The Ancients Series

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The Ancients Series Page 9

by Christine M. Butler

  “I like psychology, actually. I think human nature is fascinating. I would love to be able to learn all I can there, and then carry it over into my own studies of our kind. You know, I think it’s interesting what our instincts lead us to do. For instance, this immense attraction I feel for you…” I almost stopped there, but he seemed genuinely interested, so I continued. “Well, I know some humans believe in love at first sight, and soul mates, but the majority really don’t. There’s hormones, attraction, need, and want. They all play a part, and then there’s just behavior and how you react to all those stimuli. With us, we have our wolves too. They have a completely different criteria for picking a mate. It affects how we feel, whether we want it to or not. Even if our human halves chose a mate, it wouldn’t work unless our wolf half agreed. I find the duality inside us fascinating.”

  “You’re absolutely right, I’ve often wondered about that myself.”

  “So, what did you do before you bought the bar?”

  “I have several businesses around the world. I usually pick up a new interest here and there in my travels. I get them off the ground and move on again.”

  “I see.” Somewhere inside, that worried me. I didn’t want to get involved with someone who was just going to get bored and move along at a moment’s notice. I thought about what would happen if he got bored with me. Our kind didn’t really care about promiscuity, so long as it ended when you were bonded to your mate. It had been very obviously pointed out that there were no matches for me within my pack though.

  “Why the worried face all of a sudden?” I ignored him momentarily, lost in my thoughts. When I looked up again it was because Ashley had gotten up off the couch to go sit beside Asi. They were chatting idly with one another when I turned back to face Evan.

  “So, you get bored a lot and move on then?” I questioned.

  “It’s not like that, Jess. Remember, I told you I was looking for a suitable mate.”

  “I know. I just… I guess I’m not one hundred percent comfortable with what’s happening here.” He looked startled, and I began to stumble over my words. “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. I just… I’ve never really found anyone that interested me before. Suddenly, there you are, and I am completely out of my element. I feel so out of control. One minute I want to learn more about you, another I’m scared out of my mind, but that’s because of the part of me that just wants to rip your clothes off and get naked with you!” Oh shit! I really just said that out loud.

  Asi was staring at me now, and laughing, hard. Yup, I said it out loud.

  “Well, I can definitely get behind that last part!” Evan said to me while waggling his eyebrows up and down. I sat forward, planting my overly warm face down into the palms of my hands. “Hey, come here.” Evan stood up, and peeled my hands from my face, pulling me up with him. He looked at Ashley and said, “we’ll be right back, I promise.” She simply shook her head in acknowledgment and Evan pulled me along behind him until we were walking through yet another door I had never noticed.

  Once we walked through the door, he turned and shut it behind us. We were in an office, and the sounds from the club were completely cut off in here. “This is your office?” He nodded. “And it’s sound proofed. Nice. I always wondered how bar managers got any work done.”

  “The secret’s out!” He smiled at me, and pointed to the couch on the far wall. “I thought we could use some privacy for this conversation. I know it’s not the easiest of things. We’ve known each other all of 24 hours, and it’s well, intense. You were on the money with your theories about how different humans and werewolves are when it comes to matters of mating and the heart. Please, let me put some of your worries at ease.” He sat beside me, facing me this time. Our knees touched, and he grabbed a hold of my hands, placing them in his.

  “I know this is strange, especially for someone like yourself. You’ve said that you’ve never really been interested in anyone. So, you haven’t dated before, which makes this all the more odd for you, I’m sure. But I promise you, I have never in all my years had a reaction to someone the way I have with you. It was instantaneous. I’d like to say it was just my human side, that was completely attracted to you, but that’s not the case. Your wolf calls to mine, and I know you feel it too. They want to be together.”

  “I’m not denying that. It’s part of what scares me. I’m not used to my wolf being so vocal with me. Normally, we’re on the same page.”

  “So, you’re not on the same page about me?”

