The Ancients Series

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The Ancients Series Page 13

by Christine M. Butler

  As they too made their way into the pile of clothes at the side of my bed, Evan guided me closer and pushed me down on top of it. The moment my ass hit, his hands were grabbing at my panties, and pulling them off too. He continued trailing kisses down me from my breasts, to my abdomen, and lower. I was frustrated when he bypassed the one place I wanted him to go, and instead continued trailing kisses down my left thigh to my knee, and then from my right knee up the thigh, and his hands came to rest over my hips. As his kisses trailed further up, he slipped his hands down underneath my ass and pulled my hips forward just as his mouth found my center. My hands clawed into his shoulder as his hot, wet tongue touched me there for the first time. Suddenly, I understood what all the fuss had been about, when Ashley went out on the prowl for a new lover. If I had known what I was missing out on, I would have been prowling right along with her.

  Evan showed me repeatedly what his magic fingers could do, and the inexplicable pleasure his mouth was able to carve out all over my body until I couldn’t take it anymore. There were no more nerves or first time jitters on my part, I wanted to feel him inside me, my body was throbbing with the need of a different kind or release, and while I didn’t exactly understand it yet, I knew in a primal way that I had to have him. I pulled him up to me, kissing him slowly, relishing in every inch of his body that my hands trailed over. He still wore his pants, and I was about to remedy that situation, when we heard a loud thump from downstairs, followed by a shriek.

  Evan growled, and then whispered to me, “stay here, I will check it out.” He tossed the blanket at the end of my bed over me, and looked back longing at me once more before he tore off out my bedroom door and down the stairs. I covered up, and plopped back on the pillow reliving everything that he’d just done to me. My entire body tingled. I fought the sleepiness that took over me, but my exhaustion and complete relaxation won out instead.

  The soft light of early morning was creeping in through the cracks of my curtains when I finally woke up again. It didn’t hit me that I was sleeping naked on my bed, until someone giggled, and slapped my completely exposed ass. “Well if you aren’t the pot calling the kettle black! Nothing puts a girl into a coma quite like a solid orgasm or four.” Ashley was laughing, as I tucked the sheet back around my backside.

  “What the hell? When did you get in here, and where is Evan?”

  “Damn, not even happy to see your friend after the transformative night I had?”

  “I’m always happy to see you Ash, I’m just waking up a bit confused. Last night, Evan and I were… um, anyway, there was a loud thumping sound downstairs, he went to check it out, and now I’m waking up naked with you smacking my ass. So, yeah, I’m a little stumped.”

  Ashley was laughing at me, “well, I’m not sure exactly what you and lover boy got up to here last night, but clearly it involved a lack of clothing on your part. The noise he came to check on last night was Asi and I rolling around having fun on the porch. I think between that scene and the fact that Evan was shirtless and smelling like sex, kind of threw your dad into a tizzy, and he tossed Asi and Evan out on their asses last night. He did at least give them the keys to your Jeep so they could get back to town without having to run as wolves and risk being seen by someone.”

  Okay, I was officially mortified. “You said he smelled like sex?” She nodded, the smirk on her face showing how much she was enjoying this.

  “So, are you going to tell me all about it or are you going to make me guess what happened? Your dad seemed relieved that you two weren’t bonded yet, so I guess that means no sex, because as into each other as you guys are, you know it will seal the deal.”

  “I know, and if you hadn’t been knocking around downstairs yourself, it probably would have gone too far. I’m not sure whether to thank you or hate you at this point.” I looked down at my sheet covered body, and then sat up, holding the sheet tight around me. “Let me get dressed first. I love you and all, but I feel weird sitting here talking about this with you while I’m nude.”

  “Yeah, no kidding! Get dressed, and then we can swap stories.” She winked at me, as I nearly fell getting off the bed, thanks to the tangle of bedding that was twined around my legs. I snatched up some clothes from my drawer, just a t-shirt and yoga pants, and headed to the bathroom to change. Looking in the mirror was no different today than it had been the day before, but I suddenly felt different. Even though I was still a virgin, I felt one hundred percent like a woman now, after what Evan did to me the night before. I’ve heard women, even wolves complain about not knowing what the big deal was. I could only imagine that I was somehow lucky in having Evan as my intended mate.

