Billionaire's Princess: A Standalone Novel (A Royal Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 2)

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Billionaire's Princess: A Standalone Novel (A Royal Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 2) Page 14

by Claire Adams

  “Take me, Nicholas, please. I need to feel you inside of me.”

  “I don’t have a condom.”

  She suddenly fell still and looked into my eyes. “I know you have no reason to believe me, but I’m on the pill this time. He insisted on it.” I thought that was odd as badly as this man wanted to be ingrained in this family, but I didn’t want to talk about him right then.

  Instead, I stood up and moved her back so she was in the center of the bed before lowering myself down over her. I was lining up with her pussy when she put both of her hands around my throbbing cock and began to stroke it. “Jesus.”

  She used it to guide me upwards until she could stick out her tongue and rim the head of if while her hands slid up and down from base to tip. Her tongue traced the opening on the head of my cock and I felt like something exploded inside of me and set me on fire from the inside out. I felt my balls tighten and with a groan, I had to pull out of her grip.

  I didn’t want to come on her face. I wanted to be inside of her. I needed it. I moved back down, but instead of sliding into her again, I stood back up. I reached down and flipped her over on her stomach and then I nudged her up on her knees. I lined up with the opening of her sweet, wet pussy and drove myself into her.

  She cried out as her walls stretched to accommodate me, and when I hit bottom, I stopped and held myself there, circling my hips softly to let her get used to my size. When she was ready, she started pressing her hips back into me and I reached around and with one hand I found her clit and the other I grasped and breast. I held her like that as I began to pound into her from behind.

  The more excited she got, the further she came up on her hands and sat up straighter on my hard cock, trying to take me in deeper. I furiously rubbed her clit while I fucked her and reveled in the sounds that she made just before she had her second orgasm and I immediately followed with the most incredibly hard come I’d had since the last time I was inside of her pussy.

  Since the last time…the time we created Gabriel. The little boy that we had to go and look for. The boy we had to find. I wasn’t leaving this country without him unless they sent me home in a box.

  With that thought, I collapsed down next to her. She rolled into me and I knew she wanted me to hold her, to cuddle…but I just couldn’t do it. The anger I’d felt toward her earlier was seeping back in. I rolled away and stood up, and when I looked down at her I could see the hurt in her pretty eyes.

  I felt a twinge of guilt, but I was sure that pain didn’t match what I was feeling about being cheated of something I deserved and knowing my son was cheated of the same. “I’m going to stoke the fire. I’ll sleep in my sleeping bag on the floor. You can have the bed.”

  “Nicholas, you don’t have to sleep on the floor.”

  “Yeah, I do.” I got dressed while she lay there watching me. At last, she rolled away from me and I saw her body shake. I forced myself to grab a lantern and go out for more wood. Maybe someday I’d completely forgive her, but not today.

  Once outside, I grabbed a few pieces and when I pushed the door to the cabin back open, she was out of bed and she had her pants on. She had her back to me and as I passed her, the lantern cast a glow of light across her skin.

  Pale-yellow bruises in the shape of fists literally covered her back and the side I could see. The son of a bitch didn’t just slap her around: he beat her. I gasped and dropped the wood I was holding. Emma spun around, pulling down her shirt as she did.

  I hadn’t cried since I was a kid, but at that moment I wanted to. I’d been so callous toward her. I’d acted like she had a choice, like she could have just called me any time. She wasn’t exaggerating when she said that she risked her life by stealing her sister’s phone to call me that night.

  The son of a bitch could have already killed her simply by the way he put his hands on her. He’s so much bigger and stronger than her…. Jesus, I felt like I was going to be sick.

  Emma was still looking at me wide-eyed, like she was expecting me to belittle her again. I went over to her and dropped to my knees. Wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me I whispered,

  “He’s never going to hurt you again. Nobody is. I’m going to make sure of it.”



  “Nicholas, we can’t just waltz in there. Visiting my father is not the same as visiting yours might be.”

  We were sitting at the table in the little kitchen of the cabin, drinking coffee and strategizing. Nicholas had the idea in his head that we were going to go to my father and tell him everything and he would simply tell us where to find Gabriel. He had no idea how this family worked.

  “Mine is dead.”

  I rolled my eyes. I’d spent the night in his arms while he’d whispered to me over and over how he was going to take care of me and Gabriel and never let anyone hurt us again. By the time I finally fell asleep, I felt safe for the first time in a while and the next morning, I woke up with a real sense of hope that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  But now, he was taking my hope away. He had no idea how dangerous what he was suggesting could be. “It’s not funny, Nicholas.”

  “I don’t think it’s funny, baby. But your father knows where our son is, right? He’s Gabriel’s grandfather. Why wouldn’t he want to help us find him?”

  “To my father, appearances always come first. He won’t like knowing that you are Gabriel’s father. He won’t like that I’ve left my husband. As a matter of fact, he’ll be furious with me.”

  “He’s okay with your husband beating you? Does he know?”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure he does. There’s not much that my father doesn’t know. As long as no one else knows, he doesn’t care. As long as I show up for what I’m required to, that’s all he’s concerned about. As long as people pretend to believe Miguel is the father of my son, he’s happy.

