Tempted by the Boss

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Tempted by the Boss Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  Damn it. He was supposed to be concentrating on anything other than Kelly and that body she kept displaying.

  She was more than just sexy curves, though. That did not even begin to scratch the surface of what this woman was made of. He’d always known how intelligent and astute she was, and to that end, he never went into a meeting without her. Heck, his assistant was like the second half of his brain. If there was something he didn’t think of, he knew she would. Many times she was already ahead of him and he’d never had to ask her to do anything twice.

  But it wasn’t until yesterday that he discovered just how persistent, demanding, and strong-willed she could be. All of that combined was too damn sexy and he was having a difficult time resisting her.

  He should be resisting her. She worked for him, after all, and he had to keep reminding himself that if they entered into a fling and it ended badly, then what would happen? He couldn’t risk losing her as an assistant or a friend. She’d been there for him through so much and there weren’t many people he trusted. He had to keep everyone in those labeled boxes like she’d mentioned. Moving anything around would completely throw off his entire life.

  “You can roll to your back now,” the masseuse whispered into his ear.

  She lifted the towel slightly as he turned to his back. Next to him, he caught sight of Kelly rolling over as well. That glimpse of side breast was seriously not helping him keep his hormones in check.

  And this massage was doing the opposite of relaxing him. If anything, he was more revved up than ever. He wanted her in the worst possible way but, for all the reasons he’d just listed to himself, having sex with Kelly Prentiss was a horrible idea.

  Maybe he should think about Christmas instead. Less than a month away and he still needed to get Kelly something. He was so bad at this. For the past five years, he’d given her a hefty bonus. Even when the company was plummeting, he’d given her money from his personal account. She was too invaluable to not show his appreciation.

  Yet now...now everything had changed and he was absolutely clueless.

  Luke focused on breathing slowly, trying to get his mind to calm down from going a hundred different directions. However, trying not to think about Kelly next to him wearing nothing but these damn towels? Well, that proved nearly impossible.

  But, regardless, he had to stay strong because too much was at stake. They still had four days here, and somehow, someway, he was going to have to muster some serious willpower to resist her seductive charms.

  * * *

  The massage was absolutely fabulous. Kelly finally felt relaxed and ready to tackle anything.

  The masseuses left them alone on the beach to dress in private. She smiled, knowing the ladies had just assumed she and Luke were a couple. There was really no need to explain otherwise.

  Kelly swung her legs over the side of the cabana and reached for her cover-up. She slid the simple black sheath over her head and came to her feet.

  When she glanced back, Luke was laying on his side staring up at her. Between that little towel covering his most essential parts and his skin glistening from the oils used during the massage, Kelly had to pull in a deep breath to calm herself. Gah! Even having normal thoughts around him was starting to become difficult.

  “What do you have planned now?” he asked.

  That low, husky voice reminded her of her fantasies. She knew full well what that voice would sound like in the dark as his body slid over hers beneath the sheets.

  “Is there something you want to do?” she asked.

  That naughty grin had her smiling right back at him.

  “I know, that was a loaded question,” she said before he could comment. “Dinner won’t be for several hours still. We can always rent a car and drive around the island, or we could hang here and continue relaxing without thinking of work.”

  Luke’s eyes raked over her, something he kept doing lately, and she didn’t miss that hunger staring back at her. Was he about to suggest they go back to the room? Or maybe he’d tell her to lay back down with him, as they had their own private beach and she’d paid for total privacy.

  She wanted him now more than ever. And the best part was that she knew the feeling was mutual. He’d been eyeing her for days and there was no longer a doubt in her mind that he craved her with just as much fervor as she craved him.

  Even so, she assumed Luke was still battling between his professional and personal life—not wanting to mix the two considering their positions. She hoped like hell this was the one time he’d put his work mode on hold to go after what he wanted... She was banking on that.

  “Exploring the island might be the best,” he told her gruffly. “Staying here alone isn’t the smartest idea.”

  Oh, she thought it was a fabulous idea, but she was also up for a little exploration.

  “I’ll go get ready and meet you in about thirty minutes,” she said. “I know just where we should go.”

  He continued to hold her gaze. “You’re not taking me to a nude beach, are you?”

  “Now why would I do that when we could get nude on our own private beach?” she volleyed back with a smile. “It’s a surprise, so go get ready.”

  “I’m starting to become afraid of your surprises.”

  Kelly laughed. “I just like to keep you on your toes.”

  Turning away before he could comment, she headed up the beach toward their bungalow. She’d done enough research online and made some calls in advance to learn the areas to explore that would be private and dodge all the tourist hot spots. After all, she still wanted this time for Luke to be relaxing, and she really didn’t want to be around a bunch of people.

  Kelly quickly showered and pulled her hair into a top knot. She threw on her black bikini, a pair of cut-off jean shorts, and a white tank. Then she slid on her canvas shoes, tossed some necessities into her beach bag, and checked her cell to make sure the car was ready and out front.

