Tempted by the Boss

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Tempted by the Boss Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  How had Luke talked about her, and what was she giving away right now? Did others know? Was there gossip flooding the office that she didn’t know about?

  “I can’t do this right now,” Kelly murmured.

  Reagan reached for her hand and gave a gentle squeeze. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out. Listen, believe me when I say I know how it feels to keep a secret about someone you love.”

  Kelly closed her eyes. “I’m still processing all of this.”

  “Does he know you love him?”

  Kelly shook her head and focused back on her friend. “Please don’t say a word to Ezekiel,” she begged.

  “Of course not.” Reagan reached now for both her hands and laughed. “Sometimes girls just need to have their own pact of secrecy.”

  Relief filled Kelly. She didn’t have many girlfriends and due to her long work hours she didn’t get out much to socialize. Reagan being close to Zeke just put her in close proximity to Kelly and she found the woman to be absolutely a joy and a treasure. Zeke had really lucked out.

  “Thank you,” Kelly said, returning the smile. “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you how amazing you look tonight.”

  “Red is Zeke’s favorite color,” she stated with a naughty grin. “Sometimes we just have to remind our men what they’re dealing with.”

  Our men. Kelly wasn’t sure how true that statement was, but she did like the sound of it. It reminded her of the conversation she wanted to have with Luke later. But, for now, nothing else mattered but this party and the success of Wingate’s relaunch. They needed this big push to get off on the right foot for the first of the year.

  Over the next hour, Kelly and Reagan worked on making sure the centerpieces were perfect, leaving pamphlets at each place setting. They also displayed information about the new amenities/travel packages in oversize frames and set it out on the informational table where two employees from Wingate would be stationed all night to answer questions and start the booking process.

  She couldn’t wait for Luke, Ava, and Zeke to see what all had been done to get this new plan off the ground. The idea had come on so quick, Kelly only hoped they weren’t missing anything.

  “Is there anything else that we need to do before the guests arrive?”

  Kelly turned to Reagan and shook her head. “I think we did it. I seriously appreciate all your help.”

  Reagan moved toward the bar and motioned for the bartender to come over. “I’d say we deserve a celebratory glass of wine before everyone gets here.”

  “I like how you think,” Kelly laughed. “But I might need the bottle to get through this night.”

  “We’ve got the time.” Reagan smiled and lifted her glass in a mock cheer. “This is going to be a night to remember.”

  Kelly took a sip of her pinot and welcomed the tart taste. This would indeed be a night to remember.


  Luke stepped into the Texas Cattleman’s Club lodge and was blown away by the space and everything Kelly had accomplished in such a short time.

  He tried to take in everything all at once as he adjusted his Stetson. There were easels propped up all around the ballroom with large, colorful posters exhibiting the new suites designed for romance, the prospected spa rooms, and the showcase also unveiled how the changes would look in the various locations by spring/summer.

  His savvy assistant had managed to display everything in rich colors of gold and white, matching the Christmas decor the lodge already had in place.

  There were twinkling lights draped like a canopy of stars from the peaked, wood ceilings. Tall Christmas trees adorned with gold accents and glittering ornaments flanked the entrance to the ballroom. And the tables had centerpieces that looked like something straight from the pages of a magazine.

  This level of grandeur surpassed his every expectation, and he vowed to give Kelly a raise. Without her, the idea wouldn’t have been born and this party would not have met the high standard people had come to expect from the Wingates.

  The caterers were setting up the tiered stands with food at each end of the ballroom. The music had started over in the corner and there was a space for dancing. The lodge doors in the back were open to let the crisp air in and allow members to mill about inside and out. Even though it was December, this was still Texas and the evenings weren’t too chilly.

  Luke scanned the room once again, looking for Kelly. He hadn’t seen her before she’d left. He’d gotten up and gone for a run, then he’d gone to see Ava, and by the time he got home, she’d been gone. He knew she and Reagan were working here for the past couple of hours, so he hadn’t wanted to bother her. The party was due to start in thirty minutes and he wanted to steal her away for a moment before they were flooded with nearly all of Royal.

  He saw a flash of red, but that was Reagan on the other side of the room. His sister-in-law was definitely a knockout, but Luke only had eyes for one woman.

  Luke crossed the wood floor. “Reagan,” he called as he approached her. He grabbed her hands and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful as always.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she murmured, offering her signature smile. “If you’re looking for Kelly, she’s in the back office. She was touching up her hair.”

  The back office sounded perfect for that alone time he wanted to have with her. Even five minutes of complete privacy would be great. He’d been so busy this week and, when he’d gotten home, he’d always had every intention of stripping her and making love.

  Love? That wasn’t the term he should be using...not quite yet. But he did feel much more for her now than when they were in Oahu. Her loyalty, her compassion, her drive all matched his, and the more time he spent with her, even though they were back in reality, the more he realized he liked having her in his home. Knowing she was there waiting for him had him more eager to be home than he ever had been. Unfortunately, the timing of this project didn’t allow him all that he craved.

