Broken: The Discordant Earth Series 1.0

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Broken: The Discordant Earth Series 1.0 Page 30

by Melony Paradise

  “I was quite clear with my intentions, Alyssa. I want you here—with me. Ela will monitor your health and the health of our child.”

  “Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

  “You are the mother of a commander. Our child will be powerful, more powerful than myself. I cannot trust that you will provide the proper care for my offspring.”

  “Is this because I haven’t been eating enough? I promise I’ll eat more. I’ll eat until I get so fat you have to roll me around from room to room. Just, please, let me go!”

  Hot tears trailed down Alyssa’s flushed cheeks, her mind racing, searching for the right thing to say as she struggled against the zip ties.



  “No. You are my responsibility—my mate. You will stay here for the duration of your pregnancy.”

  “You want to keep me tied up to your bed for three months? That’s insane!”

  “Your opinion no longer matters, Alyssa. You are a child. You have proven that you are irresponsible. You will birth my offspring and perform your motherly duties. If you fail in this, you will be disposed of.”

  “Please, don’t do this! I’ll be responsible. I’ll do whatever you ask. I’ll eat and sleep and go to all my checkups, anything you want. Please, don’t keep me locked up like an animal!”

  “Ela, sedate her. You may return after she has calmed down.”

  “No! Don’t! Please!” The world fell away with one injection.


  Alyssa groaned, her head pounding.

  “Stay still, child. You must keep quiet.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “It is beyond my control. I must do as I am commanded.”

  “Ela, please help me.” Alyssa locked her foggy eyes with Ela’s grayish-white orbs, trying to push all her desperate emotion through their connection.

  Ela’s cheek twitched as she lowered her head, light glinting off the sparkle in her teal skin. “I cannot. I would be put to death.”

  “I can’t stay here like this. I’ll die.”

  “You will not. I will maintain your health.”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  “What, child?”

  “If he keeps me like this until the baby is born, I’ll go insane. My mind will break. I’m not strong enough for this torture.”

  “If you behave properly, I believe the commander will eventually remove your restraints. I will bring you books or magazines to occupy your mind. You can survive this.”

  “No, I won’t. I can’t. Don’t you understand? I need light and love. I need family. I need Granny.”

  “I cannot help you. I am sorry.”

  Alyssa turned away from Ela, shutting down her mind. The alien obstetrician performed a cursory exam, but gave up when Alyssa refused to answer any questions. She installed an IV and injected more sedative, sending Alyssa to the blessed darkness.

  Chapter 28

  Alyssa waited, staring into the dark, wondering what fresh hell Kayn would bring down on her next. She’d lost all sense of time, unsure whether hours or days had passed since she’d woken up. After a long, painful struggle, she abandoned efforts to free her hands.

  The sharp edges of the dagger sheath dug into her thigh, warmed by her body heat. She felt hopeless… powerless, yet the dagger provided a small glimmer of light, reminding her Sebastian was out there, probably searching for her.

  Riddled with despair, Alyssa fell into a fitful sleep, the cutting pain in her wrists waking her often, robbing her of the blissful escape of unconsciousness. Her shoulders burned from her arms being stretched out above her, and eventually, both her arms and shoulders completely lost feeling.

  Pressure built in her abdomen, and Alyssa clenched her thighs, worried she might ‘soil’ Kayn’s bed. Who knew what kind of punishment that would bring. But, when the pressure became outright pain, she decided to take a risk and started hollering.

  Kayn stalked into the room. “What do you want?”

  “I have to pee. Really bad.”

  He didn’t move.

  “Kayn, please. I really need to pee. I can’t hold it anymore.”

  With an angry sigh, he disappeared then reappeared with a pair of scissors, cutting one wrist free and holding it against the bed while he reached over to cut the other wrist loose. Gripping her arm, he dragged her to the bathroom, holding her up as her feet tangled and she stumbled along, trying to keep up with him.

  Alyssa relieved herself, careful to keep the dagger out of sight. Taking the opportunity to splash water on her bruised face, she studied herself in the mirror, which reflected a disheartening picture of a rat’s nest surrounding her head, and dark, purple bags hanging below her eyes. Fear choked her when Kayn’s reflection towered behind her.

