Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices Page 33

by Unknown

  “Oh, God,” he moaned, enraptured at how sweet this moment truly was. When they first heard it centuries ago, he wanted to take her home and make love to her.

  Now, Jolie was giving him that gift.

  As she got closer to the end of the song, Jolie released him from her hold. It surprised her that he stayed where he was, letting her enjoy the moment.

  “I love you,” he practically shouted, as she crashed down onto him frenetically.

  When his hands found her hips, he guided her so he could offer her the most pleasure possible.

  One stroke.


  On the fifth one, he was close as she began shaking above him. Their eyes met, locked together as they bled black.

  It was happening.

  Jolie threw herself off the edge, dragging him with her. Together they tumbled, falling into the darkness as one.

  She swore he called her name.

  He couldn’t breathe if his life depended on it.

  The world tilted, and Jolie found herself cradled against his chest. The absurdity of it all made her giggle. “Why we found a room, only to roll around on the floor, I’ll never know.”

  He grinned smugly. “You’re out of control, that’s why.”

  She started laughing at his comment. “I love you, Jacques.” She kissed him on the lips and sighed. “I think I should be telling you merci.” She wiggled closer to him for warmth.

  He just grinned and kissed her hair.

  “I’m exhausted,” she admitted. “Too much wine,” Jolie added, yawning.

  “Rest, mon amour. I’ll take care of you.” He heard her sigh in contentment and gave her a few seconds to slip into the darkness, so that he could do the one of the things he loved most.

  Take care of her.

  When she was gone and death had claimed her, Jacques picked her up to cradle her in his arms. Thankfully, they weren’t far from their room, since both of them were still naked. At their door, he used his mind to fling it open.

  Maybe a little too hard.

  When it hit the wall, Brogan sat up in bed, gun drawn on them.

  “Shit, Jacques! A little warning next time, huh?” he said, putting down the gun to open his arms. When she was lowered into them, he laid back and cradled her against him.

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, but I believe that she’s struggling with the Devin thing. It’s all building up inside her, waiting to explode out of her.”

  He understood that. It wasn’t sitting well with Flynn either. Then again, anyone who hurt Jolie was a marked man or woman in his book.

  Jacques climbed into bed and moved closer to his mates. He didn't know how far was too close to Flynn, seeing that Jolie was practically on top of his body. Anymore, and they’d be touching.

  He read his mind. “It’s okay,” he reassured, closing his eyes.

  “Good night, Flynn,” said Jacques, grateful that they had him in their lives. He could trust the man to be gentle and protective. Calling for death to meet and take him to the darkness, he stopped the fight.

  “Goodnight, Jacques,” said Brogan, even when he knew the man couldn’t hear him anymore. It was cathartic and peaceful to have them by his side.

  Where they all belonged.

  Brogan couldn’t help but grin as he ran his hands up and down Jolie’s cooling flesh.

  Life was good.

  Damn good, in fact.

  Laying there in the dark, Brogan relived the last few months of his life. Granted, there were the ups, downs, and a rollercoaster ride that he had been on since meeting these two ‘creatures’, he wouldn’t trade it for a single thing.

  Despite what the world thought, saw, or judged them by, his heart was true to the course.

  They were his family.

  Moving his arm, he laid it on Jacques’s wrist, joining them together. It gave him peace, and if they were awake, he believed that feeling would be shared.

  Mambo was right. His life and soul were his to give away, and Flynn knew that in that moment, he had made the right decision.

  He fell in love and found a home with these two.

  Life was going to be good.

  Slowly, he drifted into sleep. The darkness surrounded him and peace filled him.

  Finally, Flynn Brogan was happy.

  And all it took were two dead vampyres.

  Who knew?


  Chapter Twenty ∞

  Monday Afternoon

  Jolie fought the darkness, climbing her way out of the abyss to rejoin the life that surrounded her. She could feel both of her mates near. Jacques was right behind her, bargaining with death for another day. He fought to the surface as they escaped death.

  Before she could open her eyes, Jacques reached for her mind.

  “Did you rest well?”

  Jolie stretched, rubbing her body against Jacques’s chest. “Oui.” It would have been better had her other mate stayed in bed a little longer.

  “Morning,” Flynn said from across the room. He was sitting in the breakfast area, sipping coffee and reading a book.

  Both vampyres sat up in bed to take in the curious sight.

  “What are you reading?” asked Jolie, sliding into a silk robe before moving to sit in his lap. The kiss they shared was steamy, waking her right up.

  “Was I reading?” he teased, as he became distracted by the vampyre in his lap.

  She laughed, picking up the book. When Jolie saw the title, she lifted brow.

  Jacques took it from her hand. “I’ve read this. It’s very enlightening.”

  “Flynn, my love, why are you reading a book on French history?”

  When her lips found his neck and moved silkily across his flesh, he fought to concentrate. “You both have seen so much, and I just want to know what you remember.”

  She paused momentarily, flipping through the book to see if any of it was pertinent to their lives. “Flynn, it’s in French,” she said, staring at him.