  The back office door was cracked and he eased it open, glanced in, and nearly gasped at the beauty before him.

  She stood at the decorative old floor mirror propped against the wall in the corner. Her hands were in her hair. which was draped over one shoulder. She wore a shade of green that did amazing things to her skin, her hair, and her eyes.

  Kelly caught his gaze in the reflection and her hands instantly stilled. She spun around and that’s when he caught the full view of this dress that would surely bring him to his knees.

  Man, he missed their intimacy and he missed when they could just be together without all of these outside complications.

  “Kel.” He closed the door at his back, unable to take his eyes off of her. “You look... Damn, you look sexy and gorgeous and I don’t even know what all else.”

  She laughed and started toward him. With that full skirt, she seemed to be floating like an angel, but that deep V in the front proved she had a little side of vixen thrown into the mix.

  “I was hoping you’d love this,” she told him. She reached for his black tie and straightened it, then flattened her hands on his chest. “You look incredible, too.”

  He could barely speak. Kelly had always been a stunning woman and now that he’d had her in his bed, he knew she was absolutely, utterly perfect.

  “Speechless?” she asked, tapping his lips. “That’s fine. I plan on doing a good bit of talking later.”

  Luke swallowed. “I wasn’t thinking about talking at all once I got you home,” he assured her, reaching for that dip in her waist just above the skirt. “I owe you so much more after falling asleep on you all week.”

  Kelly smiled, her red lips practically begging him to mess them up. “I know you’ve been working hard. It’s ok. But we do need to talk.”

  There was no man alive who wanted to hear those words come out of the mouth of a woman. They never led to anything

  “That sounds serious,” he told her.

  She framed his face with her hands and stared back at him with those expressive green eyes. “Nothing to worry about,” she promised. “I just have some things I want to tell you.”

  Luke cringed. “You’re pregnant.”

  “No,” she laughed. “Though I do want kids someday. Nice to know where you stand on the topic.”

  He shook his head as all the thoughts of what she’d want to discuss kept swirling around. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to seem paranoid, but well, that would be terrifying right now.”

  Luke slid his hands along her hips and tugged her closer until her body aligned with his. He captured her lips, needing to feel her, to taste her. He couldn’t wait to get her home and peel her out of this dress.

  He eased back and stared down into those expressive eyes so full of passion, then she smiled.

  “I like my lipstick on you.” She slid her thumb over his lips to clean the mess. “Later, you can mess up the rest of it.”

  Oh, he loved the sound of that, but he still was itching to know what she wanted to talk to him about. Unfortunately, that would have to wait, because guests were going to be arriving soon and he needed to be out front and center the entire night.

  “You did an amazing job out there,” he said, taking her hand and leading her toward the door. “In case I haven’t said it this week, thank you. It’s not much, but I really wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”

  She tipped her head and the rest of her red curls fell down over her shoulder. “I’m glad I could be the one to help you. This is going to be an extraordinary ride and I want to be on this journey.”

  Which is exactly where he wanted her.

  Later, he would tell her he wanted more. He still wasn’t sure exactly what that looked like, but he wanted her to move in with him so they could see where things went.

  Luke led Kelly back out to the ballroom, but made sure he wasn’t holding her hand or even touching her. He wanted to stop hiding this and just be himself in public with her. He wanted to wrap his arm around her waist and not give a damn what people thought.

  Yes, she was his assistant, but there was much more to their relationship. If people wanted to gossip about that, then that was their problem. All he cared about was getting more from Kelly, more from what they had started and seeing where they could go.

  * * *

  Kelly couldn’t believe the turnout. She couldn’t stop smiling and, every time she glanced around the crowded ballroom, she only saw people having a great time. She had answered questions about the new turn in the Wingate resorts and had even directed many people to the informational area in the back.

  Luke and Zeke were milling about and she’d seen them pass by every now and then as they also were busy talking with guests.

  The party was most definitely a success.

  “I’d say everyone is having a good time.”

  Kelly turned to see Sutton Wingate, the CFO, nursing a drink and glancing around the room as he came to stand beside her.

  “They are,” she agreed. “I think this new phase of Wingate is really going to be something huge.”

  “Luke is taking a chance, but I agree there has to be a big risk for a big payoff.”

  Sutton’s fiancée Lauren came from the bar with a glass of wine in hand and a smile on her face. She looked absolutely stunning in her floor-length gold dress.

  “Kelly, you look gorgeous,” Lauren stated. “I love that green on you.”

  “Thanks. I love that gold, too.”

  Sutton slid an arm around Lauren and a sliver of jealousy slid through Kelly. She wanted to know where she and Luke stood and if they were working toward something. And most of all, she wanted to come out in the open. Stolen kisses and staying at his house, but driving separately to work, wasn’t any type of relationship she wanted to have.

  “I’m about ready to book one of these getaways myself,” Lauren said. “I love my life here, but being pampered with Sutton for a week doesn’t sound bad at all.”

