Tempted by the Boss

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Tempted by the Boss Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  “This is going to be amazing,” Luke exclaimed, setting his phone at his side. “I need you to take some notes.”

  Kelly pulled up her phone and sighed. Yup, they were definitely back to business as usual.

  “We’re going to throw a lavish party,” he started. “We’re going to have it at the Clubhouse and this needs to be bigger and better than anything we’ve ever done.”

  “How soon do you want this?” she asked.

  “Next weekend.”

  Kelly stared across the aisle at him. “Luke, you can’t possibly plan something of this magnitude in such a short time.”

  “Oh, I’m not planning it,” he corrected. “We are.”

  She laughed. “You’re insane.”

  “No, I’m optimistic,” he told her. “Listen, we need to do this. My mind is back working overtime and you were so right when you said I needed this break. I know exactly how to fix Wingate and we are going to unveil our plan to our family and friends and look to the future with hope. It’s Christmas, Kelly. There’s so much to celebrate right now.”

  Having a festive, holiday party and the big reveal of his idea seemed fun and exciting in theory, but how in the hell would they pull this off?

  “Do you even know if the Clubhouse is available that day?” she asked.

  Luke merely raised a brow and she realized her question was ridiculous. If Luke Holloway wanted something, he was going to get it.

  “Ok, so the venue is done.” She made a note in her phone. “What about food or music or decorations?”

  “I’m putting you on decorations,” he stated. “You’ve used that one place before.”

  He snapped his fingers as if trying to recall, but Kelly chimed in with the local company and typed in its name.

  “Music and food can be done easily,” he told her. “The club has people on file and we will use their services.”

  Kelly made some quick notes to follow up with all of these people tomorrow...clearly she’d be working Sunday instead of waiting until Monday.

  “You’ve thought of everything,” she told him with a smile. “What about banners or pamphlets for guests to see what you’re envisioning?”

  “Yes, that’s where I really need you.” He stood up from his seat and crossed the narrow space to sit next to her on the sofa. “We need to pull up all of our resorts and do mock-ups of exactly what we plan on adding to each place. We have to list the new amenities specifically designed for the couples.”

  He started naming off several things and she was typing as fast as she could. Maybe she should have brought up her laptop.

  By the time they touched down in Royal, Luke was ready to go. He’d already made several calls and had set up meetings...for tonight...as in Saturday night.

  Kelly wasn’t surprised, but she was still disappointed. Although she should have realized that, the second he was back, the old Luke would take over and hit the ground running.

  Perhaps that’s part of the reason she loved him. The man was diligent, determined, and let nothing stand in the way of his success. He didn’t work for the money; he worked to make things right, to help his family get back their tarnished reputation and regain footing with their company.

  As they made their way toward their vehicles, Luke put Kelly’s suitcase in her trunk. He had his own suitcase and she honestly didn’t know if he’d packed any of his tacky resort wear or if he just had his suits inside. He’d worn a pair of navy dress pants and a dark gray dress shirt for the ride home. But she knew exactly what was beneath all of that. There were no fancy clothes that could erase her memory of every mouthwatering muscle he had, because she’d explored each and every one.

  “I’m heading to Zeke’s to discuss the plans,” he told her, shoving his hands in the pockets of his dress pants. “If we can get this in motion quickly, then we could use all of these pre-bookings at the resorts to really pull the company back up.”

  “That’s a solid plan,” she agreed. “Just don’t rush too much or everything could backfire and then we’d be worse off than we are now.”

  He shook his head and sighed. “I doubt things could get worse, but I refuse to let that happen.”

  Kelly felt his angst, knew the turmoil and the worry that flooded him. She’d seen it firsthand over the past several months. His family had been through hell at the hands of someone they trusted and Luke bore all of the weight of the company upon his shoulders. He didn’t want to burden others; he wanted to be the one who came up with some magical resolution.

  She also knew how much he loved Ava and appreciated all she had done for him after his parents passed. And Kelly understood that, deep down, his gratitude was the driving force behind him wanting to be the white knight who swooped in and saved the day for the woman who basically raised him.

  “Come back to my house,” he told her.

  Kelly was surprised those words came out of his mouth. She hadn’t been sure exactly where they’d land once they returned, but she had planned on letting him set the tone and the pace.

  “Aren’t you going to see your brother?”

  Luke nodded and took a step toward her. He reached for her, curling his hands around her shoulders and pulling her close.

  “I am, but I want you at my house when I get back.” He dropped a kiss to her lips, then eased back. “I want you by my side through this.”

  As his assistant or his mistress...or something more? She wanted to ask, but the pain laced with worry in his eyes had her simply nodding in agreement.

  “I’ll be there.”

  “You know the code to let yourself in, right?”

  Being his assistant for five years had given her access to nearly everything in his life. She’d never been to his house for more than quick drop-offs or pick-ups for various work things, but she wasn’t about to turn down his invitation. This might be their chance to see if they could be more.