  “Yes, it is,” he replied. “Before you ask how I learned, I have no damn clue. It started with craving croissants and coffee, and now it’s French history. It’s bizarre.”

  Jacques lifted his hands in surrender. “Don’t look at me. I have never had a croissant or coffee. I’ll own the book though, since that’s my thing.”

  Jolie snorted. Apparently, Flynn was picking up more traits as the days went on.

  When she wiggled, he fought to not react but his body gave him away.

  “Are you hungry, Flynn?”

  He admitted the truth, “Yeah, more and more every day.”

  Jolie stood from his lap to straddle him. When she dropped across his legs, his body went haywire.

  Now, he did moan.

  Placing her lips against his, she pushed energy into his body through the kiss. It was heated and the perfect mating of mouths. This was more than feeding, this was love. Reaching into his mind, she spoke, “Next time stay in bed, and we’ll do more than this,” she purred.

  He reacted by wrapping his arms around her waist as she continued to torment him beyond his control. Slowly, he could feel the energy ebb as their lips broke apart.

  “Mmmmm,” he murmured, opening his eyes. “That was one hell of a good morning kiss,” he stated.

  “If I were you, I’d bet there’ll be more tonight where that came from, especially since you offered to watch over the family for us.”

  He tried to think rationally, if only for that minute. “Somebody needs to do it, and frankly I’d rather be here.”

  Both Jolie and Jacques stared at him in surprise that he was opting out of the trip. Flynn Brogan was a man’s man and loved the action.

  “What?” he asked, staring back and forth at them. “If someone goes after you there, Jacques is more able to keep you safe in the open. I excel here in close quarters with me and my guns.”

  Jolie gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I’m just being realistic. I want you safe, and I know Jacques can d
o it better.”

  “You are wise, my friend,” said Jacques, calling Chloe to come feed them.

  Reaching into his mind, she whispered to him and him alone. “Later, you’re going to get very lucky,” she promised.

  “How lucky are we talking?” he asked, grinning.

  “Let’s just say that your perverted little mind can’t even picture what I have planned.”


  She laughed out loud. “Thank you, Flynn,” she offered, running her hands over his chest. “Je t‘aime.”

  He was so focused on Jolie and the incredibly short robe, that he nearly jumped when Chloe began cleaning up his breakfast dishes and coffee mug.

  Jolie licked his ear, whispering more into it.

  He wanted to be serious for a minute. “I love you too, Jolie, but I want you to be safe tonight.”

  It gave her a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach. “We will, and you better be safe too. I trust you to keep our family protected, but if it comes down to it Flynn, I don’t want you to get harmed. You’re human and just as easily killed as our donors.”

  He nodded and grinned. “Don’t worry. Anymore, I kill first and worry about the ramifications later.”

  Jacques came and stood by his mate. “Considering the situation, that’s probably a good thing,” he stated. Holding out his hand to Jolie, he spoke, “I need to feed you.”

  Without hesitation, she went into his arms. “I need blood.”

  He was more than willing to supply whatever she craved, even if it was his life. Leaning down, he moved his hair, only to feel her ravenously bury her fangs in his neck. As she gulped, the pleasure rolled through him.

  Yeah, what a way to wake up.

  When Jolie had finished feeding, she slowly released him. “Merci, Jacques,” she whispered, licking the curl of his ear. When he shook, she merely smiled to herself.

  “We should get dressed,” he replied, trying to valiantly get the words out.

  “I think you’re right,” she added, heading to the closet. Jolie was acutely aware that both men were watching her walk away.

  When she was gone, Brogan stared over at the other vampyre. “She’s going to be the death of me.”

  He laughed. “Preaching to the choir, mon ami. I know how you feel. She’s killed me a few hundred times, but what a way to go.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  And here it had been such a good day too.

  Or, at least that’s what Flynn initially thought.

  Jolie and Jacques were gone for about an hour when Devin raced into the kitchen to where Brogan was sitting. He looked scared, panicked, and out of his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” Flynn asked, putting his food down.

  “I need your help!”

  He didn't like the fear in the man’s voice.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Detective, I saw Chloe walking toward the trees, and then heard a scream. I can’t seem to find her out there. I’m worried that something may have happened to her.”

  “Shit,” said Brogan, pushing away from the chair before heading out the back door with his gun drawn and at his side. This was exactly what they expected Genevieve to do.

  When the mistress was away, the bitch would cause hell.

  She was going to go after the human donors to cut back on Jolie’s power. The sick vampyre couldn’t overpower Jolie, so this was the only way.

  His mates were going to be pissed if he lost one of their humans to the woman.

  Racing down the path to the garden, Flynn suddenly realized something was really off.

  His gut was screaming, trying to warn him.

  When his sixth sense kicked in, it was just way too late to warn him what was coming.

  Suddenly, there was motion to his side in the form of a blur.

  He spun, trying to raise his weapon to defend himself.

  But it was too late.

  Darkness came, swallowing him whole.

  As he sunk down into the inkiness, he realized that he had been right.

  She was going after a human.

  Only, it wasn’t Chloe who was the bait.

  It was him.