  “So?” Ashley asked as I entered the room. She was bouncing up and down on the bed like an excited little kid.

  “So, I never knew...”

  “Never knew what, sweets?” Ashley took up a spot right behind me, starting to braid the length of my hair for me.

  “We didn’t even have actual sex, but I felt like I died and went to heaven so many times last night. If I had known it was like that…”

  “It’s not always. Some guys have zero clue as to what they’re doing, and then when you add in feelings and the whole new and exciting relationship thing, it just makes everything better. Plus, something I realized last night, a wolf’s power enhances things too.” She was thoughtful for a minute. “So, how far did things go last night, then?”

  “Well, I made a comment about his magic fingers, because while we were waiting for you on the porch, I fell asleep with him massaging my head. So, I guess he had to show me what other magical uses they had.” I told Ashley all about what happened, and she seemed a bit shocked.

  “So, wait, you mean to tell me, he had you going off like that repeatedly, and he never got to…”

  “Nope, he could have and would have, I’m sure, but he wanted to make sure everything was safe when we heard the noise downstairs. And then, well, I guess my dad kicked him out, and I fell asleep.”

  Ashley laughed, “girl, you owe that man a good time!”

  “Do you think he’s mad at me?” I asked, not sure what to think after Ashley said that.

  “Oh, no, that’s not what I meant.”

  “Do you think he will be when I tell him it can’t happen again until the bonding ceremony? I know you said my dad was pissed. Ashley, I made a promise to them that I would do things the right way, after my mom watched her sister go through what she did when she was bound without permission and ceremony.”

  “But your dad is pack leader, surely he can sanction it if it happens?”

  “Yeah, he can, but Evan couldn’t even tell me if his family would allow it to happen last night. I mean, what if they get here, and we’ve already bonded, then they tell us we can’t be together? It killed my aunt when that happened to her.”

  Ashley reached over and hugged me. “I’m sure it will all be okay, and knowing Evan, he will be fine with the wait. He’s just going to need to learn to keep his magic fingers to himself!”

  “”Ugggh, on second thought, I’m not sure I’ll be okay with that. Jesus, if only I had known what I was missing out on all this time.” I looked over at Ashley then, and smiled. “Speaking of, you owe me a story. What exactly happened when you changed and ran off with Asi?”

  “Well, you know, he was taking away my pain during the transition. I don’t think I would have made it if it weren’t for him, Jess.” She looked down, twirling the bottom of her shirt in her fingers. “He never left my side, even when the pain was so great it was ripping screams from his own throat. I could still feel some of it. He couldn’t take it all, and every once in a while he’d lose focus in the middle of the pain, and I would have to endure it for a minute while he got it back under control. There’s no way I could have made it through all that. I owe Asriel my life. When I finally hit the last stage of transition, the pain ripped through us both, and we shifted together. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. I can’t tell you what
it means to me that he was there, and a part of that with me. Especially knowing how things turned out afterwards. We ran together. We hit the woods, and kept on going until we came to the lake, and I was able to see my own wolf in the reflection there. I’m a beautiful wolf!”

  “Yes, you are. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a vibrant red wolf before. Your brother is a dulled down copper color. You are amazing!”

  “Well, Asi thought so too. His wolf kept nudging me, and wanting to play, and we did. One of the times we rolled over each other I hit the lake, and came up from the water as a human.”

  “It happens when we’re shocked by something. It usually only takes us by surprise like that for the first year or so, as we learn to control our shifts.”

  “That’s good to know. I really still want to see my mom this weekend, but I was worried about whether or not I should go. I mean, I don’t want to accidentally wolf out, and eat her or anything.”

  “Ashley, I promise you, we won’t let that happen.”

