building and there were two doors. One was colored pink while the other was powder blue. Amphrite opened the pink door and said “All you boys go in that door. Girls follow me.”

  Kara smiled and took her sister-in-laws hand. “Come on, Sarah. Just because I can turn into a dog doesn’t mean I have to smell like one.” The men began snickering. She dragged her in after Amphrite and she lost sight of Connor, after Jillian shut the door behind them.


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