Taming the Whirlwind

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Taming the Whirlwind Page 11

by L. M. Heidle

  I tried to focus to make it through the rest of the day. Lucky for me, Kade didn’t have an appointment today. Finally, it was time to leave. I debated going to the gym, but decided on chocolate ice cream instead. I knew I would regret it later but right now, I didn’t care. I wanted some comfort food.

  When I walked into the apartment, the silence was deafening. I had completely forgotten about Meg working late this week. I turned the stereo up as loud as I could without bothering the neighbors. I just couldn’t take the silence.

  After I cleaned practically the entire apartment, I sat down with my ice cream and mindlessly channel surfed. This was the same thing that happened when Brent and I broke up. Why was I acting like we broke up?

  Thursday followed the same pattern. I went to work, cleaned the apartment, and then went to bed. Kade and I avoided each other as much as possible. He had canceled his appointment for Friday. Being away from him made it easier to think clearly. The bottom line was that we were no good for each other. By the end of the week, my outlook was better. I was excited to go out with my roommate. I was so excited for her opportunity but I missed her terribly. She always knew just what to say.

  Chapter Twelve

  Friday, September 6

  I helped close the office with Danny. “Got any exciting plans this weekend? If not, a bunch of my friends and I are getting together tonight at a bar downtown.” Dating coworkers was a hard no for me. “Just as friends,” he added.

  “That sounds like a lot of fun but I already have plans. My roommate and I are going out for drinks to celebrate her new job.”

  “That’s cool. If you guys change your mind, we will be at Legacy around 9.”

  “Thanks for the invite. We might join you.” I doubted it, but who knows how our night would turn out.

  The elevator was alive with conversations of everyone’s weekend plans. As it finally reached the lobby, I said goodbye to Danny and hurried toward the doors. My phone started ringing so I stepped aside to answer it.

  “Hey, Meg. What’s up?” I had a feeling this call wasn’t going to be good, at least for me. What was I going to do tonight if she cancelled on me? I could only clean the apartment so much.

  “Liz, would you hate me if I rain checked our plans? Derrick is coming in tonight and leaves again tomorrow. I’m really sorry. We will spend the rest of the weekend together, I promise.”

  “Aw, Meg. I was looking forward to tonight.” All of a sudden, I felt the pull. I turned a fraction to see him standing behind me.

  “I know. I’m soooo sorry, Liz.”

  “Meg, of course it’s okay. I mean, you will owe me big time. Wait, what time are you guys meeting up?”

  “We are going to dinner at seven. Why?”

  “Well, we got asked to meet at Legacy’s tonight at nine.”

  “Are you serious? That would be so much fun. We were trying to figure out what to do after dinner. Let’s meet up there. Wait, who are you meeting there?”

  “My boss and some of his friends. I know I probably shouldn’t hang out with my boss, but I’m dying to go out.”

  “Well, I’ll be there to make sure nothing shady happens.” I laughed because I knew she was right. I could always trust her to save me from doing something stupid.

  “Thanks! You’re the best! I’ll see you in a little bit.” I hung up and called Danny. “Danny, my roommate and I are in. She’s bringing her date but we’ll be there.”

  “Awesome! We’ll see you there.” I was hoping tonight wasn’t going to be a bust but it beat takeout and a rental.

  “Liz?” I stopped at my name. It was Kade. Why couldn’t he just let me walk out? Was he purposely trying to make this harder? “Liz, I know you heard me.” I took a breath then turned to face him.

  “Yes, I heard you. I was just wondering why you’re talking to me now.” I said it with as much irritation as I could muster.

  “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me, but just hear me out. I couldn’t help but overhear your plans for tonight fell through.”

  “You mean you were eavesdropping? You might want to work on that skill because my plans weren’t cancelled, they were changed.”

  “Okay, well, do your new plans include dinner? If not, I would love to take you out for dinner.”

  What in the hell? He hadn’t talked to me since Wednesday, if you could even consider that talking. “Excuse me, I didn’t realize we were talking again. Last I knew, we were avoiding each other.”