  “Good luck with Zeke.” She stepped back and opened the driver’s door. “I’m going to pick up some things at my place and then I’ll be at yours.”

  Luke smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  Then he turned and went to his vehicle and Kelly was left wondering exactly what he was thinking as far as they were concerned.

  All she knew was Luke had recharged and seemed more hopeful than she’d seen him in a long time. Maybe he needed her emotional support, maybe he wanted more. No matter what, she still had to guard her heart. Even though she’d fallen for him, she still realized Luke wasn’t going to put aside his work to make her first in his life. No matter how much she wanted a family and a husband, Luke could not fill that role. All she could do was enjoy their time together until it came to an inevitable end.

  * * *

  “It’s genius.”

  Luke released a sigh of relief and sank back into the leather sofa in his brother’s living room. Zeke sat across from him on the other sofa with his wife, Reagan, by his side.

  His brother and sister-in-law had found love in the most unconventional of ways. A fake relationship for a front fell apart, but the two had married in Vegas anyway...and then fell in love. A little backward, but everything worked out in the end for Zeke and Reagan. Luke couldn’t imagine them apart. They were so perfect for each other and complemented one another in every way.

  Reagan slid her hand over Zeke’s thigh and offered a sweet smile. “Luke, you have been so stressed lately. It’s nice to see you relaxed. Wherever you went on a trip sure did wonders for your smile.”

  Luke wasn’t about to admit anything or why he was smiling so much. Kelly had pulled something from him he hadn’t even known was so hidden and buried. After months of working so damn hard, staying up countless nights, worrying if he’d ever come up with the answer, Luke finally had a solution, and he only had her to thank.

  “Kelly played a huge part in coming up with this
plan,” he admitted. “She’s brilliant.”

  “You’re a lucky man to have such an amazing right-hand-woman,” Reagan stated.

  Assistant seemed so odd a term now. A week ago Kelly was his assistant and now, well, she was his assistant, lover, and he wasn’t sure what else to label her, because he was still trying to figure all of this out himself.

  Between Wingate and his unexpected feelings for Kelly, Luke really had no idea which way to direct his attention right now. There was so much going on at once, tearing him from one side of his heart to the other.

  He cared for Kelly, there was no denying that. Making any type of label beyond that was naive and foolish. Just because his brother had found the love of his life didn’t mean that was in the cards for Luke. He had much too much on his plate right now to feed a relationship. Look at that past engagement? That had been a disaster.

  “Kelly is amazing,” he agreed. “She’s working right now on getting the arrangements all set up for the party at the Clubhouse this Saturday.”

  “So I take it you’re not angry with me for deceiving you with this getaway?” Zeke asked.

  Angry? How could he be angry? That had been one of the best weeks of his life. But he didn’t like that Zeke paid for everything and he would be rectifying that soon. He just didn’t want to get into a financial argument right now.

  “You look like a different guy,” his brother added. “You don’t have those frown lines and you don’t look so pissed off at the world. Maybe we should incorporate forced vacations quarterly to keep everyone at the top of their game.”

  Another trip with Kelly? He sure as hell wouldn’t turn that down.

  “I hate admitting you were right,” Luke stated. “But we need to push forward and focus on this party this weekend.”

  Zeke chuckled. “You don’t waste any time, brother.”

  “We don’t have the time to waste. We need these pre-sales. That money will help launch us into the next phase.”

  “This is big,” Zeke agreed, sliding his hand over Reagan’s. “I knew you’d stop at nothing to come up with some miracle way to preserve the company.”

  Pride swelled within him. Luke hoped like hell this plan worked and would help protect the jobs of their two hundred workers. This next plan wasn’t just about saving his own ass, but looking out for those who would have to seek employment elsewhere if something happened to Wingate.

  “It’s not going to solve everything,” Luke replied. “But, it’s a solid start that will have our shareholders and investors believing in us again. This will definitely boost everyone’s moral.”

  “I think it sounds wonderful.” Reagan beamed as she patted Zeke’s leg. “You and Kelly have really outdone yourselves with this plan.”

  Luke knew his brilliant assistant was the backbone of his operation. He literally couldn’t do his job to the best of his ability with anyone else by his side. Never in his life had he thought he’d find someone so compatible in the boardroom and the bedroom.

  So what the hell did that all mean?

  “Beyond the amenities—” Luke went on, forcing himself to stay focused on work “—we should add in upgraded packages for when someone really wants to impress or go all out. We can offer up private jet transportation and a car once they reach their destination. Our guests shouldn’t have to worry about one thing once they book with Wingate.”

  Reagan’s smile widened. “This will be a total sellout,” she announced.

  “I couldn’t do any of this without Kelly.”

  Zeke tipped his head and drew his brows in. “Did something happen on this trip?”

  “Yeah, we came up with a genius plan.”

  “Beyond that,” his brother clarified. “Is there something more going on?”

  Luke had no idea how Zeke had honed in on that, other than the fact they were brothers and shared a very close bond.

  “Zeke, she’s my assistant.”

  His brother continued to study him with that dark gaze that resembled his own.

