Tempted by the Boss

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Tempted by the Boss Page 5

by Jules Bennett

  “Why don’t you get some trunks on and we can take a walk on the beach,” she suggested.

  “Didn’t you just do that?”

  “It’s more fun with someone else.”

  “What do you do for fun back in Royal?” he asked curiously.

  She’d worked for him for five years, and he knew most things about her, but she realized he never really asked about her personal likes or hobbies.

  “Lately I’ve been too tired to do much else other than work, grocery shop, and do my laundry,” she admitted. “I love to read and travel when I can. I’ve always been a beach girl at heart. Growing up we always vacationed at the shore. My parents chose a different beach locale each summer, so I guess that’s where my love of travel also comes into play.”

  His brows drew in. “You haven’t taken a vacation in the five years you’ve worked for me.”

  “No, I haven’t,” she agreed, pouring herself another mimosa. “When I first started working I wanted to be there to make a good impression and I couldn’t afford to travel. Then everything went to hell. I couldn’t leave when you needed me most. And now that we’re trying to regain our footing and rebuild, I couldn’t just take off.”

  “Yet you did,” he reminded her.

  She leveled his stare. “Because you’re working yourself to death, which wasn’t helping anyone. You’d gotten cranky with the staff.”

  “You mean with you,” he corrected.

  Kelly took a drink and shrugged. “I can handle your growling, but when I see that it’s not just a bad day here and there and you’re starting to form a long-term pattern, I need to intervene. I care for you, Luke.”

  There. She’d put that nugget of information out in the open and he could take the statement the way he wanted.

  A corner of his mouth kicked up in amusement. “Are you my self-appointed keeper?”

  She crossed her arms, still holding onto her mimosa. “I’m your assistant. I wear many hats under that title.”

  “Did you and my brother have a long talk about me?” he asked.

  “We did. He’s just as concerned as I am.”

  Luke sighed and raked a hand over his beard, the bristling against his palm had all of her nerve endings standing on edge. She could practically feel that coarse hair along her bare skin as he pleasured her.

  “Then why didn’t he say anything?”

  Luke’s demanding question brought her back from her fantasy. “Did you want Zeke to take you on a getaway?”

  His eyes slowly ran over her body, giving her even more ammunition for her arousal. How could the man be so potent when he wasn’t even touching her?

  “We both can’t be away from the company,” he stated, his eyes darting back to hers. “Ava is just getting back into the swing of things and we need to support her all we can.”

  Kelly was proud of the fierce woman Ava Wingate had proven to be. After Keith had been pilfering money over time and destroying everything they had, she had decided to jump back into Wingate and make the company stronger than ever.

  She was still fragile from all the heartache, but she’d always been a strong role model for Luke and Zeke.

  “Then don’t you think you should just listen to me?” Kelly asked. “Ava needs you at the top of your game, and one week will not make or break the company. With her and Zeke there, everything will run just fine. After all your family has gone through, I think you can take this time to regroup.”

  Luke came around to the other side of the breakfast cart to stand next to her. He continued to stare at her like he could read her thoughts...which was terrifying if he knew what she’d been thinking about him.

  “Fine,” he stated. “For the next five days, I’m yours. Do what you want.”

  Kelly nearly stripped his clothes off, but regained her common sense before embarrassing herself. The next five days would surely prove to be extremely memorable...and maybe just a little thrilling.


  “Are we having fun yet?”

  Kelly laughed and he hadn’t realized how sexy that soft chuckle of hers could be. Maybe it was because he was lying within inches of her on their private patio or perhaps it was due to the fact that his eyes were closed and his other senses were heightened. Or maybe it was because she kept wearing the skimpiest damn bikinis he’d ever seen.

  “I’m having a blast,” she answered.

  “I’m not doing anything but sitting still,” he grumbled.

  “That’s the point.”

  That made no sense to him. He needed his phone, he needed to be setting up meetings of potential investors, he needed... Hell, he needed to be doing something. He’d never just sat still before. What did that accomplish?

  And not only was he sitting still without his work, he had to be subjected to this unwanted jolt of desire every single time he was around Kelly.

  Which was all the damn time.

  “Is Ezekiel meeting with—”

  “No work talk,” she demanded.

  Luke sat up and swung his legs over the side of the chaise so he could face Kelly. She continued to lie there with her eyes closed, driving him crazy with those little yellow strings tied at her hip bones, and he knew good and well she heard him sit up. The woman might be the death of him.

  If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was doing this on purpose.

  “How come you aren’t this annoying in the office?”

  Now she did turn to face him, pulling an arm over her forehead to shield the sun as she flashed him a smile.

  “Because you’re in charge in the office,” she told him. “I’m in charge here. If you’re getting restless, we can take a walk around the resort or down on the beach.”

  “I need to do something other than sit here.”

  She abruptly came to her feet and motioned for him to get up, too. “Go throw on something else and we’ll take a walk. The resort is beautiful. We can go have a drink or something.”

