Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 41

by Lee Morgan

  “Your Son. We just got back home from our trip, Mom.”

  He heard her instantaneously running across the living room floor. The door unlocked and swung open instantly. Jenny was wearing gray sweatpants and a red t-shirt. Her golden blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her dark brown eyes were twinkling. She jumped at him with open arms and said “Your home!!! I’m so glad you made it back in one piece.” She let go and looked behind him. “Where’s everyone else? Did something bad happen?”

  “Mom, relax.” He yawned intentionally. “No one was hurt at all. We just got in from the airport and we’re really tired from the long flights. I dropped off Mark and Kara at their apartment. Mark said he’ll wait up for a few hours if you want to talk. I suspect Kara is already out cold by now. Jillian and Jack are currently unpacking and heading to bed themselves. Sarah wanted to come over to say hi, but she dead on her feet as it is.”

  Jenny sighed and said “I see. Well come on in for a moment and tell me about everything you did.”

  Connor held his hand up and said “Can it wait until tomorrow? I have some surprises for everyone.”

  “You look tired yourself. How was your flight?”

  “Breezy.” He smiled inwardly knowing she would think they hit turbulence in an airplane. “Can I borrow the phone for a minute?” She said yes and she walked with him to the phone in the kitchen. He picked it up and dialed.

  “Hello Jenny, why are you calling so late?” A nostalgic voice came through the speaker.

  “Wrong person, Granddaddy.”

  His voice went a few octaves louder. “Connor, you’re finally back from the trip?! How was it? How is everyone?”

  “Settle down, Granddaddy. Everyone is just a little tired from the flight.” He forced himself to yawn again. “Listen can you meet us here at Mom’s by sunrise? We will tell everything we did and I have a few surprises for you and Grandma.”

  “We’ll be there. You can count on it!” His tone sounded excited.

  “Oh before I forget. Wear your hiking clothes because there is something that everyone will want to see.”

  “Will Do! Have a good night, Son. Get some rest, you sound like you need it.” He hung up the phone. Connor did as well.

  Jenny caught his attention and asked “Will I need to bring my outdoor clothing as well?” He nodded. “Alright then, go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

  “Good night, Mom.” And just as he left the house he heard her calling Mark.

  While Sarah was using her control over Terra to throw the dust out the front door she heard Connor’s voice. She peeked around the door and saw his dark figure talking to Sorono and Veronica’s shape as they still sat by the tree line. She caught only the tail end of the conversation. “…may hunt around here, but please don’t over hunt. We have a lot of Boar and deer around here so take your pick. If you need a place to cook the meat you can make a fire over there.” Connor pointed to a small rocky patch by the stream.

  Sarah knew it was Sorono that stood up because of his larger size. “Thank you, Connor. I’ll go hunt and see if I can bring anything back.” He turned in Veronica’s direction. “Can you find some firewood?”

  “I have some stacked wood behind my home. Take whatever you’ll require. We’ll see you just before daybreak. By that time I’ll be ready and have planned everything out and you can meet my family.”

  Veronica stood and said “Thank you and good night, my friend.”

  Connor turned and walked to the front door. Sarah quickly rushed to the sink and began wetting a rag. As he walked through the door she began wiping down the dining room table. He smiled and started helping her clean up their home.

  It took two hours to clean the kitchen, living room, bathroom and their bedroom. She threw the musty bed sheets into the washer while Connor had started making dinner in the kitchen. After she threw the sheets into the drier Sarah stepped out and started munching on an apple. When the food finished cooking they ate everything on their plates.

  Oddly, as she looked up she saw a flickering orange glow out the living room window as she finished washing the dishes. She peeked through the window and saw a fire. Sorono and Veronica sat together in front of the fire and she noticed two wild boars cooking over the fire. She knew Sorono had a successful hunt and that they wouldn’t go to sleep hungry. Sarah smiled and walked over to turn off the living room and kitchen lights.

