After the Weekend

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After the Weekend Page 4

by Silvia Violet

  He squeezed my hand. “I can’t tell you how much it means to have you acknowledge that there’s not some femme package deal or anything. I only wear things like that occasionally, for an event or a few times for a scene, but I’d wear anything you asked me to.”

  I had to swallow before I could speak. “Anything? Really?”

  “Really. Heels. Rope. A butt plug.”

  I almost choked on my beer as I remembered using the remote-controlled plug on him the weekend we’d met. “No more sex talk.”

  He grinned. “Am I disturbing you?”

  “You’re asking for your ass to be even more sore.”

  “No. No definitely not.”

  I started to say something snarky, but then he looked up from his food. “Shit. I forgot.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Felicity’s mom wants us to come to Sunday dinner at her house.”

  I started to respond, but he kept talking, the words coming so fast I could barely keep up.

  “I know we just started this, and I don’t expect you to say yes, because it’s weird and Carter will be there and Felicity’s grandma, and they’ll ask all kinds of questions that we don’t have answers to, and—”


  He blinked. “Yeah?”

  “It’s fine. We’ll go. I am not in any way ashamed of what we’re doing. I know it’ll be a little awkward, but I have no intention of ending this any time soon.” Or ever. “So we’re going to have to get used to being around friends and family as a couple.” As soon as I finished my proclamation, a wave of insecurity hit me. “Unless you don’t… I mean if you…”

  “No. I feel the same way. I want this to last, so I guess you’re right. It’s just…”

  “What? Talk to me.”

  “They all know how short of a time it’s been since we met, and I don’t want them judging us.”

  “Have Felicity or Carter or anyone in Felicity’s family said something to make you think they will?”

  He shook his head. “No, Felicity is all for us being together, though she did balk when Sean tried to give her details.”

  I nearly choked. “Details?”

  “He ‘accidentally’ overheard some of our Skype conversations.”

  “You need your own apartment.”

  He waved me off. “Sean is harmless.”

  “He needs someone to teach him some discipline.”

  Avery tilted his head, seeming to consider that for a moment. “You’re not wrong. Did you have someone in mind?”

  I pondered that. Leo wasn’t into bratty subs, and that’s what Sean would surely be. Leo liked men who were naturally submissive and willing to endure whatever he asked. I considered a few of the other Doms I knew, but none seemed right for Sean. “I can’t think of anyone who isn’t already part of a couple.”

  “A few months ago, he went out with a guy who seemed like he might be a good match. It lasted for a few weeks, a record for Sean, but then he stopped mentioning the guy. All he would say was that it wasn’t going to work. Anytime I try to ask about it, he shuts me down. He’s dated a lot of assholes, and we often joke about them, but he won’t say anything against this guy. He swears the breakup was his own fault.”

  “Sounds like there’s a story there.”

  He nodded. “Hopefully I’ll pry it out of him one night when he’s drunk, but that’s enough about Sean. I want to know more about your cooking skills.”

  I shrugged. “I love grilling, which I know is really cliché for a man my age, but I can also make a very good breakfast. I guess I can do anything basic, and a few more special dishes.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why do I think you’re just being modest?”

  “My food’s really not chef quality, but it is good.”

  “Cook dinner for me tomorrow. Please. I have to work from ten to five, but if we get up early we can go to the farmer’s market and see what we find there.”

  “You’d really like that?”

  He nodded. “No one’s ever made a meal from scratch just for me. My mom isn’t much of a cook. We ate out a lot, and when she did cook it was just about having something there, not about making it special.”

  “Baby, I want to make everything special for you.”

  He sank his teeth into his lower lip, giving me a shy look before saying, “Thank you.”


  After dinner and a few more beers, we walked back to my condo. I could tell Avery needed to go to bed soon. He’d had a long day at work and he’d been thoroughly wrung out by me. He was walking stiffly, and I imagined his jeans felt like sandpaper against his tender skin. When I looked over at him, he smiled up, and I pulled him against me, so glad things felt right between us now. I couldn’t believe how nervous I’d been when he’d first arrived. Now we were just as in tune with each other as we’d been the weekend of the wedding.

  “Would you like to see some of the makeup I’ve been working on?” Avery asked as we neared the condo.

  “You’d share that with me?” I’d gotten the sense when we’d talked about it before that he was shy about discussing his creations.

  “Yeah, I know you will understand.”

  My heart skipped a beat at those words. “I’m… I’m so glad you feel that way.”

  “I’m actually wearing lipstick I made right now.”

  I studied his lips as I fished my keys out of my pocket. “Then I already know I like what you make, not that I ever thought I wouldn’t.”

  “You’re not just humoring me, are you?” he asked when I’d unlocked the door and we’d stepped inside.

  “Never, boy. Go get your makeup, and bring it out here.” I gave him a light slap on the ass to send him toward the bedroom.

  When he came back, I was seated on the couch. He knelt on the carpet by the table. The position made sense if he was going to lay the makeup out, but it also felt so natural, having him there at my feet. It was where he belonged. He glanced up at me, and color rose in his cheeks. Had he been thinking something similar?

