The Ancients Series

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The Ancients Series Page 52

by Christine M. Butler

  “Why me?” I huffed out as I reached for the phone I had tossed on the desk last night. “Hello?”

  “Jess?” I knew the voice instantly. It was Sierra, Jack’s widowed mate.

  “Is something wrong, Sierra?”

  “Well, I was on a walk last night, headed to the lake, and I saw some lights on in the house.” By ‘the house’ she meant, the house she used to share with Jack. Sierra had chosen to move out and go live with her parents again for a while, because she couldn’t stand being there alone.

  “I’m sorry, I should have told you. We have some guests staying there for right now. Two of them will be leaving soon, and the third may end up staying put right there.” I heard her breath hitch through the phone. “I’m sorry, Sierra. I know, it’s hard, but we can’t let the house just sit forever.”

  “I know. I just… well, I was just surprised, I guess. It’s okay, Jess. I knew someone would have to use it sooner or later.”

  “How have you been doing, Sierra? Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “No. I’m fine. Jess, do you think,” her voice got quiet and then trailed off completely.

  “Do I think what, hon?”

  “I don’t know why I didn’t die with him. I hurt so much. I still hurt. I just don’t understand why I survived it. What’s the point in being here without him?”

  My heart ripped open right then and there. “Oh Sierra…” I whispered. “You will be with him again. You’re just not done here yet. I don’t know how I know it, but soon you will realize why you survived. Your purpose is out there, and it’s going to find you soon.” I wasn’t entirely sure where the words were coming from. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of rightness as they left my mouth. Sierra had more to do with her life before she would be called to her mate’s side once again. “I’ll come see you in a bit, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Sierra sounded despondent. “See you soon, Jess.”

  Mikael walked in then, fully dressed, and I couldn’t help thinking I’d missed another opportunity to be with him. “Everything okay?” He asked.

  “Yeah.” I put the phone down, and picked my things up. “Give me just a minute to shower and change, and we can head out.” I turned to him before heading into the bathroom. “I need to see Sierra while we’re there.” He gave me a knowing look, and then reached out to snag an arm around my waist and scoop me in closer to him. His kiss was warm, wonderful, and full of love. It was just what I needed. “Thanks for breakfast.” I added as I walked away. I was rewarded with a swat on the butt.


  “Hey, Jess! Long time, no see, girl!” The tall, slender man with shaggy brown hair and smooth chocolate eyes graced me with a genuine smile that lit up his entire face, and crinkled his face slightly close to his eyes.

  “Tyler!” I called out. “It has been a while. How are you?” I asked him as he pulled me into a big bear hug reminiscent of the ones Jack used to give, which made my heart squeeze a little as we stood in front of Jack’s old house.

  “I’m on guard dog duty right now. Andy left a few hours ago, before dawn, to head to the Daniel’s Clan to speak with Avery.” Tyler’s attention was now focused over my shoulder, and I turned to see Mikael had caught up to me and was standing there with an amused look on his face.

  “Tyler, this is my mate, Mikael. Mikael, Tyler. We were in school together back in the day.” I added.

  Mikael stuck his hand out and shook Tyler’s. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “You too, man. I honestly didn’t think this one was ever going to find someone good enough for her!” Tyler winked at me. “Although, I am glad it wasn’t that freaking douche, Zach.

  “Tell me about it.” I added. “Hey, we need to catch up. I want to know how things are going for you, and if you and Shelly ever…” By the blush that passed over Tyler’s face, I could tell that something happened between them, although maybe not significant enough to become mating material. “I have to take care of some things first, but later.”

  “Yeah, sure thing, Jess. It’s been too long.” Tyler stepped aside so we could get inside Jack’s old place.

  Walking through the door was like being hit with an emotional bomb. Even though there were three new wolves currently staying here, everything still carried Jack’s scent. “No wonder Sierra couldn’t stand to be here anymore.” I all but whimpered. Mikael pulled me close in a gentle, reassuring hug, as we found our way to the living room. My fingers wandered over the worn leather back of the couch before I glanced up, trying to keep tears from spilling down my face.