  “I’ve had a lot on my mind this week. Just because we haven’t talked doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about you.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have plans with that leggy blonde you were with earlier this week.”

  “Leggy blonde? Are you jealous?”

  “Why in the world would I be jealous?”

  “Elizabeth, don’t start. I’m just asking a friend out to dinner.” Friend? When did we become friends again? It hit me like a wrecking ball. It was the weekend. Maybe he only wanted to acknowledge our friendship on the weekends. All of a sudden, I was fuming. How dare he! What, was I not good enough to spend time with during the week or even acknowledge?

  “I’m sorry I didn’t know we were friends, or is this just a weekend friend thing?” He stood there stoically, but his eyes gave him away. He was trying to reign in his temper.

  “Damn it, Elizabeth!” He was radiating fury that made me take an involuntary step back. “I’m not asking anymore. I’m telling you we’re going to dinner. We need to talk and I’ll pick you up at seven sharp.”

  “What if I say no? What if I’m not home?” I was getting angrier by the second.

  “Like I said, it’s not a request. We’ll be going to Amour for dinner.” With that, he breezed past me to get into his SUV. I stood there in shock for a moment. Did that just happen or was I hallucinating now?

  I walked home in total confusion. Where did he get off telling me what I was going to do? It would serve him right if I wasn’t home, but the masochist in me wanted to see him again.

  Meg was already gone when I got home. I was hoping she would still be here to help me figure out what was going on and what to wear. I jumped into the shower. I stood there, letting the warm water flow over my back. Unfortunately, it didn’t help to calm or relax me. I had never met anyone who irritated me beyond words and simultaneously turned me on more than Kade. I didn’t know whether I wanted to slap him or lunge at him most of the time.

  Finally, I gave up on the shower. I put my robe on and towel dried my hair. As I was walking toward the door, I froze. What was I going to do? Amore was one of the fanciest and exclusive restaurants in town. The wait list was a year long so how in the world could he get a table? More importantly, what was I going to wear? I had nothing even close to the dress code required to eat there. I should just text him and tell him I was feeling sick. That wouldn’t technically be lying because my stomach was rolling.

  My plan was interrupted by the phone. Great…like I needed anymore to deal with. “Hello?” I snapped.

  “Sorry to bother you, Ms. Day, but I have a delivery for you.”

  “I’m sorry, Billy. I didn’t mean to snap. It hasn’t been the best day.”

  “That’s okay, ma’am. I will send the delivery guy up.”

  “Thanks, Billy.” A minute later, there was a knock on my door. I opened to find a guy who looked like he hated his job.

  “Are you Ms. Day? If you are, sign on the line and if you aren’t, where is she?” Yep, he hated his job.

  “Yes, I’m Ms. Day.” I signed where he pointed. He handed me the package and turned before I could say thank you.

  I didn’t even have to question who sent it. The box was surprising light. I opened it only to find another box. It was a red box with a huge white bow. What in the hell is this? I pulled the top off and set it aside. I stopped breathing.

  I held it up and it was gorgeous. Something dropped on the floor but I didn’t even look to see what it was because I couldn�
�t take my eyes off of the stunning black dress. I was a little surprised Kade had chosen this. It was somewhat loosely draped on the top but the bottom half was tight. It looked like it stopped at mid-thigh. The top went to my collarbone where it connected to a thin strap made of rhinestones that went around the neck and hooked like a necklace with a little extra hanging down the back. The back, on the other hand, was very very low cut. A bra was definitely out of the question tonight.

  I finally tore my eyes away from the dress to see what I dropped. It was a note from him.

  I thought of you when I saw this. I look forward to dinner tonight.


  Those simple words surprisingly warmed my heart. He was thinking about me and what I liked because in all truth, I loved the dress. If I could have afforded it, I would have chosen the same dress. This dress would work for dinner and the club, which made my life easier.

