Education Department, U.S., 109
education reform, 11, 12, 17, 26, 152–53, 157, 162, 175, 179, 196, 220–21, 222, 224, 231–33, 239, 240, 247, 281, 325–27, 451, 471
accountability in, 49–50
GOP opposition to, 444
as “pillar” for change, 35–36, 48–51, 55, 91, 95, 105, 108, 292, 447
Recovery Act effectiveness in, 325–27, 349, 443–44
see also Race to the Top; specific projects
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 238, 409
election of 2008, 1–2, 138
change as theme in, 73, 84–85
economy as dominant issue in, 68–69
Obama’s victory in, 83–85
primaries of, 33–34
roots of Recovery Act in, 18, 63–64, 75
shadow transition period in, 77–83
transition after, 90–112
of 1984, 93
of 2000, 84
of 2004, 33, 84, 93, 138, 143, 285
2006 midterm, 144, 207
2010 midterm, 2, 204, 245–46, 345, 348, 382, 390, 393, 398–401
of 2012, 406, 412, 415, 420, 421, 441, 444, 448, 449–55
special N.Y. congressional, 283–84
electric vehicles, 17, 26, 42, 164, 168, 179, 239, 255, 268, 312, 360–61, 365, 375–76, 380, 439, 441
see also battery production industry
electrofuels, 6, 378–79, 445
electronic medicine, 46–47, 171–72, 175, 393, 442, 447, 450, 480
Elmendorf, Doug, 67, 77
Elster Solutions, 313
Emanuel, Ari, 173
Emanuel, Rahm, 16, 72, 152–53, 156, 174, 276, 295, 299, 340, 351, 353, 382, 396, 402, 443
in battle for passage of Recovery Act, 197, 206, 215, 228–30, 232–34, 240, 243, 244–46
as chief of staff, 77, 89–90, 92, 94–95, 98, 105, 107, 129, 258, 301–2, 327
confrontational style of, 90, 109, 176
in cost debate, 115, 117, 119, 120, 125, 126–27, 138
high energy of, 109, 192–93
and Matt Rogers, 303–6
as Obama’s fixer, 192–94, 244
in outreach to Senate, 219, 222–25
and Romer-Bernstein report, 157, 159
and smart grid, 312–13
Emanuel, Zeke, 173–74, 442, 443
Ener1, 363, 445
Energy and Commerce Committee, 188
Energy Department, U.S., 3, 43, 109, 263–64, 266, 316, 323, 395, 440
Bush’s, 307
in implementation of energy initiatives, 361, 367–69, 372–73, 375, 376, 415
loan program of, 167–68, 272–75, 387–90, 436, 437–38, 477, 495
see also ARPA-E; specific projects
energy efficiency, 40–41, 108, 167, 224, 239, 270, 291–92, 350, 369–72, 416, 435, 447, 478, 379
energy initiatives, see clean energy initiatives
Energy Smart Florida, 313
Energy Star program, 316
Enron, 308
Envia Systems, 375–76, 378, 439
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 264–65
Enzi, Mike, 210
ethanol, 42–43, 366, 367–69, 388
Everglades, 441
evidence-based care, 442
“Executive Summary of Economic Policy Work,” 111
extremophile biology, 5–6
ExxonMobil, 43, 366
family planning, 180, 182, 184–85, 193, 198, 419
Farm Service Agency, 231
Federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, 115
Federal Reserve, 12, 61, 80, 84, 111, 298, 391
interest rate cuts by, 58, 89, 103
Feldstein, Martin, 80
Fenster, Ed, 372
First Solar, 372
“fiscal responsibility summit,” 335
fiscal stimulus, 106–7
as business priority, 98
vs. deficit reduction debate, 331–51
vs. monetary, 61, 391, 487
Fisker automotive, 361, 362
FloDesign, 376
biorefining in, 369
high speed rail project in, 329–30, 392
housing crisis in, 234
Florida Power and Light (FPL), 313–14
flow batteries, 362, 376
foods, biotech in, 365, 366–67
food stamps, 62, 82, 94, 224, 263, 424, 477
Forcier, Jason, 361, 362
Ford, 264, 374
Ford, Gerald, 38
Forgotten Man, The (Shlaes), 191–92
40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation, 140
fossil fuels, 4, 12, 168, 247, 266, 311, 359, 365, 373, 395, 430