  Genevieve was going to cut out half of Jolie’s heart and make her bleed.

  Yeah, he had screwed up royally, and it was going to cost him his life.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Jolie, I don’t like this,” said Jacques, as they cautiously walked to the door of the plantation.

  “I know, Jacques. I feel like something bad is coming. What can I do though? I have to come here and meet with them.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “Oui, let’s get this over with, shall we?” she said, knocking on the door. When it opened, there stood one of the vampyres from the other night.

  “Mistress and Master, we welcome you to your home.” The young woman bowed and backed away from the door. “Enter and join us.”

  Jolie and Jacques crossed into the foyer of Delina’s old sanctuary. Immediately, there was a thick layer of tension floating in the air. The other vampyres in the house knew the truth.

  They now no longer had a place to hide from her.

  She had access to their lair. If she decided to kill them, they were sitting ducks.

  “Thank you, Clariel. Your home is lovely,” said Jolie, walking into another room. Normally, she wouldn’t leave her back unprotected to a new vampyre, but she was trying to show trust.

  Oh, and her killer had her back. Jacques would ensure her safety, no matter what.

  “I like the colors of this room a great deal,” Jolie offered.

  “Thank you. The old mistress didn’t care what we did to the house as long as...” She broke off and walked ahead of Jolie. “It doesn’t matter now, so we don’t need to speak of it.”

  “No, it does matter, so tell me, Clariel.”

  There was so much fear.

  It was clearly plastered across the woman’s face. Jolie knew that what they feared most wasn’t her killing them, but being exactly like Delina.

  “Our mistress was not kind.” She didn’t elaborate, but the meaning was understood.

  Jolie approached the woman, never breaking eye contact. “Are you asking what kind of mistress I’m going to be, Clariel?” Jolie asked, touching the woman’s cheek.

  Instantly, she flinched away from her hand.

  Yeah, she’d seen this before in her own life.

  All of this screamed of abuse.

  “Yes, Mistress, if it isn’t an insult to ask.”

  Jolie knew that scaring them wouldn’t help the situation out. For now, she needed to get them to see she wasn’t Delina.

  Not even close.

  “I’m fair and kind to my family, but I’ll also kill those who betray me.”

  She didn’t look any more relaxed.

  Jolie had a better idea. “May I touch you to show you?” she asked softly. When the woman nodded, Jolie sent into her mind all the memories of the last four hundred years. There were flashes of love, happiness, and genuine fondness for the ones who were charged to her care.

  Then, she showed her the kills.

  The death.

  The revenge.

  It was perfectly clear. If you earned love, you got it. If you were a bad vampyre, you didn't last long.

  Pulling away, Jolie waited.

  “Then, it’s true! You’re not cruel?”

  “No, Clariel, even in killing I’m never that.” She turned to walk away, and Clariel bravely reached for her hand to hold it.

  Jacques tensed but made no move to stop her.

  “Thank you, Mistress.” She laid a kiss on Jolie’s wrist in an ancient sign of allegiance to their kind.

  “Come along, Clariel. I happen to need a tour guide to introduce me to the family. Are you interested?”

  The woman didn't hesitate as she clung to her mistress.

  “I would love to.”

  And this time, she meant it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Brogan’s head was splitting open in pain.

  Whatever the hell hit him was far stronger than a human. That meant only one thing.

  He’d been run over by the vampyre express, and the conductor of the crazy train was none other than Genevieve.

  Well shit!

  Slowly, he opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the muted light around him. His first priority would be to assess the situation and see how screwed he was.

  Maybe he had a chance of escape.

  When he looked up at his arms, suspended above his body and chained around the neck of a stone angel, he had his answer.

  Yeah, he was three days past screwed into genuinely fucked. Pulling with his arms, he couldn’t get the leverage he needed to get free. If only his feet were flat on the ground, and not just barely brushing the dirt.

  Well hell, she took his boots too. If he could make a break for it, barefoot and without his gun was going to be even harder.

  One thing was for sure-when he got home, Flynn was going to neuter Devin with the dullest instrument he could find.

  Maybe a rusty spoon.

  Brogan should have known it was going to be a trap.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Reaching for Jolie, once more he slammed into a wall, just like the ones in his dreams. Okay, so much for that. It looked like he was at Genevieve’s mercy.

  “Yes, Detective, you are,” she said, walking out of the shadows. “I’m so glad that you could join me here today. While you were taking a nap, I had a little snack, so now I can hear your thoughts, block out your memories, and really screw with you.”

  Brogan said nothing.

  He needed to stay blank.

  “Don’t worry pet. I plan on killing you in front of Jolie. You see, she genuinely loves you and that mate of hers. While I was swimming around in that mire of a brain, I saw the truth. You’re half of her heart. Without you, she’ll be crushed. I’m betting that she’d do anything to get you back, including trade her safety for your life.”

  “You’re a bitch.”

  She moved so fast he didn’t even see her nails before they raked down his bare chest.

  He howled in pain.

  “Tread lightly, Detective Brogan, because I will enjoy torturing you.” She lapped at his throat and ear, much like Jolie would do.


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