  I probably should have returned it but I just couldn’t. I made my way to my bedroom with the dress slung over my arm. I had smoothed it out on the bed before I went into the bathroom. I decided to do something simple with my hair like loose curls. I did a smoky eye makeup with red lipstick to set the dress off. Meg would be so proud that I remembered some of her makeup lessons.

  Just because he didn’t want a relationship didn’t mean I couldn’t look sexy. Plus, I was going to the club after dinner. I went into Meg’s closet and borrowed her black peep toe stilettos. I also dug through her closet to find her red clutch.

  I could not wait for him to get here. I pictured his face a thousand ways when he saw me. All those ways were a good reaction but what if it wasn’t good? What if he hated the way I looked? I had decided to change my clothes and fake sick when the phone rang.

  Oh shoot. I forgot to call the front desk to let them know he was coming. “Hello?”

  “Yes, Ms. Day? I have a Mr. Parker here to see you. Should I send him up?” I have no idea why he checked in when he owns the freaking building, but whatever.

  “Yes, Billy, that’s fine. I was expecting him.”

  I couldn’t avoid it now. He was on his way up. My stomach turned to butterflies on speed. I had to keep reminding myself that we were just going out to dinner. It didn’t mean anything. He was just another guy, a guy who was impossibly handsome and insanely rich. There was a knock on the door a few moments later. Guess it was time to put up or shut up.

  I chanted over and over in my head that I could do this as I slowly walked towards the door. With every footstep, I got more and more nervous. This was ridiculous.

  I opened the door and there he stood in all his glory. His chiseled face made me breathless. He looked scrumptious in his black business suit with my favorite blue shirt. He wore no tie and had the top couple of buttons of his shirt open, which only added to his sex appeal. His eyes were smoldering. Yep, it’s official, there was no way we could ever be just friends, especially not with the way my thoughts were heading.

  His eyes roamed up and down my body and he frowned. That wasn’t exactly the reaction I was hoping for. “That’s not the dress I got you.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “No, the one I picked out covered more. They sent the wrong dress. Do you have something else to wear or a cover up?” I knew he wouldn’t have picked this on purpose.

  “Nope, sorry you picked it so you can’t complain.”

  “I can assure you I did not pick that.” I just shrugged. He groaned, “It’s going to be a long night.” He twirled his finger for me to turn around. Usually I would have said, ‘I don’t take orders’, but the look in his eyes had me speechless and I really wanted to see his reaction to the back.

  Knowing it would drive him crazy, I sweetly replied, “Thanks. By the way, this is going to be great for the club too,” as I twirled around in the sexiest way I could in those heels.

  He groaned. “Yeah, I didn’t pick that dress out. There is no back at all!” The look he gave me made falter a little bit. His hand was at my elbow instantly to steady me.

  His touch sent tingles running up my arm. I pulled away. “Thank you but I can manage.”

  He laughed under his breath. “Stubborn as always, Liz.”

  “Not stubborn, just independent.” Now he let out a booming laugh.

  “If you’re ready, we need to be going, unless you want to change into something else.” He sounded so hopeful.

  “Nope, I’m fine, just let me grab my clutch.” I walked back to my room to get it and do a fast touch up. When I returned, he was sitting on the couch.

  He stood with a smile when he saw me. “Watching me? You either flatter me or wound me deeply.” What? I must have made a face because he explained, “Your stare either means you like what you see or you’re afraid I’m going to steal something.”

  “Well, you should probably be wounded, then.” It wasn’t a lie. He was already on the way to stealing my heart. I was in over my head as far as he was concerned and I knew it.

  “Ouch. Let me prove I’m trustworthy. I can be very persuasive.”

  I didn’t doubt that for one minute. He could get me to do just about anything with one look. Just think what he could get me to do by using his mouth. I groaned internally. I was never going to get through this night if I didn’t keep my thoughts straight.

  “I doubt it. Are we going to debate your persuasiveness all night or are we going to eat?” He nodded as he put his hand on the small of my back to usher me out the door.

  “Liz, are you sure there isn’t something you could cover up with?”

  “Nope, sorry,” I inwardly smiled.