  She walked into their bedroom as Connor was making the bed. He was only wearing his pants and his hazel eyes were concentrating as he finished applying the sheets to the bed. She asked “What are you thinking about?”

  His eyes came back to reality as he turned to look at her. He stood erect and brushed his fingers through his hair and smiled. “Sorry about that. I was just putting some minor touches to my plans.”

  Sarah walked over to her side of the bed and sat down to take her shoes off. Once she did, she laid back in the soft bed and tossed her feet up. She folded her arms behind her head and crossed her ankles. She then looked into his hazel eyes and said “Could you let me hear what you have planned so I might be able to throw in a few ideas of my own?”

  After a long day he laid beside her and began informing her of his plans. They were impressively structured, like they always are, and not a single detail had been left out. One part of his plan made her blush. Even his worst case scenarios were all well developed. He is a magnificent strategist. She had only one question “How do you feel about doing this?”

  He closed his eyes and sighed quietly. “Honestly, I’m afraid. I’m afraid that they’ll misunderstand and that I might say or do something wrong.” He rolled from his side and to his back to glare at the ceiling. “But there are things I need to know and things they must know as well. I know that once the truth comes out everything will change, but will it be for the better or the worst? I just don’t know what exactly will come to pass.”

  She rolled on her side. “Connor, everything that you have done since we met has always turned out for the best. Even the worst cases that have happened can always result in something positive in another way.” Sarah sat up so she could look him in the eye. “Like the case when you found Maggie. You saved her life and when Mathew came after you he was stopped before anyone could be hurt. Or during the meeting when that Changer bit you and you punched him and showed everyone that you shouldn’t be messed with. Everything you do will work out in the end, even if pain is a result.” She smiled. “As for your parents, they will be no exception. I know this will be a lot for them to take in, but they will deal with it and will still love you like they always have. It will be the same for Kara as well. I just know it.”

  “Thank you for that, Princess. Now let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be something else.”

  She took her shirt off and cuddled up against him, once he turned off the ceiling light and turned on the fan. She went to sleep soon after.

  Sarah awoke to the smell and sound of sizzling bacon. She could feel that Connor was in the kitchen and cooking up a storm. She looked out the window and the sky was still black. She pulled herself out of bed and made her way into the aroma filled living room.

  He was wearing one of his black sleeveless shirts which showed off his impressive arms while also wearing black shorts and hiking boots. His hair looked damp and she could see he was freshly washed and clean shaved. Connor looked up from the skillet and said “Breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes. Go ahead and take a quick shower before we eat.”

  She yawned and walked into the bathroom. She stripped down, took a quick shower, dried off with a towel and brushed her hair in front of the steamy mirror. Sarah made her way back to their room and opened her dresser. She slid on her black bra, panties, her short black shorts and a sleeveless black shirt with a diamond shape exposing some of her cleavage. It feels good to have a change of wardrobe. As she walked out Connor finished preparing breakfast and had the heaping platters of food already on the dining table.

>   They smiled at each other once their eyes met. She sat down and began eating. He followed soon after. Once they were finished they put the dishes in the sink and filled the tub to let the dishes soak. They put on their properly boots and she slid Fangs onto her belt before following Connor outside.

  The darkness outside ever so slowly began to turn to light. Sarah was greeted by everyone being present. Her mother, father, Mark and Kara were sitting by Sorono and Veronica and they were all sitting beside the now small fire. Connor and Sarah walked over to them and Jillian was the first to speak. “Have you come up with a plan for your family’s full disclosure?”

  Sarah could see her mother wore a tight red shirt and white short shorts. Her dark hair was braided tightly. Jack had on a light blue shirt with brown pants. He had his silver hair hanging behind his back and Haunt lay by his feet. Kara and Mark were in their human forms and wore their leather gear and both were shoeless. Sorono and Veronica looked exactly the same as they did yesterday.