  “Oh, no, I’m sorry. I really am having a hard time articulating everything. I like you. I am incredibly attracted to you. Seriously, you’ve seen yourself, right?” Yes, I was about to embarrass myself further. “Everything about you is calling to my senses. The way you look. Your smell. There’s almost a magnetic quality pulling me in closer. I don’t know how to accurately describe it. I want to crawl into you sometimes.” My face reddened a bit on that one. “Okay, that sounded creepier than I meant it.”

  Evan laughed, “I get it. I know. I feel the same way around you, and then throw in the wolf. He knows exactly what he wants, no second guessing at all.”

  “Exactly. That scares me. I don’t know you. You’re an Ancient, and I can’t even tell you the horror stories we’re told about you guys. I mean, I’m sure there are some embellishments, but there’s always truth to a story too.”

  “It’s true. We’re not as cautious or as human as your breed appears to be.” He sighed deeply. “My brethren are definitely not what you would call refined. I would like for you to understand that we are not all like that. And I understand your worries. I’m not saying we need to be mated overnight. We have a few weeks before the bonding ceremony. Let’s just get to know one another. I promise you, if you find any reason to deny me between now and then, I will walk away. I won’t like it, but I will respect your wishes.”


  “You have my oath.”

  I moved closer to him, wanting more of us touching. I was aware that my wolf was demanding the contact. She really wanted to run with Evan’s wolf. I could feel her just beneath the surface, demanding that I give in. “You are going to make it very hard to say no.”

  “I’m hoping you won’t want to say no, at all.” He was moving closer to me too.

  One of his hands disentangled from my own, and swept up to my side, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind my ear with the rest. I closed my eyes as his fingers brushed the tip of my ear, then smoothly traced down my jaw line. His finger ran, feather light, over my bottom lip, and when I opened my eyes, he was right there. His cobalt eyes were even with mine, searching for something. His full lips were mere inches from my own, and I wanted them on me in the worst kind of way. He didn’t move, just hovered there, a breath away. My arm snaked up around his neck, my hand buried itself in the hair there, knocking lose the band that had been holding his dark locks back off his shoulders. It spilled over my arm, and his scent hit me even harder, filling my nostrils with his manly spice. I was undone then, and pulled him forward until our lips touched. I had always thought kisses in new relationships were supposed to be awkward things that you had to overcome, but this wasn’t even remotely in that realm.

  His soft, warm lips were on mine, gently at first, and then as my lips parted for him, we were caught up in a passionate embrace. Tongues met and danced around each other, as one of his hands wound through the hair at the base of my neck, as mine was doing through his. My other hand was tucked up under his arm, and behind him perched on his shoulder blade. His other hand was moving down along my waist, tugging on me, pulling me into his lap before I even realized what was happening. I didn’t stop it when I did though. Mostly, because I didn’t want that kiss to end. It was as if we were two halves to one whole. An involuntary noise escaped from somewhere in the back of my throat, and that seemed to do Evan in. He picked me up at that point, flipped me over so that my back was flat against the couch with my legs wrapped firmly around
his hips. His lips left my mouth, and trailed hot, wonderful kisses down my jaw, my neck, and further until he was at the part in my blouse that left my cleavage open for view. He planted a gentle kiss there, before he stopped, and leaned up on his arms. Evan looked down at me through hooded eyes, his hand trembling slightly over my belly, then up my side, and back to my neck. He leaned in and kissed me again before standing, and pulling me up with him.

  “Believe it or not, I didn’t bring you in here for that kind of privacy.” Evan said to me, while pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me.

  “I wasn’t complaining,” I whispered into his chest.

  “I know. I just want you to be comfortable, and okay with things first. Besides, I’m sure Asi, is probably boring your friend to death by now.”

  “Um, I’m pretty sure you don’t know Ashley at all!” I laughed. Poor Asi was probably falling prey to her womanly wiles. “That girl could seduce a God! Asi better watch himself.”