  “Anyone with eyes can look at our boy and see that he has none of Miguel’s blood in his veins, but none of them are brave enough to say anything about it publicly. Father doesn’t care about their idle gossip, but if anyone were to prove the truth…say if someone with those same blue eyes walked into the palace claiming to be Gabriel’s real father, he would go ballistic.

  “He wouldn’t be on our side. He gave Miguel his blessing to send my son away; why would he suddenly decide that was a bad idea?”

  “Then where do we start, Emma? I need an idea of where to start.”

  “My sister,” I said. “Elena and Miguel are close. I actually believe maybe a little too close. I think she would know where to find Gabriel.”

  “Okay, can you call her?” I smiled indulgently. Poor Nicholas was still thinking this was a normal family he was dealing with.

  “No, Elena and I don’t have that kind of relationship. But I know her schedule….”

  “You’re suggesting we kidnap your sister?”

  “Just long enough to find out what she knows about where Gabriel is.”

  I could tell by the look on his face that he was considering it. “I’d have to have the team come back. I’m sure the security at the palace is even heavier than it was at the villa.”

  I nodded. “The difference I that the men in the palace are professionals, whereas most of Miguel’s men are simply thugs. I’m not sure if that makes it harder or easier from your perspective. The palace is also surrounded by a beach and water. You have to take a boat from the mainland to even get there. When I escaped the first time, I was taken through a maze of tunnels underneath that opened to the beach. The guard that led me out told me they were built by my ancestors to use as escape in case of attack. I wonder if we can go in that way.”

  “Do you remember where the tunnel came out?”

  “I could find it….” I suddenly had a thought. “I know how to find out what Elena knows without kidnapping her.”


  “My brother. He has a girl that he likes in the village. Her parents own the flower shop on S
t. Vincent, he said. He eluded to the fact that he sneaks in to see her a few times a week since our mother forbade him from seeing her.”

  “You think your brother will know where Gabriel is?”

  “I doubt it, unless he overheard something. But I do think my sister would be more apt to share information with him than she would with me or you…even if we did kidnap her. I’d also bet if he’s been sneaking out to see her, he knows exactly where to access the tunnels safely. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt, so I’d like to do whatever is less of a risk.”

  “So would I. I am willing to do whatever I have to do to rescue our son…but there are things I’d rather not do.”

  I reached up and touched the scar on the left side of his face. “There are things I would rather you don’t have to do. Is this from Miguel?”

  He nodded. “He had the element of surprise that time. He won’t have it again.”

  If I hadn’t already known how much Nicholas was risking for me, the look in his blue eyes at that moment would have delivered the full impact. Dangerous was the only way to describe it. “What time do you think your brother might go to town?”

  I looked at the clock over the stove; it was just after nine a.m. “He has classes until two every day so he wouldn’t be there before that.” I could tell that answer wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He was impatient and not a man used to waiting for what he wanted. “Maybe we can go for a walk?”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind some fresh air myself, but I don’t know these woods and I’d hate for the guys to have to worry about finding us if we get lost.”

  I was disappointed. I felt like I was going stir crazy. I got up and started looking through the drawers in the kitchen. Nicholas watched me curiously until I found what I was looking for. I knew I’d seen them when I was putting dishes away earlier: a deck of cards. I smiled and held them up, “How about a game of poker?”

  He smiled. “You mean poker?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “I used to be a card dealer in Vegas. I’m not sure it would be a fair match.”

  “You let me worry about that.” I used to play with the guards in the palace. When I got so good that I was winning their paychecks before they even got them, they quit playing with me.

  “I don’t have any cash on me; do you have chips?”

  I smiled. “I don’t want your money…or chips.”

  “Oh really? What is it that you want?”

  “Your clothes.”

  He laughed. “You want to play strip poker?”

  “That’s a thing, right?” I knew it was a thing. It was a game I played once with one of the cook’s sons. We got caught before either of us had taken off any underclothes. I’d simply wanted to see what the male anatomy looked like. I didn’t see what was so bad about that, but everyone else certainly did. He got banished from the palace and after a stern tongue lashing from my nanny and later my mother, I was not allowed to play cards again.

  Nicholas pointed at the chair across from him and held out his hand. I took the chair and looked at his hand with my eyebrow cocked. “My deal,” I said. He smiled again and I took the cards out of the box and began shuffling them. Judging from the look on his face, he was surprised at how I handled the cards. “Five card draw, bromista salvaje.”

  “Brom whata salwhoa?”

  I laughed. “You know…I don’t know what you call him in English.” I held up the card in my hand.

  “Oh, joker’s wild!”

  “That’s what I said.” I dealt the cards and sat the deck down between us. Nick smiled. I wondered if he had a very bad poker face or he was trying to trick me. I had two fours and nothing else worth saving. I tossed out three cards and said, “Dealer takes three.”

  Nicholas smiled again. “I’ll stand.”

  I rolled my eyes and took my three cards. I got a two a six and a nine…nothing but a pair of fours. “What do you have?” I asked him.