  Connor smiled and said evenly “I have.” They walked over and sat by the fire so they could be by everyone. At this time everyone had looked towards them. Connor’s voice remained calm, but the authority of words is unmistakable. “Everyone except Sarah and I are going to go to the rocky clearing, where we do our training. I will bring my family there and everyone will hide until I call you telepathically. Mark?” Connor turned his head to look at his best friend. “Do you remember where you hid when you and Kara first met Jillian and Jack out at the field?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. That place should give everyone good cover and allow you to see from a distance… Kara, did you bring your paintings?” She grinned and held up her painting pack. “Good. That will balance out the stress we’ll put our family through.” She saw Connor look at everyone. “Go ahead and get started and take your time because it’ll probably take them about an hour or so to walk there. Good luck everyone.”

  “You too, Connor.” Veronica said honestly.

  Connor entwined his fingers with Sarah’s as they left the group. They walked for fifteen minutes until they came out of the woods and onto her parent’s property. Across the street she saw David’s red pickup truck and the living room’s light were on in Jenny’s house. She squeezed his hand and he returned it gently as they began walking to her mother-in-laws home.

  Sarah knocked on the door twice and was greeted by Connor’s grandmother, Rhoda. She wore a pink and purple polka dot shirt and black spandex pants along with hiking boots. Her hair was up in a tight perm. Rhoda looked at Sarah first and broke into a full grin. “Ah, Sarah it’s good to see you again. You’re as pretty as ever.” She moved forward to give her a hug. Sarah pulled her fingers out of Connor’s hand so she could hug her back. Rhoda let go, raised her eyebrow and asked “Did Connor get you into any trouble during your trip?”

  She still hasn’t changed. She is still spry for her age. Sarah smiled back and said “Of course he did. Connor wouldn’t be a good husband if he didn’t get me into some kind of trouble.”

  Rhoda started a deep belly laugh. “You’re right about that. It sure has been a long time, Sweetheart. I missed having a little friend who plays with their husbands like I do.” Rhoda turned around and yelled into the house. “Jenny! David! The kids are here!” She turned around and looked at her grandson. “What? You don’t have a hug for your dear old grandma?” Connor embraced his grandmother easily and affectionately. “That’s more like it.”

  The first to show up was David. His face and arms were well tanned from working with his forge for so long. He is well built for a man his age and extremely smart. He wore a plaid shirt with brown pants. His gray hair was brushed back the same way that Connor usually does it when his hair is longer. He had himself a proud and wrinkled grin once he saw them. “Welcome home, kids. You’re looking better today than you sounded yesterday. Now get over here and give me a bear hug.”

  Connor said “Gladly.” He walked forward and gave David a big hug. “It’s good to see you as well, Granddaddy.” David playfully slapped Connor on the shoulder as they all walked onto the lawn.

  David turned to Sarah and opened his arms expectantly. She walked up and gave him a hug as well. It was warm and very loving. She smelled his aftershave and tried to not giggle. She said “It feels good to be home, Granddaddy.” Connor’s grandparents will only allow her to call them either Grandma or Granddaddy.

  After today that will change.

  “Them are some nice daggers you have. I hope there isn’t a need for them.” David said with honest humor.

  Soon Jenny walked out looking as pretty as ever. For a middle aged woman she ages gracefully. She wore a gray t-shirt with black pants. Her golden hair was pulled into a ponytail and she didn’t require makeup at all, a natural beauty. Jenny saw her first and said “Good morning, Sarah. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Connor said last night that you were dead on your feet.” She shut and locked the front door. She walked up to them with a playful smile. “So where’s this surprise you are taking us to?”

  “Mom, if I tell you it will spoil the atmosphere. Are you all ready?”

  “Get a move on, Son. I’m not getting any younger standing here.” David said playfully.

  “Well follow us then and we’ll get there soon enough.” Sarah said gleefully and grabbed Connor’s large and warm hand. They had to walk slowly, like normal everyday humans or else she’d ruin all of her husband’s plans. They crossed the street, passed her parents property and delved deep into the woods.