  “Good, I’m going to hold you to that!” She was still fiddling with her shirt, and a blush crept across her cheeks as she was lost in the memory of her and Asi. “So, there I was a soaking wet, naked woman, and he shifted to ask if I was alright, and he was standing before me ALL man! Being the bad girl I am, I walked right over to him, put my hand on his chest, tracing his pec muscles with my fingertips, and wanting more. He reached out and grabbed my hand…”


  “Ashley, this is probably not the best idea. You have a lot of adjusting to do.”

  “Don’t you like me, Asi?”

  “I do, but I also won’t take advantage.” He offered, as he continued to hold my hand still against his chest.

  “What if I’m the one taking advantage?” Asi sucked in a breath as the words left my mouth, and my other hand reached around him to cup his fine ass and pull him forward to me. When our bodies collided, I could tell how much he really wanted me. He was as hard as I have ever felt a man get before. Our mouths met in a hot, wet, tangle of tongues. Our hands were everywhere exploring, squeezing, touching, and once I grabbed hold of him, Asi was undone. There was no denying where things would go from there. We made love out by the lake, and neither of us had a care in the world aside from what we were doing to each other. I’m experienced, but being with Asriel was an entirely different thing from what I was used to with the men I picked up here and there. He was so attentive, and knew just where to touch, kiss, and how to move. Oh god, does that man know how to move. I knew, when we were in the middle of everything that I didn’t want to ever be with someone else again, and that’s when it happened. This pulse of warmth wrapped around me. I’m guessing it was the same for Asi, because of the look on his face. It was pure rapture. Seriously, I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I do know the moment we bonded was beyond magical.


  “So, it’s something more then?”

  “Yes, Asriel said we had to both want it in that moment for the bond to take hold. If either of us had been unsure, it would not have happened.”

  “Good to know, I guess.” I stood up, and slipped my shoes on my feet. “How the hell do I go out there and face my parents after last night?”

  “I would say just play it cool like nothing happened, and you know you can always stay at my place if you need a little privacy with Evan to… you know… talk.”

  “Evan has his own place, if we needed to… you know… talk.” I mocked Ashley. “I think we’re better off staying in crowded spaces together for now though. Clearly, my self-control is nonexistent when he is around.”

  “Okay, now we just have to figure out how we’re getting back to town. Do we run as wolves? If so, where do we put our clothes?”

  “No, we don’t because someone might see us and shoot us.” I sighed and stood to leave my room. “I guess I have to go face the parents. With any luck, my dad is out for the day conducting pack business.”

  “Yep, I’d love to say I’ve got your back, but if he starts yelling, I’ll meet you outside.”

  “Thanks, you’re such a terrific friend.” I laughed at Ashley.

  “Hey, I turned furry for your ass. I think that’s enough bravery for one week!” Ashley joked.

  “Ash,” I said suddenly serious. “I’m so…”

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare say you’re sorry for what happened, because I’m not. Things work out the way they’re supposed to, Jess. If we had done it any other time, maybe Asi wouldn’t have been there to help me. I wish it had been a bit different, but I don’t regret it, and I don’t want you to either.”

  We walked downstairs, to find my mom in the kitchen. Ashley sat at the table, and mom handed us both steaming mugs of coffee. “I kept the pot on for you guys, I figured you’d be down sooner or later.” She caught me looking around nervously. “Your father isn’t here. He went into town to have a chat with Evan, now that his head is a little clearer.”

  “What? Oh my God! He does realize I’m an adult, right?”

  “Yes, and you could be fifty, and you’d still be his daughter.”

  “Aww, that’s sweet!” Ashley chimed in, and I threw her a dirty look. “Okay, shutting up.”


  “Jess, it’s not my business, but you know about my sister, and what happened to her. She bound herself to a wolf that wasn’t chosen by the pack, and she was shunned. Worse, it ended up getting her killed in the long run. I don’t want that for you. Your father doesn’t want that for you either.”

  “I’m not. We’re not bound. We didn’t… uggghh” My face was flushed, and I am sure it was probably as red as Ashley’s hair. “I’m a virgin still anyway, so dad didn’t need to go jumping the gun.”