  Zeke had left instructions with the owner to ensure the staff knew Kelly was in charge and anything she wanted would be at her disposal. She appreciated that, she truly did, but she couldn’t imagine what all of this was costing him.

  She’d come to realize that it paid to have money and people on standby.

  There was nothing she wouldn’t do for Luke and lying to get him here was something she would never regret...no matter how things turned out. Yes, she wanted him to cleanse his mind and get a fresh start back at work, but she wanted him to see her as more than his assistant and sometimes buddy. She wanted him to see her the way she’d seen him all these years.

  With each passing moment, that was becoming a very real reality. Something was developing between them and she wasn’t sure if this was just a physical bond or whether there was more. The anticipation was part of the thrill and she couldn’t wait to see what today brought them.

  But...the more she learned about Luke on a personal level, the more she wondered how difficult it would be to keep her heart out of the equation.

  Kelly stepped out of her bedroom to find him waiting in the living area. He glanced up from his spot on the couch and came to his feet. She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Another new outfit,” she stated with a nod. “I hope you’re going to sport some of this snazzy wardrobe back at the office.”

  He glanced down to the T-shirt that read “Don’t Worry—Beach Happy” and the bright pink shorts.

  “These clothes will never make it back to Texas,” he growled.

  “Aw, now you know that shirt would be a big hit at the next board meeting,” she told him. “Why be so predictable with a suit and tie?”

  He glared at her. “Because I’m the VP and nothing about this is professional.”

  “But it’s fun. Remember that word?”

  Luke blew out a sigh and started toward the door. “You keep reminding me.”

sp; Kelly shoved her cell into the bag on her shoulder and stepped out of the bungalow. The warm afternoon sun fell on her face and she was so excited to spend the day frolicking with Luke without a care in the world. Her greatest fantasy was coming to life and, for now, she was going to enjoy the moment and not worry about what would happen once they left this paradise.

  As they made their way to the front of the resort, a bellman greeted them and opened the doors to the white Jeep that awaited them.

  “How the hell did you get a vehicle this fast?” Luke muttered as they got closer.

  “Stick with me and you’ll have all the fun things in life.” She sent him a wink. “Just kidding. Zeke left his card and said I was to use it as I saw fit.”

  Kelly circled the hood and jumped into the driver’s seat, thanking the resort employee for his help. When Luke settled in beside her, he turned to her.

  “Where are you taking me?” he asked.

  She put the Jeep in gear, so glad they had given her one with the top off, and adjusted her sunglasses.

  “You trust me?” she asked.

  Luke merely chuckled as she tore off out of the resort, heading for their day of fun.


  Luke admired the beautiful scenery as Kelly maneuvered through the streets. The fresh air was a welcome reminder that he needed to get out of the office more. Lately, his usual days were spent heading into work early and going home late.

  He tried to grab a run before or after the office at least four days a week, but sometimes that just wasn’t possible. On occasion, a very rare occasion, he’d get to the Texas Cattleman’s Club for an evening of drinking and darts with some friends. But lately those nights had been so few and far between.

  Luke didn’t have time for fun and he sure as hell didn’t have time to be on vacation. But, he couldn’t ignore that the longer he was here, the more he was okay with the fact Kelly had conspired with his brother and kidnapped him.

  There was still that guilt that seemed to have settled in deep. The guilt for being away from the office, the guilt for enjoying the hell out of this flirtation with Kelly, and the guilt that he still hadn’t found a way to save Wingate.

  Luke glanced from the picturesque blue water to the woman in the driver’s seat. That glorious red hair blew all around her shoulders and face. She drove with a smile as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as if she had a steady beat in her head. He’d never seen her so calm, so free and spirited.

  Something shifted inside of him. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. All he knew was there was so much more to Kelly than he’d ever realized. She was more playful, more alive, and vibrant...and a hell of a lot sexier than he’d ever imagined.

  She hadn’t a care in the world right now. In the office, she was always on top of everything, her mind often worked like his and they were always in sync. Now though, she had clearly pushed Wingate aside and was solely in the present. Part of him envied her that she could compartmentalize her life in such a way.

  Kelly loved Wingate just as much as he did, so it wasn’t that she didn’t take her job seriously. Her title might be assistant, but she really was so much more. She busted her ass to make him look good in front of potential investors. Her spreadsheets and slideshows were spot on for each board meeting and he was always proud to give her the due credit she deserved.

  In the distance behind Kelly, the mountains peaked. There was something extremely calming about Oahu. He’d never been before and any time he traveled, he never did so for pleasure, or even with a female companion.

  Everything about this trip was foreign to him. How could he ignore these strong, albeit brand new, emotions he was having for Kelly? Was it smart to even think about acting on them? They were just so damn potent, but he had to wonder if that was because they were alone on a tropical island that just screamed romance and sex.

  Romance and sex were definitely two words he had never associated with her, but they were all he could think about now.

  What started out as a crazy plan from his brother had quickly morphed into an incredible adventure. How could he not enjoy himself here with Kelly? Maybe if he made more time for decompressing, he’d be at the top of his game.