  That sounded somewhat better. At least she’d be wearing more clothes, which would certainly help his mental state...and his growing attraction. He absolutely could not see Kelly as more than a friend or assistant. He refused.

  Which is why he was going to push away all of those mental pictures of her in those damn bikinis and remember he was her boss. He could not cross that invisible line because there would be no coming back.

  * * *

  Kelly would much rather spend her time relaxing on the beach and catching some rays, but if Luke wanted to walk around, she’d go with him.

  They made their way along the paved paths through the lush gardens and past other bungalows. The few couples they saw were walking arm in arm or holding hands. Kelly bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Probably not many boss/assistants on romantic getaways.

  “Do you want to look in the gift shop?” she asked. “Maybe you’ll find some other things to wear that aren’t so bad.”

  Luke glanced her way and nodded. “Couldn’t hurt.”

  “I mean, you do look like a tourist, so that’s what you are. But if the plaid, floral, and tacky tees aren’t doing it for you, then I guess we can shop.”

  “You are seriously getting your kicks out of this,” he chuckled. “I’m sure you can’t wait to get back to tell my brother.”

  Kelly laughed. “Oh, he’ll definitely be informed of how well we spent his dollars.”

  They passed a couple of restaurants, one Mexican and one Italian. There was a buffet on the other side of the resort and a few other themed restaurants. Kelly loved that they could order from any of the places, or a combination of them, for any meal. So far, everything they’d eaten had been amazing.

  They passed workers who merely smiled, nodded, and murmured a polite Aloha. Everything was so laid back and easy going here.

  Luke reached the gift shop door
and reached to open it, gesturing for Kelly to enter first. Even though he was a tad disgruntled, that Southern charm was always present.

  “Aloha,” the pretty female worker greeted. “What can I help you find?”

  “We’re just looking,” Kelly told her with a smile.

  “Let me know if you need any help.”

  Luke went immediately to the men’s section and began perusing the swim trunks. Nearly everything was small, skimpy, and extremely garish. Kelly picked up a pair of boxers that claimed they glowed in the dark with little lips all over the material.

  Kelly held them up and smiled, shaking the hanger. “How about a pair of boxers to match your trunks?”

  He glared at her over the rack. “I’ve got my own, thanks.”

  She shrugged and hung them back up. “You can look here. I’m going to check out my section.”

  “See if you can find a suit that covers more,” he muttered.

  Kelly jerked. “Excuse me?”

  His eyes met hers. “A one piece or something.”

  Irritation quickly slid into anger. “So you want me to get a different suit?”

  “That would be nice.”

  She offered a sweet smile. “Sure thing. Anything to make you relaxed.”

  Turning toward the bathing suits, Kelly started searching for the perfect one. She found something in white that she believed would work just right. She also selected a cute little backless sundress in a pale pink and a pair of colorful sea glass earrings.

  Kelly went to the register and had everything charged to her card because she wasn’t putting it on the room for Zeke to pay for. She grabbed her shopping bag and turned to see Luke empty-handed.

  “Nothing capture your attention?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I’ll make do with what I have.”

  Kelly shouldered the shopping tote and headed toward the door. “Well, I have a new suit so what do you say we grab some drinks from the bar and head back to the room? We can get changed and go down to the beach for a few hours.”

  “I could use a drink,” he agreed.

  As soon as they stepped outside, they headed to the bar closest to their hut and grabbed a few tropical cocktails. Kelly couldn’t stand the silence or the questions nearly exploding in her mind.

  “What was your issue with my suit?” she asked as they walked side by side.

  “What suit?” he grumbled. “You’ve been wearing scraps.”

  Kelly bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn’t sure if she should be pissed or amused. Either way, he noticed her and he was irritable. That was a great sign that her plan might be working.

  “I’m getting sun and I’m on vacation,” she reminded him. “Everyone has a home wardrobe and a vacation wardrobe.”

  “Not me.”

  She rolled her eyes as she sipped from her hot pink straw. “I’m not surprised,” she retorted. “You don’t go anywhere to need a vacation wardrobe.”

  They reached the door and he punched in their code. Luke held the door open for her and she brushed by him as she entered. She hadn’t done it on purpose, but there wasn’t much room. A small thrill shot through her. She didn’t miss his swift intake of breath or the way that hard, muscular body felt against her own. Granted the moment only took a second, but it was enough to have her wondering if he was finally seeing her in a different way.

  “I’ll get changed,” she told him as she headed toward her room. “Meet you out on the patio in five minutes.”

  “I’ve never known a woman who can get ready that fast.”

  Kelly tossed a glance over her shoulder. “It’s the beach, Luke. There’s not much to do. Besides, you’ve never been with a woman like me.”


  Luke stepped from his room just as Kelly did. He shouldn’t have said a damn word about that bathing suit. Because he couldn’t run the risk of her realizing that she was getting to him.

  In any event, he hoped like hell she got something that covered her butt cheeks and her boobs. Maybe she found one of those surfer-style suits with the higher neck and sleeves. That would certainly help.