  “I don’t have a lot yet, but these are a few of the eyeshadows and lipsticks I’ve created. As well as some cream that helps remove them. I’m trying to stick with natural ingredients as much as I can to make them environmentally friendly and good for sensitive skin.”

  I picked up a few of the little containers and marveled at them, imagining each of them on Avery. He’d look especially gorgeous in the magenta lipstick. I held it up. “Will you wear this for me tomorrow?”

  “You like it?”

  “I love it. I love all of these. The colors are so rich.”

  “It stays on really well, too. And yes, I’ll wear it for you. Like I told you before, I’ll wear anything for you.”

  I sucked in a breath, needing a moment before I could speak again. Then I said, “You need to keep developing these. You have so much talent.”

  “I want to. I wish I could afford to spend more time on it, start my own company, work toward getting them in stores, but right now that’s just not going to happen.”

  I wanted to tell him I could make it happen, but I knew better than to just blurt that out. I needed to think about the right way to offer help, a way he might accept, because I was going to see him follow this dream.

  “Pack that up. Then I’ll get you ready for bed.”

  “Oh, I thought we were…”

  “I’m tired and so are you. Your ass also needs time to heal.”

  He still looked unsure, but he said, “Yes, Daddy.”

  I used a finger under his chin to tilt his head back up so he was looking at me. “Is this okay? To role-play now?”

  Avery nodded.

  “You know you can safeword anytime, for any reason, not just during sex or spankings, right?”

  “I know, Daddy.”

  “Good boy. Now do what I said.”

  He packed up his makeup and followed me to the bathroom. I turned on the water to let it heat up and began to undress him. He raised his a
rms so I could pull his t-shirt over his head. I folded it and laid it on the counter.

  “I’m going to be as gentle as I can getting these tight pants off.”

  “They hurt, Daddy.”

  “I’m sure they do, but I’ve appreciated the view.”

  “Thank you.”

  I unfastened his pants, careful not to touch his cock any more than absolutely necessary as I worked them open.

  I pushed them and his barely there briefs over his ass. He tensed, but he didn’t complain.

  “Step out of them,” I said when they’d puddled at his feet.

  He did, and I placed them with his shirt. Then I wet a washcloth and carefully cleaned his abraded ass and his cock and balls. I had to fight the urge to jack him off with the soapy cloth, but this was meant to be about caring, not about sex.

  “Daddy?” The word came out all husky. “Are you…?”

  “I’m cleaning you, boy, and getting you ready for bed.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I removed his makeup next, using the wipes and liquid remover he’d brought with him. Finally, I washed his face with his cleanser. “Rinse off in the sink, brush your teeth, and go lie on your stomach on the bed.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Did you bring pajamas?”

  “I brought sleep pants and a t-shirt,” he said.

  “Good. I’ll find them.”

  When he came into the bedroom, I had the clothes laid out on the bed. He lay down like I’d instructed him and I rubbed more arnica into his ass. He flinched when I first touched him, but then he sighed and sank into the mattress. “That’s right, boy, just relax and take some deep breaths.”

  I rubbed all over the area where I’d belted him. Seeing those red stripes had my cock filling, but I wasn’t going to act on it. My boy needed rest, no matter how much I wanted to spend all night fucking him. Maybe another day we’d find out just how many times he could make me come in a single night.

  “There. That’s good. Now turn over and sit up.”

  He did what I said, looking relaxed and dreamy. “Good boy. I like when you obey quickly like that.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Lift your arms.”

  He did, with no hesitation at all. I loved how natural this all felt. I slid his t-shirt down over his chest, caressing his sides as I did. He giggled when I reached his armpits. “Ticklish?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not telling you that.”

  “Really?” I raised my brows.

  “Please don’t tickle me, Daddy.”

  “Since you remembered how to ask nicely, I won’t. Not tonight, anyway, since your ass is sore. Another day, though. I’ll expect you to tell me what I want to know.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Now lay back.” He did, biting his lip as he shifted on the bed.

  “How bad does it hurt?”

  “Enough to make me remember how incredible it was to feel pain but to still want your belt, need it.”

  “Damn, boy, that’s so hot, and it makes me feel really special.”

  “You’re special, Daddy.”

  My eyes stung with unshed tears as I brushed my hand over his cheek. “You’re the best boy a Daddy could have.” I kissed him before he could respond with more sweet words that might do in my resolve to get plenty of rest.

  He opened to me, drawing my tongue in, but I kept the kiss gentle and pulled back long before I wanted to. I never remembered just how soft his lips were.

  Avery sighed. “I want more, Daddy.”

  “Not now. I need to get you dressed.”

  “Do you have to?”

  “Yes, because if we sleep naked, I might damage that sore ass.”

  I was glad his pants were soft, worn flannel that would be gentle against his tender skin. “Lift your feet.” He did, and I slid the PJs up his legs. “Now your hips.” He winced when I slid them over his ass. Once I was finished, I stroked his chest. “Are you okay now?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy.”

  “Good. Now I’m going to tuck you in.”

  “Aren’t you sleeping with me, Daddy?”

  “I’ll come to bed in just a little while. I need to get myself ready, but I wanted you settled first.”