  “Are you all right, Milady?” Brian said as he glanced up at me from the chair across the room. I nodded, and gave myself an internal pep talk, trying to get my emotions under wraps. It was not an easy thing to do when each rapid intake of breath left me hurting all over again for the loss of my friend, my brother.

  “Well, if I had known you were going to be miserable about our heading off to another pack, I would have put up at least a little bit of a fight about staying.” Nicholi running his big mouth did two things. First, it got me angry so I could work past my own sadness. Second, it reminded me of something Jack himself would have said to me. About the time Mikael’s warning growl roared loudly through the house, I started laughing. Everyone else was suddenly confused.

  I tossed a hand up on Mikael’s chest to calm him, as I continued laughing. Then I tried to explain. “I’m sorry, that’s something Jack would have said.” Mikael, at least, understood my reaction then. “Please, understand.” I started to explain to the three men who were now completely bewildered with me. “This house used to belong to my dear friend, my brother. His passing wasn’t that long ago. So, it’s bittersweet to come here and still be able to catch his scent, and see pieces of his life still evident.”

  “Oh, Jesus. I’m sorry. My comment… if I had known…” For once, Nicholi actually seemed like a real person in that moment. I simply smiled at him.

  “Really, it’s okay. Your comment was perfect. It reminded me of something Jack would have said.” I took a seat on the leather sofa, and Mikael came to sit beside me, while the other men just waited. “Mikael had some questions for you three before we can get you all settled in.”

  Mikael didn’t waste a minute, he jumped right in with the questions, and as I listened to him I was kicking myself in the ass for not thinking of the same things. “When did you leave the colony?”

  “A week ago. We waited to see what would happen. There was a lot of speculation about the white wolf, and Antoine being dead, but we thought Malachai would step up. He didn’t.” Nicholi offered candidly.

  “Has my brother been around at all?”

  “No, but his mate was until just before we left to come here.”

  “What of Leanna?” I asked, jumping into the mix.

  “She was with Annabelle. They seemed in a hurry, packed up the smaller house, and took off.” Brian said. “It was one of my last duties, when I realized the royals were ditching the place, figured I’d see if I couldn’t get here to meet the white wolf. We heard about your immersion program when we got state side, and here we are.”

  “So, you helped them pack?” Mikael questioned while Brian nodded his head in the affirmative. “We’ll need you to tell us about everything that was taken. Not right now, but as soon as possible.”

  “Did they mention a destination to you as they packed?”

  “No.” Brian sighed deeply. “I was just the help. It’s not like they were going to ask my advice, or tell me their plans. I simply packed bags and carried them out to their vehicle. I wish I could help you more.”

  “You’ve already been a big help, Brian.” I spoke softly. We’re going to get you and Nicholi settled in with the Daniels Clan soon. If you have any problems adjusting while you’re there, send word to me, or call, and we’ll make sure you are placed somewhere else. I don’t want you thinking you’re trading indentured servitude in one place for another.”

  Brian inclined his
head to let me know he understood, even as the tips of his ears turned red with embarrassment. “Brian, make me that list. Anything you can remember will be helpful.” Mikael requested as we got up to leave. “Is there anything else the three of you need right now?”

  “Is this where I will be staying permanently? This house?” Demetri looked around appreciatively at Jack’s old place. That kick-in-the gut feeling again caught me by surprise, but I knew very soon we would have to turn the house over to someone else. Life kept moving forward even when I wished I could put it on pause.

  “I’m not sure yet, Demetri. That will be a question for my father, as this is his pack.”

  “You are the white wolf, surely you do not bow down before a pack leader, father or no.” Nicholi scolded.

  “I am the white wolf. That doesn’t mean I’m a dick. I work with the pack leaders to do what’s right for our people. The dictator-style regime we were under before with Antoine’s monarchy didn’t work out too well for a lot of our kind. Brian here can attest to that.”

