A British Bride by Agreement

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A British Bride by Agreement Page 15

by Stenzel, Therese

  “And what exactly are your aspirations?”

  Nick turned his back and headed for the kitchen and started washing up. “Oh, I’m sure when the time is right, Uncle Hans will promote me.”


  Intercepting the money sent to the two charities, and then hiring known swindlers to call the charity, hadn’t been as hard as Nick thought. Although being here in Belize, and seeing the orphaned children in the streets, did tug at his heart, he had, had a similar childhood, with a non-existent father and a drunk for a mother. If it hadn’t been for Uncle Hans and Aunt Babsy, he’d still be running the streets of Lower Stondon. They had seen to his high school education at a boarding school in England and then he came to St. Louis to work for the company.

  Any mistake Jonathan made, he’d quickly sent to his uncle just to, “keep him in the know.” And as Jonathan continued to flounder as a charity director, surely his uncle would promote him instead of his son. Nick might have less pure Steller blood in his veins being a cousin, but Uncle Hans had always been foremost a business man.

  And with the sleeping pill ground up in Emma’s yogurt, she would go back to sleep and he would get back to work.

  He looked over at her with her tousled hair sipping her tea. The thought of drugging her and slipping into bed with her had crossed his mind. But there was something about her. Something peaceful, something almost godly that he didn’t want to cross. Although he had run across something about Emma’s past, that would really tarnish that pure reputation. He’d already handed it off for someone else to tell Jonathan. Maybe this would be the thing that would ruin marriage, and send Jonathan over the edge.

  Nick folded his arms. He didn’t mean to hurt anyone. He just had to get ahead. He had to prove to the world that he was worth something. Someday he’d ask for forgiveness from God for all the questionable things he’d done, but now he was too far gone. He would have to make up for his sins later.


  Emma sipped her tea, enjoying the familiar taste of her favorite drink. Somewhat hungry, she ate the cherry yogurt but it had an odd taste. After a while, she found herself transfixed by the ocean waves. Back and forth and back and forth. She felt so relaxed. Everything was going to be fine. She ate one of the cookies and it tasted delicious.

  “Nick,” her words were slurring. Were her lips getting bigger? They’d stopped hurting about ten minutes ago. “What are these cookies? They are brilliant?”

  Nick held up the package. “Manzana Galleta.

  “I think I need to lie down.” Her head spun when she stood.

  Nick helped her into bed.

  “What did you put in the yogurt you gave me?”

  Nick smiled as he tucked the covers around her.

  She could almost swear he kissed her forehead, just before she slipped under the waves of sleep.


  Jonathan came home late. Both Nick and Emma were sleeping. The cook had left a plate of dinner for him. Jonathan’s stomach was in too many knots to think about eating. He set his briefcase down. He had visited the site for the orphanage and there was a slab but no building. Some of the locals told him, the man, Stephano Suzi, was a known con artist in the area, but they had not seen him in three months.

  Jonathan rubbed his neck. The tension had been building all day. The reality of the charity being ripped off was now tangible. He even met some of the orphans who would have lived at the orphanage if it had opened. Such a waste of charity money. And not only had he been swindled, those children were paying the price, too.

  He peeked in on Emma. She looked beautiful even in her sleep. Her lips still looked painfully swollen. He shook his head. He missed kissing those lips.

  His cell phone rang. It was his accountant, George Gardner. Jonathan closed the bedroom door so as not to wake her. “George, you’re working late tonight. What’s keeping you up?”

  “Just a financial matter that I’ve gone over and over to make sure I am not wrong.”

  Jonathan sat down at the kitchen table, silenced by the man’s somber words. “Good news?”

  “A transaction Nick told me about that I thought I’d make you aware of. Just before you left for Belize, your wife transferred just under three hundred thousand dollars out of one of your savings accounts.”

  Jonathan’s eyes widened. The decorating account. His defenses rose. He fingered his wedding ring. “She’s decorating. I gave her that money to furnish our new wing.”