see also coal; natural gas; oil
four pillars of change, 35–36, 37–56, 291–92, 446
see also specific pillars
Fox News, 100, 130, 137, 144, 151, 182, 183, 199, 270, 316, 419
Frank, Barney, 138, 276
Franken, Al, 130, 224, 225, 285
Franklin, Benjamin, 145, 416
Freakonomics, 126
Freedom from Oil (Sandalow), 165
freight rail, 328, 356–59, 360
Fresno, Calif., 410–11
Fukushima nuclear meltdown, 360, 420, 432
Furman, Don, 311
Furman, Jason, 62, 69, 75, 76, 77, 107, 132, 152, 159, 169, 185, 188–90, 404
in cost debate, 118, 120, 121, 129
as Summer’s deputy, 101, 340
during transition, 93–95, 97, 103
FutureGen, 177, 395–96
Gaddafi, Muammar, 258, 418
Gaddy, James, 368
Galbraith, Jamie, 94
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 94
Gang of 14, 220
gang of 18, 220–21, 246
gasoline prices, 68, 106
Gates, Robert, 108
Geithner, Tim, 68, 77, 110, 341, 402
in cost debate, 129
on deficit reduction, 333, 335–37, 420
in economic team conflict, 340
as treasury secretary, 99–102, 108, 234, 240, 388
Genentech, 43
General Electric, 314, 318, 372, 388
General Motors, 90, 138, 291, 297, 376
General Services Administration (GSA), 370–72
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Keynes), 58
genomics, 17, 318
geothermal energy, 166, 167, 239, 372, 435
“getting caught trying,” 350–51, 421
Gibbons, Jim, 63, 126
Gibbs, Robert, 120, 163, 190, 215, 294, 338, 350, 383, 402
Gingrich, Newt, 196, 217, 281, 288, 365, 386, 422, 440
on GOP resurgence, 201–2
on health care, 46–47
partisanship of, 32, 66
Glickman, Dan, 480
global warming, 3, 38–39, 359, 467
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 292
“Google for Government” bill, 320
Goolsbee, Austan, 61–62, 75, 102, 110–11, 115, 121, 340
Gordon, Bart, 232
Gore, Al, 38, 96, 120, 266, 316, 388
Governing, 322
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 303, 307, 310
government jobs, 331–32
and compulsory energy incentives, 167
endorsement of Recovery Act by, 214
rejection of stimulus cash by, 125–26, 281–82, 287–90, 392, 407–8, 409
see also state aid; specific governors
Gramm, Phil, 69
Granholm, Jennifer, 364
Grassley, Chuck, 205–6, 208, 210, 230, 299
Grayson, Trey, 348
Great Depression, 7, 51, 52, 56, 58–59, 71, 104, 114, 192, 249, 286, 331
Great Recession, 12, 14, 57, 70, 237, 276, 297, 345–46, 380, 477
counterfactual problem in, 424
Great Society, 11, 30, 392<
br />
Green, Adam, 237–38
green buildings, 40, 369–72, 440, 446
Green Collar Economy, The (V. Jones), 305
Green Energy Fund, 428
Green For All That, 305
green manufacturing, 26, 43, 155, 164, 168, 372
Green New Deal, 305
Greenstein, Robert, 78–80, 96–97, 126, 238, 490
Gregg, Judd, 150, 215–16, 225, 235–36, 239
GRIDS, 378
Grist, 350
Gronet, Chris, 273, 386
Ground Zero mosque, 391
Guantánamo, 291
Hamilton Project, 32, 45, 62, 69, 101
Hanford nuclear reservation, 272
Hannity, Sean, 183, 409
Harkin, Tom, 153–55
Harris, Seth, 178, 264, 445
Harrison, Brian, 386–87, 414, 436
Haskins, Ron, 199
Hatch, Orrin, 210
Head Start, 225, 419
Health and Human Services Department, U.S., 108, 442, 478
health care, 46
for children, 65
high cost of, 44–45
U.S. ranking on, 45
see also universal health care
health reform initiatives, 1, 11, 12, 17, 26, 224, 446
of Clinton, 34
and deficit reduction, 292
GOP spin on, 299–302
information technology in, 44–48, 95, 108, 171–74, 179, 198, 199, 235–37, 239, 263, 292, 393, 441–42, 446, 478, 480
as “pillar” for change, 35–36, 44–48, 55, 91, 95, 105, 162, 240, 246, 247, 292, 343, 433