  Sure enough, as we exited the office, Ashley was standing in front of Asi, hands clasped around his, trying to pull him to his feet as she swayed her hips back and forth to the music that was playing. Asriel had a goofy smitten-guy look on his face until he noticed us watching.

  “Ah, you’re back,” he said clearing his throat. Then he noticed my hand tracing across my kiss-swollen lips, and smirked. “I figured it would take longer!” He tossed out, trying to embarrass me.

  I stuck my tongue out at him, as Ashley gave up trying to convince him to dance with her, and snatched my hand instead. “I’ll bring her back in a bit,” Ashley said to Evan.

  By the time we got to the middle of the dance floor, where we caused a spectacle the night before, Ashley was asking for details. “Do I even need to tell you what your face looked like when you came out of that office? If it hadn’t been for the fact that there simply wasn’t enough time, I’d think you got your cherry popped.”

  “Ash!” I pinched her side as we started dancing together. “We’ll talk later.”

  “I want to know now!” Ashley must have had another drink while I was in the office with Evan, because she was just this side of trashed. “Okay fine, since mystical ears are around you can wait until later, but you’re going to spill everything, because I’m jealous of your lips right now.”

  I couldn’t help the laughter that followed her comment. I could still feel him on my lips, as if the ghost of Evan clung to me while we were separated. Feeling this way was scary and exhilarating all at the same time. My heartbeat picked up a step as I remembered how it felt to have him pressed against me. Heat flowed through my body, as I got lost in not only that recent memory, but the music that was guiding my spirit. Music and dancing had always been good for my soul, allowing me an outlet to just leave everything behind. I think it was the same for Ashley, which is why we always had an audience when we took to the dance floor in the local clubs and bars. My body moved and gyrated to the rhythm and every now and then there was a little bit of flirty undertone between Ashley and I, but nothing like our usual antics. Tonight was different. I felt his power spilling out around him before I looked up and took notice of Evan, standing off to the side, watching with a smile on his face.

  I raised my hand, crooked my finger at him, and beckoned him over to me. There was not a single moment of hesitation as he obeyed. He was on me in a minute, grabbing hold of my hips, and moving along with me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t know what’s better, watching or dancing with you.” He said to me, knowing I would hear him just fine without him needing to yell above of the music and din of the crowd. “There’s passion in the way you move out here.”

  “I love to dance. I just feel the music, and” I spun around slowly, gyrating my hips slightly as I went. With my back turned to him now, I looked over my shoulder, and smiled. Evan’s arm that had circled around me pulled me tighter to him. The tempo in the music picked up, as did our movements.

  Ashley was just a little off to my right, and she had grabbed some random guy to grind on from the sea of bodies. She was teasing the hell out of the poor man, because I could tell by her body language she had no interest. Her eyes never left a certain spot on the wall. When I looked over to check out what she was looking at, I saw Asriel standing there, watching all of us. “Doesn’t he dance at all?”

  “Not if I’m out here. Asi is on duty tonight. He thinks it’s best to stay where he can see the bigger picture.”

  “Doesn’t that suck on your friendship? Missing moments like this together?”

  “I assure you, neither Asi or I have any desire to come out here and grind all over each other the way you and Ashley do.” He was laughing, so I knew it was a joke.

  “Totally not what I meant, but hey, I’d pay to see that!” His hand smacked the hell out of my ass at that point. Ashley saw, and joined him laughing.

  We spent the next couple hours between the dance floor and the lounge in back, all of us getting to know each other. By the end of the night, we were making plans for the following day.

  “I have to work on a paper for class on Monday, but that should only take a couple hours.” I pulled my phone out to double check my schedule.

  “How about dinner then?” Evan asked me, but he looked up at Ashley at the last minute and added, “is that good for everyone?”

  “It is for her, and you should stick to that plan. I have work tomorrow, and I won’t be off until nine.”