  My mother eyed me suspiciously. “Well, your dad just went to clear some things up. He’s worried, you know? We don’t know anything about Evan’s family, except the fact that his brother was okay with torturing your best friend. He had no clue when he did that to her that she stood a decent chance at turning.” Mom sighed, and came to hug me. “I worry for you, Jess. We don’t know what theses Ancients are capable of. I see how Evan is around you, and that makes me happy, but he doesn’t seem to be cut from the same cloth as the rest of his family. Just be careful and wait until after his family gets here to do anything.”

  “Okay, I haven’t broken my promise!” I chugged the rest of my coffee down, and then looked back up at her. “Can you take us to town? Ashley and I both have classes later, and you sent Evan with my Jeep.”

  “Yes, let me grab my purse, and we’ll go.”

  We were half way to school when Ashley caught me glancing down at my phone again.

  “What’s up, Jess?”

  “Just nervous. I haven’t heard from Evan. I would have thought he would have called or texted or something. I mean, at the very least to get my Jeep back to me.”

  “Relax, he had some trouble with that brother of his being an asshole again. He and Asi are straightening it out. Asi says they’ll bring the Jeep to my place and drop it off in a bit.”

  “Oh, okay.” I stared down at my phone and ended up just stuffing it back in my pocket as my mom dropped us off outside of the school. We had already gone to pick up our books from Ashley’s apartment earlier.

  “Jess?” Ashley called to me when I bailed out of the car and started heading directly to the building where my women’s studies class was. I didn’t even turn around to say anything to Ashley because I was so lost in my own thoughts. Why wouldn’t Evan call or at least text me to let me know? My heart sank. I was definitely not used to the whole relationship thing, but I’d seen my fair share of women dumped after a night in the sack with a guy. Ashley included. My heart hammered in my chest. Some of those women and girls had thought they were in love with the guy too. “JESS!” Ashley yelled as she snatched a hold of my arm.

  “What?” I yelped as I took a step back from her sudden and harsh grab at my arm.

  “What’s going on in t
here?” She pointed to my head.

  “Nothing, I just… I have things on my mind, and I think I have a quiz today I forgot about.”

  “Well, see, now I know that is a lie.”

  “I really just need to get to class, Ash. I’ll see you later.” Ashley’s phone went off, and I saw her smile down at it before she replied. I turned to head to class, but she grabbed my arm again.

  “Seriously, Jess. I can’t help if you don’t talk to me. Your mood shifted like 180 degrees from when we were in the car.” Ashley’s phone dinged again, letting her know she had an incoming text.

  “Nothing.” I glanced down at her phone. “You have a message, and I need to get to class.”

  “Oh,” she looked down at her phone and back up to me. “He hasn’t sent you a message or called at all has he?”

  “No,” hot tears were starting to form, and I refused to let them fall in front of anyone, especially another wolf. Even if that wolf was Ashley. I walked away, and this time I didn’t stop.


  “I’ll see you later,” I called back over my shoulder.

  Five minutes after I sat down in class a text came in on my phone. It was from Evan, “Hey, Ash said something was up, and I should check on you.” My heart dropped even further, and I ignored the message. I definitely didn’t need him doing a pity check because his buddy’s mate told him to. My insides were tossing and turning as my teacher droned on about some women’s lib movement or other. I normally enjoyed the class, but today I was a woman who’s hopes and dreams about a guy had been kicked all to shit, and I wasn’t really for cheering on women’s rights, or anyone else’s for that matter. Really, I just wanted to go home and hide under my covers for like a week. I felt stupid, and while I loved my best friend to death, I was jealous of her. She had her mate all picked out. There was no going back, they’d already bonded. He didn’t seem to want to go back anyway. I was happy for her. There was no doubt about that. I just wished my life could have gone as easily. When class was over, I sulked out. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself, because it was the only class I had, my car was with a man who couldn’t even bring himself to talk to me the day after we were so intimate, and Ashley had two more classes before she’d be done.


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