  When we got downstairs, Billy opened the door, “Have a nice evening, Ms. Day. You as well, Mr. Parker.” He was the sweetest old man.

  Tony already had the SUV door open when we walked out. “Good evening, Ms. Day.” As Tony pulled out into traffic, my stomach rolled. I’d never eaten at a restaurant like this. Hopefully I could fake my way through dinner because I didn’t exactly want to make a fool of myself.

  When the valet opened my door, I froze. The restaurant was lovely. It had white lights all around the outside and in the trees, the bushes, and up the sidewalk. There were rose bushes planted everywhere. When Kade walked around the side of the car, he glared at the valet when he tried to help me out of the car. Kade helped me out before moving his hand to the small of my back. There was a slow, sweet, tortuous tingle that ran up my back from the skin-to-skin contact. When we walked in, I froze again. The beauty of the outside had nothing on the inside. The aroma that hit my nose was intoxicating. It was a vanilla and rose concoction. On top of that, the restaurant was mainly lit by candles. Kade turned towards me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. This place is amazing.”

  When the hostess saw Kade, her mouth dropped. Typical. I wonder if I looked as pathetic as she does right now. “Mr. Parker, I didn’t realize we were expecting you tonight.”

  “I only called this evening.” How in the world could he get a reservation here that fast? Let me guess, he owned this place too.

  Just as I made my latest revelation, the manager walked over. “Mr. Parker, your table is ready if you would like to follow me.”

  He held his arm out, “After you.” He moved his hand to the small of my back again. We followed the manager to a secluded corner booth. The table was covered in a deep red tablecloth with a cluster of burning candles surrounding a vase of roses. It was so romantic.

  He held out his hand to help me slide into the booth. The aroma of the restaurant was immediately overcome by his scent as he slid in next to me.

  The manager handed us our menus as he went over the specials. Our waiter walked over right as the manager finished. The manager introduced him as Nick before he stepped away.

  “Like he said, my name is Nick and I will be your waiter tonight. Would you guys like some wine to start out with?”

  “Yes, we would like a bottle of the house Pinot Grigio,” His tone was so authoritative that for some reason it turne
d me on.

  As the waiter left to get the wine, I said to Kade, “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s nice to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’?” He gave me an enigmatic smile.

  “Why waste time with pleasantries? I want what I want when I want it. I don’t play around.”

  “Well, if you used ‘pleasantries’ as you say, you would get things done without sounding like an intimidating jerk.”

  “An intimidating jerk? Is that what you think of me?” He was biting his lip to keep from smiling.

  “Yes, you can be. I’m sure it has helped you to make billions but it’s not a lot of fun to be around when you are constantly barking orders at everyone.”

  “Being an intimidating jerk has helped me financially. I think you are the only one who has used the word ‘jerk’ though. Usually, it’s more explicit.”

  “I imagine you’ve been called a lot of things over the years.” His chuckle made me smile.

  “I have been called a lot of things but nothing as hurtful as an intimidating jerk though. You wound me.” He placed his hand over his heart as if he was wounded.

  “Maybe it’s never been said to your face but it’s been said.” I’m sure it has been said a lot, along with ‘incredibly handsome,’ ‘sexy as hell,’ and a ‘walking orgasm.’

  “I’m sure you’re probably right. Intimidating though? Does that mean I intimidate you?” I squirmed in my seat. I didn’t want to talk about how much he intimidated me. I didn’t want to explain any of my feelings for him. “Well, are you?”

  The waiter arrived right on cue, giving me a chance to clear my head. He poured the wine into our glasses with a flourish. “Are you ready to order?” Crap. Order? I hadn’t even looked at my menu yet.

  “Yes, we’ll have the French Onion Soup for an appetizer.” We? Why is he ordering for me? “For dinner, we’ll have Roasted Jidori Chicken with an Heirloom Tomato Salad.”

  “Are the listed sides acceptable?” Kade nodded. “Very well. I’ll get this order put in and bring your soup right away.” With that, he turned and walked away.


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