  “Is her decorator in England?”

  The corners of Jonathan’s mouth tightened. He trusted Emma. But why would she send money to someone in England. To her family? Based on what she’d told him, she didn’t have any contact with her parents. Jonathan cleared his throat. There had to be some misunderstanding. And how did Nick find out about this? And why didn’t he tell him instead of his accountant? He yanked his tie off and set his confidant corporate persona in place. “Thank you for telling me. I’m sure there’s a simple explanation.”

  George cleared his throat. “Another client of mine had a wife that did the same thing. She left him a month later.”

  Jonathan’s mouth felt dry. “I’m sure that’s not happening here.”

  As soon as George said good-bye, Jonathan walked into their bedroom. Emma was still asleep with a soft expression on her face. His heart sped up at the sight of her. No one that beautiful could be a swindler. But her parents are. His mind wandered with possibilities. Maybe she purchased English antiques for their home and was having them shipped over. He had given her free reign with the decisions. But who did she know in England, other than her family? She hadn’t lived there in seven years. A small tug of fear rippled through him. Was she planning on leaving him? She did kind of freak out the other day when he brought up the whole children issue.

  He change clothes and slipped into the bed.

  Emma sighed in her sleep, turned over and snuggled up to him.

  Who had he married?


  Emma got up at four a.m. annoyed with Nick for putting a sleeping pill in her food. How dare he drug her? This only increased her suspicions that he was up to something. She took her cup of tea and the bag of cookies over to the window to watch the waves in the fading moonlight. Should she tell Jonathan? A sigh escaped her lips. This was supposed to be a romantic get away, and they were returning to St. Louis tomorrow. Surely, Jonathan would have time for her today. She touched lips, and breathed a sigh of relief, the swelling was going down.

  She pulled out her Bible and read and prayed for a while, seeking the Lord’s wisdom, about what she should do about Nick, and how to reveal to Jonathan about her growing feelings for him. She revisited the scripture, Guard me as the apple of Your eye. “Oh Lord, I know You watch over me. Watch over my heart, too. I don’t want it to get broken. I want so much to show Jonathan that I care deeply for him, and I want to be a wife that brings him joy. Help his feelings to grow as mine have, help him Lord to desire ours to be a true marriage.”

  She gripped her hands even tighter. “And Lord, please tell me what to do about Nick. There is some deception going on that I don’t know if Jonathan is aware of, but how do I tell him Lord? I don’t know how much he trusts me, and I need to earn his trust. Help him to believe me.”

  “Believe you about what?” Jonathan wandered into the kitchen shirtless. His eyes looked hard.

  “Jonathan.” She got up to hug him, but when she did, his body was stiff. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “What do you need me to believe?”

  Emma mouth hung open. She couldn’t accuse Nick of taking pictures of his papers, or drugging her. This was his cousin. Blood thicker than…custard, or something like that. “Believe that,” she took his hands in hers. “I—I love being your wife.”

  But his face still wore that stern expression.

  Her heart was sinking. What could she say to distract him? “And that I’m ready to have children.”

  His jaw tightened.

he money she sent to her brother? A trickle of sweat drilled down her back. Did he know about it? She fixed a smile in place. “And we could start tonight.”


  Jonathan pulled on a sweatshirt. Should he question her now about the transfer of money to England? She had been through a couple of very traumatic experiences since they’d gotten here. He sighed, still moved by her natural beauty. He’d wait until they got home to get to the bottom of the missing funds. She had never done anything to make him question her actions or motives.

  Unable to resist her, he pulled her close and felt her melt into his embrace. He would put this issue out of his thoughts for now. When he returned to St. Louis, his days and nights would be filled with work, so today he would set aside his climb to the top of the family business, and just enjoy a day with her in Belize.

  He pulled her back and saw her green eyes twinkling with happiness. “Let’s go shopping.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’d love to get out. Let me put my teacup and these cookies away.”