  He lay down his cards. The lucky punk had a flush. He grinned again and said, “Did you beat me?”

  “Cállate,” I said as I lay down my pair of fours.

  He laughed. “That word I know. Hmm, I think you owe me a shirt.”

  I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and lay it on the chair next to me. Nicholas had lust in his eyes as he looked at me in my bra and jeans. It sent a shiver through me. He picked up the cards and said, “My deal, same game.”

  He shuffled and dealt the cards like a professional. I had a nine, 10, jack, and queen. I debated whether to keep the ace or not, but decided to toss it. When that hand was said and done, I had a straight and Nicholas had a pair of twos. It was my turn to grin. “Shirt please.”

  He unbuttoned his shirt slowly and stripped it off as I watched. The effect he still had on my surprised me. I haven’t felt this kind of lust in a long time, not even in my dreams. “Happy?” he asked.

  I let my eyes slowly roam across his sculpted chest and said, “Very.” I dealt the next hand which I happily won again. “Pantalones, por favor…”

  He stood up to unbutton and unzip and said, “I like that,” as he slid them down.

  “You like what?”

  “You being yourself. When we first met in Las Vegas, I always got the feeling that you were anxious about something and maybe holding back. I like hearing you speak in your language and with your accent. You being yourself is very sexy.” My eyes automatically fell to the front of his shorts where his growing erection was obvious.

  “You’re pretty sexy yourself,” I told him. I absently ran my tongue along my bottom lip.

  “Thank you, my deal.” He sat back down and dealt the cards. I lost that hand and the next one. When I lost the third, it was time for the bra to come off. I’d never just sat naked with anyone before. It was kind of unsettling, but it was fun at the same time. I felt sexy and naughty, and I loved the way Nick’s blue eyes burned as they stayed focused on my body.

  “Looks like only one hand left,” I said.

  He shrugged, “Or, we could up the stakes.” He had a mischievous gleam in his eye.

  “Oh? What would the stakes be ‘upped’ to?”

  “You could…uh, damn, suddenly I’m aware that I’m talking to a princess.”

  I laughed and felt my face go hot. “Don’t mind her, she’s fallen from grace.” He reached over and took my hand and brought it to his lips. After kissing it, he gave my hand back gently and said,

  “You’re the most graceful lady I know.” Then he grinned again and said, “Um…I was wondering about a blow job.”

  I laughed out loud. “What was it you were wondering about it?”

  “If we could put it in the pot…so to speak.”

  “Hmm, I suppose we could, but what do I get if I win?”

  “What do you want?” I thought about how good his lips and tongue had felt on me the night before.

  “The same,” I said.

  He grinned. “A blow-job?”

  “Ha, ha.” I felt my face go hot. Thankful my skin was so dark he might not be able to see the blush I said, “You know…the other thing, for females.”

  He laughed, “You have to know what it’s called.”

  I decided to go for the shock factor, “I want you to fuck me, with your tongue. How’s that?” I think it worked. He looked sufficiently shocked. As a matter of fact, I think that he nearly fell off his chair. He had to clear his throat before he said,

  “That’s perfect. Either way, I’m a winner.” He winked at me and my face colored again.



  I honestly didn’t care what the next hand of cards said. I just wanted to get to the pay-up. My cock had hardened like steel while she fumbled over what to call “it” and blushed. She was such an enigma to me. So much the graceful princess one minute and then so childlike the next.

  "Call," she said as she laid her cards down one at a time. I looked at them; she had a st
raight, ten high.

  “Very nice, but I’m afraid that mine is nicer.” I lay down my cards. I had three kings…and a joker – four of a kind.


  “Ugh? That’s how you feel about the blow-job?”

  She giggled. “No, that’s how I feel about losing.” While she was talking, I scooted the chair around and stood-up. I started pulling down my shorts and she laughed again, “Is someone in a hurry?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Still giggling, she came over in front of me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her gorgeous body. Her breasts were full and perfect, her nipples round and hard. I reached out for one and she stepped back and wagged a finger at me. “That wasn’t the prize.” She put her hand out and gently pushed me back down into the chair.

  “Forceful, I like it.”

  She only smiled and slid down to her knees. She put a hand on each one of my knees and opened my legs. Then she leaned in and kissed me softly just above my belly button. I groaned when I felt one of her breasts brush against my jutting cock. She pursed her lips and took it in her hands. She brought it close to her mouth and wet the head of it with her tongue…and then she blew on it and things exploded in my head.

  My body convulsed as her silky hand began to glide up and down the hardened shaft and I let out a loud moan as she suddenly opened her lips and engulfed me. I watched with rapt attention as she tipped her head back and let my cock slide across her tongue until it reached her throat. She grasped it with the muscles there and swallowed – twice. It was fucking incredible.

  I didn’t want to imagine where she’d learned to do these things…I just wanted to enjoy it. I cleared my mind and let out another groan. I was not sure what was more exciting, the sight of her with those gold-flecked brown eyes looking up at me and her red lips around my cock or the warm, wet feeling of her mouth.


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