  Kelly gestured toward the back wall. “You can sign up right back there,” she joked.

  “What’s everyone congregating over here for?” Sebastian asked. “Are we having a staff meeting?”

  Sutton shook his head at his twin. “Just chatting. The party is already a success. I’m anxious to see the numbers shoot up over the next few weeks with these pre-bookings.”

  “Always a numbers man,” Sebastian joked. “Just relax for the night and let the plan do its work. Everyone is loving the idea of a couple’s getaway.”

  “That’s because everyone is getting married or engaged lately,” Lauren chimed in with a smile.

  Sebastian shook his head. “Not everybody. Right, Kelly?”

  She couldn’t help but smile at the CEO, who obviously wanted nothing to do with commitment, but he didn’t know that’s exactly what she wanted from Luke.

  “Marriage isn’t for everybody,” she stated with a shrug. “If you all will excuse me, I need to refill my glass and chat with some guests.”

  Kelly eased away from the group and nodded her greeting to people she passed by as she moved her way through the crowd. The ballroom was absolutely packed. She was almost positive all of Royal had turned out to see what exactly Wingate was planning next.

  She noticed living here that people with money wanted to spend it. They not only strove to have the newest and the nicest things, but they also wanted bragging rights and first dibs on social media status. Fine by her, because that would only give a burst of sales that would create a snowball effect that would generate more money than Wingate had seen since their funds had been pilfered by a trusted source.

  Kelly turned and bumped into Gracie Diaz.

  “Oh, Gracie,” Kelly exclaimed. “I’m so sorry.”

  Gracie had her hand up to prevent more of a collision and held tightly to a glass of water in her other hand. She looked a little pale, but still gorgeous as always with her long, dark hair and striking brown eyes.

  “Are you alright?” Kelly asked.

  “Yes, yes. I’m fine.” She attempted a smile, but Kelly didn’t think Gracie was quite feeling it. “I was just feeling a little tired. I was going to go find a quiet place to sit.”

  Concerned, Kelly reached for her friend. Gracie scored a winning lottery ticket that had completely changed her life. She was now a multimillionaire and searching for something else to do with her life.

  “I was in the back room earlier getting ready,” Kelly stated. “I know it’s empty if you’d like to go back and close the door. Can I get you something? Do you need to eat or can I get you more water?”

  Gracie shook her head. “I just need to sit. I’ll be fine, really. Go back to the party.”

  Kelly hesitated, but the young woman moved away and headed toward the hallway. Kelly wondered what was wrong, but she didn’t want to pry. Everyone around here had something they wanted to keep to themselves and Kelly was no different.

  Her eyes scanned the room and locked on Luke. He stared across with a hunger in his eyes she’d hadn’t seen since Oahu, and her entire body tingled. There might as well be nobody else in the room with the way he was gazing at her.

  Beyond the hunger, she saw a desire and a promise staring back. Tonight. She couldn’t wait until they were done here and back at Luke’s house where they could be alone and she could finally tell him she loved him.


  “Your forgiveness means everything,” Ava stated as they hovered in the corner of the ballroom at the party.

  Luke glanced to Zeke. They’d all had a difficult time after Keith’s actions had come to the surface for all to see. Ava obviously didn’t know he had been stealing from the Wingates, but Luke and Zeke didn’t want a repeat of the past. It was imperative that Sutton keep a tight rein
on the numbers of the company and make sure nothing like that ever happened again.

  Every division of the company had been impacted and hit hard. So many families had been affected by Keith’s embezzlement scheme. The reputation of the company had been tarnished as well and every piece of the company struggled to find footing once again. It was going to happen, but they all knew this would take time and take several steps. Unfortunately, there wasn’t just one blanket fix for all.

  Justice was served though and Keith would be spending the next fifteen years behind bars where he couldn’t hurt anyone again.

  “We’re only looking forward now,” Luke told her. “This next phase is a whole new chapter for everyone.”

  “I know this isn’t the time, but I was talking with Sutton and he believes we will need to sell Wingate estate to have the liquid cash for the hotel expansion.”

  Ava pulled in a deep breath and nodded. “I figured there would have to be an extreme decision, but the company has to come first.”

  Luke hated the idea of selling the estate, but Ava was right. The company had to come first. There were so many people depending on them to turn this disaster around, not to mention they had to rebuild their reputation. None of them were quitters and even though selling the estate would be emotional, they would all do what was necessary to start the upward climb.

  “I love you both. Thanks for staying by me.” Ava smiled and hugged each of her nephews. “I better get back to the party. Great job, by the way. I’m going to see Kelly to tell her what an amazing job she did with the decor.”

  Once Ava was gone, Luke sipped his bourbon and eyed the full room. He and his brother stood back in the hallway around the corner from the offices. Ava had wanted to talk to them away from the crowd and the noise.

  Luke started to shift from leaning against the wall when Zeke stepped to block him.

  “One minute.”

  Luke stared back at his brother. “What?”


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