  Or maybe it wouldn’t. Kelly Prentiss was a hell of a beautiful woman. Even in the office, she was a head-turner. When they’d go out for meetings in restaurants or to meet potential investors, she definitely got the attention of men.

  “Ready to go?” she asked, holding onto her straw bag.

  At least she had on a cover-up that he couldn’t see through. She’d tied the wrap around her waist and pulled her hair up on top of her head. Just a few pieces fell down along her neck, caressing her creamy skin.

  He seriously had to think of anything else so he didn’t give away exactly what he was thinking. These damn lip bottoms didn’t hide a thing.

  “Let’s go.”

  “I also have the butler bringing more drinks,” she said as she headed toward the patio. “I told him we’d be on the beach so he is bringing them down there along with some snacks.”

  She thought of everything. If he wasn’t so turned on by her, and angry with himself for allowing those unbidden emotions to slip in, he’d be impressed with how she continued to stand by him.

  He couldn’t deny that he would’ve been lost these past five years without her. From having his back in board meetings to rallying around him emotionally during the crisis, Kelly was one of the strongest, most loyal women he knew. She was absolutely invaluable to him in all aspects of his life.

  He followed her down to the beach and to the cabana they had. Kelly sat her bag down and reached for the tie of her wrap. Luke adjusted his sunglasses and slipped off his flip-flops, turning them over so the sun didn’t make them too hot.

  When he glanced back up, he nearly choked.

  “What are you doing?”

  Kelly glanced to him, her hand in her straw bag. “Getting sunscreen,” she said as she pulled out the green can.

  “What the hell is that suit?” he demanded.

  She glanced down, then back up. “You told me to get a new one. You like?”

  She did a slow turn. The top barely covered her nipples and the back... Luke swallowed...was a damn thong.

  “No, I don’t like,” he growled. “You’re my assistant.”

  Kelly laughed as she sprayed her arms. “Does my status change with each suit?”

  Luke rubbed his jaw. “You can’t... I can’t—”

  She stopped spraying and stared at him.

  “This isn’t right,” he bit out.


  He motioned with his arms, pointing toward her very tempting display. “All of this. You, me...all of your bare skin. You’re my assistant.”

  Her lips quirked in a grin. “You keep saying that, Luke. I’m well aware of my job title, but right now neither of us are working. I assure you, if I was another woman on vacation with you, this bathing suit wouldn’t be a problem.”

  She went back to spraying herself, totally ignoring him. Luke clenched his jaw. Nobody ignored him. And when the hell did she get so mouthy? Was she trying to drive him out of his mind?

  Luke moved around the cabana, his eyes locked on her gorgeous body. He stopped inches from her and she instantly stopped spraying to stare up at him.

  “Need some spray?” she asked, holding up the bottle.

  “I need you to stop this,” he commanded. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Forced vacation, remember?”

  He jerked his sunglasses off and tossed them to the cabana bed before doing the same with hers. He wanted total honestly and he needed to see her eyes to try to get a read on exactly how she was feeling.

  “You bought this suit to be spiteful.”

  “So what if I did?”

  Those green eyes seemed to be even brighter out in the sun. They held him captive in a way he’d never
noticed before.

  “You didn’t like the other one,” she went on. “You told me to get something different.”

  “I told you to get a one-piece.”

  She cocked her head and tipped her chin in a defiant manner. “You don’t get to give the orders here,” she reminded him, pointing a finger into his chest. “If you don’t like what I’m wearing, then stop looking at me.”

  Something in him snapped. Luke grabbed her finger and pulled her hand aside so he could step right up and into her face. He held onto her hand as his mouth came within a breath of hers.

  “You think you’re in charge?” he growled. “You think I can just stop looking at you? Wrong on both counts.”

  Luke leaned in, gazing into her eyes for a moment, silently making sure she was definitely on board. The intense desire staring back at him gave him no reason to stop.

  He claimed her lips, ready to put them to better use than sassing him.

  Never in his life had he wanted to kiss anyone more. He’d never been more sexually frustrated in such a short time and he’d never in his wildest dreams thought he would want his assistant in such a carnal manner.

  Damn this woman could kiss. Her nearly bare body pressed against his as she met his passion with a heated desire all her own. He still held onto one of her hands, but her free hand came up to the back of his neck, as if holding him in place...

  Had she been keeping this inner vixen bottled up? Did she have feelings for him or was she just taking advantage because he’d gotten in her face?

  He didn’t give a damn right now. There was a need, an ache that he needed to feed. Something burning inside of him that he’d suppressed for far too long.

  Kelly’s hips ground against his, and there was absolutely no denying exactly how aroused he was. No matter how irritated he tried to be, she knew the truth now.

  “Excuse me, Miss Prentiss.”

  They jerked apart, his hand still holding hers as he turned to look over her shoulder. The butler stood there with a large tray full of snacks and drinks.


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