  Kelly tried tucking her hair behind her ears, but the wind continued to whip it about. He had a sudden image of that hair sliding over his body as her mouth explored him and his tacky shorts just got a bit tighter.

  Kelly pulled onto a narrow road leading away from the ocean. He wanted to ask again where they were going, but he knew she wouldn’t tell him. She was having way too much fun with all of these surprises and, other than the terrible wardrobe, he was having a pretty good time. That massage had been amazing and the food had been incredible.

  When she pulled the Jeep over on the side of the road and killed the engine, he glanced around to the base of the mountains and the rocky area surrounding them.

  “We’re here?” he asked.

  Kelly climbed out of the vehicle and grabbed her bag from the back. “We are. Let’s go.”

  He didn’t know where they were heading, but he obliged and followed her. He wasn’t one to typically take orders, but again, he couldn’t deny this was part of the appeal of Kelly and this impromptu trip.

  The rushing water seemed to echo off the rocks. He heard before he saw, but as soon as they walked a little farther and rounded the bend, Kelly stopped and gasped.

  “It’s even more breathtaking than they said,” she murmured.

  Luke came up beside her and stared at the rushing waterfall as it flowed into the crisp blue water below. It seemed so far away, yet still close enough to touch.

  “I was given a tip about this place,” she told him, her eyes still locked onto nature’s beauty. “It’s a waterfall only the locals know about and it’s usually pretty private.”

  She started toward the path that would take them down to the base and Luke set out behind her. Beyond the beauty of this place that amazed him, he was also stunned at all the trouble she’d gone to now that they were here. Zeke might have footed the bill, something Luke would discuss when he got back, but Kelly had planned all the fun. This was only their first full day in Oahu and he had no idea what else she had in store.

  Once they reached the bottom, Kelly sat her bag on the ground and toed off her shoes. When she slid that tank overhead, leaving her in only short denim shorts and a triangle bikini top, Luke had to fight back the urge to grab her and see if those kisses from earlier were still just as hot and arousing as he remembered.

  “Want to get in?” she asked, that voice and smile so damn tempting.

  “You didn’t tell me to wear a suit.”

  Her eyes widened. “I didn’t? Oops.”

  She unbuttoned her shorts, and he watched as they slid down her tanned legs and she kicked them aside. She stood there in her black bikini that looked like the other one that drove him insane. So much skin practically begging for him to explore with his hands and his mouth.

  “Maybe you could jump in with your boxer briefs,” she suggested. “They’d be no different than the trunks you have.”

  He took a step toward her, then another, until they were toe to toe. She tipped her head up to keep him in her sights.

  “I’m not wearing any underwear,” he told her.

  Her face tinged a pretty little pink and, for the first time since he’d known her, she’d gone speechless.

  “Well, then...” she stammered. “You can just, uh, I guess you can go skinny dipping. Nobody is here.”

  Luke took a step back and reached for the button on his shorts. Her eyes locked right onto his hands and that hunger and desire he saw had lust pumping through him. He couldn’t exactly act on his attraction here in the open. Granted they were secluded, but anyone could come down at any time.

  Luke decided since she’d teased the hell out of him, he�
�d turn the tables. He released the button and reached behind his back to grab a fistful of his T-shirt. He tossed it to the ground and couldn’t help but swell with pride as her bright eyes traveled all over his bare torso.

  He shouldn’t be relishing in having his assistant look at him like he was everything she’d been starving for, but he couldn’t deny that he wanted those eyes on him. He wanted her hands and her mouth on him, too. Damn it all...he wanted her and everything about that was completely wrong.

  What would his family say if he came back from this and there was a shift in the dynamics between Kelly and him? Because if they ended up having sex, nothing would ever be the same back at Wingate. Hell, he’d already done everything in his mind so how could anything ever go back to the way it was before?

  When he unzipped his shorts and started easing them down, Kelly pulled in an audible breath as her eyes widened.

  “You big liar,” she swatted at his chest. “You wore underwear.”

  “Oh, did I?” he asked. “Oops.”

  She continued to grin as he tossed her joke back in her face, but she still had that passion heavy in her eyes.

  “Race you,” she called a second before she took off toward the water.

  Luke had barely gotten out of his shorts before he was issued the challenge and took off after her. She beat him by a step and he was surprised how warm the water was as it lapped up around them.

  Kelly continued to laugh as she dipped her body down and came back up. He’d never been so jealous of water droplets in all of his life. They ran over her bare shoulders, they ran between her breasts, they ran down her abdomen. Everywhere he saw a trail of water, he wanted to lick it.

  “This feels amazing,” she exclaimed. “I’m so glad I found out about this.”

  She had to nearly shout because the waterfall echoed. He’d traveled all over the globe for business, but he’d never seen a more beautiful sight than Kelly with all that wet, bare skin with the most spectacular waterfall in the background.

  The water came to his waist, but he made his way deeper to where she stood. As he approached her, her breathing seemed to come out in pants and those green eyes mesmerized him in a way he’d never been before.


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