  I pulled the covers over him, and he rolled to his side and curled up. “Sleep well, boy.”

  “Don’t be long, Daddy. I want you here with me.”

  My heart was melting for him. “I’m just going to change into sleep pants and brush my teeth.”

  By the time I slipped into bed, my boy was sound asleep. I tugged him to me so his head was pillowed on my chest. He sighed but didn’t wake. I drifted off with his weight on me and the feel of his soft skin under my hands.


  The next morning, I woke before Avery. He’d been so good, not begging me or questioning me about having sex last night, so when I felt his morning erection against my leg, I decided he deserved a reward. I slipped down under the covers, pulled down his sleep pants, and took his cock in my mouth. It only took him a few moments to stir. He groaned and pushed deeper into my mouth, but I pulled back. “How does that feel?”

  “So good. Don’t stop.”

  “Do you need to straddle me so you don’t hurt your ass?” He had to still be incredibly sore.

  “No, it’s good like this.”

  “You can thrust into my mouth if you want to. This is about you. Enjoy this any way you want. You’ve earned it.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  I teased his slit before adding, “The only rule is don’t hold back any sounds. I want to hear them all.”

  “Yes—Oh my God!” he cried out as I sucked on his cockhead.

  Part of me wanted to tease him to draw this out, but he needed breakfast before work, and I’d said this was about reward, not torment. There’d be plenty of time to toy with him this weekend. I drew the flat of my tongue up his shaft, dragging whimpers from him. Then I swallowed him to the root, and he gripped the sides of my head. “More. Please, Daddy, give me more.”

  I was relentless, sucking and licking until he was quivering, his balls pulled up tight. I tugged on them as I teased his hole, and he came, thrusting into me so hard, I had to hold his hips down to keep from choking.

  “So good. Daddy, it’s so good.” He kept muttering those words over and over as I licked him clean.

  My own cock was so hard I was right on the edge. A few thrusts against the bed, and I would’ve lost it, but I kept myself still. Once I’d licked up all the cum I’d missed, I rose on my knees and took my cock in my hand.

  Avery’s eyes widened. “Are you going to come on me?”

  “Yes, boy. Roll over. I want to come all over your welted ass.”

  “Oh fuck, Daddy.” His cock jumped, and I wondered if I could keep sucking him and force a second orgasm from him. That was another thought to store away for the future.

  “Is this another reward?” Avery asked as he lifted his ass like he was begging for me to come on it.

  “Fuck, yes, it is, boy. You’ve been so good. You get to have my cum all over you.” I loved that he thought of it as a reward. He was so fucking perfect.

  It took only a few more pulls, and I was coming on top of the red lines I’d made the night before.

  Avery glanced over his shoulder. “Wow, that is so hot.”

  I ran a finger through my cum, rubbing it into one of the welts.

  Avery sucked in his breath, but he arched his back, pushing his ass toward me. “More.”

  I rubbed more of my seed into his skin and then lifted my sticky finger to his mouth for him to suck. The pull of his mouth made me wish we had time for more, but we didn’t.

  “Enough. I’m going to shower while you make us coffee. Then you’ll shower, and I’ll run get us some breakfast at Valley Bakery.”

  He looked ready to protest.

  “Was that too much? If you don’t want—”

  “I do. It’s just surprising, because I wo
uld’ve thought I wouldn’t like you telling me what to do outside of bed. I can take care of myself. I’m rarely ever late unless I have to take Sean somewhere, because he’s never on time to anything.”

  I shook my head. “Sean really does need a firm hand.”

  Avery grinned. “So much. But I’m a mess sometimes, just not when it really matters. I’ve wished for someone to push me, to help me make hard decisions. And having you organize me just feels right.”

  “I will push you to be the best person you can, and I’ll take care of you as much as you want me to. I don’t know where that line is for us. I thought I did, but now…”

  “Yeah, same.”

  We looked at each other for a few moments. Then Avery rose from the bed, and pulled up his sleep pants. “I’m going to make your coffee, Daddy.”

  He emphasized the last word, giving me a smirk, but also telling me role-playing was okay, at least in this moment.

  “It better be ready when I’m out of the shower, boy.”

  “It will. And I’ll have it made just like you like it.”

  “You remember?”

  “Of course I do. I want to please my daddy.”

  I grinned all the way to the shower.



  Saturday evening was amazing. Graham grilled a pork loin and made a salad with goat cheese and blackberries that he insisted even I could duplicate. No matter how simple the food, having him cook for me was as special as I thought it would be. We slept in late on Sunday, and then after eggs and toast, we spent most of the rest of the day in bed talking, fucking, and watching movies. But inevitably, evening came, and we had to go to Dawn’s house.

  “We could still run away,” I said as we stood on her porch. Graham shook his head, so I took a deep breath and knocked.

  “I’ll get it,” I heard Felicity call.

  “Shit. Here we go.”

  Graham leaned in close, his lips almost touching my ear. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Felicity looked us over when she opened the door. “Damn, you two look nice together. Avery, I haven’t seen you this happy in years. He is good for you.”

  “Thank you,” Graham said, his voice soft and sure.


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