  “Nice dodge of the question,” he said. “Something did happen. I can tell. You know, it’s ok to admit anything. I know you feel the weight of the company on your shoulders, but you’re not alone in this. Kelly is a great woman and she’d be good for you.”

  There was absolutely no way in hell Luke would ever admit anything to his brother...not this early in their relationship.

  Wait. Relationship?

  Yeah, he supposed it could have that label, but just because they were physical and he’d asked her to stay at his house didn’t mean he was ready by any means to settle down.

  Luke shrugged. “All that happened was Kelly finally got me to see that I needed to recharge because I was being too hard on myself and that wasn’t doing anyone any good. The getaway really helped me see things so much clearer.”

  All of that was the truth, Luke just opted to omit the R-rated version of the trip. Everything going on between Kelly and him had to remain confidential. Letting anyone else inside their personal bubble wasn’t an option...not even his brother.

  “I’m not so sure that’s all there is to tell,” Zeke added.

  Reagan smacked his leg. “Would you leave the guy alone? He’s come up with a brilliant plan to save Wingate and make the company profitable again. If something is going on in his personal life with his assistant, that’s his business.”

  Luke could jump across the coffee table between them and kiss his sister-in-law. She had a way of keeping Ezekiel in line. Zeke never backed down to anyone, but he would do literally anything his wife told him to do and he’d do it with a smile on his face.

  Luke wasn’t about to say anything more. He didn’t want to lie to his brother and he sure as hell didn’t want to discuss Kelly.

  A part of him was thrilled knowing she’d be back at his home waiting for him. He wondered if she was currently exploring his house, his bedroom. Maybe she’d be waiting in the bed or the hot tub on his balcony off his master suite.

  Luke came to his feet, more than ready to get home and start working on this party in a relaxed atmosphere with Kelly.

  His brother and Reagan also stood and started toward the foyer.

  “I’ll go ahead and send some texts out about the party,” Reagan told him. “I’ll be sure to really talk it up as one not to be missed. Christmas is a magical time and I really think the timing couldn’t be better for you guys to unveil this endeavor.”

  “I hope so,” Luke replied. “I’ll have some banners printed up with marketing and copy you on the email with the design.”

  “Sounds good,” Zeke said with a nod of approval. “I’ll start getting the word out to the TCC members, as well.”

  By the time Luke left and was headed home, he finally felt a sense of accomplishment. He hadn’t had this feeling in so long and he absolutely owed everything to Kelly. Before their trip to Hawaii, he’d worked for hours on end, never finding anything resembling a solution that would help Wingate get that extra leg up they needed. But now everything was falling into place.

  Luke stifled a yawn as he maneuvered the roads that took him home. It had been a hell of a week in the very best way and he couldn’t wait to lie in his own bed tonight. Yet, much as he wanted her right beside him, a part of him wondered if asking Kelly to stay had been a mistake. He sure as hell didn’t want to give her the wrong impression or to make her believe they could be more. Luke’s hands clenched around the steering wheel as more self-doubts began to creep in. He knew Kelly well enough to know she would get attached and he didn’t want to be the one to break her heart.


  “Something smells good.”

  Kelly turned toward the wide, arched opening of Luke’s kitchen and smiled as he stepped through.

  “I made dinner,” she stated, spreading her hands open to the display on the island. “I hope you don’t
mind. I rummaged through your cabinets to find something. I figured you’d be hungry when you got home.”

  Nerves swirled her belly as he came on into the kitchen and stood on the other side of the island. Being in his house was so much different than the neutral ground they were in in Oahu. She’d felt so strange walking through his house when she’d first gotten here. For one thing, the place was enormous. She’d peeked in each of the six bedrooms and deduced his was the one done in all navy and rich woods and the entire room had his masculine essence.

  Everything in this place reminded her of him. The classy decor, the strong beams accenting the ceiling, the commanding two-story stone fireplace in the living room. It was all quintessential Luke and she loved getting another insight to his personal life.

  Zeke and Luke had been living together, but Zeke had moved in with Reagan once they married. Kelly could easily see two bachelors living here in this vast domain.

  She’d spotted a photo of Luke’s parents on his dresser, and a piece of her heart tumbled for him. She knew that ache of not having parents in your life. At least he had his brother and aunt. He had some family left and she was glad he still had a strong bond with those in his life.

  Kelly longed for such a bond but, more than that, she longed for a life partner. She longed for a family of her own and a man who loved her. She saw how her mother had missed out on so much and Kelly knew she would never live that way.

  “I didn’t mean to be gone so long,” he told her. “Zeke and I got to talking, and I just wanted to make sure I filled him in on every detail.”

  “What did he think?” she asked. “Was Reagan there, too?”

  Luke nodded. “They both thought it was brilliant. Reagan is sending out some texts and phone calls to some of her friends and Zeke is talking to the members of the club.”

  “It’s going to be a busy week getting everything ready,” she told him. “I hope I can pull all of this off to your satisfaction.”


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