  Alyssa turned to face him, subdued by his angry gaze as he snatched her arm and hauled her back to the bedroom. With a forceful shove, Kayn laid her out on the bed, and she scrambled to the far side, clinging to the headboard.

  With wide, teary eyes, Alyssa watched as Kayn retrieved more zip ties from the nightstand. Screams erupted inside her head, and a whimper spilled from her mouth.

  “Please, don’t tie me up again. I promise to be good.”

  “You will not harm yourself?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head, “of course not. I promise.”

  “Fine.” Kayn glared at her, his mouth set in a stern line. “The door will remain locked. You will not be able to leave.”

  “Okay... I understand. I’ll stay here and do as you say. Just don’t tie me up again, please.”

  He grunted assent. “Remove your clothing.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I wish to be intimate.”

  “Oh... okay.” Alyssa looked away, hiding her disgust as her stomach heaved.

  Kayn began undressing, his back to her as she undressed on the far side of the bed. She removed her shirt first, watching him out of the corner of her eye, then sliding her pants down, she snagged the sheathed dagger, dropping it into the pile of clothing.

  Pretending to fold her clothes, Alyssa removed the dagger from the sheath, and holding it against the inside of her arm, she quickly slipped it under a pillow as she climbed onto the bed.

  Alyssa perched atop the pillow, waiting for Kayn. He turned his imposing body to face her, his blazing eyes roving over her naked, shivering form, stopping at her baby pooch, and with a feral gleam in his eyes, he crawled across the large bed.

  “Lie down.”

  Alyssa complied with frightened haste, unwilling to provoke Kayn’s simmering anger.

  “Do you wish for Asen’Sha?”

  “No! I mean, no, thank you. I would rather stay conscious, if that’s okay?”

  “It is.” Arrogance lined his sculpted features as the corners of his mouth curled up. “I prefer for you to return my affection.”

  “O-okay.” Alyssa chewed on her lower lip.

  Kayn knelt next to her, knees sinking deep into the bedding as he placed his cool hand on her swollen belly, splaying his fingers out. He leaned down to place a tender kiss below her navel, sending Alyssa’s heart racing.

  His hand slowly brushed over her belly up to her chest, fingers slipping between her breasts. A shuddering sigh rolled out of her mouth, drawing his attention to her lips as his palm grazed her nipple, cupping the mound of flesh.

  Alyssa trembled with anticipation as Kayn moved up to lay his body alongside hers, stiff flesh jabbing her thigh. He leaned over to place his lips upon hers, eyes bearing down on her, skin hot against her chilled flesh as she waited, opening her mouth to him.

  Kayn’s eyes closed as he deepened the kiss, his tongue invading her mouth, and Alyssa pressed forward, encouraging him.

  Keeping her eyes on his, Alyssa prayed—please, don’t open your eyes—and ever so carefully, slid her hand under the pillow wrapping her trembling fingers around the cold handle. She placed her other hand behind Kayn’s neck, gently mass
aging, feeling his muscles relax under her touch as he groaned softly, squeezing her breast.

  As fast as she could, Alyssa whipped out the dagger and slammed it into the soft flesh of Kayn’s neck. He bucked, bellowing with rage, grabbing the dagger and yanking it out to inspect the dripping blade before dropping it to the bed, his face frozen with fury.

  In the blink of an eye, Kayn grabbed Alyssa by the throat, lifting her up and slamming her against the wall above the headboard, wrath gleaming in his golden eyes.

  “Filthy bitch!”

  Struggling against his hold, Alyssa pawed at his hand, trying to get air, but his steel grip held her in place. Writhing against the wall, her lower back and legs bashing against the headboard, she beheld the terrifying alien before her, wondering how she ever trusted this monster.

  Alyssa flailed, slapping at Kayn, hitting his arm and chest to no effect as he trembled, muscles straining against his glistening skin. The edges of the room darkened as she fought for precious oxygen.

  With a violent roar, Kayn flung Alyssa’s body high into the air as she let out a ragged scream. Her back and head bounced off the bedroom wall before she crumpled to the floor, gasping and coughing, the wind knocked out of her. Weak and broken, she lay there trying to focus through the flashing stars in her eyes.