  “Hand them to me, I love these.” Jonathan took one out of the bag.

  “What are they?”

  He glanced at the Spanish writing on the side of the container. “Apple Cookies.”


  Emma’s gaze was drawn to the colorful shops and clothes of the people of Belize. But what caught her eye the most were the dark-eyed, dark-haired children that were everywhere. Their bright smiles and shy giggles made her grin. When she and Jonathan walked through a shop, the children would be there silently holding up some small treasure for them to buy. And she wanted to purchase every one. But after paying for a shell necklace, a snow globe, a scarf in tropical colors, and a rock painted with the word, Belize, her satchel was getting heavy.

  When they went in to the ice cream shop, five children followed them with hopeful grins. “Okay,” Emma’s heart strings were being pulled and she couldn’t help herself. “Everyone line up to get a scoop.”

  When they left the shop, Jonathan steered her toward a place to rent a golf cart. “I want to show you another part of the island.”

  “Do you know how to drive one of these things?” She asked as they climbed in.

  He smiled. “I own three.”

  They took off down the dusty road that lay between the shops on either side. Emma looked back to see children waving and chasing after them. “Oh, I could just scoop them up and take them home.”

  Jonathan smiled and took her hand in his.

  Her heart soared with hope for their future.

  As they left the area of the shops, they continued not far from the coast land and passed beautiful condo complexes, luxury hotels, and stunning homes nestled into the tropical foliage that overlooked the sea.

  “I would love to own a home here someday.” Jonathan squeezed her hand.

  Emma looked over her shoulder to see if any children were still following them. She sighed when she saw they had all gone.

  “What do you think?”

  Emma turned around. “About what?”

  “About buying one of these houses someday?”

  “I—I,” she glanced back again. “I like the town area better.”

  He laughed. “That’s the poor part of town. This is luxury.”

  I know, but I love those little kids. Didn’t you tell me most of them are orphans or are very poor?”

  He glanced back. “Yes.”

  “I bet they never get piano lessons.” Her voice wavered.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He stopped the cart and gathered her into his arms. “I haven’t given up on the orphanage for here.”

  “Really?” She pulled back, her eyes full of expectation. “Could I—could I somehow be a part of the building or the planning for it? I would love to help these children.”


  Jonathan kissed the side of her neck. How could he have ever doubted her actions? Or thought that she had done anything inappropriate? Emma had a heart of gold, and no one would ever convince him of otherwise. She was the perfect wife for a man wanting to have the perfect family. The family he needed to get to the top. “Of course you can help. I’d love for you to be a part of the project. Then, maybe, we’ll have to have more trips here.”

  She clapped her hands. “Really? Oh, thank you Jonathan. Now can we go back to town? I feel the need to buy some more Belizean treasures.”

  When they got back to their condo, Nick was gone. Jonathan scanned the text he sent. Your dad needed me to handle something back at the office. Enjoy your time in Belize.

  Jonathan clicked his phone off. Why would his father call Nick and not him? What was it that he couldn’t have handled from Belize? Just then, Emma came out of the bedroom dressed in a stunning off-the-shoulder tropical blue and green dress she found earlier in the day in one of the shops. With her sun tan from today and her lips back to normal, she looked beautiful. He bit back a grin. Maybe his father wanted Nick out of the way so that Jonathan and Emma could be alone…

  He took her hand and led her out onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean. A candle lit dinner awaited them. He held her chair out for her. “Mrs. Steller.”

  As he sat, the view of the candlelight illuminating her green eyes stirred his desires. His chest expanded. He had made a very wise choice for a wife. Beautiful, caring, sensitive, generous, and he knew that she cared for him. But was she in love with him? Was he in truly love? He wrestled with whether that was a good thing. If he fell in love with her, would that distract him from his goal? Surely, he could hold his feelings at bay until he got control of the family business, and then finally, he would have the time to pour into a real marriage.