  A few minutes into the walk Sarah turned around and asked “So Jenny, what has happened at the hospital recently? Did we miss anything exciting?”

  She brightened and said “A few months ago we had this girl who was in an accident and she lost her leg…” Jenny spent thirty minutes telling them all the gory stories they missed since they left for the meeting. Some topics were too explicit, but for a pretty woman Jenny sure had a strong stomach and a sense of humor about all the injuries she sees and treats.

  For the rest of the time Connor and David quizzed each other on the different plants and animal tracks they came across. Each of them answered all of the questions correctly.

  Sarah was the first to notice the trees beginning to thin. She said “We’re here.” Rhoda looked a little tired, but didn’t show her exhaustion easily.

  They finally made it to the flat and rocky clearing. It was huge and perfect for fighting and not destroying plant life. She saw that the tiny crater Connor made last year had filled in and the scorch marks had disappeared with the melted snow. The ground was mostly brown and gray and nearly completely made of rocks. The sun had risen and lit up the field and knocked off the chilly air.

  She remembered where Connor told everyone to hide and casually glanced over in that direction. She barely saw four silver dots peering through the bushes, but other than that everyone was completely hidden in the forest.

  Behind her she heard David say “I haven’t seen this place in over thirty years. It is a great place if you want isolation… Connor, what did you want to bring us all the way out here for? There is nothing out here.”

  Sarah saw Connor taking a slow and deep breath. It was now time to start his plan. “Because we have quite a bit to discuss first.” David’s face became blank at hearing how even Connor’s tone became, but Jenny and Rhoda looked at each other with confused expressions. “I have many things I want to show you and many things to tell you about where we’ve actually been.” Connor smiled polity to his family. “But before all that, I first need some answers that only you can give me.” Connor turned around, pointed and said “Come with me. That shady area over there is very comfortable to relax in and have a conversation until everyone shows up.”

  “Who’s everyone?” Rhoda asked.

  Sarah explained “My family, Mark, Kara and two of our good friends will join us shortly. Come on before the sun heats this place up too quickly.” She began walking to sit under the shade tre

  Sarah sat down first with her back to everyone while waiting. Connor sat right beside her and rested his left arm against her lower back. David, Jenny and Rhoda just gawked at them before reluctantly sitting by the trunk of the tree, facing them. They all now looked very confused, but they waited for the two of them to start the conversation.

  Sarah saw Connor’s lips begin to move and knew his questions were being prepared as delicately as possible.

  This was where the truth would be told today.

  Rescue and Abandon

  Sarah had put her thigh next to his as Connor studied his family’s confused faces. Jenny was sitting closer to him than his grandparents were and all three sat next to the trunk of the shade tree. This was it, time to do what needs be done. He took in a slow breath once again and exhaled it.

  He looked at all three and started the conversation with “I have learned quite a few things about myself since I went on a trip with everyone. You all know I like the truth over a lie any day. Even if it was to protect me, I still need the truth.”

  “Connor, what are you getting at?” Jenny asked calmly.

  “What I want to know is where you found me as a child?” He got right down to the point. It is no use trying to prolong everyone’s suffering.

  His mom’s dark brown eyes bulged while his grandparent’s faces had become a stoic mask, like they have been waiting for this day to come. That was all the confirmation Connor needed, it was all true. Jenny’s lips slightly quivered when she said “W…what do you mean ‘w…where I found you?’ You’re my son…”

  “Jenny, we know the truth. Please just tell him.” Sarah said calmly.

  His mother’s eyes flared as did her nostrils. Her voice climbed as she said “It is the truth! And how dare you say that to me!” Jenny’s features had become red.

  Sarah’s voice changed into cold steel and her green eyes flared even hotter. “Watch your tone with me, Child.” Their three jaws dropped in unison. “Enough with the charade and tell him where you found him so we can move on from the deceit and into truth.”


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