  Kayn suddenly towered over Alyssa as she worked to get her arms underneath her. Every muscle in her body screamed, but she managed to push herself up onto shaky elbows. He thrust his hand under her arm, pulling her up to face him, her shoulder throbbing in his grip, as something glinted in his other hand, and she realized too late that he held her dagger.

  “You are not worthy.” He sneered, spittle flying with each word. “I will find another.”

  With one powerful swipe, Kayn opened Alyssa’s belly with the blade. Pain slammed into her body, stealing the air from her aching lungs as she slung her free arm across the slash, attempting to hold herself together while the lights faded.

  Kayn dropped her like a dirty rag and darkness took hold before she hit the floor.


  “What have you done, Commander?”

  Words floated down a long black tunnel as Alyssa drifted in a sea of darkness, her spirit separated from her mangled body.

  “Will she live?”

  Let me die. The thought floated away like dust in the vacuum of space.

  “I do not know. The damage is extensive.”

  “What of the child? Can it be removed?”

  My baby. Don’t give him my baby. A sense of emotion flitted through Alyssa’s hazy mind, dull and lifeless.

  “It is too soon. The fetus needs more time to develop.”

  “Can you repair her enough for incubation?”

  Minuscule threads of panic passed through her detached, listless form. No… please… let me go.

  “I will do my best, sir.”

  A booming echo bounced down the empty tunnel, the sound waves radiating through the blackness, burrowing into her drifting consciousness.

  “What was that?”

  “Stay with her.”

  Serene waves filled the void, gently propelling Alyssa through the ethereal ocean. A pinpoint of light appeared at the end of the tunnel.

  “Wake up, Alyssa. You must wake up.”

  No. Please. I want to stay here. Leave us here.

  Unseen hands pulled her resistant soul up into the black tunnel towards the growing circle of light. With each passing inch, tiny needles embedded themselves into her despondent spirit, her mind and body, like magnetic forces, pulling toward each other and pushing away at the same time. Anguish and agony smothered Alyssa’s consciousness.

  Ragged screams of unbearable suffering filled the room, and Alyssa’s mind slammed back into her writhing body as Ela struggled to hold her down, pressing her arms into the sandpaper carpet. Darkness threatened to swallow her again, held off only by the merciful pulsing waves of Valene flowing from Ela’s palms.

  Gradually, the Valene soothed the mind-numbing pain, leaving a throbbing, yet tolerable, ache behind, and Alyssa sucked in blessed oxygen, filling her starved lungs. Her eyes started to focus, latching onto Ela’s worried scowl, but fatigue settled in, sapping away any ounce of strength she might have had.

  “Alyssa, you must stay awake. You have to leave.”

  “I can’t. I’m so tired.” She closed her eyes, too exhausted to care.

  “The commander is busy. You must go now.” Ela gently shook Alyssa’s arms.

  “Just let me die. I can’t do this anymore. He’s going to kill me anyway.”

  “No. You must live. I have performed Yken’Sa. You will not die.”

  “I don’t even know what that is. My guts are falling out, Ela. I will die. My baby will die. There’s nothing here for me. Just let me go.”

  “Yken’Sa, it is healing, with Valene. You and your child will not die, I swear.”

  Ela let go of her, leaving the room, and Alyssa allowed the waves of exhaustion to flow over her, sucking her under. Awareness of the distant sounds and the furniture around her drifted away, leaving behind only blissful emptiness.

  Distantly, Alyssa heard the sounds of crashing and yelling, panicked voices fluttering through her bruised mind. She shut them out, no longer concerned with the world she once loved. Is Ela right? Can my baby and I survive this? Do I want us to survive this?

  The sounds of doors opening and closing reached her sensitive ears. Hushed voices flowed through the hallway and into the bedroom, thumping footsteps of someone running vibrating the floor underneath her shivering body. Alyssa turned her head toward the wall, embarrassed yet no longer concerned about her naked body lying there for anyone to see.