  “And don’t you ever think to question Jess again, you hear me?” Mikael interjected. “She is the white wolf. You will learn to show respect in her presence, or you’ll find yourself in the most unsavory of places. I’m sure you’re smart mouth will serve you well in the locks.”

  Nicholi blanched a bit, and for the second time I watched as he looked me in the eye and apologized. “Apologies, Milady.”

  I definitely wasn’t in the mood for any more hand holding as we turned to leave Jack’s house. Tyler was still outside, waiting when we left. “Ty, they’re not prisoners, but I want them watched at all times while they’re here. Brian knows the royals personally, and Nicholi’s just a dick. Keep an eye on them. Get someone to help if you need it.”

  “Sure thing, Jess.”

  Mikael and I continued on down the road, passed several other homes belonging to pack members. “You know, it’s actually peaceful out here, when it’s just the two of us walking like this.” Mikael smiled down at me as he spoke.

  “Except it’s never just the two of us anymore.” I pointed off in the tree line at the men and wolves that hovered just off in the distance. “I know my dad needed to increase security patrols for the pack lands considering everything going on, but I feel like we’re always under someone’s watchful eyes. I miss the old days, sneaking off to cave pools, dancing into the night without a care, bad jokes and a thousand wardrobe changes with Ashley.”

  Mikael looked worried, and stopped me in my tracks. “Jess?” He questioned with a little hurt in his eyes.

  “I don’t regret you, or us, or whatever, Mikael. I just meant things used to be simple, and now I feel like I’m always at someone else’s beck and call. I don’t think I’m cut out for this white wolf business.” I sighed dramatically. I could be strong all day long. I could make decisions. There were things I didn’t mind doing, like helping to get my people back on track. “I feel like I’m losing myself some days.”

  “Okay, that’s it. I’m taking you home. We’re going to pack up some lunch, and go to the falls. It will be just the two of us, and some quiet alone time. What do you think? Maybe we can stop by and play with the puppies?” He was trying to cheer me up, and I loved Mikael for it.

  “Jessica!” One of my father’s men greeted us on the road. Actually, he was heading towards us with a purpose. “Mikael.” He inclined his head to both of us. “Sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed at your parents’ house right away.”

  “Of course I am.” I’m sure my tone came out colder than I meant for it to, but I was just too tired to care at that point. “Maybe, after we deal with this next thing…” I sighed to Mikael wistfully.

  “We’ll make it happen.” He pulled me in closer to him, and gave me a squeeze along with a kiss on my head. “The bike, and the open road, is calling our names. Maybe we should take a trip?” We continued walking, and Mikael was making plans out loud to distract me from being overwhelmed by my new duties. “You could always say you’re going to check in with some of the smaller packs that are further out.”

  “Now, that sounds delightful. We could hit up some of the protected lands on the state parks to run. I can taste the freedom now.” I smiled up at him. “Thanks! I don’t know how I’d get through all this without you by my side.” We were closing in on my parents’ house now, and I was able to see the commotion-taking place. There were guards congregating towards the house, and what looked like too many bodies moving around behind the windows. “What the hell?” I asked no one in particular as I picked up my pace a bit. A small burst of adrenaline hit my bloodstream, effectively knocking the weariness out of my shoulders, and moving me along with a purpose.

  “Mom? Dad?” I called out as I breached the front door. There were no words for the sight that greeted me. I stopped, mid-stride, not able to process who was sitting in my living room… my parents’ living room.

  “Leanna?” Mikael all but whispered as his body stiffened with tension, coming up firm against me when I stopped so abruptly.

  “Mikael!” She whined from across the room where my father’s guards stood over her and a visibly shaken Annabelle. “We didn’t know what to do…” She cried through fresh tears.

  “Shit…” I whispered, before nodding to John, one of the guards. “Where are my parents?”

  “Kitchen.” His response was all business.

  “Thanks.” I ignored the fact that Leanna and Annabelle were sitting on the couch, under guard, pleading and crying, and walked straight into the kitchen with Mikael following. “Dad? What the hell is going on? Where were they captured?”