Recovery Act effectiveness in, 349, 350, 425, 442–43, 478
see also specific projects
Heath, Brad, 322–23
Higginbottom, Heather, 152
high-speed rail, 11, 16, 56, 174, 219, 225, 228–29, 231, 237, 240, 263, 282, 292, 324, 352–59, 360, 381, 392, 400, 407–42, 447, 477
California project for, 359, 407, 410–14
commuter rail connections to, 329–30
Florida project for, 352–56, 407–9
future funding for, 412
obstacles to, 356–59, 410–11
as perceived threat to rural culture, 411–12
Hill, Baron, 193, 302, 392, 400
Hodes, Richard, 443
Hoekstra, Pete, 362
Holmes, Josh, 349
Homeland Security Committee, 130, 220
Homeland Security Department, U.S., 181, 221
green headquarters of, 371–72
Hoover, Herbert, 15, 51, 59, 91–92, 104, 105, 138, 198–99, 421
Hopkins, Harry, 331
House Government Oversight, 437
House of Representatives, U.S., 129
bipartisanship in, 66–67
Democratic disunity in, 156–57
GOP alternative stimulus rejected in, 199–200
GOP majority in, 399, 419, 421
obstructionism in, 142–46, 189–204, 399, 419, 421
Recovery Act in, 189–204, 240–41
Senate vs., 67, 232
Housing and Urban Development Department, (HUD), U.S., 109, 161, 215, 264
housing market:
crash of, 60, 68, 90, 121, 390, 427
rescue of, 18, 109, 116, 243, 291, 433
“How to Spend a Trillion Dollars” (Grunwald), 119
“How to Take American Health Care from Worst to First” (Gingrich, Kerry and Beane), 47
Hoyer, Steny, 188, 193, 339
Humphrey, Hubert, 208
Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 214, 279, 281, 286, 422–23
“Hypocrisy Hall of Fame,” 282
Iberdrola Renewables, 311
“If, When, How,” 62, 93
Ignatius, David, 101
individual mandate, 44–45
INEOS, 367–69
inflation, 14, 80, 114, 118
infotech, 311, 375
infrastructure, 255
in GOP stimulus alternative, 196–97
greening of, 170–71
neglected and outdated, 43–44, 55, 253–55
as stimulus, 82–83
infrastructure bank, 135, 178, 240
infrastructure initiatives, 26, 55–56, 75, 95, 105, 108, 170, 194, 196–97, 220, 222, 235, 238–41, 245, 284, 296, 340, 341, 390, 430, 447, 449, 451
challenges in, 253–55, 264
Recovery Act effectiveness in, 349, 382
Inouye, Daniel, 239
Intel, 378
Interior Department, U.S., 129
Internet, 271, 314–15, 320, 374
see also broadband expansion
Investing in Innovation, 239, 326–27
Ipsen, Laura, 314
Iraq War, 18, 26, 55, 100, 111, 147, 291, 349, 418, 473
Isakson, Johnny, 218, 230
Issa, Darrell, 321, 437
Jackson, Lisa, 265
“Jaguar” supercomputer, 377
Jarrett, Valerie, 385–86
Jindal, Bobby, 278, 281, 282
job creation, 13–14, 75, 105, 107, 164, 169, 238, 241, 282, 294, 319–20, 362, 364, 380–81, 388, 390, 398, 409, 427–28, 442
competing plans for, 344
negative spin on, 321
as Obama administration focus, 292–95, 296, 420–21
as stimulus, 157–60, 253
jobless rate, 289–95, 337, 341, 403
job loss, 12, 52, 91, 106, 157, 204, 222, 228, 248, 275–76, 292–94, 312, 361, 390, 417
jobs, government, 331–32, 428
jobs bills, 118, 491
as Recovery Act priority, 78, 82, 219
“jobs crew,” 222
jobs reports, 106, 111, 157, 275, 301, 342
jobs summit, 341
“Joe the Plumber,” 74
Johnson, Claire Broido, 308–10, 316, 445
Johnson, Lyndon, 11
Johnson, Tim, 396
Jones, Blake, 242–44
Jones, Van, 305
Josten, Bruce, 213
J. P. Morgan Chase, 68
Kaiser, George, 272, 489
Kaiser Permanente, 394
Kampschroer, Kevin, 371–72
Kan, Derek, 150, 158, 180–83, 212
Karma sports car, 362
Kasich, John, 392, 400, 407
Katz, Bruce, 161
Kaufman, Ted, 97
Kennedy, John F., 4–5
Kennedy, Ted, 29, 30, 50, 129, 144, 210, 225, 241, 343, 481