  Does it really matter anymore? Kayn’ll probably keep me like this as some sort of pet he can kick whenever he feels like it. Trembling fingers tentatively grazed the abraded skin of her upper arm.

  “Darlin’, what did he do to you?” That smooth, silky voice, filled with both anger and sorrow, whispered through her fractured mind.

  Alyssa’s head snapped forward, pulling on screaming muscles as an agonized groan escaped her mouth, and tears flooded her eyes when she tried to reach out, managing no more than a twitch of her fingers. Sebastian’s watery eyes jumped back and forth between her battered face and her broken body, flashing with flames of fury as she opened her mouth to say his name, but nothing came out.

  Snatching a sheet off Kayn’s bed, he carefully lifted Alyssa’s upper body, wrapping it loosely around her, flinching when she grunted in pain from the jarring. With tender care, Sebastian picked her up off the floor, cradling her to his chest.

  From her new vantage point, Alyssa spotted Ela hovering in the doorway, her back to them. Sebastian sidled up beside her, peeking around to look down the hall. Seeing no one, she led him to the front door and palmed the door sensor, peering out as it swooshed open.

  At Ela’s prompting, Sebastian carried Alyssa out of Kayn’s den of torture. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to feel the joy of being rescued by the man she loved, but her moment came to a screeching halt when she looked down the walkway that led to the commander’s office, which had become a ragged, gaping hole.

  Isa’s desk lay against the far wall, mostly a jumble of smoking kindling, wisps of black smoke rising from the rubble scattered around the blackened waiting area. Alyssa scanned the surrounding space as much as her heavy head would allow, but couldn’t see anyone nearby.

  “Where is everyone?” Her voice came out in a whispery croak.

  “Probably outside. We set off several bombs. Had to keep them busy so I could get you, darlin’.”

  “Come.” Ela commanded them to follow her.

  They ran to the waiting elevator, and Alyssa gritted her teeth, holding in cries of agony from being bounced around. Once inside, they waited with bated breath as she prayed they’d make it the twenty-two floors to ground level without incident.

  When they neared the ground floor, Ela produced a small, yet i
mposing handgun. Sebastian wiggled his hip in her direction with a jerk of his head, and she fumbled with something on his side that Alyssa couldn’t see. Another handgun, likely from the recent ambush, was slipped into his hand, mostly hidden under Alyssa’s legs.

  Ela stepped forward, blocking the elevator door, and Sebastian moved to the back, readjusting his hold on Alyssa, giving her an apologetic smile when she squeaked with pain. She lay her head in the crook of his neck, mentally preparing herself for whatever they might encounter on the ground floor.

  The elevator doors slid open, revealing the large foyer of the Kara’s front entrance. Humans and Szu’Kara ran around chaotically, many of them dashing through the front doors while others huddled together, chattering amongst themselves. Ela paused just outside the elevator, head snapping left and right before gesturing for Sebastian to follow.


  She glanced back, worried and annoyed.

  “In my back pocket, there’s a disc. You have to get it. Drop it in the elevator and send it back up. Now!”

  Ela quickly complied, and Alyssa heard the plunk of the small, heavy object hitting the thin carpeting of the elevator floor. They hustled out of the way, and the doors slid closed behind them.

  Dodging through the frenzied crowd, Ela and Sebastian jogged to the entrance, pushing their way outside as the walls of the Kara rattled from the explosion in the elevator, terrified screams following them outside.

  Alyssa tasted blood as she bit her lip, holding back her cries of misery from being jolted around in Sebastian’s arms. They skirted the east side of the Kara, running past the commissary where a lone soldier spotted them, yelling and running towards them. Sebastian twisted, trying to aim his gun, but Ela beat him to it.

  POP! The soldier howled, dropping to the ground in a writhing heap, blood spilling from his gut. Sebastian turned back, running faster towards the med pod.

  When they reached the sloped wall of the med pod, Sebastian and Ela crouched in the shadows. Using his knee to support Alyssa, he peered around the corner, back in the direction of the Kara’s entrance. Ela knelt behind him, out of Alyssa’s line of sight. He twisted around, moving behind Ela as they edged their way along the pod’s gunmetal wall.


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