  “They weren’t. They showed up about fifteen minutes ago.” My dad responded.

  “They what?” I questioned.

  “They are seeking asylum, apparently.” My dad said as he handed Mikael a bottle of beer. “Thought you could use this.”

  “Thanks.” Mikael still looked slightly shocked, but I noted the disbelief in his eyes. He wasn’t buying the bid for asylum.

  “I’m going to assume that Malachai was not with them?”

  “No, he wasn’t.” My father answered.

  “Jameson,” Mikael started firmly, “have they mentioned where he was last seen at least?”

  “I was waiting on the two of you to get here before we started questioning them. Jessica should be here because of who she is, and I wanted you to be here, because you know them best out of everyone here. Hopefully, you’ll be able to pick up on any deception.”

  Mikael nodded his head in agreement, put the beer bottle to his lips, and tipped it back taking a long pull of the cold brew. I wished I could tip one, or twelve, back with him. Suddenly, our plans seemed further and further beyond our reach.

  When we returned to the living room, Annabelle’s head was in her hands, and Leanna’s eyes were pleading with me silently. She didn’t wait for us to speak first, instead jumping right in. “I didn’t know he was trying to destroy you, Jessica. I thought he was trying to see that you were mated to one of his sons in the hopes of swaying your decisions, if not controlling them through whichever son you chose.”

  “Mmm, I see. Then, why high tail it out of here?”

  “What would you think? I knew everyone would assume we were in on Antoine’s plans, especially after we realized he hadn’t been working alone.” Leanna motioned between herself and Annabelle.

  “Now that you bring it up, what of Malachai?” Mikael asked, watching both women like a hawk.

  Annabelle actually started crying again, but she looked up towards Mikael as she spoke. “We found him.” She sobbed the words out, and became speechless as the room descended in an onslaught of questions. The noise of everyone trying to speak at once put my nerves on edge.

  “STOP!” I shouted over everyone’s questions and the women’s hysterical attempts at explaining themselves. We will do this in an orderly fashion, because I am running thin on patience, and I can’t focus with everyone trying to out shout each other.
Annabelle and Leanna, you will shut your damn mouths. Not another word from either of you unless you are asked a direct question.” I turned to look around the room. “There are only three people in this room asking questions, my father, Mikael, and myself. The rest of you are in the background and watchful.” I scanned the faces around me, noting that some of my father’s guards weren’t too happy about being ordered around by the pack leader’s daughter, but they were going to have to get with the program sooner or later.

  “Leanna, you were saying something about Malachai?” I began.

  “Yes. He denounced Annabelle as his mate when she couldn’t understand his actions.” Leanna reached over and patted Annabelle’s knee when the woman broke down into a disgusting, snot-laden, ugly crying fit.

  My father leaned over and whispered into my ear. “We need to know where they’ve been, why, and with whom, from the time they last saw Antoine and Malachai.” I nodded in agreement, and stepped aside so that my father could question the women.

  “Leanna, I need to know…” my father started to say, but Anna’s blubbering only increased in volume. Dad tossed an impatient look across the room at my mother, and she simply shrugged and shook her head no. She was apparently trying to subtly calm the women so they could speak coherently. It didn’t seem to be having an effect on Anna. That was something of note, because I knew my mom’s strength, and I doubted Anna could ignore her influence. My mom’s magic had, after all, saved Sierra from her grief after Jack died.

  “When was the last time you saw Antoine?” My dad asked, voice growing sterner as Anna’s wails increased.

  “He and Malachai left the house the day of the sending off for your man.” She concentrated, obviously trying to remember Jack’s name. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall his name.” A huge part of me wanted to jump across the room and rip that bitch’s throat out. It was her mate who had killed Jack. Jack had been a good man, a brother to me, and did not deserve his fate. I felt a hand placed firmly upon my shoulders, and realized I had been moving forward without thought. The weight of that hand caused my rage to subside somewhat, and that’s when I noticed the startled look in Leanna’s eyes. I had been growling as I moved.


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