  “We could wait and do a late dinner,” Evan suggested.

  “Seriously,” Ashley said as she looked over at Asi. “I wish I could, but I have school work to finish up that needs to be turned in later this week too. This is what procrastination has gotten me… the inability to accept dinner plans.”

  “Sorry, Ash.”

  “No worries, next time. You guys should enjoy your time together though. I’m sure it will be easier to get to know one another without an audience hanging over your shoulder.”

  “Pick you up at seven then?” Evan asked me.

  “Absolutely,” I agreed.

  “We were both so wrapped up in things yesterday, you didn’t get to tell me about your dinner date. Where’d you end up going?”

  “Are you really going to wear that?” I couldn’t stop staring at Ashley’s cleavage. “Do you have those things taped in or what? From here, it looks like you’re going to be falling out tonight, at some point.”

  “You think so?” Ashley adjusted her shirt, and realized what I said was true as she fell half way out of her own shirt. “Damn it. I really liked that shirt on the rack too. I guess, maybe you’ll inherit another one.”

  “How about this?” I handed Ashley a sweater. “It’s at least form fitting for you.”

  “It covers everything up! When you have a body like this, you show it off, sweetie!”

  I just shook my head. “Well, you can freeze then, because it is not summer time anymore, Ash.” I grabbed the sweater I had been trying to hand her and decided I’d wear it instead. It was black and fit tight to my body, dipping low at the neck. “I think this would have shown off plenty for you, but you snooze you lose!”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m going to go with this one, and some jeans.” She pulled out a purple top with an open back, black jeans, and boots. “So, about that date you went on? Come on, time to spill. How’d it go? Did you guys get down and dirty like you did in Evan’s office the other night?”

  I threw a pillow at Ashley, but I was smiling like a lunatic at the same time, so she knew something had happened. “Spit it out, wolf-girl!”

  “We went to Angelique’s and had dinner at one of those corner tables, you know the ones where the couples always sit for the atmosphere. We talked, ate, and then went for a walk in the park across the street.” It had truly been a perfect date. “He held my hand as we walked. There was a moment…” My voice trailed off as I remembered. “One minute we were standing beside this giant magnolia tree. The next, he was pulling me inside its branches. It was
like we were in our own little cave there. He pulled me close, and kissed me. It was like the perfect stolen kiss, something straight out of a movie…”

  “Awww…” Ashley pretended to swoon and fell over on her bed. “He seems too good to be true. If this works out with the two of you, I may just have to get you to turn me, so that I can snatch Asi up, and we can double date!”

  “Don’t tease me, sister! You know I’d love for you to join the furry ranks.”

  “Eh, well, not when you put it like that! I’ve seen how often you have to shave those legs of yours!”

  “Ugghh, Ash!”

  “So, what happened next?”

  My phone beeped, letting me know I had a text waiting. “Damn, I didn’t realize it was that late already. We need to get going since we’re walking there, Ash.”

  “Fine. Let me grab my wallet, but you’re definitely dishing on the rest of the date while we walk.”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  Club Hypnotic, the one Evan just purchased, was about 5 blocks from Ashley’s house. This wasn’t the first time we’d walked there, but it was something we didn’t do often, especially when it got colder outside. The weather didn’t bother me as much, but I could see Ashley starting to shiver as we walked.

  “We should have driven.” I told her.

  “It’s okay, seriously, a shot of whiskey and some dancing will warm me right up when we get there!”

  “You’re too much, Ash!”

  “So, tell me how the date went. You were practically glowing earlier when I asked.”

  “He’s amazing, Ash. If we were kissing, and our lips got stuck together, I don’t think I’d mind so much.”

  “Okay, you’re just weird.”

  “That’s why you love me.”

  “You’re right! So, where did you go again?”

  “We went to Angelique’s and had some Cajun food.”

  “Cajun? Really? That’s an odd choice for a first date.” Ashley was pulling on her shirt, something she did when she was nervous.


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