Kerry, John, 47, 93, 208
Keynes, John Maynard, 13, 58–60, 260, 428, 490–91
Keynesian stimulus, 13–15, 57–60, 81, 84, 106, 115, 120–21, 154, 197, 260, 295, 332, 334, 338, 401, 406, 420, 425, 426, 428, 429, 449, 490–91
Khosla, Vinod, 374
Kienitz, Roy, 178, 328
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 4
King, Peter, 195
Kirksey, Jack, 362
Kissinger, Henry, 100
Klain, Ron, 10, 120–21, 127–28, 129, 245, 254, 301, 318, 332, 336, 382, 385–86, 388, 390–91, 408
Koos, Chris, 413
Kornbluh, Karen, 78
Krauthammer, Charles, 406
Kreuger, Alan, 340
Krugman, Paul, 63–64, 94, 118–19, 236–37, 406, 490
Kudlow, Larry, 57
Kumar, Sujeet, 375–76
Kyl, Jon, 472
Labor Department, U.S., 54, 169, 178, 264, 306
LaHood, Ray, 64, 108, 129, 235, 240, 265, 282, 295, 327–30, 356, 359, 390, 407–9, 414
Landrieu, Mary, 220
“Larry Summers’s Evolution,” 55
LaTourette, Steve, 72, 194–95, 230
law enforcement, 239, 275–76, 390
Leatherman, Hugh, 288
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 371
Lehman Brothers, 70, 110
Leno, Jay, 8, 390
Levin, Blair, 175–76
Lew, Jack, 77–79, 81–83, 93, 96, 100, 101, 136
Lewis, Jerry, 145
liberals, left wing:
criticism of Obama by, 97–98, 101, 107, 118, 219, 342–43, 344, 349–51, 392, 400, 406, 419–20, 434
and education reform, 49
Obama’s brand of, 27, 30–33
Recovery Act criticism from, 9–10, 19, 120, 212
Lieberman, Joe, 130, 220–21, 223
Liebman, Jeffrey, 61–62, 168
light bulbs, 40, 43, 195, 369, 439
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 109, 205–6, 215, 291
Limbaugh, Rush, 100, 144, 151, 173, 183, 188, 216, 409, 422
Lincoln, Abraham, 33, 34, 409
Lincoln, Blanche, 135, 221, 382, 400
lobbies 44, 213, 354
long-term goals, 154, 161–63, 179, 203, 417, 430
in clean energy, 375–78
economic reform as, 292
high-speed rail as, 358–59, 412, 414, 430
reinvestment as, 9, 16–18, 83, 123
sustainability as, 97, 98, 105, 107–8, 328
transformative projects as, 303–4
Lugar, Richard, 29, 209, 363
Luskin, Donald, 70
McCain, John, 39, 58, 62, 64, 72–73, 147–48, 157, 196, 208, 226, 279, 298, 317–18, 342, 421, 438, 449, 495
in 2008 election, 69–73, 74, 76, 77, 84, 89, 138, 144, 299
McCarthy, Kevin, 142, 202, 241
McCaskill, Claire, 220
McCaughey, Betsey, 173
McConnell, Mitch, 8, 67, 71, 151, 206, 245, 282, 318, 348, 349, 387, 405
obstructionism of, 147–50, 158, 180, 210–14, 227, 236, 247, 293, 294, 345, 346, 399, 403–4
McDermott, Jim, 169–70
McHenry, Patrick, 194–95
McHugh, John, 195, 347
McKinsey & Co., 40, 267
Majumdar, Arunava, 4–6, 16, 266, 377–79, 441
Making Work Pay, 54, 63, 95, 107, 126, 179, 230–31, 263, 405, 441
Malkin, Michelle, 183
Mankiw, Greg, 94
Marcus, Ruth, 54, 64, 66, 449
Markowsky, Jim, 395–96
Martinez, Mel, 7, 208–9, 214, 215, 220, 475
“meaningful users” controversy, 394
anti-Obama, 18, 19, 182, 203, 391, 405, 406, 409, 437
conflict-driven, 154–55
“gotcha” stories in, 177, 319–23, 486
inaccuracy and misrepresentation in, 51, 222, 323–25
Obama’s attempt to pitch Recovery Act to, 203
partisanship in, 65, 183–84
Recovery Act criticized in, 8–9
scare ads in, 392
Medicaid, 45, 106, 107, 152, 197, 233, 263, 292, 425, 443
medical research, 47–48, 172–74, 318–19, 348, 443, 451
Medicare, 45, 107, 172, 292, 300, 346, 422, 454
Menendez, Robert, 241–42
Merrill Lynch, 70
Messina, Jim, 120, 129, 246
Mica, John, 197–98, 239, 240, 295, 355–56, 408–9
Milbank, Dana, 221
Miller, Chris, 166
Miller, David, 415
Miller, George, 50, 144
The New New Deal Page 58