  She smiled and lifted her glass for a toast. “To our marriage.”

  The hopeful expression in her eyes pulled on him. She wanted more from him. More time, more attention, more affection, but could he commit to that and risk sacrificing his career?

  In reality, sitting here staring at a stunning woman, he was about to toss his laptop into the ocean, but once he got home he knew the desire to please his father, the desperate need to make up for his brother who died, would take over, and he would immerse himself back into his work. He lifted his glass and clinked it with hers, but didn’t say anything. Taking a sip he let his gaze fall. He was being torn in half. One part of his heart was for her. The other for work, but surely to have a successful marriage, his heart had to be whole.


  Emma didn’t take a drink of her glass and Jonathan didn’t even seem to notice. She swallowed back disappointment. Today had been so wonderful. With Jonathan away from his obsession with work, she had seen his adventurous, relaxed, fun side. But somehow his job was never far from his thoughts. She could tell, even now, by the way he stared at her, he was physically here, but mentally back at his office, tackling some problem. She let out a long sigh.

  “What’s wrong? Are you tired from today?” He asked.

  “No.” She pushed away from the table and stood. “I think I’ll let you get back to work.”

  He frowned as he got to his feet. “I’m not—what? Stay and enjoy our dinner.”

  She smiled to hide the sadness welling in her throat. “I don’t want to be your wife just for tonight. I want to be your wife when we get back home, too.”

  His face turned to stone. “You will be,” he said, and then he drained his glass of champagne.

  “No I won’t.” She walked past him.

  He grabbed her arm, just as the chef stepped onto the balcony.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Steller. It has been a pleasure to cook for you. How is the meal?”

  Jonathan led Emma back to her chair. “We were just going to sit down and eat this exquisite meal, weren’t we dear?”

  “Of course.” Emma sat.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” The chef bowed.

  Jonathan sat down and held up his glass. “More champagne—no, bring the bottle. No, bring two bottles. My wife and I have a lot to celebrate.”

The chef looked at Emma and swallowed. “Yes, I can see you do, sir.” He flushed red and tugged his hat into place. “I’ll be right back with those bottles.”

  Emma leaned in. “What are you doing?”

  “You wanted Nick gone. You wanted time with me. You said you wanted to start trying to have children tonight. I am merely acceding to your requests.”

  Emma’s cheeks burned. She had said all those things. But she didn’t want those things for just one night, she wanted them every day. “Well I—I’ve changed my mind.”

  “I haven’t.”

  The chef walked in with two bottles in an ornate ice bucket. One of the bottles was already open. “Enjoy your evening.”

  Jonathan nodded. “Oh, we will.”

  A shiver went down Emma’s back to her toes.

  He took one of the bottles and filled his glass, then walked over to her. “Drink up, dear.”

  She glared at him as she drained her glass and slammed it on the table.

  He filled it to the brim with the champagne and sat down. “I suggest you eat some of that food.”

  Emma pushed her plate further away and emptied her glass. “There is something I’ve wanted to ask you.” Her head already felt dizzy. Then she remembered she had eaten only an ice cream cone today. “Why does your father push you so hard?”

  Jonathan took a bite of fish and washed it down with a drink. “He wants me to succeed.”

  “Does he?” She felt her heart racing. She had never been this bold with Jonathan before. “Compared to your mother, he doesn’t even seem very kind to you. Why is that?”

  Jonathan sat back, holding his glass in his hand. “That’s how some fathers are. They don’t coddle their sons, they push them. He is not as soft as my mother because he is a man.”

  “Did he become hard after your brother died?”

  Jonathan took a sip and set his glass down, but not before she noticed a slight tremble.

  “Maybe. But everyone deals with grief differently.”

  “Or maybe he holds you responsible.” Emma spoke softly. She didn’t want to hurt Jonathan, but she wanted him to understand why he was so obsessed with work.


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